119 research outputs found

    A Case of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in a Patient with Crohn's Disease Treated with Infliximab

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    Background: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a severe adverse drug reaction, occurring in patients undergoing treatments with antiresorptive or antiangiogenic agents, such as bisphosphonates, denosumab, or bevacizumab, for different oncologic and non-oncologic diseases. The aim of this study was to report a case of MRONJ in a patient taking infliximab, an anti-TNF-alpha antibody used to treat Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and plaque psoriasis. Case Report: A 49-year-old female patient affected by Crohn's disease, who had been undergoing 250 mg intravenous infliximab every six weeks for 12 years, with no history of antiresorptive or antiangiogenic agent administration, came to our attention for post-surgical MRONJ, associated with a wide cutaneous necrotic area of her anterior mandible. Following antibiotic cycles, the patient underwent surgical treatment with wide bone resection and debridement of necrotic tissues; after prolonged follow-up (16 months), the patient completely healed without signs of recurrence. Conclusions: Prevention of MRONJ by dental check-up before and during treatments with antiresorptive treatments (bisphosphonates or denosumab) is a well-established procedure. Although further studies are required to confirm the role of infliximab in MRONJ, based on the results of this study, we propose that patients who are going to be treated with infliximab should also undergo dental check-up before starting therapy, to possibly avoid MRONJ onset

    Temporomandibular disorders and oral features in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (Iims) patients: An observational study

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    Aim: Inflammatory idiopathic myopathies (IIMs) are inflammatory processes affecting skeletal musculature and extramuscular organs. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) involve jaw muscles and temporomandibular joint. The aim of this observational study was to investigate the prevalence of the main TMD symptoms and signs as well as oral implications in IIM patients. Methods: The study group included 54 patients (42 women and 12 men), 22 of whom affected by dermatomyositis (DM), 29 by polymyositis (PM) and 3 by inclusion body myositis (IBM). A group of 54 patients not affected by this disease, served as CG. Oral and TMD signs and symptoms were evaluated by means of a questionnaire and through clinical examination. Results: About oral symptoms, the study group complained more frequently dysgeusia, with loss of taste or unpleasant taste (p<0.0001) and feeling of burning mouth (9.4% versus 0 controls). Xerostomia was more prevalent in the study group respect to the CG (p<0.0001). Dysphagia was reported by 48.1% of IIM patients while was absent in CG (p<0.0001). About oral signs, cheilitis (p<0.05) and oral ulcers (p<0.05) were significantly more frequent in CG. As regard to TMD symptoms, arthralgia and tinnitus didn’t showed significant differences between the two groups, while neck/shoulders and masticatory muscle pain was significantly more referred in IIM patients than in the CG (p<0.05). About TMJ signs, sounds were overlapping in the two groups: click=11.1% in both IIM patients and CG (p<0.05), crepitation in 11.1% of IIM and 9.3% of controls (p>0.05). No significant difference was detected about deflection (9.3%, p>0.05), while deviation was wider in CG (p>0.05). Active opening and lateralities showed no significant differences, while endfeel was significantly increased in IIM group for a higher presence of muscular contracture. Bruxism was present only in CG. Conclusion: The data collected from this observational study seem to support the existence of a relationship between the prevalence of TMD symptoms and signs as well as oral features in patients with myositis. A remarkable reduction of salivary flow and dysphagia were more frequent and severe in IIM patients, as well as muscle contracture and myofacial pain evoked by palpation, this result being highly significant

    Bone Regeneration Induced by Bone Porcine Block with Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells in a Minipig Model of Mandibular “Critical Size” Defect

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    Introduction. Adding stem cells to biodegradable scaffolds to enhance bone regeneration is a valuable option. Different kinds of stem cells with osteoblastic activity were tested, such as bone marrow stromal stem cells (BMSSCs). Aim. To assess a correct protocol for osteogenic stem cell differentiation, so BMSSCs were seeded on a bone porcine block (BPB). Materials and Methods. Bone marrow from six minipigs was extracted from tibiae and humeri and treated to isolate BMSSCs. After seeding on BPB, critical-size defects were created on each mandible of the minipigs and implanted with BPB and BPB/BMSSCs. After three months, histomorphometric analysis was performed. Results. Histomorphometric analysis provided percentages of the three groups. Tissues present in control defects were 23 ± 2% lamellar bone, 28 ± 1% woven bone, and 56 ± 4% marrow spaces; in BPB defects were 20 ± 5% BPB, 32 ± 2% lamellar bone, 24 ± 1% woven bone, and 28 ± 2% marrow spaces; in BPB/BMSSCs defects were 17 ± 4% BPB/BMSSCs, 42 ± 2% lamellar bone, 12 ± 1% woven bone, and 22 ± 3% marrow spaces. Conclusion. BPB used as a scaffold to induce bone regeneration may benefit from the addition of BDPSCs in the tissue-engineered constructs

    Bone Biomarkers Measured on Salivary Matrix: Study of Biological Variability in a Cohort of Young Subjects

