298 research outputs found

    Benefit of triple-frequency on cycle-slip detection

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    At the time of writing, all the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) support or are designed to support triple- or multi- frequency, which is expected to have advantages over single- and dual- frequency. This paper will conduct research on how triple-frequency can benefit the cycle-slip detection process. Correctly detecting and repairing cycle slips can help extend the latency of the fixed ambiguities, estimate the ionospheric delay, reduce the measurement noise and finally improve the positioning precision of the carrier phase. This paper will firstly review the widely used cycle-slip detection methods, including high-order phase differencing, Doppler integration and the ionospheric residual. For applying triple-frequency in cycle-slip detection, we will modify the Hatch-Melbourne-Wübbena combination to eliminate the effect of the ionospheric bias and reduce the measurement noise on the detection value. The triple-frequency method can detect and correct cycle slips instantaneously. All the mentioned methods will be tested using triple-frequency Galileo data observed in static condition. The results show that the performance of the triple-frequency method has a higher success rate and a lower missed detection compared to those using single-frequency, especially in detecting small cycle slips in observation with large intervals. Although the ionospehric residual provides higher success rates at low elevation angles, the triple-frequency method is more advanced than the ionospheric residual, which cannot decide the magnitude of the cycle slips easily

    A non-destructive technique for health assessment of fire-damaged concrete elements using terrestrial laser scanning

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    Concrete structures are routinely monitored to detect changes in their characteristics in the field of engineering surveying and other disciplines such as structural and civil engineering. There is growing demand for the development of reliable Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques for concrete structures in the assessment of the deteriorating condition of infrastructures or in an event of fire-damaged structures. In this paper, the feasibility of using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) technology for change detection and assessment of fire-damaged concrete has been investigated through measurements and analysis of laboratory size concrete specimens that underwent heating up to 1000°C. The TLS technique employed in detecting fire-damaged concrete involved modelling and analysis of the TLS intensity returns as well as RGB image analysis. The results obtained clearly demonstrate the feasibility of using TLS to detect fire-damaged concrete. Although the laser scanners used in the study have different wavelengths, the results obtained in both cases are promising for a detection technique of fire-damaged concrete structures

    Change detection and assessment of fire-damaged concrete using terrestrial laser scanning

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    Fire is one of the serious potential hazards to most structures and damage assessment is the first and the most important job for structural safety evaluation of a structure subjected to fire. The extensive use of concrete as a structural material has neccessitated an investigation into more robust and cost-effective techniques for the assessment of fire-damaged concrete using terrestrial laser scanning. Although concrete is known to be a fire resistant structural material, it undergoes severe changes when exposed to elevated temperatures and this can affect the load bearing capacity of structural bearing elements in several ways. Apart from spalling, there can be a permanent loss of strength in the remaining material. In the aftermath of a fire on a structure, various workers get involved in a variety of response and recovery from disaster operations. Furthermore, following a catastrophic failure of a structure after a fire, rescue workers and emergency responders may be required to enter the fire-damaged structure which can be risky and so an assessment method which has the potential to improve safety was investigated. Within the field of structural and civil engineering, the methods employed in assessing fire-damaged concrete involve both field and laboratory investigations to determine the extent of fire damage in order to design appropriate and cost effective repairs or to decide whether to demolition the structure. Concrete structures show significant loss of strength when heated above 300ºC. This study aimed at investigating whether terrestrial laser scanning can be used to detect fire-damaged concrete using specimens heated up to 1000ºC as it is important to estimate the maximum temperature attained in a fire. The results obtained from the study clearly demonstrated the feasibility of using terrestrial laser scanning to detect fire-damaged concrete via modelling and analysis of laser returned intensity. Laser scanning has emerged as a complementary assessment method of fire-damaged concrete with a couple of advantages in that the whole concrete element can be scanned and an average intensity value over the area concerned can be determined which would represent the whole element overcoming the challenge of some traditional methods where cores are drilled in limited areas. Scanning is rapid with millions of points measured in a few seconds. Laser scanning of the fire-damaged structure can be done from a distance without having to enter the structure and this improves safety. Laser scanning is a non-destructive technique for detecting fire-damaged concrete

