483 research outputs found

    Deciphering systemically induced plant responses underlying interactions between root-knot nematode and shoot herbivores

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    Plants mediate interactions between herbivores that attack simultaneously or sequentially above-groun (AG) and below-groun (BG) parts. Local and systemic induction of hormonal pathways and the concomitant increase in defense metabolites underlie these AG-BG interactions. However, the main plant-mediated mechanisms driving these reciprocal interactions via local and systemic induced responses remain ambiguous. I investigated the impact of root infection by root-knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne incognita at different stages of its infection cycle, on tomato leaf defense responses induced by Spodoptera exigua (caterpillar) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (aphid). Also, I analyzed the reverse impact of caterpillar and aphid feeding on root responses induced by RKN. I measured changes in phytohormone and metabolic profiles in roots and leaves of plants exposed to a combination of RKN and one AG herbivore, at three stages of RKN infection; invasion, galling, and reproduction. I found that root infection by RKN enhanced caterpillar performance only at the galling stage, but no effect on the aphid regardless of infection cycle stage. Next, I analyzed for mechanisms driving the observed effects. RKN broadly enhanced responses related to jasmonic acid (JA) pathway and metabolites triggered by caterpillar in leaves, throughout the infection cycle. For the aphid, there was no effect on phytohormone, but metabolites increased in leaves. The reciprocal effects of AG feeding on root induced responses to RKN, showed that caterpillar feeding interfered with JA related responses at the reproduction stage while aphid did not alter root responses induced by RKN regardless of infection stage. These results show that RKN root infection cycle is an important factor influencing the reciprocal interaction with different AG insect herbivores. These results generate a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying frequent RKN-insect herbivore interactions in natural and agricultural ecosystems

    The impact of Leadership Matters Course on Christian leaders

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    Factors affecting maize production among registered small scale farmers in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

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    A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Public Policy and Management at Strathmore UniversityThe agricultural dynamics are changing. Today, food security is a top priority among under-developed and developing countries, especially and particularly in Africa and Sub-Sahara region. The fight against hunger is a topic that has been in line of discussion since time immemorial. Early scholars like Malthus and Smith tried to explain the relationship among food security, food production and the involved production factors, in their ‘Malthusian Theory’ and ‘Theory of Production,’ but still no substantive solution is feasible to date. Studies by various scholars and entities including FAO shows that among the various agricultural products entrusted with the fight against hunger, maize production has the largest share segment and contributes to 30% of world’s food calories. In Kenya, maize production accounts to 65% of 18% formal employment, and it is the stable food year round. Despite of such utility precedence, maize production among these maize-dependent countries, Kenya included, remains to be low and the respective economies dependent on maize importation. This clearly undermines their inherent food security strategies, calling for holistic evaluations on the maize production situation. Among the key areas upon which the evaluation is highly and likely to be based on is the maize production factors. In Kenya, these factors are critical to maize production and require attention. This study therefore sought to undertake on this evaluation, narrowing the focus down to registered small-scale maize farmer in Trans-Nzoia County. Guided by the general objective of establishing the production and institutional factor that affect maize production, a survey was carried out in the five sub-counties of Trans-Nzoia County. The study equally intended to establish the effect that the factors have on the number of maize bags produced. Using stratified sample size of 196 respondents, the study used self-administered questionnaire to collect data. Data was collected from 195 respondents and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics and findings presented accordingly. From analysis, it was established that land size, use of machinery in ploughing and use of chemicals had a positive influence on maize production. Land size was the most significant of factors. Extension services was also found to influence maize production but with a negative coefficient. Seed application and fertilizer application were found to have no influence on maize production. The study successfully obtained its objective. However, limitation on the pool of factors was identified as other insightful factors were missing. The ecological and climatic conditions were also found to limit the relevancy of the study to other regions due to disparity on maize production potential. The study therefore suggest for a further study that will seek to harmonise these limitations

