1,361 research outputs found
Free Space Optical Link Utilizing a Modulated Retro-Reflector Intended for Planetary Duplex Communication Links Between an Orbiter and Surface Unit
Presented are simulation and experimental results that provide duplex optical-free space communication links with minimal power and pointing requirements by using a modulated retro-reflector (MRR) for planetary communications. The design is the MRR resides on the surface of a planet or moon, where energy is scarce, while the source of the communication laser resides on an orbiter to achieve satellite-to-ground communications. Also, a simulated scenario using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) is provided for real world potential results. The information sent through this communication path can range from raw scientific data to multimedia files such as videos and pictures. Bidirectional communications is established with the MRR by using a nested pulse position modulation (PPM) structure. This modulation scheme is then evaluated for its validity in a proof-of-concept experiment. Initial results indicate a promising return-link performance of at least 300 kbps in the nested arrangement
Exponential asymptotics using numerical rational approximation in linear differential equations
Singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations often exhibit Stokes’ phenomenon, which describes the appearance and disappearance of oscillating exponentially small terms across curves in the complex plane known as Stokes lines. These curves originate at singular points in the leading-order solution to the differential equation. In many important problems, it is impossible to obtain a closed-form expression for these leading-order solutions, and it is therefore challenging to locate these singular points. We present evidence that the analytic leading-order solution of a linear differential equation can be replaced with a numerical rational approximation using the adaptive Antoulas–Anderson (AAA) method. Despite such an approximation having completely different singularity types and locations, we show that the subsequent exponential asymptotic analysis accurately predicts the exponentially small behaviour present in the solution. For sufficiently small values of the asymptotic parameter, this approach breaks down; however, the range of validity may be extended by increasing the number of poles in the rational approximation. We present a related nonlinear problem and discuss the challenges that arise due to nonlinear effects. Overall, our approach allows for the study of exponentially small asymptotic effects without requiring an exact analytic form for the leading-order solution; this permits exponential asymptotic methods to be used in a much wider range of applications
Increasing Accessibility to Birth Control: Over the Counter Oral Birth Control
The increasing barriers to the accessibility of birth control have prompted a need for a solution. One long standing solution suggested to diminish the barriers is by removing the prescription requirement of oral contraceptives. Removing the prescription requirement not only breaks down barriers for women without healthcare access but also allows women an opportunity to control their reproduction with more accessibility. Although this solution appears to be concise, the reality is there are many different views regarding offering birth control over the counter, including some healthcare professionals who believe the health risks outweigh the access benefit. On the contrary, those in support of removing the prescription barrier for oral contraceptives, including the American Medical Association, argue that the risks women undergo through pregnancy outweigh the risks of consuming oral contraceptives. Throughout this review article, research investigating both the advantages and disadvantages of the suggested solution is discussed assessing the potential outcomes of having oral contraceptives offered over the counter
Cardiovascular Effects of Long Term Androgenic Anabolic Steroid Use
Background: Anabolic steroids have been a consistent area of debate when it comes to athletes. Anabolic steroids are very common in certain sports like powerlifting and bodybuilding. Negative health effects have been found to be associated with the long term use of anabolic steroids. The objective of this review is to determine if there are negative cardiovascular effects associated with chronic androgenic anabolic steroid use when compared to non-steroid users.
Methods: A literature review of past research articles was performed. Pertinent information was obtained from the sources and compiled as evidence for the topic of this paper.
Results: Using primarily bodybuilder populations, the findings obtained from the articles supported decreased left ventricular function, increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and an increase in LDL with a decrease in HDL.
Conclusion: Anabolic steroids can be contributed to decreased left ventricular function, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and increase LDL and decrease HDL leading to an overall decrease in cardiovascular function. Improving education on the cardiovascular impact anabolic steroids can have can ultimately decrease the risk of individuals abusing these drugs and having a decrease in overall health
Precision Pointing of IBEX-Lo Observations
Post-launch boresight of the IBEX-Lo instrument onboard the Interstellar
Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is determined based on IBEX-Lo Star Sensor
observations. Accurate information on the boresight of the neutral gas camera
is essential for precise determination of interstellar gas flow parameters.
