119 research outputs found

    Legal measures to prevent and manage soil contamination and to increase food safety for consumer health: the case of Spain

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    [EN] This article contains a brief overview of the European and Spanish environmental law framework for the prevention of soil contamination, for the management of contaminated soils and for consumers health protection in relation to agricultural crops. Some important aspects of the legislative framework for the prevention and management of soil contamination include recognising the possible risk to both human health and ecosystems that certain agricultural and industrial activities pose given the use of organic and inorganic chemical substances of a hazardous nature and pathogenic microorganisms. It is worth highlighting the milestone that many national constitutions include about the right to the environment. This right entails the obligation to protect it and to, therefore, protect soil from any degradation, including contamination. Legislation that protects soil from contamination and, consequently human health and ecosystems, is related mainly to agricultural activities (use of sewage sludge on farmlands, use of wastewater for irrigation, use of organic fertilisers and pesticides), and to industrial and commercial soil-contaminating activities. Consumer protection may be achieved through a legal system of environmental liability, specific measures to prevent contaminants entering soil, managing contaminated soils and a food traceability system. It is crucial to make the penalties for soil contamination offenses, and for violators of protective prohibitions, effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Global standards and guidelines on soil contamination could provide national legislative systems with substantive and procedural legal mechanisms to help prevent and manage soil contamination.This research was conducted as part of Project DER2015-65810-P, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and by Project GVPROMETEOII2015-014, funded by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport of the Valencian Autonomous Community, and by Projects HYDЯOSIL (CGL2011-28776-C02-02) and SILWAMED (CGL2014-58127-C3-2), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds.Ramón Fernández, F.; Lull, C. (2019). Legal measures to prevent and manage soil contamination and to increase food safety for consumer health: the case of Spain. Environmental Pollution. 250(julio):883-891. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.04.074S883891250juli

    Mid-Term Effects of Forest Thinning on N Mineralization in a Semi-Arid Aleppo Pine Forest

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    [EN] In order to assess the sustainability of silvicultural treatments in semiarid forests, it is necessary to know how they affect the nutrient dynamics in the forest. The objective of this paper is to study the effects of silvicultural treatments on the net N mineralization and the available mineral N content in the soil after 13 years following forest clearings. The treatments were carried out following a randomized block design, with four treatments and two blocks. The distance between the two blocks was less than 3 km; they were located in Chelva (CH) and Tuéjar (TU) in Valencia, Spain. Within each block, four experimental clearing treatments were carried out in 1998: T0 control; and T60, T75 and T100 where 60%, 75% and 100 of basal area was eliminated, respectively. Nitrogen dynamics were measured using the resin tube technique, with disturbed samples due to the high stoniness of the plots. Thirteen years after the experimental clearings, T100, T75 and T60 treatments showed a twofold increase in the net mineralization and nitrification rates with respect to T0 in both blocks (TU and CH). Within the plots, the highest mineralization was found in sites with no plant cover followed by those covered by undergrowth. These results can be explained in terms of the different litterfall qualities, which in turn are the result of the proportion of material originating from Pinus halepensis Mill. vs. more decomposable undergrowth residuesThis work has been supported by a fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana, Consellería de Educación, Formación y Empleo awarded to L. Lado-Monserrat (BFPI/2008/041). Silvicultural treatments were carried out by the Mediterranean Centre for Environmental Studies (CEAM) through programme ¿I+D en relación con la restauración de la cubierta vegetal y otros aspectos de investi-gación forestal¿ (R&D in relation to the restoration of vegetation cover and other aspects of forestry research). Dataloggers and probes were provided by the Generalitat Valenciana through Project ¿Efecto de diferentes sistemas de aclareo de masa forestal sobre la disponibilidad de agua, nutrientes y la regeneración de la masa arbórea y arbustiva en parcelas de pinar¿ (Effect of different forest thinning systems on the availability of water, nutrients and trees and understory regeneration in pine forest plots) (GV06/126)Bautista, I.; Lado-Monserrat, L.; Lull, C.; Lidón, A. (2021). Mid-Term Effects of Forest Thinning on N Mineralization in a Semi-Arid Aleppo Pine Forest. Forests. 12(11):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12111470S116121

    Metal y relaciones sociales de producción durante el III y II milenio ANE en el sudeste de la Península Ibérica

