24 research outputs found

    Further Studies of the Association of Planetary Nebula BMP J16135406 with Galactic Open Cluster NGC 6067

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    Planetary Nebulae (PNe) that are physical members of Galactic open clusters are powerful probes that allow precise determination of their distance and crucially their initial mass on the main sequence. Here, we revisit the physical association of the PN BMP J1613–5406 with the open cluster NGC 6067 and present our preliminary results based on our new ESO/VLT FORS2 data. Our PN spectral data permit the calculation of a precise radial velocity and reddening to the PN that shows a tight consistency with the literature corresponding cluster parameters including importantly the radial velocity. Our measurements, combined with the agreement between the distances of the two objects and the fact that the PN is located well within the cluster boundaries, confirm that the PN is physically associated with the cluster. The cluster has a turn-off mass of around 5 solar masses that indicates a PN initial mass of around 5.6 solar masses. This is closer to the theoretical lower limit of core-collapse supernova formation than has ever been previously observed, providing a unique opportunity for further stellar and Galactic chemical evolution studies using this system

    The post-outburst photometric behaviour of V838 Mon

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    The unusual eruptive variable discovered in Monoceros in 2002 January underwent dramatic photometric and spectroscopic changes in the months prior to its 2002 June-August conjunction with the Sun. Optical and infrared (IR) photometry obtained at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) between 2002 January and June (JD 2452280-440) is presented here in an analysis of the star's post-outburst behaviour. The light curve indicated 3 eruptions took place in 2002 January, February and March. SAAO echelle spectra obtained in the week prior to the March maximum indicated the ejection of a new shell of material. JHKL photometry obtained during 2002 April showed the development of an IR excess due to the formation of a dust shell. The shell appears to be largely responsible for the rapid fade in the optical flux during 2002 April-May (Delta V > 6 mag within 3 weeks). Blueing of the optical colours during the decline is likely due either to the revealing of an emission line region surrounding V838 Mon, or the unveiling of the progenitor or a spatially-close early-type star.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures - accepted for MNRA

    V838 Mon: light echo evolution and distance estimate

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    Following its 2002 February eruption, V838 Mon developed a light echo that continues to expand and evolve as light from the outburst scatters off progressively more distant circumstellar and/or interstellar material. Multi-filter images of the light echo, obtained with the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) 1.0-m telescope between 2002 May and 2004 December, are analysed and made available electronically. The expansion of the light echo is measured from the images and the data compared with models for scattering by a thin sheet and a thin shell of dust. From these model results we infer that the dust is likely in the form of a thin sheet distant from the star, suggesting that the material is of interstellar origin, rather than being from earlier stages in the star's evolution. Although the fit is uncertain, we derive a stellar distance of ~ 9 kpc and a star-dust distance of ~ 5 pc, in good agreement with recent results reported from other methods. We also present JHKL and Cousins UBVRI photometry obtained at the SAAO during the star's second, third and fourth observing seasons post-outburst. These data show complex infrared colour behaviour while V838 Mon is slowly brightening in the optical.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures - accepted for publication in MNRA

    Towards precision radial velocity science with SALT’s High-Resolution Spectrograph

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    We describe efforts to equip the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) for precision radial velocity (PRV) work. Our current focus is on commissioning the high-stability (HS) mode of the High-Resolution Spectrograph (HRS), the mode intended to support exoplanet science. After replacing the original commercial iodine cell with a custom-built, precisely characterised one and following established best practice in terms of observing strategy and data reduction, this system now delivers 3-4 m/s radial velocity stability on 5th and 6th magnitude stars. Unfortunately, the throughput is compromised by the HRS dichroic split being at 555 nm (i.e. roughly midway through the 100 nm span of the iodine absorption spectrum). Furthermore, SALT’s fixed elevation axis limits the exposure time available for a given target and hence the depth and/or precision achievable with the iodine cell. The HS mode’s simultaneous ThAr option uses the full 370–890 nm passband of the HRS and does not suffer gas cell absorption losses, so it may be more suitable for exoplanet work. The first step was to quantify the internal stability of the spectrograph, which requires simultaneously injecting arc light into the object and calibration fibres. The HS mode’s optical feed was modified accordingly, stability test runs were conducted and the necessary analysis tools were developed. The initial stability test yielded encouraging results and though more testing is still to be done, SAL a laser frequency comb to support the development of HRS PRV capability