    Indoor multipath effect study on the Locata system

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    GNSS has become one of the most wide- spread measurement technologies, allowing cm-level positioning accuracy using RTK or Network RTK. Unfortunately, the system’s major drawbacks are the requirement for a clear view of the sky and accu- racy dependent on the geometric distribution of the satellites, not only varying throughout the day but also prone to location specific problems. With wide- spread utilisation of GNSS for monitoring of man- made structures and other civil engineering tasks, such shortcomings can be critical. One of possible solution is the deployment of a sup- porting system, such as Locata – a terrestrial posi- tioning technology, which mitigates the need for a clear view of the sky and provides system integrity control. This paper, part of the proposed integration feasibil- ity study, presents Locata performance indoors, its capacity and mitigation methods

    2D-based indoor mobile laser scanning for construction digital mapping application

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    A common issue which occurs often in construction projects is how to determine the discrepancies between as-built or existing constructions and initial design. Physical manual measurement usually brings many of problems such as long measuring time, high labor consumption, and measurement error accumulation and in some cases lower accuracy. Therefore, more advanced technologies such as laser scanning and total station, which are used in geospatial mapping and surveying have been adopted in order to provide much more reliable and accurate measurements. However, technical and financial issues still constrain the widespread applications of well-known 3-dimensional (3D) terrestrial and aerial laser scanning, such as high equipment cost, complex pre-preparation, inconvenience of use and spatial limitation. This paper aims to introduce an innovative laser scanning method for indoor construction mapping. This method integrates an IMU-GPS positioning approach with a more convenient, more time saving and lower costed 2-dimensional (2D) laser scanner to realize indoor mobile 3D mapping for construction model creation, which can be integrated with Building Information Modelling (BIM) design in order to realize the applications, such as quality control of as-built construction or indoor mapping of existing building. Although compared with traditional 3D laser scanning, its accuracy and reliability cannot reach such a high level currently, experimental results still indicate feasibility, reliability and potential capability of this indoor mobile laser scanning method. It is hoped that this method will be further improved to substitute the stationary 3D laser scanning for narrow and limited construction spatial mapping in the near future

    Analysis of the relationship between scintillation parameters, multipath and ROTI

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) operation can be affected by several environmental factors, of which ionospheric scintillation is one of the most significant. Scintillation is usually characterized by two indices, namely the amplitude scintillation index (S4) and phase scintillation index (σφ). However, these two indices can only be generated by specialized GNSS receivers, which are not widely available all around the world. To popularize the study of scintillation, this article proposes to use more accessible parameters, namely multipath (MP) and rate of change of total electron content index (ROTI), to characterize scintillation. Using GPS data obtained on six days in total from three stations, namely PRU2 and SAO0P located in Sao Paulo, Brazil and SNA0P located in Antarctica, respectively, both the time series plots and 2D maps were generated to investigate the relationship of scintillation indices (S4 and σφ) with MP and ROTI. To prevent the effect of the real multipath error, a 30-degree satellite elevation mask is applied to all the data. As the scintillation indices S4 and σφ have a sampling interval of 1 min, MP and ROTI are calculated with the same sampling interval for a more direct comparison. The results show that the structural similarity (SSIM) and correlation coefficient (CC) between parameters was greater than 0.7 for 70% of outputs. In addition, the variogram and cross-variogram are applied to investigate the spatial structure of the MP, ROTI, S4 and σφ in order to support the results of SSIM and CC. With outputs in three forms, promising spatial and temporal relationships between parameters was observed

    Comparison of triple frequency GNSS carrier phase and pseudorange noise using various satellite constellations

