8,727 research outputs found

    Cleaning up Eta Carinae: Detection of Ammonia in the Homunculus

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    We report the first detection of ammonia in the Homunculus nebula around eta Carinae, which is also the first detection of emission from a polyatomic molecule in this or any other luminous blue variable (LBV) nebula. Observations of the NH3 (J,K)=(3,3) inversion transition made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array reveal emission at locations where infrared H2 emission had been detected previously, near the strongest dust emission in the core of the Homunculus. We also detect ammonia emission from the so-called ``strontium filament'' in the equatorial disk. The presence of NH3 around eta Car hints that molecular shells around some Wolf-Rayet stars could have originated in prior LBV eruptions, rather than in cool red supergiant winds or the ambient interstellar medium. Combined with the lack of any CO detection, NH3 seems to suggest that the Homunculus is nitrogen rich like the ionized ejecta around eta Car. It also indicates that the Homunculus is a unique laboratory in which to study unusual molecule and dust chemistry, as well as their rapid formation in a nitrogen-rich environment around a hot star. We encourage future observations of other transitions like NH3 (1,1) and (2,2), related molecules like N2H+, and renewed attempts to detect CO.Comment: 4 pages, accepted to ApJ letter

    Simulation analysis of energy production in the B. C. pulp and paper industry

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    ABSTRACT This paper describes a dynamic simulation model of energy production and use by pulp and paper mills. The model can be used to assess the costs and benefits of the use of different proportions of wood waste (referred to as 'hog fuel') and fossil fuels to generate process steam and electricity, with the costs and benefits measured from several points of view, principally those of the mill management and of the economy as a whole. Using either point of view, the model has been fitted to the eighteen major pulp and paper mills in British Columbia, and used to assess the consequences of the size and nature of optimal hog fuel projects. Some results are reported in this paper and references are given to other papers containing more complete results of various aspects of the research project. INTRODUCTION Whenever there are big changes in technology or relative prices, many of the standard rules of thumb for optimal choices fall apart, and many new alternatives have to be considered in a systematic way. This offers great scope for the design and use of simulation models that capture the key elements of an industrial process and expose the key alternatives for This paper was presented to the conference on Simulation Modelling and Decision in Energy Systems, held in Montreal in June, 1978 and sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development. It represents early results of work also reported in [1], [2], [3] and [4]. While Helliwell is a continuing member of U.B.C.'s Department of Economics, Cox is currently at M.I.T.'s Energy Laboratory Cambridge, Mass

    Music Score Approval Plans in Research Libraries: A Survey of Librarian Satisfaction With and Without Approval Plans

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    In this study, the researchers submitted a music score approval plan survey to all ARL libraries. Two surveys were created, one for libraries with music score approval plans, one for those without. Forty-four surveys were returned. The authors’ purpose was to analyze and discuss the survey results, incorporating elements of the scholarly work preceding this study. Discussions, roundtables, and listservs participated in by music librarians over the years formed the basis of the topic at hand. The goal was to ascertain whether these discussions and underlying assumptions of approval plans held true to the real world

    Nystagmus during an acute MĂ©niĂšre's attack: From prodrome to recovery

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    OBJECTIVE: We are currently undertaking a clinical investigation to evaluate the diagnostic capability of a system for detecting periods of pathological dizziness. This article presents an analysis of the data captured during an acute attack of MĂ©niĂšre's disease. DESIGN: The Continuous Ambulatory Vestibular Assessment (CAVA) device is worn by patients in the community, and continuously records eye and head movement data (vestibular telemetry). STUDY SAMPLE: A 53-year-old lady with a fifteen-year history of left-sided unilateral MĂ©niĂšre's disease. RESULTS: The patient wore the device nearly continuously for thirty days. The data revealed a three-hour long attack of vertigo consisting of four separate phases of nystagmus. The duration, beat-direction and slow phase velocity of the nystagmus evolved through time. The first phase contained isolated nystagmus beats which preceded the patient's record of the vertigo attack onset but coincided with anticipation of an impending vertigo attack. CONCLUSIONS: CAVA provides a unique insight into the physiological parameters present during episodes of dizziness. Here, it has provided the first full example of an acute MĂ©niĂšre's attack, including a period of prodrome. These findings have implications for the prediction of vertigo attack onset, for the diagnosis of MĂ©niĂšre's disease and other diseases resulting in dizziness

    High Resolution 8 mm and 1 cm Polarization of IRAS 4A from the VLA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey

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    Magnetic fields can regulate disk formation, accretion and jet launching. Until recently, it has been difficult to obtain high resolution observations of the magnetic fields of the youngest protostars in the critical region near the protostar. The VANDAM survey is observing all known protostars in the Perseus Molecular Cloud. Here we present the polarization data of IRAS 4A. We find that with ~ 0.2'' (50 AU) resolution at {\lambda} = 8.1 and 10.3 mm, the inferred magnetic field is consistent with a circular morphology, in marked contrast with the hourglass morphology seen on larger scales. This morphology is consistent with frozen-in field lines that were dragged in by rotating material entering the infall region. The field morphology is reminiscent of rotating circumstellar material near the protostar. This is the first polarization detection of a protostar at these wavelengths. We conclude from our observations that the dust emission is optically thin with {\beta} ~ 1.3, suggesting that mm/cm-sized grains have grown and survived in the short lifetime of the protostar.Comment: Accepted to ApJL. 13 pages, 4 figure

    Protoplanetary Disks in ρ\rho Ophiuchus as Seen From ALMA

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    We present a high angular resolution (∌0.2â€Čâ€Č\sim 0.2^{\prime\prime}), high sensitivity (σ∌0.2\sigma \sim 0.2 mJy) survey of the 870 ÎŒ\mum continuum emission from the circumstellar material around 49 pre-main sequence stars in the ρ\rho Ophiuchus molecular cloud. Because most millimeter instruments have resided in the northern hemisphere, this represents the largest high-resolution, millimeter-wave survey of the circumstellar disk content of this cloud. Our survey of 49 systems comprises 63 stars; we detect disks associated with 29 single sources, 11 binaries, 3 triple systems and 4 transition disks. We present flux and radius distributions for these systems; in particular, this is the first presentation of a reasonably complete probability distribution of disk radii at millimeter-wavelengths. We also compare the flux distribution of these protoplanetary disks with that of the disk population of the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. We find that disks in binaries are both significantly smaller and have much less flux than their counterparts around isolated stars. We compute truncation calculations on our binary sources and find that these disks are too small to have been affected by tidal truncation and posit some explanations for this. Lastly, our survey found 3 candidate gapped disks, one of which is a newly identified transition disk with no signature of a dip in infrared excess in extant observations.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
