2,111 research outputs found

    An exploration of sex-specific linkage disequilibrium on chromosome X in Caucasians from the COGA study

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    This paper explores the decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) on the autosomes and chromosome X. The extent of marker-marker LD is important for both linkage and association studies. The analysis of the Caucasian sample from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism study revealed the expected negative relationship between the magnitude of the marker-marker LD and distance (cM), with the male and female subgroups exhibiting similar patterns of LD. The observed extent of LD in females was less across the pseudoautosomal markers relative to the heterosomal region of chromosome X. Marked differences in LD patterns were also observed between chromosomes X and the 22 autosomes in both males and females

    Griffiths phase of the Kondo insulator fixed point

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    Heavy fermion compounds have long been identified as systems which are extremely sensitive to the presence of impurities and other imperfections. In recent years, both experimental and theoretical work has demonstrated that such disorder can lead to unusual, non-Fermi liquid behavior for most physical quantities. In this paper, we show that this anomalous sensitivity to disorder, as well as the resulting Griffiths phase behavior, directly follow from the proximity of metallic heavy fermion systems to the Kondo insulator fixed point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; Proceedings of the SCES, August 2000, to appear in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    Dynamics of disordered heavy Fermion systems

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    Dynamics of the disordered heavy Fermion model of Dobrosavljevic et al. are calculated using an expression for the spectral function of the Anderson model which is consistent with quantum Monte Carlo results. We compute the self-energy for three distributions of Kondo scales including the distribution of Bernal et al. for UCu{5-x}Pd{x}. The corresponding low temperature optical conductivity shows a low-frequency pseudogap, a negative optical mass enhancement, and a linear in frequency transport scattering rate, consistent with results in Y{1-x}U{x}Pd{3} and UCu{5-x}Pd{x}.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX and 4 PS figure

    Ground-State Properties of Extended Two-Channel Kondo Model

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    Ground-state properties are examined for an extended two-channel Kondo model where the Hilbert space of the localized states is extended to include a singlet state in addition to the doublet states. By means of zero-th order variational wavefunctions with different symmetries, which are associated with the non-Fermi-liquid and the Fermi-liquid ground states, we demonstrate that the channel exchange coupling via the localized singlet state stabilizes the Fermi-liquid wavefunction. The ground-state phase diagrams, which are in qualitative agreement with the previous study performed by Koga and Shiba, are obtained. The comparison to the structure of the resultant wavefunctions suggests that a unique non-Fermi-liquid (Fermi-liquid) fixed point exists, irrespective of the localized ground state.Comment: 4 pages(3 figures), LaTeX, appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn Vol. 67 No.

    Crystal Field Triplets: A New Route to Non-Fermi Liquid Physics

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    A model for crystal field triplet ground states on rare earth or actinide ions with dipolar and quadrupolar couplings to conduction electrons is studied for the first time with renormalization group methods. The quadrupolar coupling leads to a new nontrivial, non-Fermi liquid fixed point, which survives in an intermediate valence Anderson model. The calculated magnetic susceptibility displays one parameter scaling, going as TαT^{-\alpha} (α0.4\alpha \approx 0.4) at intermediate temperatures, reminiscent of the non-Fermi liquid alloy UCu_{5-x}Pd_x.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    Anomalous heavy-fermion and ordered states in the filled skutterudite PrFe4P12

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    Specific heat and magnetization measurements have been performed on high-quality single crystals of filled-skutterudite PrFe_4P_{12} in order to study the high-field heavy-fermion state (HFS) and low-field ordered state (ODS). From a broad hump observed in C/T vs T in HFS for magnetic fields applied along the direction, the Kondo temperature of ~ 9 K and the existence of ferromagnetic Pr-Pr interactions are deduced. The {141}-Pr nuclear Schottky contribution, which works as a highly-sensitive on-site probe for the Pr magnetic moment, sets an upper bound for the ordered moment as ~ 0.03 \mu_B/Pr-ion. This fact strongly indicates that the primary order parameter in the ODS is nonmagnetic and most probably of quadrupolar origin, combined with other experimental facts. Significantly suppressed heavy-fermion behavior in the ODS suggests a possibility that the quadrupolar degrees of freedom is essential for the heavy quasiparticle band formation in the HFS. Possible crystalline-electric-field level schemes estimated from the anisotropy in the magnetization are consistent with this conjecture.Comment: 7 pages and 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for a common physical description of non-Fermi-liquid behavior in f-electron systems

