143 research outputs found

    Universal Low Temperature Asymptotics of the Correlation Functions of the Heisenberg Chain

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    We calculate the low temperature asymptotics of a function γ\gamma that generates the temperature dependence of all static correlation functions of the isotropic Heisenberg chain.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop "Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems" (Annecy, France

    Coordinate Bethe Ansatz for Spin s XXX Model

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    We compute the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the periodic integrable spin s XXX model using the coordinate Bethe ansatz. To do so, we compute explicitly the Hamiltonian of the model. These results generalize what has been obtained for spin 1/2 and spin 1 chains

    Eigenvectors of open XXZ and ASEP models for a class of non-diagonal boundary conditions

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    We present a generalization of the coordinate Bethe ansatz that allows us to solve integrable open XXZ and ASEP models with non-diagonal boundary matrices, provided their parameters obey some relations. These relations extend the ones already known in the literature in the context of algebraic or functional Bethe ansatz. The eigenvectors are represented as sums over cosets of the BCnBC_n Weyl group.Comment: typos corrected, references updated, accepted in J. Stat. Mec

    Exact results for the one-dimensional many-body problem with contact interaction: Including a tunable impurity

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    The one-dimensional problem of NN particles with contact interaction in the presence of a tunable transmitting and reflecting impurity is investigated along the lines of the coordinate Bethe ansatz. As a result, the system is shown to be exactly solvable by determining the eigenfunctions and the energy spectrum. The latter is given by the solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations which we establish for different boundary conditions in the presence of the impurity. These impurity Bethe equations contain as special cases well-known Bethe equations for systems on the half-line. We briefly study them on their own through the toy-examples of one and two particles. It turns out that the impurity can be tuned to lift degeneracies in the energies and can create bound states when it is sufficiently attractive. The example of an impurity sitting at the center of a box and breaking parity invariance shows that such an impurity can be used to confine asymmetrically a stationary state. This could have interesting applications in condensed matter physics.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication: some typos corrected, references and comments adde

    Triaxial quadrupole deformation dynamics in sd-shell nuclei around 26Mg

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    Large-amplitude dynamics of axial and triaxial quadrupole deformation in 24,26Mg, 24Ne, and 28Si is investigated on the basis of the quadrupole collective Hamiltonian constructed with use of the constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov plus the local quasiparticle random phase approximation method. The calculation reproduces well properties of the ground rotational bands, and beta and gamma vibrations in 24Mg and 28Si. The gamma-softness in the collective states of 26Mg and 24Ne are discussed. Contributions of the neutrons and protons to the transition properties are also analyzed in connection with the large-amplitude quadrupole dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Precursors and Laggards: An Analysis of Semantic Temporal Relationships on a Blog Network

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    We explore the hypothesis that it is possible to obtain information about the dynamics of a blog network by analysing the temporal relationships between blogs at a semantic level, and that this type of analysis adds to the knowledge that can be extracted by studying the network only at the structural level of URL links. We present an algorithm to automatically detect fine-grained discussion topics, characterized by n-grams and time intervals. We then propose a probabilistic model to estimate the temporal relationships that blogs have with one another. We define the precursor score of blog A in relation to blog B as the probability that A enters a new topic before B, discounting the effect created by asymmetric posting rates. Network-level metrics of precursor and laggard behavior are derived from these dyadic precursor score estimations. This model is used to analyze a network of French political blogs. The scores are compared to traditional link degree metrics. We obtain insights into the dynamics of topic participation on this network, as well as the relationship between precursor/laggard and linking behaviors. We validate and analyze results with the help of an expert on the French blogosphere. Finally, we propose possible applications to the improvement of search engine ranking algorithms

    The Higher-Rank Askey-Wilson Algebra and Its Braid Group Automorphisms

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    We propose a definition by generators and relations of the rank n2n-2 Askey-Wilson algebra aw(n)\mathfrak{aw}(n) for any integer nn, generalising the known presentation for the usual case n=3n=3. The generators are indexed by connected subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\dots,n\} and the simple and rather small set of defining relations is directly inspired from the known case of n=3n=3. Our first main result is to prove the existence of automorphisms of aw(n)\mathfrak{aw}(n) satisfying the relations of the braid group on n+1n+1 strands. We also show the existence of coproduct maps relating the algebras for different values of nn. An immediate consequence of our approach is that the Askey-Wilson algebra defined here surjects onto the algebra generated by the intermediate Casimir elements in the nn-fold tensor product of the quantum group Uq(sl2){\rm U}_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2) or, equivalently, onto the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of the (n+1)(n+1)-punctured sphere. We also obtain a family of central elements of the Askey-Wilson algebras which are shown, as a direct by-product of our construction, to be sent to 00 in the realisation in the nn-fold tensor product of Uq(sl2){\rm U}_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2), thereby producing a large number of relations for the algebra generated by the intermediate Casimir elements

    New integrable boundary conditions for the Ablowitz–Ladik model: From Hamiltonian formalism to nonlinear mirror image method

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    Using Sklyanin's classical theory of integrable boundary conditions, we use the Hamiltonian approach to derive new integrable boundary conditions for the Ablowitz–Ladik model on the finite and half infinite lattice. In the case of half infinite lattice, the special and new emphasis of this paper is to connect directly the Hamiltonian approach, based on the classical r-matrix, with the zero curvature representation and Bäcklund transformation approach that allows one to implement a nonlinear mirror image method and construct explicit solutions. It is shown that for our boundary conditions, which generalise (discrete) Robin boundary conditions, a nontrivial extension of the known mirror image method to what we call time-dependent boundary conditions is needed. A careful discussion of this extension is given and is facilitated by introducing the notion of intrinsic and extrinsic picture for describing boundary conditions. This gives the specific link between Sklyanin's reflection matrices and Bäcklund transformations combined with folding, in the case of non-diagonal reflection matrices. All our results reproduce the known Robin boundary conditions setup as a special case: the diagonal case. Explicit formulas for constructing multisoliton solutions on the half-lattice with our time-dependent boundary conditions are given and some examples are plotted

    Multipartite information of free fermions on Hamming graphs

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    We investigate multipartite information and entanglement measures in the ground state of a free-fermion model defined on a Hamming graph. Using the known diagonalization of the adjacency matrix, we solve the model and construct the ground-state correlation matrix. Moreover, we find all the eigenvalues of the chopped correlation matrix when the subsystem consists of nn disjoint Hamming subgraphs embedded in a larger one. These results allow us to find an exact formula for the entanglement entropy of disjoint graphs, as well as for the mutual and tripartite information. We use the exact formulas for these measures to extract their asymptotic behavior in two distinct thermodynamic limits, and find excellent match with the numerical calculations. In particular, we find that the entanglement entropy admits a logarithmic violation of the area law which decreases the amount of entanglement compared to the area law scaling.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, v2: minor modification