61 research outputs found

    La Política Exterior de Seguridad y Defensa de la Unión Europea en el Mediterráneo Central: la operación Sophia

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    Desde principios de los años 2000 la Unión Europea ha recibido muchísimas llegadas de migrantes víctimas de estados violentos y negligentes, que llegan a territorio europeo en búsqueda de unas condiciones de vida dignas. Sin embargo, esas llegadas se caracterizan, precisamente, por su dureza: atravesar el mar Mediterráneo, con las consecuencias que ello conlleva, entre ellas, la muerte. No es la primera vez que es noticia el naufragio de una embarcación donde se encontraban a bordo migrantes de todas las edades, pero con un mismo objetivo. Fue con el naufragio ocurrido en abril de 2015 donde la Unión Europea decide intentar poner fin a estas trágicas situaciones mediante el despliegue de medios militares en la ruta del Mediterráneo Central. Así fue como surge la operación Sophia, la cual se encarga de luchar contra el tráfico ilícito de personas y de erradicar el modelo de las mafias que se lucran con la desesperación de los migrantes

    Nonrenormalization of Flux Superpotentials in String Theory

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    Recent progress in understanding modulus stabilization in string theory relies on the existence of a non-renormalization theorem for the 4D compactifications of Type IIB supergravity which preserve N=1 supersymmetry. We provide a simple proof of this non-renormalization theorem for a broad class of Type IIB vacua using the known symmetries of these compactifications, thereby putting them on a similar footing as the better-known non-renormalization theorems of heterotic vacua without fluxes. The explicit dependence of the tree-level flux superpotential on the dilaton field makes the proof more subtle than in the absence of fluxes.Comment: 16 pages, no figures. Final version, to appear in JHEP. Arguments for validity of R-symmetry made more explicit. Minor extra comments and references adde

    Relaciones entre la articulación temporomandibular y las maloclusiones de clase III de angle

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    La relación entre las maloclusiones de clase III y la articulación temporomandibular es un tema de plena actualidad en odontología. En este artículo, se presenta una revisión bibliográfica de la fisiología y la patología articulares en las maloclusiones de clase III y las relaciones entre el tratamiento ortodóncico y la patología articular, y entre la cirugía ortognática y la patología articular en dichas maloclusiones

    Clinical significance of interleukin-1 genotype in smoking patients as a predictor of peri-implantitis: a case-control study

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    Background: Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis, and so it might be useful to detect high-risk cases of peri-implantitis. It has been reported that IL-1 polymorphisms and smoking habit have a synergic effect, increasing the incidence of peri-implantitis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between IL-1 gene polymorphisms and peri-implantitis in smoking patients. Material and Methods: A case-control study was performed in 27 patients with peri-implantitis and 27 patients with healthy implants. All patients included were smokers. IL-1A-C889T, IL-1B+C3953T and IL-1RN+T2018C were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification in order to establish a relation between these variables and the presence of peri-implantitis. A bivariate analysis was performed and odds-ratio (OR) were calculated. Results: The incidence of peri-implantitis was significantly higher in patients with previous history of periodontitis ( p =0.024; OR=10.9). Both groups were similar regarding IL-1A-C889T, IL-1B+C3953T and IL-1RN+T2018C genotypes. No increased risk in heavy smokers with IL-1 polymorphism was found. Conclusions: IL-1 genotypes do not seem to be good predictors of peri-implantitis in the great majority of smoking patients. Furthermore, no synergic effect was found between IL-1 genotypes and heavy smokers. Patients with a previous history of periodontitis were more prone to peri-implantitis

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the photobiomodulation in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity after basic therapy. A randomized clinical trial

