5,952 research outputs found

    Nonlinear mirror instability

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    Slow dynamical changes in magnetic-field strength and invariance of the particles' magnetic moments generate ubiquitous pressure anisotropies in weakly collisional, magnetized astrophysical plasmas. This renders them unstable to fast, small-scale mirror and firehose instabilities, which are capable of exerting feedback on the macroscale dynamics of the system. By way of a new asymptotic theory of the early nonlinear evolution of the mirror instability in a plasma subject to slow shearing or compression, we show that the instability does not saturate quasilinearly at a steady, low-amplitude level. Instead, the trapping of particles in small-scale mirrors leads to nonlinear secular growth of magnetic perturbations, δB/Bt2/3\delta B/B \propto t^{2/3}. Our theory explains recent collisionless simulation results, provides a prediction of the mirror evolution in weakly collisional plasmas and establishes a foundation for a theory of nonlinear mirror dynamics with trapping, valid up to δB/B=O(1)\delta B/B =O(1).Comment: 5 pages, submitte

    From Small-Scale Dynamo to Isotropic MHD Turbulence

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    We consider the problem of incompressible, forced, nonhelical, homogeneous, isotropic MHD turbulence with no mean magnetic field. This problem is essentially different from the case with externally imposed uniform mean field. There is no scale-by-scale equipartition between magnetic and kinetic energies as would be the case for the Alfven-wave turbulence. The isotropic MHD turbulence is the end state of the turbulent dynamo which generates folded fields with small-scale direction reversals. We propose that the statistics seen in numerical simulations of isotropic MHD turbulence could be explained as a superposition of these folded fields and Alfven-like waves that propagate along the folds.Comment: kluwer latex, 7 pages, 7 figures; Proceedings of the International Workshop "Magnetic Fields and Star Formation: Theory vs. Observations", Madrid, 21-25 April 2003 -- published version (but the e-print is free of numerous typos introduced by the publisher

    Search of X-ray emission from roAp stars: The case of gamma Equulei

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    The detection of X-ray emission from Ap stars can be an indicator for the presence of magnetic activity and dynamo action, provided different origins for the emission, such as wind shocks and close late-type companions, can be excluded. Here we report on results for gamma Equu, the only roAp star for which an X-ray detection is reported in ROSAT catalogs. We use high resolution imaging in X-rays with Chandra and in the near-infrared with NACO/VLT that allow us to spatially resolve companions down to ~1" and ~0.06" separations, respectively. The bulk of the X-ray emission is associated with a companion of gamma Equu identified in our NACO image. Assuming coevality with the primary roAp star (~900 Myr), the available photometry for the companion points at a K-type star with ~0.6 M_sun. Its X-ray properties are in agreement with the predictions for its age and mass. An excess of photons with respect to the expected background and contribution from the nearby companion is observed near the optical position of gamma Equu. We estimate an X-ray luminosity of log L_x [erg/s] = 26.6 and log(L_x/L_bol) = -7.9 for this emission. A small offset between the optical and the X-ray image leaves some doubt on its association with the roAp star. The faint X-ray emission that we tentatively ascribe to the roAp star is difficult to explain as a solar-like stellar corona due to its very low L_x/L_bol level and the very long rotation period of gamma Equu. It could be produced in magnetically confined wind shocks implying a mass loss rate of ~10^(-14) M_sun/yr or from an additional unknown late-type companion at separation ~0.4". If confirmed by future deeper X-ray observations this emission could point at the origin for the presence of radioactive elements on some roAp stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (5 pages

    The interaction between transpolar arcs and cusp spots

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    Transpolar arcs and cusp spots are both auroral phenomena which occur when the interplanetary magnetic field is northward. Transpolar arcs are associated with magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail, which closes magnetic flux and results in a "wedge" of closed flux which remains trapped, embedded in the magnetotail lobe. The cusp spot is an indicator of lobe reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause; in its simplest case, lobe reconnection redistributes open flux without resulting in any net change in the open flux content of the magnetosphere. We present observations of the two phenomena interacting--i.e., a transpolar arc intersecting a cusp spot during part of its lifetime. The significance of this observation is that lobe reconnection can have the effect of opening closed magnetotail flux. We argue that such events should not be rare

    Diffusion of passive scalar in a finite-scale random flow

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    We consider a solvable model of the decay of scalar variance in a single-scale random velocity field. We show that if there is a separation between the flow scale k_flow^{-1} and the box size k_box^{-1}, the decay rate lambda ~ (k_box/k_flow)^2 is determined by the turbulent diffusion of the box-scale mode. Exponential decay at the rate lambda is preceded by a transient powerlike decay (the total scalar variance ~ t^{-5/2} if the Corrsin invariant is zero, t^{-3/2} otherwise) that lasts a time t~1/\lambda. Spectra are sharply peaked at k=k_box. The box-scale peak acts as a slowly decaying source to a secondary peak at the flow scale. The variance spectrum at scales intermediate between the two peaks (k_box0). The mixing of the flow-scale modes by the random flow produces, for the case of large Peclet number, a k^{-1+delta} spectrum at k>>k_flow, where delta ~ lambda is a small correction. Our solution thus elucidates the spectral make up of the ``strange mode,'' combining small-scale structure and a decay law set by the largest scales.Comment: revtex4, 8 pages, 4 figures; final published versio

    Model of two-fluid reconnection

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    A theoretical model of quasi-stationary, two-dimensional magnetic reconnection is presented in the framework of incompressible two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The results are compared with recent numerical simulations and experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted to Physical Review Letter