356 research outputs found

    Structural subnetwork evolution across the life-span: rich-club, feeder, seeder

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    The impact of developmental and aging processes on brain connectivity and the connectome has been widely studied. Network theoretical measures and certain topological principles are computed from the entire brain, however there is a need to separate and understand the underlying subnetworks which contribute towards these observed holistic connectomic alterations. One organizational principle is the rich-club - a core subnetwork of brain regions that are strongly connected, forming a high-cost, high-capacity backbone that is critical for effective communication in the network. Investigations primarily focus on its alterations with disease and age. Here, we present a systematic analysis of not only the rich-club, but also other subnetworks derived from this backbone - namely feeder and seeder subnetworks. Our analysis is applied to structural connectomes in a normal cohort from a large, publicly available lifespan study. We demonstrate changes in rich-club membership with age alongside a shift in importance from 'peripheral' seeder to feeder subnetworks. Our results show a refinement within the rich-club structure (increase in transitivity and betweenness centrality), as well as increased efficiency in the feeder subnetwork and decreased measures of network integration and segregation in the seeder subnetwork. These results demonstrate the different developmental patterns when analyzing the connectome stratified according to its rich-club and the potential of utilizing this subnetwork analysis to reveal the evolution of brain architectural alterations across the life-span

    Effect of the G72 (DAOA) putative risk haplotype on cognitive functions in healthy subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last years, several susceptibility genes for psychiatric disorders have been identified, among others <it>G72 </it>(also named D-amino acid oxidase activator, DAOA). Typically, the high-risk variant of a vulnerability gene is associated with decreased cognitive functions already in healthy individuals. In a recent study however, a positive effect of the high-risk variant of <it>G72 </it>on verbal working memory was reported. In the present study, we therefore examined the relationship between <it>G72 </it>genotype status and a broad range of cognitive functions in 423 healthy individuals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>G72 </it>carrier status was assessed by the two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) M23 and M24. Subjects were divided into three risk groups (low, intermediate and high risk).</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>G72 </it>status influenced a number of cognitive functions, such as verbal working memory, attention, and, at a trend level, spatial working memory and executive functions. Interestingly, the high-risk allele carriers scored better than one or even both other groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show that the putative high-risk haplotype (i.e. homozygote C/C-allele carriers in SNP M23 and homozygote T/T-allele carriers in SNP M24) is in healthy individuals not necessarily associated with worse performance in cognitive functions, but even with better performance in some domains. Further work is required to identify the mechanisms of <it>G72 </it>on brain functions.</p

    Religiosity and decreased risk of substance use disorders: is the effect mediated by social support or mental health status?

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    The negative association between religiosity (religious beliefs and church attendance) and the likelihood of substance use disorders is well established, but the mechanism(s) remain poorly understood. We investigated whether this association was mediated by social support or mental health status. We utilized cross-sectional data from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (n = 36,370). We first used logistic regression to regress any alcohol use in the past year on sociodemographic and religiosity variables. Then, among individuals who drank in the past year, we regressed past year alcohol abuse/dependence on sociodemographic and religiosity variables. To investigate whether social support mediated the association between religiosity and alcohol use and alcohol abuse/dependence we repeated the above models, adding the social support variables. To the extent that these added predictors modified the magnitude of the effect of the religiosity variables, we interpreted social support as a possible mediator. We also formally tested for mediation using path analysis. We investigated the possible mediating role of mental health status analogously. Parallel sets of analyses were conducted for any drug use, and drug abuse/dependence among those using any drugs as the dependent variables. The addition of social support and mental health status variables to logistic regression models had little effect on the magnitude of the religiosity coefficients in any of the models. While some of the tests of mediation were significant in the path analyses, the results were not always in the expected direction, and the magnitude of the effects was small. The association between religiosity and decreased likelihood of a substance use disorder does not appear to be substantively mediated by either social support or mental health status

    Polymorphism screening and haplotype analysis of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene (TPH1) and association with bipolar affective disorder in Taiwan