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    Levels of bone turnover markers (BTM) can be measured using saliva. The aim of the present study was to determine the Biological Variability of BTM in young subjects, on serial biological salivary samples. Saliva samples of 20 apparently healthy young subjects (9 females and 11 males) have been analyzed. Samples collected using salivette with cotton swabs were obtained three times every 15 days. PTHrP; TRAcP-5b and P1NP have been assayed. The ANOVA test was used to calculate intra and interindividual variance (CVI and CVG). The individuality index (II) and reference change value (RCV) were evaluated for the clinically significant variation between two results in the same individual. CVI was highest for PTHrP and lowest for P1NP while CVG was highest for TRAcP-5b. RCV was maximum for PTHrP and minimum for P1NP. The critical difference (RCV) is of particular interest in evaluating variations in the concentrations of BMT on the salivary matrix during oral pathologies and/or dental treatments The salivary dosage of BMT during dental treatments could be fundamental to establishing establish the timing of the treatment and, in the case of orthodontic treatments, to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied forces

    Alteration of the perception of cold, heat and texture of food in association with taste dysfunction in COVID-19

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    COVID19 is characterized by alteration of smell and taste perception. It was investigated the presence of alteration for cold, heat, and food consistency perception in COVID-19 patients and the possible correlation with the most commonly used biomarkers in a routine way (CRP, IL-6, IL-1, PSP, PCT) to show if the local inflammatory process may induce alteration of cold, heat, and food consistency perception in COVID-19. From March 2020 to April 2021, a survey about taste and oral tactile/thermal sensitivity dysfunction was carried out on 1155 patients with mild or moderate COVID-19, while patients admitted to intensive care were excluded because they could not answer questions from health professionals. Positive RT-PCR confirmed all diagnoses. CRP, IL-6, IL-1, PSP, and PCT were detected for each patient. Taste and Smell Questionnaire Section of the US NHANES 2011−2014 protocol (CDC 2013b) was used for gustatory function assessment. The study was approved by the Ethics committee of AOU Policlinico Consorziale di Bari (No. 6388 COVID19 DOM-protocol number 0034687/12-05-2020), and written informed consent was obtained. A total of 208 patients referred only to alteration to taste (208/821). 75/208 ageusia, 71/208 ipoageusia, 21/208 fantageusia, 19/208 dysgeusia, 22/208 parageusia. Significant correlations between CRP, IL-6, IL-1, PSP, PCT levels and type of dysfunctions about the perception of heat, cold and food consistency have not been found (P>0.05). Loss of taste can be due to the action of inflammatory mediators on gustatory buds, while alteration of cold, heat and food consistency perception may be due to direct damage of filiform papillae, allowing virus binding through the spike protein to ACE2 receptors of filiform papillae cells

    MicroRNA-21 Expression as a Prognostic Biomarker in Oral Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Oral carcinoma represents one of the main carcinomas of the head and neck region, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 50%. Smoking and tobacco use are recognized risk factors. Prognostic survival biomarkers can be a valid tool for assessing a patient’s life expectancy and directing therapy towards specific targets. Among the biomarkers, the alteration of miR-21 expression in tumor tissues is increasingly reported as a valid prognostic biomarker of survival for oral cancer. The purpose of this meta-analysis was, therefore, to investigate and summarize the results in the literature concerning the potential prognostic expression of tissue miR-21 in patients with OSCC. Methods: The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines using electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, with the use of combinations of keywords, such as miR-21 AND oral cancer, microRNA AND oral cancer, and miR-21. The meta-analysis was performed using the RevMan 5.41 software. Results: At the end of the article-selection process, 10 studies were included in the meta-analysis, and the result for the main outcome was a pooled HR per overall survival (OS) of 1.29 (1.16–1.44) between high and low expression of miR-21. Conclusions: The data in the literature and the results emerging from the systematic review indicate that miR-21 can provide a prognostic indication in oral cancer

    The Prognostic Role of miR-31 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis

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    Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide with high recurrence, metastasis, and poor treatment outcome. Prognostic survival biomarkers can be a valid tool for assessing a patient’s life expectancy and directing therapy toward specific targets. Recent studies have reported microRNA (miR) might play a critical role in regulating different types of cancer. The main miR used as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker and reported in the scientific literature for HNSCC is miR-21. Other miRs have been investigated to a lesser extent (miR-99a, miR-99b, miR-100, miR-143, miR-155, miR-7, miR-424, miR-183), but among these, the one that has attracted major interest is the miR-31. Methods: The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines using electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, with the use of combinations of keywords, such as miR-31 AND HNSCC, microRNA AND HNSCC, and miR-31. The meta-analysis was performed using the RevMan 5.41 software (Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark). Results: This search produced 721 records, which, after the elimination of duplicates and the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, led to 4 articles. The meta-analysis was conducted by applying fixed-effects models, given the low rate of heterogeneity (I2 = 40%). The results of the meta-analysis report an aggregate hazard ratio (HR) for the overall survival (OS), between the highest and lowest miR-31 expression, of 1.59, with the relative intervals of confidence (1.22 2.07). Heterogeneity was evaluated through Chi2 = 5.04 df = 3 (p = 0.17) and the Higgins index I2 = 40; testing for the overall effect was Z = 3.44 (p = 0.00006). The forest plot shows us a worsening HR value of OS, in relation to the elevated expression of miR-31. Conclusions: In conclusion, the data resulting from the current meta-analysis suggest that miR-31 is associated with the prognosis of patients with HNSCC and that elevated miR-31 expression could predict a poor prognosis in patients with this type of neoplasm