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    Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) in one of the most common causes of patient discomfort in the general population and its prevalence is higher in patients who have received basic or surgical periodontal treatment. Efficiency of the diode laser with different wavelengths has been studied by several authors, showing an improvement rate of the DH between 60-98%. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of photobiomodulation (PBM) treatment on the reduction of DH after non surgical periodontal treatment. A randomized split mouth clinical trial was performed involving 30 patients (120 teeth) diagnosed with DH after scaling and root planning. Two teeth of the experimental side were treated with the laser and 2 teeth of the control side were treated without activating the laser. The laser treatment parameters for each tooth were 660nm, 200mW, CW, illuminated area 1.15cm2, 173mW/cm2, 60 seconds, 12 J, 10.4J/cm2. Age, gender, smoking, plaque index, gingival recession, probing and VAS (for tactile and thermal stimulation) were registered before the laser treatment, immediate post treatment (after 2 minutes), 2 weeks, 1 month and 2 months after treatment. There was significant difference (p<0.01) in discomfort to thermal and mechanical stimulation between the control and diode laser treatment sites at all evaluation periods. The level of discomfort decreased immediately following diode laser therapy, and continued to demonstrate a decrease for the duration of the study. All teeth remained vital after laser treatment, without adverse reactions or complications. The PBM can be used to reduce DH without detrimental pulpal effects

    Tratamiento quirúrgico-ortodóncico del canino superior incluido en posición vestibular

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    En el maxilar superior, el canino es el diente que se encuentra incluido con mayor frecuencia, después de los terceros molares. Se observa aproximadamente en un 2% de los pacientes que acuden a una consulta para tratamiento ortodóncico. Su ubicación es normalmente palatina, con una relación 2-3: I respecto a la localización vestibular o media. Para colocar este diente en una posición correcta dentro de la arcada debe realizarse en muchas ocasiones un tratamiento combinado ortodóncico­quirúrgico. Cuando el canino tiene una localización palatina, la técnica quirúrgica de elección suele ser una fenestración para hacer tracción extramucosa; pero cuando se ubica en posición vestibular, existen diversas opciones que dependen principalmente de la altura y de la cantidad de encía adherida que rodea al diente. Hemos realizado una revisión bibliográfica de los diversos abordajes quirúrgicos posibles ante un canino incluido por vestibular, sus indicaciones, ventajas e inconvenientes, y la ilustraremos con diversos casos tratados en nuestro servicio

    Una experiencia de educación emocional en el campamento urbano de verano de La Granja Escuela: una innovación en el ámbito del ocio educativo.

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    Son muy pocas las investigaciones sobre la capacidad educativa de las actividades de tiempo libre educativo infantil y juvenil (formación no reglada) que se celebran en periodo de vacaciones de verano. Así mismo tampoco son frecuentes los trabajos científicos sobre los programas de educación emocional en el ámbito del ocio educativo. En este marco, se presenta un estudio que pretende demostrar que el Método de educación emocional de La Granja en el ámbito de la formación no reglada y del ocio educativo, permite mejorar la competencia emocional de los niños y niñas participantes y disminuir los sus niveles de ansiedad. Se trata de la evaluación de un proyecto innovador desarrollado durante el verano de 2017 de manera práctica y vivencial, mediante juegos, dinámicas y actividades con un reto a conseguir, y donde se utilizan recursos como los caballos de doma natural, actividades de aventura en el bosque o animales de granja, para el desarrollo de competencias emocionales. La muestra la forman un total de 91 niños y niñas de edades comprendidas entre 8 y 12 años. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que en un periodo de cinco semanas es posible obtener mejoras considerables

    The Use of Statins as an Adjunctive Periodontal Disease Treatment: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: the purpose of this systematic review was to assess the clinical and radiographic effect of subgingival-administered statins as an adjunct periodontal treatment in patients with periodontitis. Methods: Electronic literature searches in Medline/PubMed and the Cochrane Library were conducted to identify all relevant articles. Eligibility was based on inclusion criteria which included Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) published after 2010, where the periodontal variables were assessed before and after periodontal treatment in combination with a statin administration. The risk of bias was assessed with the ROBINS-2 tool. The outcome variables were probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing, and bone fill in systematically healthy patients, patients with type 2 diabetes, and smokers. Results: Out of 119 potentially eligible articles, 18 randomized controlled trials were included with a total of 1171 participants. The data retrieved from the meta-analysis showed the positive effect that statins have as an adjunctive periodontal disease treatment. When comparing the different types of statins, the PD reduction in the Simvastatin group was significantly higher than the Atorvastatin group at 6 months and at 9 months, while no differences between statins were found for the rest of the outcomes. Over 66% of the articles presented an overall risk of bias with some concerns, making this a limitation of this present RCT. Conclusions: The adjunct administration of statins has proven to have a positive effect on the periodontium by improving both clinical and radiographic parameters by a considerable margin