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    Archaeological research carried out during the last decades in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula has allowed us to gain a better understanding of the social structures of the Copper and Bronze Ages. As in other parts of the Old World, the question about the importance of metallurgy for the economic and political development of society also rises in this region, well known for its rich ore deposits. After a general introduction into the so called Los Millares and El Argar cultures and the forces of production implied in metal working, the relations of production and consumption through which metal circulated are confronted. Hereby it becomes manifest how far the economic organisation of metallurgy and the political structure of society were mutually related.La investigación arqueológica desarrollada durante las últimas décadas en el Sudeste de la península Ibérica ha permitido mejorar nuestro conocimiento de las estructuras sociales del Calcolítico y Bronce. Al igual que en otras regiones con importantes depósitos minerales, también en el Sudeste se plantea la cuestión acerca del papel jugado por la metalurgia en el desarrollo económico y político de la sociedad. Tras una introducción general a las denominadas culturas de Los Millares y El Argar así como a las fuerzas productivas implicadas en la primera metalurgia, este trabajo confronta las relaciones de producción y de consumo a través de las cuales circuló el metal. Este recorrido pone de manifiesto hasta qué punto estuvieron relacionadas la organización económica de la metalurgia y la estructura política de la sociedad

    Increasing environmental sciences students' awareness of the link between soil and Sustainable Development Goals

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    [EN] Education must prepare students to find solutions for the global and local challenges of today and the future, by conferring students the knowledge, skills and attitudes to address them, including environmental degradation. Soils perform a number of key environmental, social and economic functions (e.g. production of food and biomass, nutrient cycling, water filter, climate control). Various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are connected with soil. Sustainable soil use is crucial for many SDGs. Target 2.4 of SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) mentions the implementation of resilient agricultural practices to improve land and soil quality. Target 3.9 of the SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing) indicates that the number of deaths and illnesses from soil pollution and contamination must be substantially reduced. Target 12.4 of SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) mentions reducing the release of chemicals to soil to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Target 15.3 of SDG 15 (Life on Land) includes the restoration of degraded soil. Although soil is not mentioned in other SDG targets, it is related to other SDGs. We present the results of the analysis of the activity performed by the students related to soil and SDGs and the transversal competence ¿knowledge of contemporary problems¿. In the activity, the students were asked to write down with reasons the SDGs that soil is related to. Afterward, they were asked to write down soil degradation processes and their consequences for people lives and the environment. Next the students worked in groups on the link between soil functions and soil degradation processes using communication material designed by the Food and Agriculture Organization. Finally, they answered a questionnaire, and five open questions to explain the link between soil and the SDGs 2, 3, 6, 13 and 15. The students gave a value of 9.1 out of 10 to the importance of knowledge toward an integrated approach to the environment. The students rated the importance of studying Soil Science to increase their ability to perceive and realize the existence and uniqueness of soils with 8.7 out of 10. The need to raise awareness about soils among people who are not in direct contact with soils was rated with 9.2 out of 10. The students who knew that the SDGs have 169 targets were 85%. The students related the statement ¿Women remain a minority in soil science¿ to SDGs 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced inequalities). Ninety-five percent of the students stated that "zero hunger" is not only a question of crop production, but it is also related to the quality of education, malnutrition, etc. All the students stated that there is now scientific evidence that healthy soils support nutritious and healthy food and, therefore, contribute to people's health. When students were asked about the origin of toxicity in the soil that can affect human health, 50% named heavy metals, 35% radioactive elements, 35% organic chemicals, and 15% diseases due to exposure to soil organisms. The students were asked if they knew that zinc deficiency is the fifth leading cause of death and disease in the developing world; only 52% said that they did. Soil science has important links to several SDGs and students must know them to advance in their achievement.Lull, C.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Bautista, I.; Lidón, A. (2022). Increasing environmental sciences students' awareness of the link between soil and Sustainable Development Goals. IATED. 5708-5717. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.1344S5708571

