587 research outputs found

    Uniform shrinking and expansion under isotropic Brownian flows

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    We study some finite time transport properties of isotropic Brownian flows. Under a certain nondegeneracy condition on the potential spectral measure, we prove that uniform shrinking or expansion of balls under the flow over some bounded time interval can happen with positive probability. We also provide a control theorem for isotropic Brownian flows with drift. Finally, we apply the above results to show that under the nondegeneracy condition the length of a rectifiable curve evolving in an isotropic Brownian flow with strictly negative top Lyapunov exponent converges to zero as tt\to \infty with positive probability

    Eukaryotic initiation factor-4E in superficial and muscle invasive bladder cancer and its correlation with vascular endothelial growth factor expression and tumour progression

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an important factor mediating tumour angiogenesis. VEGF mRNA is differentially expressed in bladder cancer with high expression in superficial tumours (stage pTaand pT1) contrasting with low expression in muscle invasive tumours (stage ≥ pT2). To investigate mechanisms regulating VEGF expression in bladder cancer, VEGF mRNA and protein were measured in normal bladder (n = 12) and primary bladder cancers (n = 57). VEGF protein levels correlated with mRNA expression in normal bladder (r = 0.68, P = 0.02) and bladder cancer (r = 0.46, P = 0.0007). Whilst VEGF mRNA expression was threefold higher in superficial compared to muscle invasive bladder cancers (P = 0.0001) there was no difference in VEGF protein (P = 0.81). Accordingly, the median protein:mRNA ratios increased more than 15-fold with increasing tumour stage (P< 0.0001) suggesting translational regulation. Expression of the eukaryotic initiation factor-4E (eIF-4E), a factor implicated in the translational regulation of VEGF, was greater in tumours than normal bladder (P< 0.0001) and correlated with VEGF protein:mRNA ratios (n = 43, r = 0.54, P = 0.0004) pointing to its role in the regulation of VEGF. In superficial tumours (n = 37) high expression of eIF-4E was associated with a poor prognosis and reduced stage progression-free survival (P = 0.04, Cox proportional hazards model). The study demonstrates that eIF-4E may be involved in translational regulation of VEGF in bladder cancer and might have a role as a prognostic factor in bladder cancer. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    An ergodic theorem of a parabolic Anderson model driven by Lévy noise

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    In this paper, we study an ergodic theorem of a parabolic Andersen model driven by Lévy noise. Under the assumption that A = (a(i, j))i,j∈S is symmetric with respect to a σ-finite measure gp, we obtain the long-time convergence to an invariant probability measure νh starting from a bounded nonnegative A-harmonic function h based on self-duality property. Furthermore, under some mild conditions, we obtain the one to one correspondence between the bounded nonnegative A-harmonic functions and the extremal invariant probability measures with finite second moment of the nonnegative solution of the parabolic Anderson model driven by Lévy noise, which is an extension of the result of Y. Liu and F. X. Yang

    Improved Biomedical and Psychological Outcomes 1 Year After Structured Education in Flexible Insulin Therapy for People With Type 1 Diabetes: The U.K. DAFNE experience

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    OBJECTIVEdDAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating), a structured education program in flexible insulin therapy, has been widely adopted in the U.K. after validation in a randomized trial. To determine benefits in routine practice, we collected biomedical and psychological data from all participants attending during a 12-month period. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSdHbA1c, weight, self-reported hypoglycemia awareness, severe hypoglycemia frequency, PAID (Problem Areas In Diabetes), HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and EuroQol Group 5-Dimension Self-Report Questionnaire scores were recorded prior to DAFNE and after 1 year. RESULTSdComplete baseline and follow-up HbA1c data were available for 639 (54.9%) of 1,163 attendees. HbA1c fell from 8.51 6 1.41 (mean 6 SD) to 8.24 6 1.29% (difference 0.27 [95% CI 0.16–0.38]; P , 0.001), with a greater mean fall of 0.44% from baseline HbA1c .8.5%. Severe hypoglycemia rate fell from 1.7 6 8.5 to 0.6 6 3.7 episodes per person per year (1.1 [0.7– 1.4]) and hypoglycemia recognition improved in 43% of those reporting unawareness. Baseline psychological distress was evident, with a PAID score of 25.2 and HADS scores of 5.3 (anxiety) and 4.8 (depression), falling to 16.7 (8.5 [6.6–10.4]), 4.6 (0.7 [0.4–1.0]), and 4.2 (0.6 [0.3–0.8]), respectively (all P , 0.001 at 1 year). Clinically relevant anxiety and depression (HADS $8) fell from 24.4 to 18.0% and 20.9 to 15.5%, respectively. CONCLUSIONSdA structured education program delivered in routine clinical practice not only improves HbA1c while reducing severe hypoglycemia rate and restoring hypoglycemia awareness but also reduces psychological distress and improves perceived well-being

    Persistence of Hemoglobin Allergenicity and Antigenicity during Metamorphosis of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera)

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    Abstract. Chironomid hemoglobins are potent allergens. The allergenic and antigenic activities of these hemoglobins are studied with the help of RAST, RAST inhibition and double immunodiffusion. Human as well as rabbit antisera were used. It was shown that hemoglobins are the main antigenic/allergenic compo nents in extracts of Camptochironomus tentans larvae. Furthermore, immunological cross-reactivity among larvae, pupae and adult midges of this species are shown to be due to [he existence of hemoglobin antigenic de terminants in all developmental stages of this insect


