16 research outputs found

    Platelets from glioblastoma patients promote angiogenesis of tumor endothelial cells and exhibit increased VEGF content and release

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and fatal intracranial cancer in humans and exhibits intense and aberrant angiogenesis that sustains its malignancy and involves several angiogenic signals. Among them, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a key role and is overexpressed in GBM. Different cells appear to act as triggers of the aberrant angiogenesis, and, among them, platelets act as key participants. In order to provide further insights into the platelet features and angiogenic role in GBM, this study investigated the effects of platelet releasate on GBM-derived endothelial cells (GECs) and the levels of VEGF and endostatin, as pro- and anti-angiogenic components of platelet releasate from GBM patients. We demonstrate for the first time that: 1) platelet releasate exerts powerful pro-angiogenic effect on GECs, suggesting it might exert a role in the aberrant angiogenesis of GBM; 2) ADP and thrombin stimulation leads to significantly higher level of VEGF, but not of endostatin, in the releasate of platelets from GBM patients than those from healthy subjects; and 3) the intraplatelet concentrations of VEGF were significantly elevated in GBM patients as compared to controls. Moreover, we found a direct correlation between platelet-released VEGF and overall survival in our patient cohort. Although preliminary, these findings prompt further investigations to clarify the biologic relevance of platelet VEGF in GBM and prospective studies for screening GBM patients for anti-VEGF therapy and/or to optimize this treatment

    Dasatinib is safe and effective in unselected chronic myeloid leukaemia elderly patients resistant/intolerant to imatinib

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    To highlight dasatinib role in the elderly, 125 unselected patients with CP-CML aged >60 years resistant/intolerant to imatinib were retrospectively evaluated. Grade 3-4 haematological and extra-haematological toxicities were reported in 39 (31.2%) and 34 (27.2%) patients; grade 3-4 haematological toxicity was higher in patients with 140 mg starting dose (50.0% vs 19.6%, p = 0.001). Grade 3-4 pleuro-pericardial effusions occurred in 10 patients (8.0%). Dose reductions were more common in patients with 140 mg (88.4% vs 26.7%, p < 0.001). Of 122 evaluable patients, 72 (59.1%) had cytogenetic response [12 (9.8%) partial, 60 (49.3%) complete]. Overall, 38/60 patients in complete CyR also achieved a molecular response. Cumulative OS at 24 and 48 months were 93.1% (95% CI 88.4-97.8) and 84.2% (95% CI 74.6-93.7). Dasatinib, at the recommended dose of 100 mg/day, is effective and safe also in unselected elderly subjects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Italian Goat Consortium: a collaborative project to study the Italian caprine biodiversity

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    The Italian Goat Consortium (IGC), joined the effort of many Universities and Research Institutes, in a comprehensive study of the Italian goat population genetic makeup using a medium density (54K) SNPs chip. Currently IGC has genotyped more than 1,000 animals from more than 30 goat breeds and populations from all Italian geographical and agroecological areas of goat rearing. The aim of this work is to obtain a clear picture of the Italian caprine biodiversity, to reconstruct the ancestry, to disentangle the genetic background and to assess the relationships among and within the investigated breeds. To date, the IGC dataset includes about 50 million genotypes. The data were quality checked by excluding markers and individuals on the basis of missing genotypes, minor allele frequency and close individual relatedness. Genetic relationships among and within breeds was investigated by Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Principal Component Analysis. Population structure, ancestry models and admixture were estimated by ADMIXTURE and fastSTRUCTURE software. Finally, phylogenic trees were reconstructed with PHYLIP software suite starting from shared-allele identity by state, and Reynolds distance matrices, while past migration events were modeled with TreeMix software. The results confirmed high levels of genetic polymorphism and confirmed the North-South geographical pattern of diversity, previously reported on a smaller sample of Italian goat breeds. The analysis also revealed a pivotal role of Central Italy in connecting the genetic resources of the northern and southern areas of the country, and confirms the genetic isolation of insular breeds. Moreover, some breeds show clearly distinctive and homogeneous gene pools, whereas other breeds present complex and, in some cases, dishomogeneous genetic background. Even if “A breed is a group of domestic animals, termed such by common consent of the breeders” (Lush J.L., 1994), genomic tools are useful in understanding the genetic background of populations and in defining their relationships or uniqueness. These tools can complement the traditional ones in providing farmers and their associations a powerful aid for a more conscious management of goat populations and their biodiversity