    Evaluation of Antidiarrheal Activity by using Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Phyllanthus amarusS

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    The current thesis entitled ‘Evaluation of anti-diarrhoeal activity of ethanolic leaf extract of Phyllanthus amarus S’. deals with the exploration of pharmacological and phytochemical screening of the selected Indian medicinal plant Phyllanthus amarus S. belonging to family Euphorbiaceae. Preliminary phytochemical screening of Phyllanthus amarus S. was done and the results obtained revealed the presence of saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids, proteins, carbohydrates. The plant was collected and got authentification from Botanical Survey of India Southern regional center, Coimbatore with the voucher number 3227. Approval was obtained from the committee for the purpose of control and supervision of experimental animals (CPCSEA) and Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), proposal number NCP/IAEC/2017-2018/06. After identification, the whole plant was washed to remove dust particles and was allowed to air dry in a shade for complete drying. The dried leaves were then powdered in a mixer grinder. The coarse powder was packed tightly in the soxhlet apparatus and extracted with 500ml 70% ethanol for 72 hours with occasional shaking maintained at 78ᵒC throughout the extraction process. The extract was concentrated to ¼ of its original volume by evaporation. It was then stored in refrigerator for further use. The acute toxicity studies of the plant were done using mice with oral doses of 2g and 5g/kg. The animals were observed for toxic symptoms like behavioural changes, locomotion, convulsions and mortality for 14 days. Thus, the dose was identifies as per OECD 423 guidelines. The models used to assess the ant-diarrheal activity include charcoal meal test or gastrointestinal motility test, castor-oil induced diarrhea, castor-oil enterpooling and magnesium induced diarrhea. The EEPA appeared to act inhibition of diarrhea by reducing the absorption of water from the intestines that lead to the increase in defaecation. This is due to the presence of tannins present in P. amarus. The findings in the present study confirm the anti-diarrheal activity of the ethanolic leaf extract of Phyllanthus amarus S. thus provide the scientific basis for the traditional use of this plant in the treatment of diarrhea and its effects. CONCLUSION: The present study “Evaluation of anti-diarrheal activity by using ethanolic leaf extract of Phyllanthus amarus S.” in experimental animal models was found effective in the anti-diarrhea activity due to the presence of tannins. This study strongly implies that the ethanolic leaf extract of Phyllanthus amarus can be used to treat diarrhea and its effects. Further studies are required to evaluate the anti-diarrhea activity of Phyllanthus amarus S. ethanolic leaf extract in other models. The isolation of the active compound, its evaluation in experimental model and study of mechanisms of action will eventually yield and develop new drugs

    Cost and Management Accounting Practices, ICT Usage and Performance of Secondary Schools in Uganda: A Case of South Western Uganda

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    This article accounts for the findings from a study conducted in secondary schools located in south western Uganda. The study was about Cost and Management Accounting Practices, ICT Usage and Financial Performance of Secondary Schools.  This study adopted a cross-sectional and correlational design. Questionnaires were administered to 435 secondary schools. The Unit of analysis was secondary schools and the unit of inquiry was head teachers/their representatives.The findings indicate that the adjusted R² is 27.4% and the F-ratio (F = 9.122) is significant.  This means that the total predictive power of cost and management accounting and ICT adoption account for 27.4% in financial performance of secondary schools. (R² = 0.274, p <0.01). The results supported the earlier set three (3) hypotheses in the literature review. The results emphasize that cost and management accounting practices highly influence financial performance of secondary schools.The study emphasized that Education is acute to the generation of strong, and enlightened countries, to which Uganda aspires to be. In recent years, Uganda Primary Education (UPE) has procreated large proliferations in the number of students yearning secondary education in Uganda. Private secondary schools have been established to encounter the superfluous demand. Without steadfast cost and management systems to guarantee stable financial performance, the secondary schools must, as any other enterprise throughout the world, become financially autonomous, their survival is in doubt. Keywords: Cost and Management accounting practices, ICT adoption, financial performance, secondary schools. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/13-24-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    The well-made screenplay: a study of the screenwriting of British stage playwrights, 1930-1956, with special reference to the work of R.C. Sherriff