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    As demandas atuais na prestação de serviços de educação exigem que as Instituições de Ensino Superior apresentem critérios de gestão bem definidos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo desenvolver um modelo de gestão de egressos aplicável às Faculdades Integradas Promove de Brasília. Foi realizado um levantamento de dados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica gerando um Modelo de Gestão com instrumentos de execução para cada uma de suas etapas. Em seguida, um Grupo de Trabalho (GT) formado por alunos egressos avaliou o modelo elaborado com base em sua realidade acadêmica. Os resultados demonstraram que a implantação de um modelo de gestão de egressos é de suma importância para a realidade da IES, e que as proposições da teoria e modelos de gestão já aplicados em outras instituições pesquisadas refletem a realidade do ambiente deste estudo. Por fim, observou-se que a implantação de um modelo de gestão de egressos proporciona a IES uma interação contínua com seu alunado. Palavras-chaves: Gestão de Pessoas. Egressos. Instituição de Ensino Superior

    Measurement of neutron capture on 48^{48}Ca at thermal and thermonuclear energies

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    At the Karlsruhe pulsed 3.75\,MV Van de Graaff accelerator the thermonuclear 48^{48}Ca(n,γ\gamma)49^{49}Ca(8.72\,min) cross section was measured by the fast cyclic activation technique via the 3084.5\,keV γ\gamma-ray line of the 49^{49}Ca-decay. Samples of CaCO3_3 enriched in 48^{48}Ca by 77.87\,\% were irradiated between two gold foils which served as capture standards. The capture cross-section was measured at the neutron energies 25, 151, 176, and 218\,keV, respectively. Additionally, the thermal capture cross-section was measured at the reactor BR1 in Mol, Belgium, via the prompt and decay γ\gamma-ray lines using the same target material. The 48^{48}Ca(n,γ\gamma)49^{49}Ca cross-section in the thermonuclear and thermal energy range has been calculated using the direct-capture model combined with folding potentials. The potential strengths are adjusted to the scattering length and the binding energies of the final states in 49^{49}Ca. The small coherent elastic cross section of 48^{48}Ca+n is explained through the nuclear Ramsauer effect. Spectroscopic factors of 49^{49}Ca have been extracted from the thermal capture cross-section with better accuracy than from a recent (d,p) experiment. Within the uncertainties both results are in agreement. The non-resonant thermal and thermonuclear experimental data for this reaction can be reproduced using the direct-capture model. A possible interference with a resonant contribution is discussed. The neutron spectroscopic factors of 49^{49}Ca determined from shell-model calculations are compared with the values extracted from the experimental cross sections for 48^{48}Ca(d,p)49^{49}Ca and 48^{48}Ca(n,γ\gamma)49^{49}Ca.Comment: 15 pages (uses Revtex), 7 postscript figures (uses psfig), accepted for publication in PRC, uuencoded tex-files and postscript-files also available at ftp://is1.kph.tuwien.ac.at/pub/ohu/Ca.u

    Phylotastic! Making Tree-of-Life Knowledge Accessible, Reusable and Convenient

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    Scientists rarely reuse expert knowledge of phylogeny, in spite of years of effort to assemble a great "Tree of Life" (ToL). A notable exception involves the use of Phylomatic, which provides tools to generate custom phylogenies from a large, pre-computed, expert phylogeny of plant taxa. This suggests great potential for a more generalized system that, starting with a query consisting of a list of any known species, would rectify non-standard names, identify expert phylogenies containing the implicated taxa, prune away unneeded parts, and supply branch lengths and annotations, resulting in a custom phylogeny suited to the user's needs. Such a system could become a sustainable community resource if implemented as a distributed system of loosely coupled parts that interact through clearly defined interfaces. Results: With the aim of building such a "phylotastic" system, the NESCent Hackathons, Interoperability, Phylogenies (HIP) working group recruited 2 dozen scientist-programmers to a weeklong programming hackathon in June 2012. During the hackathon (and a three-month follow-up period), 5 teams produced designs, implementations, documentation, presentations, and tests including: (1) a generalized scheme for integrating components; (2) proof-of-concept pruners and controllers; (3) a meta-API for taxonomic name resolution services; (4) a system for storing, finding, and retrieving phylogenies using semantic web technologies for data exchange, storage, and querying; (5) an innovative new service, DateLife.org, which synthesizes pre-computed, time-calibrated phylogenies to assign ages to nodes; and (6) demonstration projects. These outcomes are accessible via a public code repository (GitHub.com), a website (www.phylotastic.org), and a server image. Conclusions: Approximately 9 person-months of effort (centered on a software development hackathon) resulted in the design and implementation of proof-of-concept software for 4 core phylotastic components, 3 controllers, and 3 end-user demonstration tools. While these products have substantial limitations, they suggest considerable potential for a distributed system that makes phylogenetic knowledge readily accessible in computable form. Widespread use of phylotastic systems will create an electronic marketplace for sharing phylogenetic knowledge that will spur innovation in other areas of the ToL enterprise, such as annotation of sources and methods and third-party methods of quality assessment.NESCent (the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center)NSF EF-0905606iPlant Collaborative (NSF) DBI-0735191Biodiversity Synthesis Center (BioSync) of the Encyclopedia of LifeComputer Science