876 research outputs found

    Flexibilidade cognitiva e rendimento escolar: estudo com os alunos do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre

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    Este estudo analisa a relação existente entre resultados de provas cognitivas e rendimento académico. A avaliação cognitiva considerou os resultados obtidos na Prova de Desempenho da Flexibilidade Cognitiva, que mede: (i) a capacidade do sujeito para estar atento aos diversos estímulos presentes nos contextos de vida dos sujeitos; (ii) capacidade de representar mentalmente de várias formas o mesmo estímulo e (iii) reportório de respostas perante uma mesma situação. O rendimento académico foi avaliado a partir das notas de acesso ao ensino superior, média atual no curso frequentado e notas nas disciplinas do 12º ano. Os coeficientes de correlação apontam para uma maior associação entre as notas de acesso ao ensino superior nas disciplinas de conteúdo curricular com maior aproximação ao conteúdo dos itens que constituem a prova de desempenho. Estes resultados sugerem a importância da flexibilidade cognitiva para o desempenho académico, mas sugerem igualmente a importância de variáveis não estritamente cognitivas, eventualmente variáveis dos próprios contextos de ensino aprendizagem como explicativas do rendimento académic

    Evaluation of the short-term sea cliff retreat along the Tróia-

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    Monitoring the sediment budget of coastal systems is essential to understand the costal equilibrium, and is an important aspect to be considered in coastal management. Thus, the identification and the quantitative evaluation of sedimentary sources and sinks are the first steps towards a better understanding of the dynamics of coastal morphology. The Tróia-Sines Embayed Coast (TSEC) in the southwest Portuguese coast corresponds to a continuous sandy beach that extends for approximately 65 km. It is limited at north by the Sado river estuary and at south by the Sines cape. Beaches are discontinuously limited landward by dunes (≈42 km) and by sea cliffs (≈18 km) made of poorly consolidated Plio-Plistocene detrital deposits. Cliff erosion by subaerial processes or gullying is a continuous phenomenon that contributes a significant amount of sediment to the TSEC coastal system, which is what we want to measure. Mainly due to winter rainfall, sea cliffs develop debris fans at the backshore inner limit, therefore we chose to make morphological measurements at one year interval. Thus, two series digital aerial images at 20 cm resolution were acquired in Oct 2008 and July 2009, supported by a collection of ground control points (GCP) to constrain the sensor orientation. Digital aerial stereo image pairs are used as main data source to reconstruct digital surface models (DSM). A new stereo photogrammetric method is used, based on dense disparity maps and Bayesian inference (Jalobeanu et al, 2010 and Jalobeanu, 2011). The originality of this method is in the computation of the spatial distribution of elevation errors in the DSM using stochastic modelling and probabilistic inference, which helps to detect the statistically significant changes in the estimated topography. The difference between the two generated DSMs is used to characterize the variability of the main subaerial beach morphodynamics parameters, such as: i) the alongshore beach configuration; ii) the beach width; iii) the berm elevation and iv) the beach-face slope. Indeed, these are essential parameters for understanding the sedimentary dynamics of a coastal sector. Moreover, confidence intervals can be provided for quantitative parameters derived from the DSM, such as volumes of displaced material, slopes or various geometric parameters

    Detecção Remota aplicada ao estudo da evolução morfossedimentar da parte terminal do estuário do Rio Mira