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    BACKGROUND: Disturbances in serotonin neurotransmission are implicated in the etiology of many psychiatric disorders, including bipolar affective disorder (BPD). The tryptophan hydroxylase gene (TPH), which codes for the enzyme catalyzing the rate-limiting step in serotonin biosynthetic pathway, is one of the leading candidate genes for psychiatric and behavioral disorders. In a preliminary study, we found that TPH1 intron7 A218C polymorphism was associated with BPD. This study was designed to investigate sequence variants of the TPH1 gene in Taiwanese and to test whether the TPH1 gene is a susceptibility factor for the BPD. METHODS: Using a systematic approach, we have searched the exons and promoter region of the TPH1 gene for sequence variants in Taiwanese Han and have identified five variants, A-1067G, G-347T, T3804A, C27224T, and A27237G. These five variants plus another five taken from the literature and a public database were examined for an association in 108 BPD patients and 103 controls; no association was detected for any of the 10 variants. RESULTS: Haplotype constructions using these 10 SNPs showed that the 3 most common haplotypes in both patients and controls were identical. One of the fourth common haplotype in the patient group (i.e. GGGAGACCCA) was unique and showed a trend of significance with the disease (P = 0.028). However, the significance was abolished after Bonferroni correction thus suggesting the association is weak. In addition, three haplotype-tagged SNPs (htSNPs) were selected to represent all haplotypes with frequencies larger than 2% in the Taiwanese Han population. The defined TPH1 htSNPs significantly reduce the marker number for haplotype analysis thus provides useful information for future association studies in our population. CONCLUSION: Results of this study did not support the role of TPH1 gene in BPD etiology. As the current studies found the TPH1 gene under investigation belongs to the peripheral serotonin system and may link to a cardiac dysfunction phenotype, a second TPH gene that functions predominantly in the brain (i.e., nTPH or TPH2) should be the target for the future association study

    A novel brain partition highlights the modular skeleton shared by structure and function

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    Elucidating the intricate relationship between brain structure and function, both in healthy and pathological conditions, is a key challenge for modern neuroscience. Recent progress in neuroimaging has helped advance our understanding of this important issue, with diffusion images providing information about structural connectivity (SC) and functional magnetic resonance imaging shedding light on resting state functional connectivity (rsFC). Here, we adopt a systems approach, relying on modular hierarchical clustering, to study together SC and rsFC datasets gathered independently from healthy human subjects. Our novel approach allows us to find a common skeleton shared by structure and function from which a new, optimal, brain partition can be extracted. We describe the emerging common structure-function modules (SFMs) in detail and compare them with commonly employed anatomical or functional parcellations. Our results underline the strong correspondence between brain structure and resting-state dynamics as well as the emerging coherent organization of the human brain.Work supported by Ikerbasque: The Basque Foundation for Science, Euskampus at UPV/EHU, Gobierno Vasco (Saiotek SAIO13-PE13BF001) and Junta de Andalucía (P09-FQM-4682) to JMC; Ikerbasque Visiting Professor to SS; Junta de Andalucía (P09-FQM-4682) and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FIS2013-43201-P) to MAM; the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (ICT-FET FP7/2007-2013, FET Young Explorers scheme) under grant agreement n. 284772 BRAIN BOW (www.brainbowproject.eu) and by the Joint Italy—Israel Laboratory on Neuroscience to PB. For results validation (figure S8), data were provided by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University

    Fracture-fill calcite as a record of microbial methanogenesis and fluid migration: a case study from the Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin

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    The Devonian Antrim Shale is an organic-rich, naturally fractured black shale in the Michigan Basin that serves as both a source and reservoir for natural gas. A well-developed network of major, through-going vertical fractures controls reservoir-scale permeability in the Antrim Shale. Many fractures are open, but some are partially sealed by calcite cements that retain isotopic evidence of widespread microbial methanogenesis. Fracture filling calcite displays an unusually broad spectrum of δ 13 C values (+34 to −41‰ PDB), suggesting that both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial processes were active in the reservoir. Calcites with high δ 13 C values (>+15‰) record cementation of fractures from dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) generated during bacterial methanogenesis. Calcites with low δ 13 C values (<−32‰) are solely associated with outcrop samples and record methane oxidation during cement precipitation. Fracture-fill calcite with δ 13 C values between −10 and −30‰ can be attributed to variable organic matter oxidation pathways, methane oxidation, and carbonate rock buffering. Identification of 13 C-rich calcite provides unambiguous evidence of biogenic methane generation and may be used to identify gas deposits in other sedimentary basins. It is likely that repeated glacial advances and retreats exposed the Antrim Shale at the basin margin, enhanced meteoric recharge into the shallow part of the fractured reservoir, and initiated multiple episodes of bacterial methanogenesis and methanotrophic activity that were recorded in fracture-fill cements. The δ 18 O values in both formation waters and calcite cements increase with depth in the basin (−12 to −4‰ SMOW, and +21 to +27‰ PDB, respectively). Most fracture-fill cements from outcrop samples have δ 13 C values between −41 and −15‰ PDB. In contrast, most cement in cores have δ 13 C values between +15 and +34‰ PDB. Radiocarbon and 230 Th dating of fracture-fill calcite indicates that the calcite formed between 33 and 390 ka, well within the Pleistocene Epoch.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75720/1/j.1468-8123.2002.00036.x.pd

