21 research outputs found

    Segnalazioni ornitologiche di particolare interesse dal centro recupero fauna omeoterma del Salento di Calimera

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    ItSi riportano le informazioni di maggiore interesse ornitologico pervenute al CRAS di Calimera (LE) dal gennaio 2009 al settembre 2017, relative a specie considerate accidentali o irregolari in Puglia: Uccello delle tempeste Hydrobates pelagicus, Marangone dal ciuffo Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Stercorario mezzano Stercorarius pomarinus, Labbo Stercorarius parasiticus. Vengono inoltre riportate informazioni su specie considerate irregolari in Salento, sia come nidificanti che come svernanti: Volpoca Tadorna tadorna, Svasso maggiore Podiceps cristatus, Poiana Buteo buteo, Airone guardabuoi Bubulcus ibis.EnThe most ornithological interest information received from CRAS of Calimera (LE), (January 2009 to September 2017), concerning species considered to be accidental or irregular in Apulia, are reported: Strom Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus, Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus, and Artic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus. Besides, are reported some information about species considered to be irregular in Salento area, both nesting and wintering: Shelduck Tadorna tadorna, Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus, Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis

    First records of Brachythemis impartita in peninsular Italy (Odonata: Libellulidae)

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    Two populations of Brachythemis impartita (Karsch, 1890) are here reported in peninsular Italy. The species was found for the first time in 2015 in Calabria in the area of the Angitola artificial lake (Maierato and Monterosso Calabro municipalities) not far from the Tyrrhenian coast. In 2016 the species was also observed in southern Apulia, along the banks of two artificial lagoons in the municipality of Ugento. Information are provided that confirm the habitat preferences of the species and a northward expansion

    Avifauna della riserva naturale dello stato Le Cesine-Oasi WWF (Puglia)

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    EnThe National Natural Reserve and WWF Oasis called “Le Cesine” is located in the municipality of Vernole (LE), in the southern Apulia (Salento), and is a very important area for birds. The present study provides the results out of a seven years monitoring program (2009-2015) which led to a checklist of 217 species. Among them 53 were nesting species. Sightings rare or fortuitous were reported together with new nesting cases for the Salento area.La Riserva Naturale dello Stato-Oasi WWF “Le Cesine”, situata in Puglia nel territorio comunale di Vernole (LE), rappresenta da sempre un’area di elevato interesse per l’avifauna. Il presente studio rende noti i risultati di sette anni di monitoraggio ornitologico (2009-2015), che hanno portato alla redazione di una check-list di 217 specie osservate, delle quali 53 nidificanti. Si riportano avvistamenti rari o accidentali nel Salento, e si segnalano per la prima volta casi di nidificazione

    New records of Coenagrion ornatum in Italy (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

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    Coenagrion ornatum (Sélys, 1850) is a damselfly ranging from northwestern Europe to southwestern Asia. It is highly local, and northwestern populations are experiencing a steep decline. In Europe, Coenagrion ornatum is a species of conservation interest and is listed as Near Threatened due to habitat loss; it is nearly extinct in Italy. We report the finding of 4 male C. ornatum on 3 June 2005 in Apulia, southeastern Italy. This is the only recent record for Italy, and highlights the need for further research on this species in the country

    New distribution and genetic data extend the ranges of the spectacled salamanders, genus <em>Salamandrina</em>, in the Apulia region (South Italy)

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    Additional data on the distribution of the genus <em>Salamandrina</em> in the Apulia region (southern Italy) are provided. Based on fieldwork carried out from May to August 2011 in two new localities, Volturara Appula (Foggia province) and Spinazzola (Barletta province), the presence of <em>Salamandrina</em> species was recorded. Results from the genetic analyses of the 12S rRNA gene fragment from six individuals demonstrated that <em>S. perspicillata</em> occurs in Volturara Appula while <em>S. terdigitata</em> in the Spinazzola locality. The latter species is reported for the first time for the Apulia region. These new distribution data represent considerable range extensions for the Salamandrina species, indicating that more surveys are needed to complement the existing knowledge on their distribution as well as of the herpetofauna from the Apulia region. The conservation implications of our findings are also discussed

    Il nuovo progetto atlante della Societas Herpetologica Italica

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    %e New Atlas Project of Amphibians and Reptiles of Italy. Several herpetological atlases were published since the ‘80s, they were based on 10×10 km squares, but detailed and reliable distribution maps were obtained only in 2006 after the publication of the Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Italy. In 2014, the Societas Herpetologica Italica has adopted the platform Ornitho.it to revive the atlas project. the new platform allows to collect data with accurate localization and meets the demands of validation of reports while ensuring adequate protection of “sensitive” data. Particular attention was paid to the conditions of use of the data collected through a code of ethics that reconciles the need to protect the property of the data and the safety of the site and the opportunity to use the data for purposes of general interest of the SHI. the objectives forthe future consist in the publication of a new herpetological atlas that fills current gaps, providing an updated framework of distribution with special regard to non-native species and taxa identified only recently. Ornitho.it will also facilitate the national monitoring project with special modules dedicated to the amphibian breeding sites and collection of semi-quantitative data (based on transects)

    First records of Brachythemis impartita in peninsular Italy (Odonata: Libellulidae)

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    Two populations of Brachythemis impartita (Karsch, 1890) are here reported in peninsular Italy. The species was found for the first time in 2015 in Calabria in the area of the Angitola artificial lake (Maierato and Monterosso Calabro municipalities) not far from the Tyrrhenian coast. In 2016 the species was also observed in southern Apulia, along the banks of two artificial lagoons in the municipality of Ugento. Information are provided that confirm the habitat preferences of the species and a northward expansion