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    Resumo: O presente estudo analisa imagens de Detecção Remota Sentinel-2 (Programa Copernicus) com o objectivo de caracterizar a evolução das unidades morfossedimentares (UMFS) da zona intertidal da parte terminal do estuário do Rio Mira. A análise da informação topográfica (MDT) e geológica da região de Vila Nova de Milfontes-Cercal-São Luís evidencia que o relevo é condicionado pela existência de diferentes tipos de rochas do subtrato que apresentam diferentes graus de resistência à erosão. A aplicação da ferramenta “hillshade” do ArcGIS indicou que o traçado do Rio Mira está controlado por sistemas de falhas com orientação NNW-SSE e WNW-ESE. A definição das UMFS com características distintas a jusante e a montante da ponte sobre o Rio Mira baseou-se na análise não supervisionada (“K-Means”) dos índices espectrais NDVI, NWI e NDWI de três imagens Sentinel-2 (2015, 2018 e 2019 adquiridas durante a Baixa-Mar, BM). As classes de raso de maré e de sapal ocupam ≈1.8 km2 da zona intertidal. A área da classe do raso de maré foi estimada em ≈0.50 km2 (montante) e ≈0.04 km2 (jusante). Variações na área de raso de maré que está coberta por “ervas marinhas” dificultaram a definição do limite que separa esta classe do sapal que ocupa ≈0.96 km2. A análise comparativa da extensão da zona intertidal inundada “Marés Vivas” versus “Marés Mortas” (coincidente com a Praia-Mar) permitiu estimar áreas da superfície intertidal total coberta de sapal: alto (0.36 km2), médio (0.26 km2) e baixo (0.34 km2). A área ocupada pelo baixo sapal torna-se progressivamente menor e irregular para jusante, adquirindo um padrão em “manchas”. A evolução morfológica da barra arenosa da Praia da Franquia foi analisada após a sua dragagem em Julho de 2017, usando o índice NDWI em 14 imagens Sentinel-2 adquiridas entre 2015 e 2020 com um espaçamento temporal mínimo de dois meses e coincidentes com a BM. Após nove meses da dragagem, surgiu uma nova barra com uma geometria linear que evoluiu para uma “meia-lua”, e que três anos depois apresenta configuração em “U” muito semelhante à que existia antes da dragagem. A estimativa da área emersa da barra arenosa é comparável à batimétrica 1m ZH (datum altimétrico). As praias estuarinas e a praia emersa oceânica apresentam variações que podem indicar trocas sedimentares entre a barra de vazante e a praia imersa. A evolução da área das classes de sapal e de raso de maré foi igualmente avaliada usando o “script” de Laengner e co-autores, usando imagens de satélite Landsat adquiridas entre 1986 e 2010 (“Google Earth Engine”). Esta metodologia apresenta algumas limitações se aplicadas ao estuário do Rio Mira, dificultando a tentativa de operacionalização de uma árvore de decisão, baseada na aplicação de limiares aos índices NDVI e NDWI. Apesar das imagens Landsat abrangerem um longo período de 24 anos, não foi possível encontrar imagens totalmente coincidentes com a BM, o que impossibilitou obter a estimativa real da evolução da área coberta por cada uma das classes da zona intertidal do estuário do Rio Mira. Abstract: This study analyzes Sentinel-2 Remote Sensing images (Copernicus Programme) to characterize the evolution of the morphosedimentary units (UMFS) in the intertidal zone of the terminal part of the River Mira estuary. The analysis of topographic (MDT) and geological information of the Vila Nova de Milfontes-Cercal-São Luís region show that the relief is conditioned by the existence of different types of rocks composing the basement, which have different degrees of resistance to erosion. The application of ArcGIS’s hillshade tool indicated that the Rio Mira configuration is controlled by fault systems with NNW-SSE and WNW-ESE orientation. The definition of UMFS with different characteristics downstream and upstream of the bridge over the Mira River was based on the unsupervised classification (K-Means) of the spectral indices NDVI, NWI, and NDWI of three Sentinel-2 images (2015, 2018, and 2019 acquired during Low-Tide, LT). The classes of tidal flat and salt marshes occupy ≈1.8 km2 of the intertidal zone. The area of the mud flat class was estimated at ≈0.50 km2 (upstream) and ≈0.04 km2 (downstream). Variations in the mud flat that is covered by “seagrass” made it difficult to define the limit that separates this class from the salt marshes that occupy ≈0.96 km2. The comparative analysis of the extension of the flooded intertidal zone “Spring Tides” versus “Neap Tides” (coinciding with High Tide) made it possible to estimate areas of the total intertidal surface covered with marshland: high (0.36 km2), medium (0.26 km2) and low (0.34 km2). The area occupied by the low salt marshes becomes progressively smaller and irregular downstream, acquiring a pattern in "patches". The morphological evolution of the sand bar at Praia da Franquia was analyzed after its dredging process in July 2017, using the NDWI index on 14 Sentinel-2 images acquired between 2015 and 2020 with a minimum time spacing of two months and coinciding with the LT. After nine months of dredging, a new bar appeared with a linear geometry that evolved into a “half-moon”, which three years later has a “U” configuration very similar to the one that existed before the dredging process. The estimated surface area of the sandy bar is comparable to the 1m ZH bathymetric (altimetric datum). The estuarine beaches, the oceanic emerged beach, and the adjacent dune field show variations that may indicate sedimentary exchanges between the ebb and the immersed beach. The evolution of the salt marsh and mud flat classes was also assessed using the “script” by Laengner and co-authors, using Landsat satellite images acquired between 1986 and 2010 (“Google Earth Engine”). This methodology has some limitations if applied to the Rio Mira estuary, making it difficult to attempt to operationalize a decision tree, based on the application of thresholds to the NDVI and NDWI indices. Although the Landsat images span a long period of 24 years, it was not possible to find images that coincided with the LT, which made it impossible to obtain a realistic estimate of the evolution of the area covered by each of the classes in the intertidal zone of the Rio Mira estuary