    ECHA J0843.3-7905: Discovery of an 'old' classical T Tauri star in the eta Chamaeleontis cluster

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    A limited-area survey of the eta Chamaeleontis cluster has identified 2 new late-type members. The more significant of these is ECHA J0843.3-7905 (= IRAS F08450-7854), a slowly-rotating (P = 12 d) M2 classical T Tauri (CTT) star with a spectrum dominated by Balmer emission. At a distance of 97 pc and cluster age of approx 9 Myr, the star is a nearby rare example of an 'old' CTT star and promises to be a rewarding laboratory for the study of disk structure and evolution in pre-main sequence (PMS) stars. The other new member is the M4 weak-lined T Tauri (WTT) star ECHA J0841.5-7853, which is the lowest mass (M = 0.2 M_sun) primary known in the cluster.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for MNRAS. High quality copy available at http://www.ph.adfa.edu.au/w-lawson/press/CTT2001.pd

    Population and dynamical state of the eta Chamaeleontis sparse young open cluster

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    We report new results in our continuing study of the unique compact (1 pc extent), nearby (d = 97 pc), young (t = 9 Myr) stellar cluster dominated by the B9 star eta Chamaeleontis. An optical photometric survey spanning 1.3 x 1.3 pc adds two M5-M5.5 weak-lined T Tauri (WTT) stars to the cluster inventory which is likely to be significantly complete for primaries with masses > 0.15 M_sun. The cluster now consists of 17 primaries and approximately 9 secondaries lying within 100 AU of their primaries. The apparent distribution of 9:7:1 single:binary:triple systems shows 2-4 x higher multiplicity than in the field main sequence stars, and is comparable to that seen in other pre-main sequence (PMS) populations. The initial mass function (IMF) is consistent with that of rich young clusters and field stars. By extending the cluster IMF to lower masses, we predict 10-14 additional low mass stars with 0.08 < M < 0.15 M-sun and 10-15 brown dwarfs with 0.025 < M < 0.08 M_sun remain to be discovered. The eta Cha cluster extends the established stellar density and richness relationship for young open clusters. The radial distribution of stars is consistent with an isothermal sphere, but mass segregation is present with > 50 percent of the stellar mass residing in the inner 6 arcmin (0.17 pc). Considering that the eta Cha cluster is sparse, diffuse and young, the cluster may be an ideal laboratory for distinguishing between mass segregation that is primordial in nature, or arising from dynamical interaction processes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted for MNRA

    Infrared study of the eta Chamaeleontis cluster and the longevity of circumstellar discs

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    We have analyzed JHKL observations of the stellar population of the ~9 Myr-old eta Chamaeleontis cluster. Using infrared (IR) colour-colour and colour-excess diagrams, we find the fraction of stellar systems with near-IR excess emission is 0.60 pm 0.13 (2_sigma). This results implies considerably longer disc lifetimes than found in some recent studies of other young stellar clusters. For the classical T Tauri (CTT) and weak-lined T Tauri (WTT) star population, we also find a strong correlation between the IR excess and H_alpha emission. The IR excesses of these stars indicate a wide range of star-disc activity; from a CTT star showing high levels of accretion, to CTT - WTT transition objects with evidence for some on-going accretion, and WTT stars with weak or absent IR excesses. Of the 15 known cluster members, 4 stars with IR excesses delta(K-L) > 0.4 mag are likely experiencing on-going accretion owing to strong or variable optical emission. The resulting accretion fraction (0.27 pm 0.13; 2_sigma) shows that the accretion phase, in addition to the discs themselves, can endure for at least ~10 Myr.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for MNRA