    Human CD6 down-modulation following T-Cell activation compromises lymphocyte survival and proliferative responses

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    Available evidence indicates that the CD6 lymphocyte surface receptor is involved in T-cell developmental and activation processes, by facilitating cell-to-cell adhesive contacts with antigen-presenting cells and likely modulating T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Here, we show that in vitro activation of human T cells under different TCR-ligation conditions leads to surface downregulation of CD6 expression. This phenomenon was (i) concomitant to increased levels of soluble CD6 (sCD6) in culture supernatants, (ii) partially reverted by protease inhibitors, (iii) not associated to CD6 mRNA down-regulation, and (iv) reversible by stimulus removal. CD6 down-modulation inversely correlated with the upregulation of CD25 in both FoxP3- (Tact) and FoxP3+ (Treg) T-cell subsets. Furthermore, ex vivo analysis of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with activated (CD25+) or effector memory (effector memory T cell, CD45RA-CCR7-) phenotype present lower CD6 levels than their naïve or central memory (central memory T cell, CD45RA-CCR7+) counterparts. CD6lo/- T cells resulting from in vitro T-cell activation show higher apoptosis and lower proliferation levels than CD6hi T cells, supporting the relevance of CD6 in the induction of proper T-cell proliferative responses and resistance to apoptosis. Accordingly, CD6 transfectants also showed higher viability when exposed to TCR-independent apoptosis-inducing conditions in comparison with untransfected cells. Taken together, these results provide insight into the origin of sCD6 and the previously reported circulating CD6-negative T-cell subset in humans, as well as into the functional consequences of CD6 down-modulation on ongoing T-cell responses, which includes sensitization to apoptotic events and attenuation of T-cell proliferative responses

    Human CD6 Down-Modulation following T-Cell Activation Compromises Lymphocyte Survival and Proliferative Responses

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    Available evidence indicates that the CD6 lymphocyte surface receptor is involved in T-cell developmental and activation processes, by facilitating cell-to-cell adhesive contacts with antigen-presenting cells and likely modulating T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Here, we show that in vitro activation of human T cells under different TCR-ligation conditions leads to surface downregulation of CD6 expression. This phenomenon was (i) concomitant to increased levels of soluble CD6 (sCD6) in culture supernatants, (ii) partially reverted by protease inhibitors, (iii) not associated to CD6 mRNA down-regulation, and (iv) reversible by stimulus removal. CD6 down-modulation inversely correlated with the upregulation of CD25 in both FoxP3− (Tact) and FoxP3+ (Treg) T-cell subsets. Furthermore, ex vivo analysis of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with activated (CD25+) or effector memory (effector memory T cell, CD45RA−CCR7−) phenotype present lower CD6 levels than their naïve or central memory (central memory T cell, CD45RA−CCR7+) counterparts. CD6lo/− T cells resulting from in vitro T-cell activation show higher apoptosis and lower proliferation levels than CD6hi T cells, supporting the relevance of CD6 in the induction of proper T-cell proliferative responses and resistance to apoptosis. Accordingly, CD6 transfectants also showed higher viability when exposed to TCR-independent apoptosis-inducing conditions in comparison with untransfected cells. Taken together, these results provide insight into the origin of sCD6 and the previously reported circulating CD6-negative T-cell subset in humans, as well as into the functional consequences of CD6 down-modulation on ongoing T-cell responses, which includes sensitization to apoptotic events and attenuation of T-cell proliferative responses
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