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    O desenvolvimento de metodologias de monitorização inovadoras, aplicáveis a escalas espaciais da ordem das dezenas de quilómetros, que se caracterizem pela sua eficiência e precisão, a custos relativamente baixos, e que permitam: (i) quantificar volumes sedimentares, (ii) determinar valores de recuo de linha de costa, (iii) avaliar a morfologia da praia sub-aérea e (iv) determinar a granulometria de sedimentos, responde às actuais necessidades de quantificação das variáveis físicas em praias arenosas . No âmbito do projecto INSHORE (INtegrated System for High Operational REsolution in Shore Monitoring), foi desenvolvido um sistema de monitorização morfológica da praia emersa. Este sistema visa a monitorização morfológica da praia sub-aérea com o objectivo de gerar modelos digitais de elevação (DEM) em sectores litorais com dezenas de quilómetros. Neste mesmo projecto foi também desenvolvido um sistema de análise textural semi-automático, usando técnicas de processamento de imagem, consistindo no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo que permite a determinação de parâmetros granulométricos a partir de imagens obtidas por uma câmara fotográfica digital

    Use of sand beds of variable permeability in beach profile engineering

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    Here we present a technique based on theoretical grounds for dealing with beachface dynamics in response to wave forcing. Previous work has provided a relationship involving mean sand grain size, wave height, and beachface slope for a broad range of Iribarren number. The key aspect of beach morphodynamics was shown to be the permeability of the sand bed, which may be correlated to sand grain size and sphericity, and bed porosity, through the Kozeny-Cárman equation. Therefore, we show how beach nourishment aiming at beach profile recovering must be carried out with the use of sand beds of appropriate mean grain size. The theory also illuminates beach dynamics, namely the reshaping of sandy beachfaces in response to changes in wave height

    Detrital provenance of the Upper Triassic siliciclastic rocks from southwest Iberia: a review

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    In southwestern Iberia the Upper Triassic successions of Lusitanian, Alentejo and Algarve basins records the fragmentation of Pangaea in Permian–Triassic during which the paleogeography of Iberia was dominated by a series of coalescing, alluvial–deltaic wedges and axial braided rivers. In this study, we discuss the potential sediment sources of the Lusitanian, Alentejo and Algarve basins based on detrital zircon-age spectra, suggesting that Iberia occupied a central position Iberia in Pangaea during late Triassic. Conventional sedimentary petrography and paleocurrent measurements of previous works was combined with recently published detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology of the Upper Triassic siliciclastic rocks of southwest Iberia to shed light on the detrital provenance record. Zircon age populations found in the Upper Triassic strata of the Lusitanian, Alentejo and Algarve basins is dominated by Neoproterozoic (33–76%) and Paleoproterozoic (12–15%) grains. The most important differences are the dominance of Devonian–Carboniferous (33%) zircon in the Alentejo basin and the greater representativeness of Permian–Carboniferous (6%) zircon in the Lusitanian basin. The deposition in these Upper Triassic basins of Portugal is marked by variability in sedimentary sources, involving the denudation and local-scale directions of sediment transport from the Iberian basement with possible additional supplies derived from outside present-day Iberia. The Upper Triassic successions evolved separately with the detrital transport being probably controlled by local drainage systems, and occupying a central position in Pangaea just before the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean

    Sediment Transport using Grain Size Trend Analysis: A Case Study in SW of Portugal