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    The non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior observed in the low temperature specific heat C(T)C(T) and magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T) of f-electron systems is analyzed within the context of a recently developed theory based on Griffiths singularities. Measurements of C(T)C(T) and χ(T)\chi(T) in the systems Th1xUxPd2Al3Th_{1-x}U_{x}Pd_{2}Al_{3}, Y1xUxPd3Y_{1-x}U_{x}Pd_3, and UCu5xMxUCu_{5-x}M_{x} (M = Pd, Pt) are found to be consistent with C(T)/Tχ(T)T1+λC(T)/T \propto \chi(T) \propto T^{-1+\lambda} predicted by this model with λ<1\lambda <1 in the NFL regime. These results suggest that the NFL properties observed in a wide variety of f-electron systems can be described within the context of a common physical picture.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kondo Effect in Systems with Spin Disorder

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    We consider the role of static disorder in the spin sector of the one- and two-channel Kondo models. The distribution functions of the disorder-induced effective energy splitting between the two levels of the Kondo impurity are derived to the lowest order in the concentration of static scatterers. It is demonstrated that the distribution functions are strongly asymmetric, with the typical splitting being parametrically smaller than the average rms value. We employ the derived distribution function of splittings to study the temperature dependence of the low-temperature conductance of a sample containing an ensemble of two-channel Kondo impurities. The results are used to analyze the consistency of the two-channel Kondo interpretation of the zero-bias anomalies observed in Cu/(Si:N)/Cu nanoconstrictions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    Assessing the cost of global biodiversity and conservation knowledge

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    Knowledge products comprise assessments of authoritative information supported by stan-dards, governance, quality control, data, tools, and capacity building mechanisms. Considerable resources are dedicated to developing and maintaining knowledge productsfor biodiversity conservation, and they are widely used to inform policy and advise decisionmakers and practitioners. However, the financial cost of delivering this information is largelyundocumented. We evaluated the costs and funding sources for developing and maintain-ing four global biodiversity and conservation knowledge products: The IUCN Red List ofThreatened Species, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Protected Planet, and the WorldDatabase of Key Biodiversity Areas. These are secondary data sets, built on primary datacollected by extensive networks of expert contributors worldwide. We estimate that US160million(range:US160million (range: US116–204 million), plus 293 person-years of volunteer time (range: 278–308 person-years) valued at US14million(rangeUS 14 million (range US12–16 million), were invested inthese four knowledge products between 1979 and 2013. More than half of this financingwas provided through philanthropy, and nearly three-quarters was spent on personnelcosts. The estimated annual cost of maintaining data and platforms for three of these knowl-edge products (excluding the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems for which annual costs were notpossible to estimate for 2013) is US6.5millionintotal(range:US6.5 million in total (range: US6.2–6.7 million). We esti-mated that an additional US114millionwillbeneededtoreachpredefinedbaselinesofdatacoverageforallthefourknowledgeproducts,andthatonceachieved,annualmaintenancecostswillbeapproximatelyUS114 million will be needed to reach pre-defined baselines ofdata coverage for all the four knowledge products, and that once achieved, annual mainte-nance costs will be approximately US12 million. These costs are much lower than those tomaintain many other, similarly important, global knowledge products. Ensuring that biodi-versity and conservation knowledge products are sufficiently up to date, comprehensiveand accurate is fundamental to inform decision-making for biodiversity conservation andsustainable development. Thus, the development and implementation of plans for sustain-able long-term financing for them is critical