    Descoberta una imponent fortificació de fa 4.200 anys

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    Investigadors de la UAB han descobert una imponent fortificació de fa 4.200 anys, única en l'Europa continental. Les seves característiques són inèdites en l'Edat del Bronze, amb murs de tres metres d'ample y, una entrada monumental. La muralla protegia una ciutat de 4 hectàrees situada sobre un turó. Amb elements arquitectònics que plantegen la intervenció de gent amb coneixements militars procedent d'Orient, el seu model remet a les antigues civilitzacions del Mediterrani. La troballa replanteja el que es coneix sobre l'origen de les desigualtats econòmiques i polítiques a Europa, la formació de l'estament militar i el paper de la violència en la formació de tradicions identitàries.Investigadores de la UAB han descubierto una imponente fortificación de hace 4.200 años, única en la Europa continental. Sus características son inéditas en la Edad del Bronce, con muros de tres metros de ancho y una entrada monumental. La muralla protegía una ciudad de 4 hectáreas situada sobre una colina. Con elementos arquitectónicos que plantean la intervención de gente con conocimientos militares procedente de Oriente, su modelo remite a las antiguas civilizaciones del Mediterráneo. El hallazgo replantea lo que se conoce sobre el origen de las desigualdades económicas y políticas en Europa, la formación del estamento militar y el papel de la violencia en la formación de tradiciones identitarias.UAB researchers have discovered an impressive 4,200-year-old fortification in Totana, Murcia, unique in continental Europe. Similar characteristics have not been observed in other constructions of the Bronze Age, with three-metre thick walls and a monumental entrance. The wall protected a city measuring 4 hectares located on top of a hill. With architectural elements reminiscent of people with Eastern styled military skills, its model is typical of ancient civilisations of the Mediterranean. The discovery poses new questions about what is known of the origin of economic and political inequalities in Europe, the formation of the military and the role violence played in the formation of identities

    Argaric Sociology : Sex and Death

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    The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.La variedad, abundancia y detalle del registro funerario argárico permite explorar aspectos por lo general vedados a la investigación de las sociedades prehistóricas. Las normas sociales sobre la distribución de obligaciones y derechos según el parentesco, la permisividad respecto a las relaciones sexuales y el papel de las prácticas funerarias en el mantenimiento de la organización económico-política son algunos de dichos aspectos. En este artículo se propone un acercamiento a los mismos mediante un análisis del significado social de las tumbas dobles argáricas, la composición de los ajuares según el sexo y la clase social del individuo inhumado, así como el tratamiento y disposición de los cadáveres. Las conclusiones dibujan una sociedad conservadora, poco tolerante respecto la homosexualidad y que celebra positivamente los vínculos genealógicos asociados a ciertos espacios, afirmando así derechos de permanencia y propiedad

    When 14C dates fall beyond the limits of uncertainty : an assessment of anomalies in Western Mediterranean Bronze Age 14C series

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    The aim of this article is to bring to light a serious problem affecting radiocarbon dates produced at least from 2009 onwards by the AMS Leibniz laboratory at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität (Kiel, Germany). Archaeological observations and cross-checkings between several laboratories confirm that in a significant number of dates, clear deviations of the results from chronological schemes based on stratigraphical sequences and hundreds of measurements have occurred, which usually implies an aging of the 14C value

    Troben un palau i un ric aixovar de l'Edat del Bronze a La Almoloya

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    Un equip d'arqueòlegs de la UAB ha tret a la llum el ric patrimoni històric i arqueològic de La Almoloya, un jaciment de la Regió de Múrcia, que va ser bressol de la societat d'El Argar que va habitar el sud-est de la península Ibèrica durant l'Edat del Bronze. Les troballes realitzades indiquen que La Almoloya era un centre de concentració política i riquesa de primer ordre dins del territori polític d'El Argar. Una de les peces més valuoses és una diadema de plata, l'única de la seva època que es conserva avui a Espanya.Archaeologists from the UAB shed light on the rich historical and archaeological heritage of La Almoloya, a site located in Murcia. It is the cradle of the "El Argar" civilisation which lived in the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula during the Bronze Age. The findings indicate that La Almoloya was a primary centre of politics and wealth within the political territory of El Argar. A silver diadem discovered in the royal tomb is the only one from that era conserved in Spain.Un equipo de arqueólogos de la UAB saca a la luz el rico patrimonio histórico y arqueológico de La Almoloya, un yacimiento de la Región de Murcia, que fue cuna de la sociedad de "El Argar" que habitó el sureste de la península Ibérica durante la Edad del Bronce. Los descubrimientos realizados indican que La Almoloya era un centro de concentración política y riqueza de primer orden dentro del territorio político de El Argar. Una de las piezas más valiosas es una diadema de plata, la única de su época que se conserva hoy en España