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    As a embayed coast, the main sediment sources are fluvial discharges, sea-cliff erosion and sand carried by longshore currents [1]. The particles are transported in suspended load or bedload pattern under the coactions of tidal currents and waves. In response to sediment transport processes, the spatial variations in the grain-size parameters exist, that reflect the net particles transport trend and the dynamic conditions. Thus, the grain size trend analysis was developed to study the net sediment transport. The study area is an embayed coast from Troia to Sines in SW of Portugal. There is a cape in the south end while the north end is a mountain belt with 35 km in length and 500 m in height [2]. A river with small discharge lies in the north. The tidal range varies between 1.5~3.5 m while the swell and winds from the west and northwest are dominant [3]. Therefore, the study area is sheltered from persist winds from north in summer and exposed to the storm waves from southwest in winter. The surfical sediment was sampled in the shallow water in 1980, 1983 and 1985, respectively. In order to obtain the important sediment source and sediment transport trend, three approaches were used: (1) the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) analysis technique; (2) the McLaren Model; (3) grain size trend analysis. The wave is dominant in the study area. The result of EOF analysis shows that the most important sediment source is cliff erosion. The sediment eroded from cliffs during storms and high waves was transported off-shore and southward in the south part during high energy effect, in the north part that was carried by longshore current northwards and deposit at the left of the estuarine. The mud discharged from the river met with the west waves and deposited at the lee side of the mountain belt. It would be concluded that the sediment was disturbed and transported perpendicular to the shoreline by the southwest storm waves in winter and along the shoreline by persist wind in summer. Keywords: Grain size trend analysis; EOF; embayed coast; SW Portuga

    Achados de função mandibular e dor na disfunção temporomandibular associada à dor localizada e generalizada

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    Orientador: Celia Marisa Rizzatti BarbosaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM) é uma condição de dor músculo-esquelética heterogênea. Recentemente, tem sido sugerida a distinção entre disfunção temporomandibular com dor localizada ou generalizada. O presente estudo teve como objetivo revisar o conhecimento atual sobre os achados clínicos relativos a avaliação funcional da mandíbula em pacientes com DTM, e avaliar a função mandibular e as características de dor facial entre subgrupos de pacientes com DTM, os quais foram classificados de acordo com a presença de dor localizada (DL) ou de dor generalizada (DG). Foram realizados dois estudos transversais e uma revisão da literatura. O questionário autoaplicável e os procedimentos de exame clínico do RDC / TMD foram aplicados em populações do Brasil (BR) e dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA). Os participantes foram classificados como controles sem queixas de DTM (BR=37, EUA=2,700), pacientes com DTM/DL (BR=43, EUA=463) e pacientes com DTM/DG (BR=33, EUA=569). Estes três grupos foram comparados em relação a cada medida de interesse, as quais foram obtidas a partir da avaliação clínica da dor facial e da função mandibular e de perguntas de auto-relato sobre dor facial, limitação funcional e hábitos parafuncionais. Além do exame clínico facial, a dor corporal e a presença de Bruxo-facetas também foram avaliadas na população dos EUA. Os resultados sugerem que os pacientes com DTM associada a DG apresentam uma forma mais grave de DTM do que pacientes com DL. Os pacientes com DTM diferem substancialmente dos controles com relação a todos os fatores de dor e quase todas as variáveis clínicas. Pacientes com DTM com dor generalizada relataram significativamente maior intensidade de dor facial e corporal, mais auto-relato de atividades parafuncionais orais, apresentaram maior frequência de dor moderada a severa à palpação, maior incapacidade relacionada à dor, maior número de sintomas orofaciais inespecíficos e maior limitação emocional e de comunicação do que os pacientes com dor localizada. Os pacientes com dor localizada apresentaram maior sobreposição incisal e maior presença de Bruxo-facetas, demonstrando que fatores locais podem contribuir para a dor na DTM localizada. Como conclusão, os subgrupos de DTM apresentam perfis distintos que foram mais relacionados com a presença de dor do que com limitação funcional mandibular. No entanto, a dor localizada da DTM parece ser mais influenciada por fatores locais, como a má oclusão e desgaste dentário. Mais estudos são necessários para uma melhor compreensão da função mandibular e dor em pacientes com diferentes perfis de DTMAbstract: Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) is a heterogeneous musculoskeletal pain condition. Recently, the distinction between temporomandibular disorders with localized or generalized pain has been suggested. The present study aimed to review the current knowledge about clinical findings concerning jaw functional assessments in patients with TMD, and to evaluate jaw function and facial pain characteristics among subgroups of TMD patients, which were classified according to the presence of localized pain (LP) or widespread pain (WP). Two cross-sectional studies and a literature review were conducted, and a self-administered questionnaires and clinical examination procedures from the RDC/TMD were applied in populations from Brazil (BR) and United States or America (USA). Participants were classified as controls free of TMD complaints (BR=37, USA=2700), TMD/LP patients (BR=43, USA=463) and TMD/WP patients (BR=33, USA=569). These three groups were compared with respect to each measure of interest, which were obtained from the clinical assessment of facial pain and jaw function and from self-reported questions of facial pain, functional limitation and parafunctional habits. Add to clinical facial exam, body pain and the presence of bruxo-facets was assessed in USA population. The results suggest that TMD patients with WP have a more severe form of TMD than patients without WP. Patients with TMD differ substantially from controls with respect to all pain factors and almost all clinical variables. TMD patients with generalized pain reported significantly higher facial and body pain intensity and greater self-reported oral parafunctional activities, presented increased frequency of moderate/severe pain on palpation, higher pain-related disability, greater number of nonspecific orofacial symptoms, and greater emotional and communication limitation than the patients with localized pain. The patients with localized TMD presented higher incisal overlap and higher presence of bruxo-facets, demonstrating that local factors may contribute to localized TMD pain. As conclusion, TMD subgroups present distinct profiles which were more related with pain presence than with jaw functional limitation. However, localized TMD pain seems to be more influenced by local factors such as malocclusion and tooth wear. More studies are needed for a better understanding of jaw function and pain in patients with different profiles of TMDDoutoradoAnatomiaDoutora em Biologia Buco-Denta

