29 research outputs found

    Soluble pre-fibrillar tau and Ī²-amyloid species emerge in early human Alzheimerā€™s disease and track disease progression and cognitive decline

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    Acknowledgments We would like to gratefully acknowledge all donors and their families for the tissue provided for this study. Human tissue samples were supplied by the Brains for Dementia Research programme, jointly funded by Alzheimerā€™s Research UK, the Alzheimerā€™s Society and the Medical Research Council, and sourced from the MRC London Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank, the Manchester Brain Bank, the South West Dementia Brain Bank (SWDBB), the Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource and the Oxford Brain Bank. The Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource and Oxford Brain Bank are also supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Units. The South West Dementia Brain Bank (SWDBB) receives additional support from BRACE (Bristol Research into Alzheimerā€™s and Care of the Elderly). Alz-50, CP13, MC-1 and PHF-1 antibodies were gifted from Dr. Peter Davies and brain lystates from BACE1āˆ’/āˆ’mice were obtained from Prof Mike Ashford. The work presented here was funded by Alzheimerā€™s Research UK (Grant refs: ARUKPPG2014A-21 and ARUK-NSG2015-1 to BP and DK and NIH/NIA grants NIH/NINDS R01 NS082730 and R01 AG044372 to NK)Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Glutamatergic transmission and receptor expression in the synucleinopathy h-Ī±-synL62 mouse model : Effects of hydromethylthionine

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    Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge Dr. Dilyara Lauer and Heide Lueck for the excellent technical support with the administration of drugs, collection of brains and sectioning of brain tissue for immunohistochemistry. Funding This work was funded by TauRx Therapeutics Ltd., Singapore. Z. C. was funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Cholinergic and inflammatory phenotypes in transgenic tau mouse models of Alzheimerā€™s Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration

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    All authors have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication. This work was funded by NCN grant 2014/15/B/NZ4/05041 and WisTa Laboratories Ltd. CH and CW serve as officers in both WisTa Laboratories Ltd. and TauRx Therapeutics Ltd. The sponsor was involved in the design of the study; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; and in the writing of the report. The corresponding authors had full access to all the data and had final responsibility for submission of the report for publication.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Mechanisms of anticholinesterase interference with tau aggregation inhibitor activity in a tau-transgenic mouse model

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    AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIALS The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author [CMW], upon reasonable request. FUNDING This study was sponsored entirely by WisTa Laboratories Ltd. under the following grants: PAR1395, PAR1561, PAR1562, PAR1577 and PAR1763. The sponsor was involved in the design of the study; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; and in the writing of the report. The corresponding author had full access to all the data and had final responsibility for submission of the report for publication.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Co-Producing Mobilities: negotiating geographical knowledge in a conference session on the move

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    In an experimental session entitled Co-Producing Mobilities held at the 2014 Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, 20 mobility scholars travelled around London on foot, by bus and by Tube to investigate how mobilities could be considered co-produced. In this paper, 18 participants reflect on this collaborative experiment and on how it influenced their thinking about mobilities, geographical knowledge and pedagogy. Contributions cast light on the function of conferences and the multiple forms of pedagogy they enable, and provide guiding resources for those now wanting to continue such experiments