370 research outputs found

    Towards a new full-sky list of radial velocity standard stars

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    The calibration of the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) onboard the ESA Gaia satellite (to be launched in 2012) requires a list of standard stars with a radial velocity (RV) known with an accuracy of at least 300 m/s. The IAU Commission 30 lists of RV standard stars are too bright and not dense enough. We describe the selection criteria due to the RVS constraints for building an adequate full-sky list of at least 1000 RV standards from catalogues already published in the literature. A preliminary list of 1420 candidate standard stars is built and its properties are shown. An important re-observation programme has been set up in order to ensure within it the selection of objects with a good stability until the end of the Gaia mission (around 2018). The present list of candidate standards is available at CDS and usable for many other projects.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press, 8 pages, 8 figure

    DENIS-P J104814.7-395606.1: An M9 dwarfs at about 4 pc

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    We present the discovery of a previously unknown member of the immediate solar neighbourhood, DENIS-P J104814.7-395606.1 (hereafter DENIS 1048-39), identified while mining the DENIS database for new nearby stars. A HIRES echelle spectrum obtained with the 10-m Keck telescope shows that it is an M9 dwarf. DENIS 1048-39 has a very bright apparent magnitude (I=12.67) for its spectral type and colour (I-J=3.07), and is therefore very nearby. If it is single its distance is only 4.1 +- 0.6pc, ranking it as between our twelfth and fortyth closest neighbour. It is also the closest star or brown dwarf with a spectral type later than M7V. Its proper motion was determined through comparison of Sky atlas Schmidt plates, scanned by the MAMA microdensitometer, with the DENIS images. At 1.53"/yr it further attests the closeness of DENIS 1048-39, and hence its dwarf status. These characteristics make it an obvious target for further detailed studies.Comment: In press in A&A Letter

    The catalog of radial velocity standard stars for the Gaia RVS: status and progress of the observations

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    A new full-sky catalog of Radial Velocity standard stars is being built for the determination of the Radial Velocity Zero Point of the RVS on board of Gaia. After a careful selection of 1420 candidates matching well defined criteria, we are now observing all of them to verify that they are stable enough over several years to be qualified as reference stars. We present the status of this long-term observing programme on three spectrographs : SOPHIE, NARVAL and CORALIE, complemented by the ELODIE and HARPS archives. Because each instrument has its own zero-point, we observe intensively IAU RV standards and asteroids to homogenize the radial velocity measurements. We can already estimate that ~8% of the candidates have to be rejected because of variations larger than the requested level of 300 m/s.Comment: Proceedings of SF2A2010, S. Boissier, M. Heydari-Malayeri, R. Samadi and D. Valls-Gabaud (eds), 3 pages, 2 figure

    Braking the Gas in the beta Pictoris Disk

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    (Abridged) The main sequence star beta Pictoris hosts the best studied circumstellar disk to date. Nonetheless, a long-standing puzzle has been around since the detection of metallic gas in the disk: radiation pressure from the star should blow the gas away, yet the observed motion is consistent with Keplerian rotation. In this work we search for braking mechanisms that can resolve this discrepancy. We find that all species affected by radiation force are heavily ionized and dynamically coupled into a single fluid by Coulomb collisions, reducing the radiation force on species feeling the strongest acceleration. For a gas of solar composition, the resulting total radiation force still exceeds gravity, while a gas of enhanced carbon abundance could be self-braking. We also explore two other braking agents: collisions with dust grains and neutral gas. Grains surrounding beta Pic are photoelectrically charged to a positive electrostatic potential. If a significant fraction of the grains are carbonaceous (10% in the midplane and larger at higher altitudes), ions can be slowed down to satisfy the observed velocity constraints. For neutral gas to brake the coupled ion fluid, we find the minimum required mass to be \approx 0.03 M_\earth, consistent with observed upper limits of the hydrogen column density, and substantially reduced relative to previous estimates. Our results favor a scenario in which metallic gas is generated by grain evaporation in the disk, perhaps during grain-grain collisions. We exclude a primordial origin for the gas, but cannot rule out the possibility of its production by falling evaporating bodies near the star. We discuss the implications of this work for observations of gas in other debris disks.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, emulateapj. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Inner Rings of Beta Pictoris

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    We present Keck images of the dust disk around Beta Pictoris at 17.9 microns that reveal new structure in its morphology. Within 1" (19 AU) of the star, the long axis of the dust emission is rotated by more than 10 degrees with respect to that of the overall disk. This angular offset is more pronounced than the warp detected at 3.5" by HST, and in the opposite direction. By contrast, the long axis of the emission contours at ~ 1.5" from the star is aligned with the HST warp. Emission peaks between 1.5" and 4" from the star hint at the presence of rings similar to those observed in the outer disk at ~ 25" with HST/STIS. A deconvolved image strongly suggests that the newly detected features arise from a system of four non-coplanar rings. Bayesian estimates based on the primary image lead to ring radii of 14+/-1 AU, 28+/-3 AU, 52+/-2 AU and 82+/-2 AU, with orbital inclinations that alternate in orientation relative to the overall disk and decrease in magnitude with increasing radius. We believe these new results make a strong case for the existence of a nascent planetary system around Beta Pic.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, PDF format. Published in ApJL, December 20,200

    Discovery of a nearby M9 dwarf

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    We report the discovery of a new M9.0 dwarf at only 8.2 pc, which we identified in our search for nearby ultracool dwarf (I-J >= 3.0, later than M8.0) in the DENIS database. We measure a very high proper motion of 2.5 arc-sec/yr. The PC3 index measured from its low-resolution spectrum gives a spectrophotometric distance of 8.2 pc. This makes it the third closest M9.0 dwarf.Comment: revised version, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Spectroscopic survey of the Galaxy with Gaia I. Design and performance of the Radial Velocity Spectrometer

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    The definition and optimisation studies for the Gaia satellite spectrograph, the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS), converged in late 2002 with the adoption of the instrument baseline. This paper reviews the characteristics of the selected configuration and presents its expected performance. The RVS is a 2.0 by 1.6 degree integral field spectrograph, dispersing the light of all sources entering its field of view with a resolving power R=11 500 over the wavelength range [848, 874] nm. The RVS will continuously and repeatedly scan the sky during the 5 years of the Gaia mission. On average, each source will be observed 102 times over this period. The RVS will collect the spectra of about 100-150 million stars up to magnitude V~17-18. At the end of the mission, the RVS will provide radial velocities with precisions of ~2 km/s at V=15 and \~15-20 km/s at V=17, for a solar metallicity G5 dwarf. The RVS will also provide rotational velocities, with precisions (at the end of the mission) for late type stars of sigma_vsini ~5 km/s at V~15 as well as atmospheric parameters up to V~14-15. The individual abundances of elements such as Silicon and Magnesium, vital for the understanding of Galactic evolution, will be obtained up to V~12-13. Finally, the presence of the 862.0 nm Diffuse Interstellar Band (DIB) in the RVS wavelength range will make it possible to derive the three dimensional structure of the interstellar reddening.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Fig. 1,2,4,5, 6 in degraded resolution; available in full resolution at http://blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.08282.x/pd