110 research outputs found

    The effect of early diagnosis and treatment on maternal and fetal outcomes in patients with HELLP syndrome

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    Uvod: Sindrom HELLP, težak oblik preeklampsije kojega klinički karakterizira hemoliza, poviÅ”eni jetreni enzimi, te mali broj trombocita, prvi je put opisan 1982. godine. Materijali i metode: Kako bismo procijenili utjecaj identificiranja ovoga sin-droma na ishode liječenja rodilja i fetusa, proveli smo retrospektivnu studiju i pregledali dokumentaciju bolesnica s preeklampsijom liječenih u Klinici Mayo prije i nakon 1982. godine. Načinili smo retrospektivnu dijagnozu sindroma HELLP u 11 od 146 bolesnica liječenih zbog preeklampsije prije 1982. godine. Usporedili smo ishode trudnoće u nasumce odabranoj skupini 24 žene sa sin-dromom HELLP koje su liječene u Klinici Mayo između 1986. i 1994. godine. Rezultati: Nismo zapazili statistički značajnu razliku među demografskim podatcima o rodiljama ili dijagnostičkim laboratorijskim nalazima. Smrtnost fetusa je bila značajno viÅ”a prije 1982. godine. Pojavnost i težina akutnog zatajenja bubrega i drugih skupnih komplikacija kod rodilja (uključujući plućni edem, pleuralni izljev, perikardijski izljev, unutarmoždano krvarenje, konvulzi-je, hepatičku nekrozu, te odignuće mrežnice) bili su značajno veći prije 1982. godine. Nakon te godine vrijeme od dijagnoze do porođaja bilo je značajno kraće (2,5 u odnosu na 14 dana), a za bolesnice je bilo vjerojatnije da će pri-miti profilaksu protiv konvulzija magnezijevim sulfatom. Zabilježena je i tendencija većega broja carskih rezova i poticanja trudova u žena liječenih nakon 1982. godine. Zaključci: Navedena zapažanja ukazuju da je prepoznavanje sindroma HELLP kao zasebnoga kliničkog sindroma dovelo do poboljÅ”anih ishoda trudnoće vjerojatno zbog pravodobnije dijagnoze i ranijeg zavrÅ”etka trudnoće.Background: HELLP syndrome, a severe form of preeclampsia clinically characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count, was first described in 1982. Materials and Methods: To assess the impact of recognition of this syndrome on fetal and maternal outcomes, we conducted a retrospective study and reviewed the records of patients with preeclampsia treated at Mayo Clinic before and after 1982. We made a retrospective diagnosis of HELLP in 11 of 146 patients treated for preeclampsia prior to 1982. We compared pregnancy outcomes to a randomly selected group of 24 women with HELLP syndrome treated at Mayo Clinic between 1986 and 1994. Results: We did not observe a statistically significant difference in maternal demographics or diagnostic laboratory findings. Priorto 1982, fetal mortality was significantly higher. The incidence and severity of acute renal failure and other cumulative maternal complications (including pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, intracerebral hemorrhage, seizure, hepatic necrosis, and retinal detachment) were significantly higher priorto 1982. After 1982, the time from diagnosis to delivery was significantly shorter (2.5 vs. 14 days), and patients were more likely to receive seizure prophylaxis with magnesium sulfate. There was a trend towards more Caesarian sections and labor induction in women treated after 1982. Conclusions: These observations suggest that recognition of HELLP as a distinct clinical syndrome has led to improved outcomes of pregnancies, probably due to more timely diagnosis and earlier termination of pregnancy

    Are women with history of pre-eclampsia starting a new pregnancy in good nutritional status in South Africa and Zimbabwe?

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    Background Maternal nutritional status before and during pregnancy is an important contributor to pregnancy outcomes and early child health. The aim of this study was to describe the preconceptional nutritional status and dietary intake during pregnancy in high-risk women from South Africa and Zimbabwe. Methods This is a prospective observational study, nested to the CAP trial. Anthropometric measurements before and during pregnancy and dietary intake using 24-h recall during pregnancy were assessed. The Intake Distribution Estimation software (PC-SIDE) was used to evaluate nutrient intake adequacy taking the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) as a cut-off point. Results Three hundred twelve women who had pre-eclampsia in their last pregnancy and delivered in hospitals from South Africa and Zimbabwe were assessed. 73.7 and 60.2% women in South Africa and Zimbabwe, respectively started their pregnancy with BMI above normal (BMIā€‰ā‰„ā€‰25) whereas the prevalence of underweight was virtually non-existent. The majority of women had inadequate intakes of micronutrients. Considering food and beverage intake only, none of the micronutrients measured achieved the estimated average requirement. Around 60% of pregnant women reported taking folic acid or iron supplements in South Africa, but almost none did so in Zimbabwe. Conclusion We found a high prevalence of overweight and obesity and high micronutrient intake inadequacy in pregnant women who had the previous pregnancy complicated with pre-eclampsia. The obesity figures and micronutrient inadequacy are issues of concern that need to be addressed. Pregnant women have regular contacts with the health system; these opportunities could be used to improve diet and nutrition. Trial registration PACTR201105000267371 . Registered 06 December 2010

    Is Remote Ischemic Conditioning of Benefit to Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation?

