3,538 research outputs found

    ASCA observations of the galactic bulge hard x-ray source GRS 1758--258

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    GRS 1758-258 is one of the few persistent hard X-ray emitters (E>100 keV) in the Galaxy. Using the ASCA satellite, we have obtained the first detailed data on GRS 1758-258 in the 1-10 keV range, where previous observations were affected by confusion problems caused by the nearby strong source GX5-1. The spectrum is well described by a power law with photon index 1.7 without strong Fe emission lines. A prominent soft excess, as observed with ROSAT when the hard X-ray flux was in a lower intensity state, was not detected. However, the presence of a soft spectral component, accounting for at most 5% of the 0.1-300 keV flux, cannot be excluded. The accurate measurement of interstellar absorption (N_H=(1.5+-0.1) x 10^22 cm -2) corresponds to an optical extinction which definitely excludes the presence of a massive companion.Comment: 7 pages, AAS latex [11pt,aaspptwo,flushrt,tighten], + 1.ps figure Accepted for pubblication in ApJ, 09 02 96 Also available at http://fy.chalmers.se/~haardt/personal/curr.html Figures 1 and 2 available upon request at [email protected]

    Virtual Network Function Embedding with Quantum Annealing

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    In recent years, the growing number of devices connected to the internet led network operators to continuously expand their own infrastructures. In order to simplify this scaling process, the research community is currently investigating the opportunity to move the complexity from a hardware to a software domain, through the introduction of a new paradigm, called Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV). It considers standard hardware platforms where many virtual instances are allocated to implement specific network services. However, despite the theoretical benefits, the mapping of the different virtual instances to the available physical resources represents a complex problem, difficult to be solved classically. The present work proposes a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimisation (QUBO) formulation of this embedding process, exploring the implementation possibilities on D-Wave's Quantum Annealers. Many test cases, with realistic constraints, have been considered to validate and characterise the potential of the model, and the promising results achieved are discussed throughout the document. The technical discussion is enriched with comparisons of the results obtained through heuristic algorithms, highlighting the strengths and the limitations in the resolution of the QUBO formulation proposed on current quantum machines

    3d N = 2 mirror symmetry, pq-webs and monopole superpotentials

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    D3 branes stretching between webs of (p,q) 5branes provide an interesting class of 3d N=2 theories. For generic pq-webs however the low energy field theory is not known. We use 3d mirror symmetry and Type IIB S-duality to construct Abelian gauge theories corresponding to D3 branes ending on both sides of a pq-web made of many coincident NS5's intersecting one D5. These theories contain chiral monopole operators in the superpotential and enjoy a non trivial pattern of global symmetry enhancements. In the special case of the pq-web with one D5 and one NS5, the 3d low energy SCFT admits three dual formulations. This triality can be applied locally inside bigger quiver gauge theories. We prove our statements using partial mirror symmetry `a la Kapustin-Strassler, showing the equality of the S^3_b partition functions and studying the quantum chiral rings

    Health related quality of life in COVID-19 survivors discharged from acute hospitals: results of a short-form 36-item survey [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is important for evaluating the impact of a disease in the longer term across the physical and psychological domains of human functioning. The aim of this study is to evaluate HRQL in COVID-19 survivors in Italy using the short form 36-items questionnaire (SF-36). Methods: This is an observational study involving adults discharged home following a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related hospital admission. Baseline demographic and clinical data including the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were collected. The validated Italian version of SF-36 was administered cross-sectionally. The SF-36 contains eight scales measuring limitations in physical and social functioning, the impact on roles and activities, fatigue, emotional wellbeing, pain and general health perception. Results: A total of 35 patients, with a mean age of 60 years, completed the SF-36. The results showed difficulties across the physical and psychological domains, particularly affecting the return to previous roles and activities. A higher burden of co-morbidities as well as a more severe muscle weakness was associated to a lower physical functioning. Younger age, rather than older, correlated to a perceived greater limitation in physical functioning and vitality. Conclusions: COVID-19 survivors particularly the ones of working age may need support for resuming their premorbid level of functioning and returning to work

    Small RNA sequencing of cryopreserved semen from single bull revealed altered miRNAs and piRNAs expression between High- and Low-motile sperm populations

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    Putative piRNA clusters that were assigned by proTRAC to the High Motile (HM) and Low Motile (LM) sperm fractions. (XLSX 21 kb

    In silico validation of MCID tool for voxel dosimetry applied to 90Y radioembolization of liver malignancies

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    The aim of this work is validating the Monte Carlo Internal Dosimetry (MCID) tool for internal dosimetry, which allows personalized treatment planning starting from patient-specific images and direct Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. The absorbed dose for different computational phantoms, calculated with MC and with conventional MIRD methods at both organ and voxel level, were compared, obtaining differences of about 0.3% and within 3%, respectively, whereas differences increased (up to 14%) introducing tissue heterogeneities in phantoms. The absorbed dose of spheres with different radius (10 mm ≤ r ≤ 30 mm), calculated from MC code and from OLINDA/EXM was also compared, obtaining differences varying in the range 2–9% after correcting for partial volume effects (PVEs) from imaging. This work validated the MCID tool which allows the fast generation of input macros for MC simulations, starting from patient-specific images. It also shows the impact of tissue inhomogeneities on dosimetric results and their relevance for an accurate dosimetric plan
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