306 research outputs found

    Le donne nell’editoria del ‘900: fonti e casi di studio (Università degli studi di Milano, 8 marzo 2023)

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    The paper offers both a synthesis and a reflection on the topics addressed during the conference “Women in 20th century’s publishing: sources and case studies”, promoted by Apice Center and the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan. The conference aimed at enhancing a field of study that is still little explored, highlighting the challenges involved in the retrieval and use of sources and in the research methodologies applicable to the reconstruction of biographies and activities of female protagonists in 20th century publishing.The day was divided into two sessions, “Sources of the self” and “A room all for one’s self? Case studies and digitization projects”, both encompassing a rich and intensive program that revisited and delved deeper into the themes of feminization in the publishing industry and the use of publishing as a lens into women’s work, at the same time providing important methodological guidelines to approach sources such as the archives of publishing houses and authors, as well as autobiographies.What characterized the conference was the proposal of a complex and interdisciplinary path across history of gender, history of professions, and history of culture. Such path should present female authors, translators, editors, and publishers who show vibrant and multifaceted profiles, but whose narratives have often been obscured by their male counterparts. At the same time, attention should be given to the historical context, to pivotal moments, in the development of the publishing and cultural system at large, as well as to the treatment of sources, of which, in this circumstance, the complexity and criticality fully emerged.L’articolo propone una sintesi e una riflessione circa le tematiche affrontate durante il convegno “Le donne nell’editoria del ‘900: fonti e casi di studio”, iniziativa promossa dal Centro Apice e dal Dipartimento di Studi storici dell’UniversitĂ  degli studi di Milano che si Ăš posta l’obiettivo di valorizzare un ambito di studi ancora poco esplorato, sottolineando le sfide rappresentate dall’individuazione e dall’utilizzo di fonti e metodologie di ricerca applicabili alla ricostruzione delle biografie e delle attivitĂ  relative alle protagoniste femminili dell’editoria novecentesca.La giornata Ăš stata divisa in due sessioni, “Fonti del sĂ©â€ e “Una stanza tutta per sĂ©? Casi di studio e progetti di digitalizzazione”, a racchiudere un programma ricco e intenso che riprende e approfondisce il tema della femminilizzazione del lavoro editoriale e quello dell’utilizzo dell’editoria come sonda del lavoro femminile, fornendo importanti linee metodologiche relative all’approccio a fonti quali archivi editoriali e autoriali e autobiografie.A caratterizzare il convegno Ăš la proposta di un percorso complesso e interdisciplinare che attraversa la storia di genere, la storia delle professioni e la storia della cultura, e che presenta autrici, traduttrici, editrici, redattrici dal profilo vivace e sfaccettato, difficile da restituire poichĂ© soffocato spesso dagli uomini, rivolgendo lo sguardo ai tempi, agli snodi e allo sviluppo del sistema editoriale e culturale in generale, oltre che al trattamento di fonti di cui, in questa circostanza, emerge tutta la complessitĂ  e la criticitĂ 

    L’altra metà dell’editoria: le professioniste del libro e della lettura nel Novecento (Milano, 23-26 novembre 2020)

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    The paper proposes a synthesis and a reflection on the topics addressed during the conference “The other side of publishing: the women of books and reading in the 20th century”, organized by the Apice Center, with the collaboration of the Department of Historical studies of the University of Milan and the Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation. On this occasion it was intended to shed light on the women’s role in the publishing during the 20th century, especially on those figures who, often without leaving any apparent trace, as editors, illustrators, translators and librarians, played a far from secondary role in discovering authors, in promoting works, in curating collections and disseminating good practices, such as reading. The conference days, organized in five sessions, were divided by themes: “Editorial work”; “In the workshop of translators”; “Promoting reading”; “Drawing the book”, and “Female militancy”. The event was characterized by the heterogeneity and the multidisciplinary approach of the young researchers involved, who were able to let communicate different skills, related to gender studies, literary, artistic and historical, preferring, from the point of view of the method, the exploitation of archive sources, the identification of new types of documents and the experimentation of new working tools, like digital databases. This strategy led to the articulation of an intense program, full of insights and discussion, branched out from the main topics identified, such as the importance of memory, the autobiographical writings, the ongoing transformation of editorial work and the ability of women to create strong institutions.Il saggio propone una sintesi e una riflessione circa le tematiche affrontate durante il convegno “L’altra metà dell’editoria: le professioniste del libro e della lettura nel Novecento”, organizzato dal Centro Apice, con la collaborazione del Dipartimento di studi storici dell’Università degli studi di Milano e della Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori. In quest’occasione si è inteso far luce sul ruolo delle donne nell’editoria del Novecento, in particolare su quelle figure che, spesso senza lasciare traccia apparente, in qualità di redattrici, illustratrici, traduttrici e bibliotecarie, hanno avuto un ruolo tutt’altro che secondario nello scoprire autori e autrici, nel promuovere opere, nel curare collane e divulgare buone pratiche, come quella della lettura. Il convegno si è articolato in cinque sessioni tematiche: “Il lavoro editoriale”, “Nel laboratorio delle traduttrici”, “Promuovere la lettura”, “Disegnare il libro” e “Militanze femminili”. L’evento è stato caratterizzato dall’eterogeneità e dall’approccio multidisciplinare dei giovani ricercatori coinvolti, che hanno saputo far comunicare competenze diverse, legate agli studi di genere, letterari, artistici e storici, preferendo, dal punto di vista metodologico, la valorizzazione delle fonti di archivio, l’identificazione di nuovi tipi di documenti e la sperimentazione di nuovi strumenti di lavoro, come le banche dati digitali. Questa strategia ha portato all’articolazione di un intenso programma, ricco di approfondimenti e discussioni, ramificato dai principali temi individuati, come l’importanza della memoria, scritti autobiografici, la continua trasformazione del lavoro editoriale e la capacità delle donne di creare istituzioni a cui dare vita e solidità