Utilizing spin-phase information from the spacecraft attitude control system
(ACS), positions of stars observed by the Star Sensor during two years of IBEX
measurements were analyzed and compared with positions obtained from a star
catalog. No statistically significant differences were observed beyond those
expected from the pre-launch uncertainty in the Star Sensor mounting. Based on
the star observations and their positions in the spacecraft reference system,
pointing of the IBEX satellite spin axis was determined and compared with the
pointing obtained from the ACS. Again, no statistically significant deviations
were observed. We conclude that no systematic correction for boresight geometry
is needed in the analysis of IBEX-Lo observations to determine neutral
interstellar gas flow properties. A stack-up of uncertainties in attitude
knowledge shows that the instantaneous IBEX-Lo pointing is determined to within
\sim 0.1\degr in both spin angle and elevation using either the Star Sensor
or the ACS. Further, the Star Sensor can be used to independently determine the
spacecraft spin axis. Thus, Star Sensor data can be used reliably to correct
the spin phase when the Star Tracker (used by the ACS) is disabled by bright
objects in its field-of-view. The Star Sensor can also determine the spin axis
during most orbits and thus provides redundancy for the Star Tracker.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure
Διερεύνηση Πλημυρικής Κατάκλυσης σε συνθήκες μη μόνιμης ροής με τη χρήση Λογισμικών Υδραυλικής Προσομοίωση. Εφαρμογή στον Πηνειό Θεσσαλίας.
Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία Υδατικών Πόρων
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Factorisation of 3d N = 4 twisted indices and the geometry of vortex moduli space
We study the twisted indices of supersymmetric gauge theories
in three dimensions on spatial with an angular momentum refinement. We
demonstrate factorisation of the index into holomorphic blocks for the
theory in the presence of generic fluxes and fugacities. We also
investigate the relation between the twisted index, Hilbert series and the
moduli space of vortices. In particular, we show that each holomorphic block
coincides with a generating function for the genera of the moduli
spaces of "local" vortices. The twisted index itself coincides with a
corresponding generating function for the genera of moduli spaces of
"global" vortices in agreement with a proposal of Bullimore et. al. We
generalise this geometric interpretation of the twisted index to include fluxes
and Chern-Simons levels. For the theory, the relevant moduli spaces
are the local and global versions of Laumon space respectively and we
demonstrate the proposed agreements explicitly using results from the
mathematical literature. Finally, we exhibit a precise relation between the
Coulomb branch Hilbert series and the Poincar\'e polynomials of the
corresponding vortex moduli spaces
Blocks and vortices in the 3d ADHM quiver gauge theory
We study the hemisphere partition function of a three-dimensional
supersymmetric gauge theory with one adjoint and one
fundamental hypermultiplet -- the ADHM quiver theory. In particular, we propose
a distinguished set of UV boundary conditions which yield Verma modules of the
quantised chiral rings of the Higgs and Coulomb branches. In line with a recent
proposal by two of the authors in collaboration with M. Bullimore, we show
explicitly that the hemisphere partition functions recover the characters of
these modules in two limits, and realise blocks gluing exactly to the partition
functions of the theory on closed three-manifolds. We study the geometry of the
vortex moduli space and investigate the interpretation of the vortex partition
functions as equivariant indices of quasimaps to the Hilbert scheme of points
in . We also investigate half indices of the ADHM quiver gauge
theory in the presence of a line operator and discuss their geometric
interpretation. Along the way we find interesting relations between our
hemisphere blocks and related quantities in topological string theory and
equivariant quantum K-theory
Detection of two poleroviruses infecting garlic (Allium sativum) in Australia
Two near complete polerovirus genomes were assembled using high throughput sequencing (HTS) data from two separate samples of garlic cultivar ‘Glenlarge’ grown in Gatton, Queensland, Australia. Whole genome sequence comparisons showed that one contig shared 96.7% nucleotide identity with phasey bean mild yellows virus (MT966032.1) and the other, 99.8% nucleotide identity with turnip yellows virus (MT586581.1). Phylogenetic analyses further revealed that the isolates fell within the PBMYV group 2 and TuYV group 2 clades, respectively. This is the first report of these poleroviruses infecting garlic
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