45 research outputs found

    Status of Uncooled Infrared Detector Technology at ULIS, France

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    The high level of accumulated expertise by ULIS and CEA/LETI on uncooled microbolometers made from amorphous silicon enables ULIS to develop uncooled IRFPA with 17 µm pixel-pitch to enable the development of small power, small weight and power (SWaP) and high performance IR systems. Key characteristics of amorphous silicon based uncooled IR detector is described to highlight the advantage of this technology for system operation. A full range of products from 160 x 120 to 1024 x 768 has been developed and we will focus the paper on the ¼ VGA with 17 µm pixel pitch. Readout integrated circuit (ROIC) architecture is described highlighting innovations that are widely on-chip implemented to enable an easier operation by the user. The detector configuration (integration time, windowing, gain, scanning direction), is driven by a standard I²C link. Like most of the visible arrays, the detector adopts the HSYNC/VSYNC free-run mode of operation driven with only one master clock (MC) supplied to the ROIC which feeds back pixel, line and frame synchronisation. On-chip PROM memory for customer operational condition storage is available for detector characteristics. Low power consumption has been taken into account and less than 60 mW is possible in analogue mode at 60 Hz. A wide electrical dynamic range (2.4V) is maintained despite the use of advanced CMOS node. The specific appeal of this unit lies in the high uniformity and easy operation it provides. The reduction of the pixel-pitch turns this TEC-less ¼ VGA array into a product well adapted for high resolution and compact systems. Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of 35 mK and thermal time constant of 10 ms have been measured leading to 350 mK.ms figure of merit. We insist on NETD trade-off with wide thermal dynamic range, as well as the high characteristics uniformity and pixel operability, achieved thanks to the mastering of the amorphous silicon technology coupled with the ROIC design. This technology node associated with advanced packaging technique, paves the way to compact low power system.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(6), pp.545-549, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.63.5753

    Contingent valuation versus choice experiments: a meta-analysis application exploring the determinants of the time for publication acceptance

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    In this paper, we test whether the time it takes for a submitted paper to be accepted by the editor(s) is sensitive to the stated preference method used. Two methods are considered: the Contingent Valuation (CV) and the Choice Experiments (CE). A meta-analysis based on a sample of 129 papers published in Resource and Energy Economics, Ecological Economics and Environmental and Resource Economics between 2005 and 2011 is conducted. The dependent variable in the ordinary least squares regression model is the number of days between the submission of the paper and the acceptance of the paper, referred to as Time for Publication Acceptance, or TPA. The main results are that TPA is lower for CE papers than CV papers, especially for those that aim at improving the method which can be interpreted as a higher academic demand in the CE field. However, a convergence is observed over the years

    Stated preferences

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    Numerous articles dealing with stated preferences are published every year in journals related to agriculture, environment or health. Hence, it is not easy to find all the relevant articles when performing a benefit transfer, a meta-analysis or a review of literature. Also, it is not easy to identify trends or common practices in these fields regarding the elicitation method. We have constructed and made available a unique database comprising 1,657 choice experiment and/or contingent valuation articles published in journals related to agriculture, environment or health between 2004 and 2016. We show that the number of choice experiment studies keeps increasing and the single-bounded dichotomous choice format is the most employed question format in contingent valuation studies. We also consider the new nomenclature proposed by Carson and Louviere (2011) and we show that the “discrete choice experiment” is more popular than the “matching method”, especially in journals related to agriculture

    Infrared Technology and applications XXXIV

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    ABSTRACT The high level of accumulated expertise by ULIS and CEA/LETI on uncooled microbolometers made from amorphous silicon layer enables ULIS to develop 384 x 288 (¼ VGA) IRFPA formats with 25 µm pixel-pitch designed for high end applications. This detector ROIC design relies on the same architecture as the full TV format ROIC one (detector configuration by serial link, user defined amplifier gain, windowing capability …). The detector package is identical as the 384 x 288 / 35 µm and 640 x 480 / 25µm ones, enabling an easier system update or less non recurrent cost for different systems developments. This paper will give results of the IRFPA characterization. NETD in the range of 30mK (f/1, 300 K, 60 Hz) and operability higher than 99.99 % are routinely achieved

