106 research outputs found

    Generalized coordinate Bethe ansatz for non diagonal boundaries

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    We compute the spectrum and the eigenstates of the open XXX model with non-diagonal (triangular) boundary matrices. Since the boundary matrices are not diagonal, the usual coordinate Bethe ansatz does not work anymore, and we use a generalization of it to solve the problem.Comment: 11 pages; References added and misprints correcte

    Classification of three-state Hamiltonians solvable by Coordinate Bethe Ansatz

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    We classify all Hamiltonians with rank 1 symmetry, acting on a periodic three-state spin chain, and solvable through (generalisation of) the coordinate Bethe ansatz (CBA). We obtain in this way four multi-parametric extensions of the known 19-vertex Hamiltonians (such as Zamolodchikov-Fateev, Izergin-Korepin, Bariev Hamiltonians). Apart from the 19-vertex Hamiltonians, there exists 17-vertex and 14-vertex Hamiltonians that cannot be viewed as subcases of the 19-vertex ones. In the case of 17-vertex Hamiltonian, we get a generalization of the genus 5 special branch found by Martins, plus three new ones. We get also two 14-vertex Hamiltonians. We solve all these Hamiltonians using CBA, and provide their spectrum, eigenfunctions and Bethe equations. A special attention is made to provide the specifications of our multi-parametric Hamiltonians that give back known Hamiltonians.Comment: 30 pages; web page: http://www.coulomb.univ-montp2.fr/3Ha

    Algebraic Bethe ansatz for open XXX model with triangular boundary matrices

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    We consider open XXX spins chain with two general boundary matrices submitted to one constraint, which is equivalent to the possibility to put the two matrices in a triangular form. We construct Bethe vectors from a generalized algebraic Bethe ansatz. As usual, the method also provides Bethe equations and transfer matrix eigenvalues.Comment: 10 pge

    Integrable approach to simple exclusion processes with boundaries. Review and progress

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    We study the matrix ansatz in the quantum group framework, applying integrable systems techniques to statistical physics models. We start by reviewing the two approaches, and then show how one can use the former to get new insight on the latter. We illustrate our method by solving a model of reaction-diffusion. An eigenvector for the transfer matrix for the XXZ spin chain with non-diagonal boundary is also obtained using a matrix ansatz.Comment: 44 page

    A Calabi-Yau algebra with E6E_6 symmetry and the Clebsch-Gordan series of sl(3)sl(3)

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    Building on classical invariant theory, it is observed that the polarised traces generate the centraliser ZL(sl(N))Z_L(sl(N)) of the diagonal embedding of U(sl(N))U(sl(N)) in U(sl(N))⊗LU(sl(N))^{\otimes L}. The paper then focuses on sl(3)sl(3) and the case L=2L=2. A Calabi--Yau algebra A\mathcal{A} with three generators is introduced and explicitly shown to possess a PBW basis and a certain central element. It is seen that Z2(sl(3))Z_2(sl(3)) is isomorphic to a quotient of the algebra A\mathcal{A} by a single explicit relation fixing the value of the central element. Upon concentrating on three highest weight representations occurring in the Clebsch--Gordan series of U(sl(3))U(sl(3)), a specialisation of A\mathcal{A} arises, involving the pairs of numbers characterising the three highest weights. In this realisation in U(sl(3))⊗U(sl(3))U(sl(3))\otimes U(sl(3)), the coefficients in the defining relations and the value of the central element have degrees that correspond to the fundamental degrees of the Weyl group of type E6E_6. With the correct association between the six parameters of the representations and some roots of E6E_6, the symmetry under the full Weyl group of type E6E_6 is made manifest. The coefficients of the relations and the value of the central element in the realisation in U(sl(3))⊗U(sl(3))U(sl(3))\otimes U(sl(3)) are expressed in terms of the fundamental invariant polynomials associated to E6E_6. It is also shown that the relations of the algebra A\mathcal{A} can be realised with Heun type operators in the Racah or Hahn algebra.Comment: 24 page

    Set-theoretical reflection equation: Classification of reflection maps

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    The set-theoretical reflection equation and its solutions, the reflection maps, recently introduced by two of the authors, is presented in general and then applied in the context of quadrirational Yang-Baxter maps. We provide a method for constructing reflection maps and we obtain a classification of solutions associated to all the families of quadrirational Yang-Baxter maps that have been classified recently

    3-state Hamiltonians associated to solvable 33-vertex models

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    Using the nested coordinate Bethe ansatz, we study 33-vertex models, where only one global charge with degenerate eigenvalues exists and each site possesses three internal degrees of freedom. In the context of Markovian processes, they correspond to diffusing particles with two possible internal states which may be exchanged during the diffusion (transmutation). The first step of the nested coordinate Bethe ansatz is performed providing the eigenvalues in terms of rapidities. We give the constraints ensuring the consistency of the computations. These rapidities also satisfy Bethe equations involving 4×44\times 4 R-matrices, solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation which implies new constraints on the models. We solve them allowing us to list all the solvable 33-vertex models.Comment: 14 pages; title changed according to referee request; an appendix added to describe explicitely the Hamiltonia

    Inhomogeneous discrete-time exclusion processes

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    We study discrete time Markov processes with periodic or open boundary conditions and with inhomogeneous rates in the bulk. The Markov matrices are given by the inhomogeneous transfer matrices introduced previously to prove the integrability of quantum spin chains. We show that these processes have a simple graphical interpretation and correspond to a sequential update. We compute their stationary state using a matrix ansatz and express their normalization factors as Schur polynomials. A connection between Bethe roots and Lee-Yang zeros is also pointed out.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures; a short paragraph at the end to justify the form of the sequential update has been added; the justification of the transfer matrix degree is detaile
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