368 research outputs found

    Límites al dominio, sus orígenes en el derecho romano, su proyección en el código civil y comercial de la nación y su incidencia en la legislación de cuidado del ambiente y en la encíclica papal laudato si sobre el cuidado de la casa común.

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    Precisar el surgimiento y el porqué de los límites al dominio en la legislación romana. Describir indagar y comparar con otros sistemas jurídicos y tratados Internacionales actuales Analizar el alcance de lo dispuesto en el art. 1970 del Código Civil y Comercial -la ley 26.994-, comprendido en el Libro IV TITULO III Capitulo 3. Categorizar la normativa ambiental, en cuanto a su aplicación a la explotación del dominio privado de inmuebles y su vinculación con la En-cíclica Papal Laudato Si sobre el cuidado de la casa común

    SiForAge Social Innovation Reseach Prize 2014

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    This prize aims to give recognition to projects that undertake research into social innovation in active and healthy ageing and that make significant contributions to ager communities, their families, and caregivers in order to promote an inclusive society. The three research projects proposals which have won are the Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud project, the Active aging and intergenerational solidarity: an example in the University context project and the Enred@te project

    The Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud experience (Torino, Italy): an educational methodology through a collaborative and inclusive process

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    The CrowdMapping Mirafiori Sud (CMMS) pilot project, carried out by the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy), involved the academic world (students and professors), the Mirafiori Onlus Foundation, the local administration and the community in a participatory and inclusive process. The district is a large area of Turin characterized by a high average age of its inhabitants and a high percentage of foreigners. The aim of the project is to identify and report, through the use of ICT, the obstacles that prevent residents - the most vulnerable categories - from using public space. In the start-up phase, it was not born as a PBL approach, but during the application the PBL was considered a development perspective in the educational experience starting from the students' proposals and the exchange of their skills, in the specific declination of the PBL approach known as community engaged learning. For students, this version of PBL has proven to be strategic in the implementation phases of the project, in particular in the mapping of interested parties and the data set and connections between networks of actors

    Digital Participatory Platforms for Urban Regeneration: A Survey of Italian Case Studies

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    Despite the increase in the globally connected population, there is still a high percentage of European citizens who do not have basic digital skills. In the era of smart cities, the Digital Divide affects the possibility for citizens to participate in public life through the use of ICT tools. To deal with this issue, the European Union promotes strategies to develop e-government tools, such as digital participatory platforms (DPPs), in order to connect citizens with the public administration. The research proposes a survey of Italian DPPs, investigated through a questionnaire, to bring out which strategies have been adopted in relation to participation, social inclusion and digital illiteracy, transparency of data, processes, and user-friendliness of the platform. With regard to these issues, certain elements of success of the DPPs presented are highlighted

    Signalling pathway in appressorium formation in Magnaporthe grisea

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    We identified a synthetic hexapeptide that blocks Magnaporthe grisea appressorium formation, in artificial hydrophobic surface. The results suggest that peptides interfere with surface recognition. M. grisea non pathogenic pth1 mutants were complemented by N. crassa orthologous gene suggesting that the biochemical function of pth1 has not evolved specifically to play a role in appressorium development


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    Presentación de la V Edición de la Revista de Derecho Romano de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba

    Antecedentes romanos de la quiebra

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    Introducción. el derecho romano. Antecedentes en el derecho argentino. normativa argentina actual. Efectos patrimoniales

    El concepto de identidad en : "Il Visconte dimezzato e Il Cavaliere inesistente" de Italo Calvino

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    Italo Calvino, despite being so discreet and away from narcissistic acts and displays of himself, never stopped to question himself what meant to say “I”, through his writings, though an obliquely and subtly autobiographical way. Therefore, what we investigate here is the concept of personal identity as how it emerges in the Visconte dimezzato and Il Cavaliere inesistente, implicitly, as we have seen, since this was not the explicit interest of the two works. We wondered: is there a relationship between being someone who is not, of the Cavaliere inesistente, and the half himself, of the Visconte dimezzato? Is Calvino abstractly speaking, with the metaphors of the halved man and the man who does not exist, or does he refer to a type of man in particular? Is there any relationship between the identity of his characters and himself, and to what extent?..

    Piattaforme collaborative per progetti di innovazione sociale. Il caso Miramap a Torino - Collaborative platforms for social innovation projects. The Miramap case in Turin

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    MiraMap è un progetto di innovazione sociale del Dipartimento DAD del Politecnico di Torino che si avvale di una piattaforma digitale collaborativa per favorire la comunicazione, la partecipazione e l'interazione tra cittadini e amministratori. MiraMap coniuga modalità on line e off-line e consiste in una mappa interattiva georiferita, utilizzata dai cittadini per riportare problemi e proposte riguardo lo spazio pubblico, e in un sistema di back office a disposizione del personale tecnico-amministrativo per gestire le segnalazioni degli utenti. In questo modo si rafforza il ruolo di partecipazione attiva dei cittadini e di governance del territorio della PA, che diventa soggetto in grado di gestire contributi di natura diversa, in un’ottica di co-progettazione e co-produzione di servizi