    Evaluation of Arm Swing Features and Asymmetry during Gait in Parkinson’s Disease Using the Azure Kinect Sensor

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    Arm swinging is a typical feature of human walking: Continuous and rhythmic movement of the upper limbs is important to ensure postural stability and walking efficiency. However, several factors can interfere with arm swings, making walking more risky and unstable: These include aging, neurological diseases, hemiplegia, and other comorbidities that affect motor control and coordination. Objective assessment of arm swings during walking could play a role in preventing adverse consequences, allowing appropriate treatments and rehabilitation protocols to be activated for recovery and improvement. This paper presents a system for gait analysis based on Microsoft Azure Kinect DK sensor and its body-tracking algorithm: It allows noninvasive full-body tracking, thus enabling simultaneous analysis of different aspects of walking, including arm swing characteristics. Sixteen subjects with Parkinson’s disease and 13 healthy controls were recruited with the aim of evaluating differences in arm swing features and correlating them with traditional gait parameters. Preliminary results show significant differences between the two groups and a strong correlation between the parameters. The study thus highlights the ability of the proposed system to quantify arm swing features, thus offering a simple tool to provide a more comprehensive gait assessment

    Increased orexin A concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia

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    Orexins are hypothalamic neuropeptides that regulate several physiological functions, such as appetite, arousal, cognition, stress, sleep and metabolism. Emerging pieces of evidence suggest an orexinergic dysfunction in several neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety and addiction. A syndromic overlap between behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and several psychiatric disorders was recently demonstrated. Therefore, we analysed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) orexin A concentrations of 40 bvFTD and 32 non-demented patients, correlating neuropeptide concentrations with several clinical characteristics. A significant increase of orexin A concentrations was found in bvFTD patients when compared to controls (p<0.001). CSF orexin A concentration showed a correlation with Mini-Mental State Examination scores, drug assumption, history of compulsive behaviour and extrapyramidal signs. Moreover, we found a relationship between CSF markers of neurodegeneration, total tau and AÎČ(1–42) and CSF orexin A concentrations. Our study provides evidence of an orexinergic dysfunction in bvFTD, correlating with several clinical symptoms. Further larger studies are needed to confirm our data. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10072-021-05250-x

    Virtual energy sharing and energy communities for the Municipality of Milan: The case of the Chiaravalle area

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    The development of virtual energy sharing in complex realities such as the territory of the Municipality of Milan requires the integration of political and social strategies, technical analyses and the use of more advanced urban modelling techniques. This work aims to describe the strategy developed by the Municipality of Milan for the implementation of energy communities and virtual energy sharing, on the basis of current legislation, with reference to the case study of the Chiaravalle area. In order to carry out studies on the area, UBEM (Urban Energy Modelling) models were developed and various intervention scenarios were analysed. The results of the analysis and the technical and strategic evaluations developed are presented

    The effectiveness of metal on metal hip resurfacing: a systematic review of the available evidence published before 2002

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional total hip replacement (THR) may be felt to carry too high a risk of failure over a patient's lifetime, especially in young people. There is increasing interest in metal on metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty (MoM) as this offers a bone-conserving option for treating those patients who are not considered eligible for THR. We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of MoM for treatment of hip disease, and compare it with alternative treatments for hip disease offered within the UK. METHODS: A systematic review was carried out to identify the relevant literature on MoM published before 2002. As watchful waiting and total hip replacement are alternative methods commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of degenerative joint disease of the hip, we compared MoM with these. RESULTS: The data on the effectiveness of MoM are scarce, as it is a relatively new technique and at present only short-term results are available. CONCLUSION: It is not possible to make any firm conclusions about the effectiveness of MoM based on these early results. While the short-term results are promising, it is unclear if such results would be replicated in more rigorous studies, and what the long-term performance might be. Further research is needed which ideally should involve long-term randomised comparisons of MoM with alternative approaches to the clinical management of hip disease
