126 research outputs found

    Fluid-loaded metasurfaces

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    We consider wave propagation along fluid-loaded structures which take the form of an elastic plate augmented by an array of resonators forming a metasurface, that is, a surface structured with sub-wavelength resonators. Such surfaces have had considerable recent success for the control of wave propagation in electromagnetism and acoustics, by combining the vision of sub-wavelength wave manipulation, with the design, fabrication and size advantages associated with surface excitation. We explore one aspect of recent interest in this field: graded metasurfaces, but within the context of fluid-loaded structures. Graded metasurfaces allow for selective spatial frequency separation and are often referred to as exhibiting rainbow trapping. Experiments, and theory, have been developed for acoustic, electromagnetic, and even elastic, rainbow devices but this has not been approached for fluid-loaded structures that support surface waves coupled with the acoustic field in a bulk fluid. This surface wave, coupled with the fluid, can be used to create an additional effect by designing a metasurface to mode convert from surface to bulk waves. We demonstrate that sub-wavelength control is possible and that one can create both rainbow trapping and mode conversion phenomena for a fluid-loaded elastic plate model.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    On a class of three-phase checkerboards with unusual effective properties

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    We examine the band spectrum, and associated Floquet-Bloch eigensolutions, arising in a class of three-phase periodic checkerboards. On a periodic cell [−1,1[2[-1,1[^2, the refractive index is defined by n2=1+g1(x1)+g2(x2)n^2= 1+ g_1(x_1)+g_2(x_2) with gi(xi)=r2for0≤xi−1g_i(x_i)= r^2\quad {\rm for} \quad 0\leq x_i-1 the lowest frequency branch goes through origin with linear behaviour, which leads to effective properties encountered in most periodic structures. However, the case whereby r2=−1r^2=-1 is very unusual, as the frequency λ\lambda behaves like k\sqrt{k} near the origin, where kk is the wavenumber. Finally, when r2<−1r^2<-1, the lowest branch does not pass through the origin and a zero-frequency band gap opens up. In the last two cases, effective medium theory breaks down even in the quasi-static limit, while the high-frequency homogenization [Craster et al., Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 466, 2341-2362, 2010] neatly captures the detailed features of band diagrams

    New light on the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’: conflicting narratives of witchcraft in Restoration England

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    This paper presents a definitive text of hitherto little-known early documents concerning ‘The Drummer of Tedworth’, a poltergeist case that occurred in 1662-3 and became famous not least due to its promotion by Joseph Glanvill in his demonological work, Saducismus Triumphatus. On the basis of these and other sources, it is shown how responses to the events at Tedworth evolved from anxious piety on the part of their victim, John Mompesson, to confident apologetic by Glanvill, before they were further affected by the emergence of articulate scepticism about the case

    Fresnel drag in space-time-modulated metamaterials

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    A moving medium drags light along with it as measured by Fizeau and explained by Einstein's theory of special relativity. Here we show that the same effect can be obtained in a situation where there is no physical motion of the medium. Modulations of both the permittivity and permeability, phased in space and time in the form of travelling waves, are the basis of our model. Space-time metamaterials are represented by effective bianisotropic parameters, which can in turn be mapped to a moving homogeneous medium. Hence these metamaterials mimic a relativistic effect without the need for any actual material motion. We discuss how both the permittivity and permeability need to be modulated in order to achieve these effects, and we present an equivalent transmission line model

    Tunable topological edge modes in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger arrays

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    A potential weakness of topological waveguides is that they act on a fixed narrow band of frequencies. However, by 3D printing samples from a photo-responsive polymer, we can obtain a device whose operating frequency can be fine-tuned dynamically using laser excitation. This greatly enhances existing static tunability strategies, typically based on modifying the geometry. We use a version of the classical Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model to demonstrate our approach

    New solutions of Heun general equation

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    We show that in four particular cases the derivative of the solution of Heun general equation can be expressed in terms of a solution to another Heun equation. Starting from this property, we use the Gauss hypergeometric functions to construct series solutions to Heun equation for the mentioned cases. Each of the hypergeometric functions involved has correct singular behavior at only one of the singular points of the equation; the sum, however, has correct behavior
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