7 research outputs found

    Fine-tuning implications for complementary dark matter and LHC SUSY searches

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    The requirement that SUSY should solve the hierarchy problem without undue fine-tuning imposes severe constraints on the new supersymmetric states. With the MSSM spectrum and soft SUSY breaking originating from universal scalar and gaugino masses at the Grand Unification scale, we show that the low-fine-tuned regions fall into two classes that will require complementary collider and dark matter searches to explore in the near future. The first class has relatively light gluinos or squarks which should be found by the LHC in its first run. We identify the multijet plus E_T^miss signal as the optimal channel and determine the discovery potential in the first run. The second class has heavier gluinos and squarks but the LSP has a significant Higgsino component and should be seen by the next generation of direct dark matter detection experiments. The combined information from the 7 TeV LHC run and the next generation of direct detection experiments can test almost all of the CMSSM parameter space consistent with dark matter and EW constraints, corresponding to a fine-tuning not worse than 1:100. To cover the complete low-fine-tuned region by SUSY searches at the LHC will require running at the full 14 TeV CM energy; in addition it may be tested indirectly by Higgs searches covering the mass range below 120 GeV.Comment: References added. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Dark matter allowed scenarios for Yukawa-unified SO(10) SUSY GUTs

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    Simple supersymmetric grand unified models based on the gauge group SO(10) require --in addition to gauge and matter unification-- the unification of t-b-\tau Yukawa couplings. Yukawa unification, however, only occurs for very special values of the soft SUSY breaking parameters. We perform a search using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique to investigate model parameters and sparticle mass spectra which occur in Yukawa-unified SUSY models, where we also require the relic density of neutralino dark matter to saturate the WMAP-measured abundance. We find the spectrum is characterizd by three mass scales: first/second generation scalars in the multi-TeV range, third generation scalars in the TeV range, and gauginos in the \sim 100 GeV range. Most solutions give far too high a relic abundance of neutralino dark matter. The dark matter discrepancy can be rectified by 1. allowing for neutralino decay to axino plus photon, 2. imposing gaugino mass non-universality or 3. imposing generational non-universality. In addition, the MCMC approach finds 4. a compromise solution where scalar masses are not too heavy, and where neutralino annihilation occurs via the light Higgs h resonance. By imposing weak scale Higgs soft term boundary conditions, we are also able to generate 5. low \mu, m_A solutions with neutralino annihilation via a light A resonance, though these solutions seem to be excluded by CDF/D0 measurements of the B_s\to \mu^+\mu^- branching fraction. Based on the dual requirements of Yukawa coupling unification and dark matter relic density, we predict new physics signals at the LHC from pair production of 350--450 GeV gluinos. The events are characterized by very high b-jet multiplicity and a dilepton mass edge around mz2-mz1 \sim 50-75 GeV.Comment: 35 pages with 21 eps figure

    A note on the primordial abundance of stau NLSPs

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    In scenarios with a gravitino LSP, there exist strong BBN constraints on the abundance of a possible stau NLSP. We find that in settings with substantial left-right mixing of the stau mass eigenstates these constraints can be evaded even for very long-lived staus.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, discussion on vacuum stability adde

    Dark Matter Candidates: A Ten-Point Test

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    An extraordinarily rich zoo of non-baryonic Dark Matter candidates has been proposed over the last three decades. Here we present a 10-point test that a new particle has to pass, in order to be considered a viable DM candidate: I.) Does it match the appropriate relic density? II.) Is it {\it cold}? III.) Is it neutral? IV.) Is it consistent with BBN? V.) Does it leave stellar evolution unchanged? VI.) Is it compatible with constraints on self-interactions? VII.) Is it consistent with {\it direct} DM searches? VIII.) Is it compatible with gamma-ray constraints? IX.) Is it compatible with other astrophysical bounds? X.) Can it be probed experimentally?Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Cosmological consequences of Yukawa-unified SUSY with mixed axion/axino cold and warm dark matter

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    Supersymmetric models with t-b-\tau Yukawa unification at M_{GUT} qualitatively predict a sparticle mass spectrum including first and second generation scalars at the 3--15 TeV scale, third generation scalars at the (few) TeV scale and gluinos in the sub-TeV range. The neutralino relic density in these models typically turns out to lie far above the measured dark matter abundance, prompting the suggestion that instead dark matter is composed of an axion/axino mixture. We explore the axion and thermal and non-thermal axino dark matter abundance in Yukawa-unified SUSY models. We find in this scenario that {\it i}). rather large values of Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scale f_a\sim 10^{12} GeV are favored and {\it ii}). rather large values of GUT scale scalar masses \sim 10-15 TeV allow for the re-heat temperature T_R of the universe to be T_R\agt 10^6 GeV. This allows in turn a solution to the gravitino/Big Bang Nucleosynthesis problem while also allowing for baryogenesis via non-thermal leptogenesis. The large scalar masses for Yukawa-unified models are also favored by data on b\to s\gamma and B_s\to \mu^+\mu^- decay. Testable consequences from this scenario include a variety of robust LHC signatures, a possible axion detection at axion search experiments, but null results from direct and indirect WIMP search experiments.Comment: 27 pages including 16 EPS figure

    The Number Density of a Charged Relic.

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    We investigate scenarios in which a charged, long-lived scalar particle decouples from the primordial plasma in the Early Universe. We compute the number density at time of freeze-out considering both the cases of abelian and non-abelian interactions and including the effect of Sommerfeld enhancement at low initial velocity. We also discuss as extreme case the maximal cross section that fulfils the unitarity bound. We then compare these number densities to the exotic nuclei searches for stable relics and to the BBN bounds on unstable relics and draw conclusions for the cases of a stau or stop NLSP in supersymmetric models with a gravitino or axino LSP.Comment: 45 page