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    Renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), an inevitable event during kidney transplantation procedure, can result in delayed graft function or even primary nonfunction. In addition to strategies to limit IRI such as advancements in organ allocation systems and preservation of organs, and reduction in cold and warm ischemia time, remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) has attracted much attention in recent years. With promising findings and data suggesting a potential benefit of RIC in animal kidney transplantation models, a few clinical trials have investigated the use of RIC in human kidney transplantation. Unfortunately, the findings from these investigations have been inconclusive due to a number of factors such as diverse time points of RIC, limited sample size, and complexity of kidney transplant patients. This brief commentary aims to discuss the effects of RIC on clinical outcomes and proinflammatory cytokines in patients undergoing kidney transplantation

    Pregnancies After the Diagnosis of Mild Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Risk of Cardiometabolic Disorders.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of subsequent pregnancy with subsequent metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes mellitus after a pregnancy complicated by mild gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). METHODS: We conducted a prospective observational follow up study of women with mild GDM randomized from 2002ā€“2007 to usual care or dietary intervention and glucose self-monitoring. Women were evaluated 5ā€“10 years after the parent study. Participants were grouped according to the number of subsequent pregnancies (Group A, none [reference]; Group B, one; Group C, ā‰„ two). Serum triglycerides, glucose tolerance, HDL-cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference were assessed. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed by American Heart Association and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute criteria. Multivariable regression was used to estimate adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS: Of 905 eligible women from the original trial, 483 agreed to participate, 426 of whom were included in this analysis. Groups A, B, and C consisted of 212, 143, and 71 women, respectively. Of women with subsequent pregnancies, 32% (69/214) had another pregnancy complicated with GDM. No difference between groups was observed for metabolic syndrome (Group A, 34%; Group B, 33%; Group C, 30%). Subsequent pregnancies were associated with diabetes mellitus outside of pregnancy (Group A, 5.2%; Group B, 10.5%, RR 2.62, 95%CI 1.16ā€“5.91; Group C, 11.3%, RR 2.83, 95%CI 1.06ā€“7.59), and if complicated with GDM (no subsequent GDM pregnancy, RR 1.99, 95%CI 0.82ā€“4.84; subsequent GDM pregnancy, RR 3.75, 95%CI 1.60ā€“8.82). CONCLUSIONS: In women with prior mild GDM, subsequent pregnancies did not increase the frequency of metabolic syndrome, but subsequent pregnancies with GDM increased the risk of diabetes mellitus outside of pregnancy

    Ethical Implications of Chatbot Utilization in Nephrology

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    This comprehensive critical review critically examines the ethical implications associated with integrating chatbots into nephrology, aiming to identify concerns, propose policies, and offer potential solutions. Acknowledging the transformative potential of chatbots in healthcare, responsible implementation guided by ethical considerations is of the utmost importance. The review underscores the significance of establishing robust guidelines for data collection, storage, and sharing to safeguard privacy and ensure data security. Future research should prioritize defining appropriate levels of data access, exploring anonymization techniques, and implementing encryption methods. Transparent data usage practices and obtaining informed consent are fundamental ethical considerations. Effective security measures, including encryption technologies and secure data transmission protocols, are indispensable for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of patient data. To address potential biases and discrimination, the review suggests regular algorithm reviews, diversity strategies, and ongoing monitoring. Enhancing the clarity of chatbot capabilities, developing user-friendly interfaces, and establishing explicit consent procedures are essential for informed consent. Striking a balance between automation and human intervention is vital to preserve the doctorā€“patient relationship. Cultural sensitivity and multilingual support should be considered through chatbot training. To ensure ethical chatbot utilization in nephrology, it is imperative to prioritize the development of comprehensive ethical frameworks encompassing data handling, security, bias mitigation, informed consent, and collaboration. Continuous research and innovation in this field are crucial for maximizing the potential of chatbot technology and ultimately improving patient outcomes
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