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    This thesis examines the screenwriting of British stage playwrights between 1930 and 1956, with special reference to the screen career of R.C. Sherriff. It considers the process by which the techniques and forms associated with the well-made play became part of the vocabulary of the British cinema and argues that, contrary to the negative view of theatrical influence that scholars sometimes postulate, the skilful application of stage techniques was an important factor in the ‘golden age’ of the national cinema during and after the Second World War. The thesis considers the work of working playwright/screenwriters, with a particular focus on that of high-profile writers such as Bernard Shaw, Noël Coward, and Terence Rattigan, whose stage reputation was part of the publicity for their film work. The second part of the thesis is taken up with a detailed case study of the screen work of R.C. Sherriff, drawing on Sherriff’s own extensive archive at the Surrey History Centre. This section uses the existence of Sherriff’s multiple drafts, correspondence, and press cuttings to examine his working practices, and the extent to which the aesthetic of the well-made play made up an important part of his screenwriting technique

    The Act of Being, Free will & Intelligence and Relation as the First Principles of Creation: A consideration of some Aquinas writings

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    This research work focuses on the First Principles of the Metaphysics of Creation in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. We establish the Principle of the Metaphysical Act as the First Principle of the Metaphysics of Creation through the study of various Aristotle’s axioms in order to demonstrate that the concept of creation is metaphysical. The present-day study regarding the origin of the Universe is extensively oriented towards the rationality of the material nature. It is falsely concluded that the material or visible world is the ultimate explanation of all reality. In this light, Cosmological Science interprets the metaphysical notion of creatio ex nihilo as that which affirms that the World originates from «nothing» which is absurd because it is well known that nothing can come from nothing. So as to arrive at the Principle of Free and Intelligent Creation, we have brought into our consideration the idea of the Transcendental Good especially in Neo-Platonism. The Avicenna thesis of the necessary emanation of the Universe from God has also been of interest. This is because Aquinas heavily borrows from the mentioned schools of thought. Our research work also analyses the relation that exists between the Divine Being and the created being. The notion of relation in the Metaphysics of Creation is, in our view, a First Principle because it explains the relationship that subsists between the two very distinct acts of being. Indeed, the very rationale of creatio ex nihilo is the basis of the real relation that any creature possesses with respect to God.----------------Este trabajo se centra en los primeros principios de la metafísica de la creación sobre todo en el pensamiento de santo Tomás de Aquino. Se establece el principio del acto de ser como primer principio de la metafísica de la creación, analizando varios axiomas para demostrar que la noción de la creación es propiamente metafísica. Los estudios actuales del origen del mundo versan sobre todo en la racionalidad de la materia del mundo. En esta racionalidad resta toda explicación sobre lo que es, eso es lo que tiene ser. En la misma línea la ciencia cosmológica ha llegado a interpretar –erróneamente– la idea metafísica de creatio ex nihilo como aquella que afirma que el mundo proviene no de la nada sino de nada. Para alcanzar el principio de la creación libre e inteligente que es el segundo principio de la metafísica de la creación, hemos considerado el concepto del bien trascendental en el neo-platonismo y la tesis de la creación necesaria en el pensamiento de Avicena. Tanto el neo-platonismo como la visón de Avicena aportan de modo significativo a la reflexión de santo Tomás. El presente trabajo también trata de la asociación que subsiste entre el ser divino y el ser creado. La noción de la relación en la metafísica de la creación es un primer principio porque es la noción que sostiene el vínculo entre dos actos de seres radicalmente distintos. En efecto, la misma racional de la creación ex nihilo es el fundamento de la relación real que existe en la criatura