896 research outputs found

    NASA Langley Research Center National Aero-Space Plane Mission simulation profile sets

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    To provide information on the potential for long life service of oxidation resistant carbon-carbon (ORCC) materials in the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) airframe environment, NASP ascent, entry, and cruise trajectories were analytically flown. Temperature and pressure profiles were generated for 20 vehicle locations. Orbital (ascent and entry) and cruise profile sets from four locations are presented along with the humidity exposure and testing sequences that are being used to evaluate ORCC materials. The four profiles show peak temperatures during the ascent leg of an orbital mission of 2800, 2500, 2000, and 1700 F. These profiles bracket conditions where carbon-carbon might be used on the NASP vehicle

    Unobtrusive measurement of psychological constructs in organizational research

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    Measurement in organizational psychology is dominated by the use of approaches that require the cooperation of a respondent—namely, questionnaires and interviews. The goal of this article is to increase and improve the use of unobtrusivemeasures as a supplementalmeans toassess psychological constructs in organizational research. Specifically, we first illustrate themerit and necessity of utilizing unobtrusive measures. Next, we review the literature employing unobtrusive measures to assess psychological constructs and then discuss threats to validity associated with these approaches. Finally, we offer recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of unobtrusive measures in future research

    Amorphous Systems in Athermal, Quasistatic Shear

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    We present results on a series of 2D atomistic computer simulations of amorphous systems subjected to simple shear in the athermal, quasistatic limit. The athermal quasistatic trajectories are shown to separate into smooth, reversible elastic branches which are intermittently broken by discrete catastrophic plastic events. The onset of a typical plastic event is studied with precision, and it is shown that the mode of the system which is responsible for the loss of stability has structure in real space which is consistent with a quadrupolar source acting on an elastic matrix. The plastic events themselves are shown to be composed of localized shear transformations which organize into lines of slip which span the length of the simulation cell, and a mechanism for the organization is discussed. Although within a single event there are strong spatial correlations in the deformation, we find little correlation from one event to the next, and these transient lines of slip are not to be confounded with the persistent regions of localized shear -- so-called "shear bands" -- found in related studies. The slip lines gives rise to particular scalings with system length of various measures of event size. Strikingly, data obtained using three differing interaction potentials can be brought into quantitative agreement after a simple rescaling, emphasizing the insensitivity of the emergent plastic behavior in these disordered systems to the precise details of the underlying interactions. The results should be relevant to understanding plastic deformation in systems such as metallic glasses well below their glass temperature, soft glassy systems (such as dense emulsions), or compressed granular materials.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figure

    KECK HIRES Spectroscopy of APM 08279+5255

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    With an optical R-band magnitude of 15.2, the recently discovered z=3.911 BAL quasar APM 08279+5255 is an exceptionally bright high redshift source. Its brightness has allowed us to acquire a high signal-to-noise ratio (~100), high resolution (~6 km/s) spectrum using the HIRES echelle spectrograph on the 10-m Keck I telescope. Given the quality of the data, these observations provide an unprecedented view of associated and intervening absorption systems. Here we announce the availability of this spectrum to the general astronomical community and present a brief analysis of some of its main features.Comment: 21 pages including 5 figures. Accepted for publication by PAS

    Collection of Infrasonic Sound From Sources of Military Importance

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    Extreme Endeavors is collaborating with NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in the development, testing and analysis of infrasonic detection system under a Space Act Agreement. Acoustic studies of atmospheric events like convective storms, shear-induced turbulence, acoustic gravity waves, microbursts, hurricanes, and clear air turbulence (CAT) over the past thirty years have established that these events are strong emitters of infrasound. Recently NASA Langley Research Center has designed and developed a portable infrasonic detection system which can be used to make useful infrasound measurements at locations where it was not possible previously, such as a mountain crag, inside a cave or on the battlefield. The system comprises an electret condenser microphone, having a 3-inch membrane diameter, and a small, compact windscreen. Extreme Endeavors will present the findings from field testing using this portable infrasonic detection system. Field testing of the infrasonic detection system was partly funded by Greer Industries and support provided by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. The findings from this work illustrate the ability to detect structure and other information about the contents inside the caves. The presentation will describe methodology for utilizing infrasonic to locate and portray underground facilities

    Small Intestinal Cannabinoid Receptor Changes Following a Single Colonic Insult with Oil of Mustard in Mice