    To tax or to ban? A discrete choice experiment to elicit public preferences for phasing out glyphosate use in agriculture

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    In 2023, the European Union will vote on the reauthorization of glyphosate use, renewed in 2017 despite concern on impacts on the environment and public health. A ban is supported by several Member States but rejected by most farmers. What are citizens’ preferences to phase out glyphosate? To assess whether taxation could be an alternative to a ban, we conducted a discrete choice experiment in five European countries. Our results reveal that the general public is strongly willing to pay for a reduction in glyphosate use. However, while 75.5% of respondents stated to support a ban in the pre-experimental survey, experimental results reveal that in 73.35% of cases, earmarked taxation schemes are preferred when they lead to a strong reduction in glyphosate use for an increase in food price lower than that induced by a ban. When glyphosate reduction is balanced against its costs, a tax may be preferred

    HDL-cholesterol and breast cancer : a joint study in northern Italy and southern France

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    The goal of the present study is to evaluate HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) as a marker of breast cancer (BC) risk. It is based on several epidemiological and biological studies and is justified by the rising incidence of breast cancer throughout the world. A hospital-based study on host-related risk factors and breast cancer, conducted with similar methods in northern Italy and southern France, provided the biological data, the information on the established BC risk factors and on nutrition for 307 cases and 329 controls. This data set allowed for a thorough analysis of the relationship of HDL-C with established risk factors for BC and also of its association with BC at the time of diagnosis. Most of our findings on HDL-C determinants in the control sample are comparable to previous studies. The BC risk factors associated with reproductive life correlate with HDL-C levels: the protective factors are associated with a lower level of HDL-C and inversely. The same is true for nutritional factors such as alcohol. For these determinants, the trend is similar for cases and controls, and HDL-C level appears to be related to oestrogen metabolism. Thus it may be considered as a marker of BC risk. Our results indicate that high HDL-C levels should be especially checked in women aged > or = 60 years, or in premenopausal women presenting a low BMI, or in postmenopausal women with an early menopause

    Liposoluble vitamins and lipid parameters in breast cancer. A joint study in northern Italy and southern France

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    The relationship between breast cancer, liposoluble vitamins, cholesterol and triglycerides was investigated by means of a hospital-based case-control study conducted at Milan (Italy) and Montpellier (France). These parameters were measured in blood samples taken from 319 cases and 344 controls. The interview included an evaluation of dietary intake of liposoluble vitamins. No difference emerged in liposoluble vitamin consumption, whereas a statistically significantly higher serum level of cholesterol and plasma level of vitamin E existed in cases compared to controls. The difference in plasma vitamin E was confirmed after adjustment for total cholesterol and triglycerides. In contrast, vitamin A variations appear to follow triglyceride trends. A multivariate analysis of the vitamin E plasma level was performed after classification of cases and controls according to quintile distribution of controls. All known risk factors plus age, serum total cholesterol and triglycerides were used as covariates. The odds ratio value for the highest quintile of plasma vitamin E is: 4.2 (1.9-9.0)

    Conception of a cheap infrared camera using planar optics

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    International audienceHuge efforts are made in the research and industrial areas to design miniaturized and low cost infrared optical systems. Indeed these new breakthroughs will contribute to spread these systems in new outlets. Our purpose is to design a cheap micro-imager using only one lens with minimum price of manufacturing process. The use of planar optics could be an interesting challenge to reduce the price of fabrication of the camera. They need few matters and moreover they can be made with cheap unconventional materials. In this paper, we present a new concept of a compact uncooled infrared camera composed of a single planar Fresnel lens. Up to now, Fresnel lenses have not been yet used in the broadband imagery domain because of their chromatic properties. However we will show how we can limit the unwanted effects of the Fresnel lens. A prototype has been made for low-cost surveillance applications and experimental images are presented