    Morphodynamics of sandy embayed beaches from the Southwest Portugal rocky coast.

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    This study compares five embayed sandy beaches (São Torpes, Furnas, Amoreira, Monte Clérigo and Arrifana) from the southwest Portugal rocky coast, between Sines and São Vicente capes. In order to analyze morphodynamics of these beaches were studied the volumetric active sediment changes, wave climate characteristics and propagation effects to nearshore for a period of two years. Major volumetric changes were largely associated with storm effects that caused berm and foredune retreat in the Furnas and Amoreira beaches. Obtained estimations of dimensionless fall velocity of São Torpes, Furnas, Amoreira and Arrifana beaches are characteristic of an intermediate morphodynamic stage with low tide terrace (ridge and runnel system), while Monte Clérigo beach is dissipative. The wave breaking height and beach configuration is responsible for different degrees of exposure to the dominant NW wave direction. The wave breaking height reduction is differently influenced by the wave diffraction, which is insignificant in the Amoreira and Monte Clérigo beaches. Comparison between real beach planform and predicted equilibrium configurations for these beaches suggests that the Arrifana beach represents a perfect example of a fully developed parabolic bay shape while, the other four beaches are not represented by any theoretical curve approach. This study shows that studied beaches morphdynamic behaviour is function of a complex equilibrium between the subaerial beach configuration, the ridge and runnel system, the longshore sedimentary distribution, the degree of exposure to the dominant NW wave direction and the storm incidence

    Conhecimento, redes e universidades. As redes de colaboração científica das universidades de Lisboa, Porto e Coimbra

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    A presente investigação pretende, a partir dos projetos financiados pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), perceber a evolução das redes de I&D e conhecimento das maiores universidades portuguesas, identificando as múltiplas escalas territoriais em que operam, as dimensões transdisciplinares no sentido de avaliar o impacto nos territórios. Partindo de uma abordagem ao nível da metodologia de análise de redes sociais, complementada por uma análise ao nível da dinâmica espacial, pretendem-se conhecer e caraterizar as redes de colaboração científica e tecnológica dos territórios onde se localizam as principais universidades públicas de Portugal (Lisboa, Porto e Coimbra). A interpretação das medidas resultantes da análise de redes sociais permite caracterizar a configuração das redes de cooperação institucional, fornecendo indicações sobre as relações de colaboração na produção, difusão e aplicação do conhecimento científico. A participação em redes de investigação científica contribui para a “popularidade” e prestígio das instituições envolvidas, ao mesmo tempo que promove processos de inovação determinantes para o desenvolvimento económico dos territórios