11 research outputs found

    Síndrome de burnout en estudiantes de medicina: frecuencia, características y factores asociados

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    Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia, características y los factores que están asociados ante el síndrome de burnout (SB) en estudiantes de medicina. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico. Se encuestaron a 583 estudiantes de medicina que cursaban las ciencias clínicas y realizaban rotaciones hospitalarias en los departamentos de Lima, Ica, Junín, Lambayeque y Ucayali. El SB se evaluó a través del Maslach Burnout Inventory en su versión validada en español así mismo las características sociodemográficas que fueron incluidas en el instrumento Resultados: Se encontró que 50,6% eran varones, el 16,5%, 47,7% y 35,3% de los estudiantes indicaron tener agotamiento emocional, despersonalización severa y realización personal baja, respectivamente. Se halló asociación significativa entre tener SB y sobrepeso (razón de prevalencias [RP]= 1,57; intervalo de confianza al 95% [IC95%]= 1,14 - 2,14), ser obeso(RP= 2,68; IC95%= 1,75 - 4,11), padecer una enfermedad crónica (RP= 1,84; IC95%= 1,38 - 2,45), fumar (RP= 1,41; IC95%= 1,76- 2,28) ingerir bebidas alcohólicas (RP= 1,46; IC95%= 1,10 - 1,95) y proceder de una universidad de provincia (RP= 1,20; IC95%= 1,05 - 1,36). Conclusión: El SB se presentó en aquellos quienes padecían de alguna enfermedad crónica, fumaban, ingerían bebidas alcohólicas y procedían de una universidad de provincia

    Producción científica en educación médica en Latinoamérica en Scopus, 2011-2015

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    Resumen: Objetivo: Describir la producción científica en educación médica en Latinoamérica en Scopus, en el periodo 2011-2015. Métodos: Estudio transversal bibliométrico. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos correspondientes al periodo 2011-2015 en Scopus, usando términos relacionados a la educación médica y especificando que al menos un autor tenga filiación de un país latinoamericano. Se revisó cada artículo para seleccionar solo aquellos artículos originales que hayan estudiado temas de educación médica. Finalmente, sus características fueron registradas y analizadas usando Microsoft Excel 2010. Resultados: En el periodo 2011-2015 se publicaron 850 artículos originales de educación médica con autores de Latinoamérica en Scopus, de los cuales el 49,1% tuvo algún autor de Brasil. El número de publicaciones por año fue estacionario. La población de estudio más frecuente fueron los estudiantes de medicina (54,0%). El tema más frecuente fue la evaluación de competencias (30,7%). El 21,1% de los artículos presentaron colaboración internacional, pero pocos (4,1%) presentaron colaboración con autores de otros países de Latinoamérica. Conclusiones: La investigación en educación médica en Latinoamérica en el periodo 2011-2015 es aún deficiente y estacionaria. El tema principal fue la evaluación de competencias, mientras que la población estudiada más frecuente fueron los estudiantes de medicina. La colaboración internacional fue baja, y la colaboración entre países de Latinoamérica fue menor a la colaboración con países fuera de Latinoamérica. Abstract: Objective: To describe the scientific production in medical education in Latin America in Scopus, in the period 2011-2015. Methods: Bibliometric cross-sectional study. A search of scientific papers for the period 2011-2015 was carried out in Scopus, using terms related to medical education and specifying that at least one author should be affiliated with a Latin American country. Each paper was reviewed to select original papers that have studied medical education topics. Finally, its features were recorded and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: In the period 2011 - 2015, a total of 850 original medical education papers were published with authors from Latin America in Scopus, of which 49.1% had an author from Brazil. The number of publications per year was stationary. The most frequent study population were medical students (54.0%). The most frequent topic was the evaluation of competences (30.7%). Of the papers found, 21.1% were of international collaboration, but there was little (4.1%) collaboration with authors from other Latin American countries. Conclusions: Research in medical education in Latin America in the period 2011-2015 is still deficient and stationary. The main topic was the assessment of competences, while the most frequent studied population were medical students. International collaboration was low, and collaboration among Latin American countries was lower than collaboration with countries outside Latin America. Palabras clave: Bibliometría, Educación médica, América Latina (Fuente: DeCS BIREME), Keywords: Bibliometrics, Medical Education, Latin America (Source: MeSH NLM

    Latin American Research on Bariatric Surgery: a Bibliometric Study

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    We performed a bibliometric analysis of Latin American documents published between 1984 to 2019 in Scopus-indexed journals. A total of 1856 documents were analyzed. The annual scientific production was 64 documents per year, with an annual increase rate of 15.9%. The countries with the highest scientific production on BS were Brazil (64.7%) and Chile (14.5%). Most of the publications were original (76.6%) and review articles (11.9%). The journal with the highest publication record was “Obesity Surgery” (25.8%). The extra-regional collaboration was mainly with the USA. In conclusion, Latin American scientific production on BS has shown a significant increase in recent years. However, more participation is needed, fostering intra-regional collaboration and involving universities and health institutions in BS research

    Primary Tuberculosis of the Pharynx in an HIV Context: A Case Report

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    Pharyngeal tuberculosis without pulmonary involvement is very rare and may be confused with malignant lesions. We present a 45-year-old female patient with a history of HIV presenting with a history of cough, sore throat, and oral ulcers with chronic use of antibiotics. The evolution would indicate a probable malignant tumor, but the biopsy was consistent with Pharyngeal TB. The patient initiated anti-tuberculosis therapy and demonstrated improved conditions and remission of ulcers. In the context of HIV, this treatment could be a major contributor to the underdiagnosis of the disease and may lead to alternative diagnoses. Therefore, it is vital to consider this condition in patients who do not respond to antibiotics

    Factors associated with depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease A multicenter study in Lima, Peru

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    Abstract The diagnosis and treatment of depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) is inadequate, often contributing to a reduced quality of life, rapid disease progression, higher cognitive impairment, and an increased burden of care for family members of patients with PD. Objective: To determine the factors associated with depression in PD and to examine the frequency of depressive symptoms among patients with PD. Methods: This study was an observational, analytical, multicenter study of a cross-sectional cohort, conducted between July 2016 and May 2017. PD patients were recruited from neurology clinics in Lima, Peru. All statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were calculated using STATA. Results: Out of 124 patients (average age: 68.7 years; 58% males) included in the study 60.5% (75/124) presented with symptoms of depression; only 20% (25/124) received antidepressants. Factors associated with depression in PD included: unemployment, falls, freezing of gait, involuntary movements micrographia, stooped posture, hyposmia, movement disorders in sleep, rapid disease progression, and the use of MAOIs. Furthermore, statistically significant differences were found in disease duration, UPDRS and MMSE scores, Hoehn and Yahr (HY) stage, and length of time taking L-dopa between PD patients with and without depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Factors associated with depressive symptoms in patients with PD were hyposmia, rapid progression of the disease, the use of L-dopa, and use of MAOIs. The frequency of depressive symptoms in patients with PD is high; early diagnosis and prompt treatment are needed to improve their quality of life and the family environment