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    Cannabinoids are known to be clinically beneficial for control of appetite disorders and nausea/vomiting, with emerging data that they can impact other GI disorders, such as inflammation. Post-inflammatory irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) is a condition of perturbed intestinal function that occurs subsequent to earlier periods of intestinal inflammation. Cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R) and CB2R alterations in GI inflammation have been demonstrated in both animal models and clinically, but their continuing role in the post-inflammatory period has only been implicated to date. Therefore, to provide direct evidence for CBR involvement in altered GI functions in the absence of overt inflammation, we used a model of enhanced upper GI transit that persists for up to 4 weeks after a single insult by intracolonic 0.5% oil of mustard (OM) in mice. In mice administered OM, CB1R immunostaining in the myenteric plexus was reduced at day 7, when colonic inflammation is subsiding, and then increased at 28 days, compared to tissue from age-matched vehicle-treated mice. In the lamina propria CB2R immunostaining density was also increased at day 28. In mice tested 28 day after OM, either a CB1R-selective agonist, ACEA (1 and 3 mg/kg, s.c.) or a CB2R-selective agonist, JWH-133 (3 and 10 mg/kg, s.c.) reduced the enhanced small intestinal transit in a dose-related manner. Doses of ACEA and JWH-133 (1 mg/kg), alone or combined, reduced small intestinal transit of OM-treated mice to a greater extent than control mice. Thus, in this post-colonic inflammation model, both CBR subtypes are up-regulated and there is increased efficacy of both CB1R and CB2R agonists. We conclude that CBR remodeling occurs not only during GI inflammation but continues during the recovery phase. Thus, either CB1R- or CB2-selective agonists could be efficacious for modulating GI motility in individuals experiencing diarrhea-predominant PI-IBS

    Case report: Severe mercuric sulphate poisoning treated with 2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulphonate and haemodiafiltration

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    INTRODUCTION: Inorganic mercury poisoning is uncommon, but when it occurs it can result in severe, life-threatening features and acute renal failure. Previous reports on the use of extracorporeal procedures such as haemodialysis and haemoperfusion have shown no significant removal of mercury. We report here the successful use of the chelating agent 2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulphonate (DMPS), together with continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), in a patient with severe inorganic mercury poisoning. CASE REPORT: A 40-year-old man presented with haematemesis after ingestion of 1 g mercuric sulphate and rapidly deteriorated in the emergency department, requiring intubation and ventilation. His initial blood mercury was 15 580 ÎĽg/l. At 4.5 hours after ingestion he was started on DMPS. He rapidly developed acute renal failure and so he was started on CVVHDF for renal support and in an attempt to improve mercury clearance; CVVHDF was continued for 14 days. METHODS: Regular ultradialysate and pre- and post-filtrate blood samples were taken and in addition all ultradialysate generated was collected to determine its mercury content. RESULTS: The total amount of mercury in the ultrafiltrate was 127 mg (12.7% of the ingested dose). The sieving coefficient ranged from 0.13 at 30-hours to 0.02 at 210-hours after ingestion. He developed no neurological features and was discharged from hospital on day 50. Five months after discharge from hospital he remained asymptomatic, with normal creatinine clearance. DISCUSSION: We describe a patient with severe inorganic mercury poisoning in whom full recovery occurred with the early use of the chelating agent DMPS and CVVHDF. There was removal of a significant amount of mercury by CVVHDF. CONCLUSION: We feel that CVVHDF should be considered in patients with inorganic mercury poisoning, particularly those who develop acute renal failure, together with meticulous supportive care and adequate doses of chelation therapy with DMPS

    Pattern scaling the parameters of a Markov-Chain gamma-distribution daily precipitation generator

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    General circulation models (GCMs) are the most sophisticated tools at our disposal for studying future climates, but there are limitations to overcome. These include resolutions that may be too coarse for impact assessments, limited or zero availability of some policy-relevant scenarios, and limited time-series length for assessing the risk of extreme events. We illustrate how these limitations can be addressed by combining a stochastic precipitation generator (SPG) with pattern scaling (PS) of its key parameters. Computationally inexpensive, SPG parameters can be perturbed to generate time-series representative of weather under a future climate with high spatial and temporal resolution. If the SPG parameter perturbations are derived directly from GCM simulations projections can only be made for scenarios already simulated by the GCM. Instead, we obtain the parameter perturbations using PS, facilitating emulation of scenarios not necessarily explicitly simulated by the GCM, and where we scale perturbations approximately linearly with global temperature change. PS is commonly applied to estimate perturbations in the mean of climate variables, but rarely to higher-order parameters as we demonstrate here. We apply PS for the first time, globally, to the parameters of a daily, first-order Markov-chain gamma-distribution SPG using output from the IPSL-CM6A-LR GCM to perturb an SPG fitted to observed data from two stations in diverse climates (Santarém, Brazil and Reykjavik, Iceland) to illustrate this novel approach. We produce time series corresponding to a range of GWLs and demonstrate the capability of the combined SPG-PS approach to study local-scale, future daily precipitation characteristics, climate and subsequent risk of extreme weather events
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