    The influence of polygenic risk for bipolar disorder on neural activation assessed using fMRI

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have demonstrated a significant polygenic contribution to bipolar disorder (BD) where disease risk is determined by the summation of many alleles of small individual magnitude. Modelling polygenic risk scores may be a powerful way of identifying disrupted brain regions whose genetic architecture is related to that of BD. We determined the extent to which common genetic variation underlying risk to BD affected neural activation during an executive processing/language task in individuals at familial risk of BD and healthy controls. Polygenic risk scores were calculated for each individual based on GWAS data from the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Bipolar Disorder Working Group (PGC-BD) of over 16 000 subjects. The familial group had a significantly higher polygene score than the control group (P=0.04). There were no significant group by polygene interaction effects in terms of association with brain activation. However, we did find that an increasing polygenic risk allele load for BD was associated with increased activation in limbic regions previously implicated in BD, including the anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala, across both groups. The findings suggest that this novel polygenic approach to examine brain-imaging data may be a useful means of identifying genetically mediated traits mechanistically linked to the aetiology of BD

    Multiplexed and scalable super-resolution imaging of three-dimensional protein localization in size-adjustable tissues

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    The biology of multicellular organisms is coordinated across multiple size scales, from the subnanoscale of molecules to the macroscale, tissue-wide interconnectivity of cell populations. Here we introduce a method for super-resolution imaging of the multiscale organization of intact tissues. The method, called magnified analysis of the proteome (MAP), linearly expands entire organs fourfold while preserving their overall architecture and three-dimensional proteome organization. MAP is based on the observation that preventing crosslinking within and between endogenous proteins during hydrogel-tissue hybridization allows for natural expansion upon protein denaturation and dissociation. The expanded tissue preserves its protein content, its fine subcellular details, and its organ-scale intercellular connectivity. We use off-the-shelf antibodies for multiple rounds of immunolabeling and imaging of a tissue's magnified proteome, and our experiments demonstrate a success rate of 82% (100/122 antibodies tested). We show that specimen size can be reversibly modulated to image both inter-regional connections and fine synaptic architectures in the mouse brain.United States. National Institutes of Health (1-U01-NS090473-01

    Quantitative trait locus analysis identifies Gabra3 as a regulator of behavioral despair in mice

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    The Tail Suspension Test (TST), which measures behavioral despair, is widely used as an animal model of human depressive disorders and antidepressant efficacy. In order to identify novel genes involved in the regulation of TST performance, we crossed an inbred strain exhibiting low immobility in the TST (RIIIS/J) with two high-immobility strains (C57BL/6J and NZB/BlNJ) to create two distinct F2 hybrid populations. All F2 offspring (n = 655) were genotyped at high density with a panel of SNP markers. Whole-genome interval mapping of the F2 populations identified statistically significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on mouse chromosomes (MMU) 4, 6, and X. Microarray analysis of hippocampal gene expression in the three parental strains was used to identify potential candidate genes within the MMUX QTLs identified in the NZB/BlNJ × RIIIS/J cross. Expression of Gabra3, which encodes the GABAA receptor α3 subunit, was robust in the hippocampus of B6 and RIIIS mice but absent from NZB hippocampal tissue. To verify the role of Gabra3 in regulating TST behavior in vivo, mice were treated with SB-205384, a positive modulator of the α3 subunit. SB-205384 significantly reduced TST immobility in B6 mice without affecting general activity, but it had no effect on behavior in NZB mice. This work suggests that GABRA3 regulates a behavioral endophenotype of depression and establishes this gene as a viable new target for the study and treatment of human depression