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    The first Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite was launched in 1978, and today there are 4 Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), with a further 7 Space Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) and Regional Navigation Satellite Systems (RNSS) transmitting data. Further to this, these systems consist of three basic types of satellite orbits, namely Mid Earth Orbiting (MEO), Geosynchronous Orbits (GEO) and Inclined Geosynchronous Orbits (IGSO) operating at different altitudes. It is now possible to see and take measurements up to almost 50 satellites at any instant in some parts of the world, and typically in the region of 30 in most parts of the world. Originally, GPS transmitted data on two carrier frequencies, namely L1 and L2. Today’s GPS satellites transmit a variety of contemporary and original code data on three carrier frequencies; L1, L2 and L5. Similarly, other GNSS transmit on three or more carrier frequencies. This paper looks at the quality of the data from GPS, BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS and QZSS, looking at the different satellite constellations used, as well as the different frequencies and also the historical satellite systems such as the various GPS blocks. The approaches used in this paper, are those also used for cycle slip detection. These are namely the range residual (code-carrier), and the Ionospheric Residual. In this paper, however, the noise of these combinations is investigated and compared, illustrating the expected measurement precisions from the different types of satellites, and their comparisons

    Cycle slip detection during high ionospheric activities based on combined triple-frequency GNSS signals

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    The current cycle slip detection methods of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) were mostly proposed on the basis of assuming the ionospheric delay varying smoothly over time. However, these methods can be invalid during active ionospheric periods, e.g., high Kp index value and scintillations, due to the significant increase of the ionospheric delay. In order to detect cycle slips during high ionospheric activities successfully, this paper proposes a method based on two modified Hatch–Melbourne–W¨ubbena combinations. The measurement noise in the Hatch–Melbourne–W¨ubbena combination is minimized by employing the optimally selected combined signals, while the ionospheric delay is detrended using a smoothing technique. The difference between the time-differenced ambiguity of the combined signal and this estimated ionospheric trend is adopted as the detection value, which can be free from ionospheric effect and hold the high precision of the combined signal. Five threshold determination methods are proposed and compared to decide the cycle slip from the magnitude aspect. This proposed method is tested with triple-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System observations collected under high ionospheric activities. Results show that the proposed method can correctly detect and fix cycle slips under disturbed ionosphere

    Deflection characterisation of rotary systems using a ground-based radar

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    In the last two decades, an increase in large rotary machines/systems has been witnessed. To ensure safe operation of these systems especially due to extreme stress caused by centrifugal forces as well as the wind or water loadings, regular structural health monitoring (SHM) of the unbalanced parameters, particularly at the blade tips is necessary. For this, the use of non-contact sensors provides the most appropriate approach; however, millimetric out-of-plane deflection monitoring using non-contact sensors at distances >1 m has not been comprehensively addressed for rotary systems, like wind turbines. This study presents a modelling environment to simulate radar returns to analyse rotary systems. Employing Sammon mapping as a dimensionality reduction procedure in conjunction with 2D visualisation, the study demonstrates the characterisation of dynamic deflection parameters using a fast, portable ground-based interferometric radar (GBR). Comparisons between the GBR results with those of a Leica AR20 GPS indicate a divergence ±12.79 mm. The study utilises SHM framework to acquire, normalise, extract, and validate GBR signals within an SHM framework for structures under test or for deflection validation of the new system. Further, it contributes to the non-contact structural fatigue damage detection during design, testing, and operating stages of rotary structures blade tips

    Monitoring the response of Severn Suspension Bridge in the United Kingdom using multi-GNSS measurements

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    The application of GPS in bridge monitoring aims to determine accurately and precisely the response of the deck and towers of the bridge and estimate the main response characteristics (amplitude and modal frequencies). The main requirement of GPS monitoring is a high level of accuracy and availability of fixed solutions, which ensure the reliable operation of GPS and result in the precise estimation of the bridge's response. However, the derived GPS time series of bridge monitoring can be contaminated by noise, due to the performance of the GPS satellite(s), the geometry of the GPS satellite constellation and the potential obstructions due to the bridge elements, which can even lead to GPS solution of poor accuracy and/or precision and result in reduced efficiency of the performance of the GPS monitoring. This study investigates the potential contribution of other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) constellations for a more robust and reliable displacement time series solution, derived from multi-GNSS records. More specifically, a novel method is developed to derive the optimal combination of GNSS records to determine the GNSS displacement time series based on checks of parameters which reflect the geometry of the satellite constellation and the quality of the GNSS satellites signals. The method is applied in monitoring of the Severn Suspension Bridge, in the United Kingdom, and it is revealed the enhancement in the GNSS monitoring performance of the bridge response for specific time intervals for various locations on the bridge's support towers, suspension cables and deck
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