797 research outputs found

    Dynamo models and differential rotation in late-type rapidly rotating stars

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    Increasing evidence is becoming available about not only the surface differential rotation of rapidly rotating cool stars but, in a small number of cases, also about temporal variations, which possibly are analogous to the solar torsional oscillations. Given the present difficulties in resolving the precise nature of such variations, due to both the short length and poor resolution of the available data, theoretical input is vital to help assess the modes of behaviour that might be expected, and will facilitate interpretation of the observations. Here we take a first step in this direction by studying the variations in the convection zones of such stars, using a two dimensional axisymmetric mean field dynamo model operating in a spherical shell in which the only nonlinearity is the action of the azimuthal component of the Lorentz force of the dynamo generated magnetic field on the stellar angular velocity. We consider three families of models with different depths of dynamo-active regions. For moderately supercritical dynamo numbers we find torsional oscillations that penetrate all the way down to the bottom of the convection zones, similar to the case of the Sun. For larger dynamo numbers we find fragmentation in some cases and sometimes there are other dynamical modes of behaviour, including quasi-periodicity and chaos. We find that the largest deviations in the angular velocity distribution caused by the Lorentz force are of the order of few percent, implying that the original assumed `background' rotation field is not strongly distorted.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Mean Field Dynamos with Algebraic and Dynamic alpha-Quenchings

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    Calculations for mean field dynamo models (in both full spheres and spherical shells), with both algebraic and dynamic α\alpha--quenchings, show qualitative as well as quantitative differences and similarities in the dynamical behaviour of these models. We summarise and enhance recent results with extra examples. Overall, the effect of using a dynamic α\alpha appears to be complicated and is affected by the region of parameter space examined.Comment: 6 pages, 2 postscript figures, also available at http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~eo

    Dynamical variations of the differential rotation in the solar convection zone

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    Recent analyses of helioseismological observations seem to suggest the presence of two new phenomena connected with the dynamics of the solar convective zone. Firstly, there are present torsional oscillations with periods of about 11 years, which penetrate significantly into the solar convection zone and secondly, oscillatory regimes exist near the base of the convection which are markedly different from those observed near the top, having either significantly reduced periods or being non-periodic. Recently spatiotemporal fragmentation/bifurcation has been proposed as a possible dynamical mechanism to account for such observed multi-mode behaviours in different parts of the solar convection zone. Evidence for this scenario was produced in the context of an axisymmetric mean field dynamo model operating in a spherical shell, with a semi-open outer boundary condition and a zero order angular velocity obtained by the inversion of the MDI data, in which the only nonlinearity was the action of the Lorentz force of the dynamo generated magnetic field on the solar angular velocity. Here we make a detailed study of the robustness of this model with respect to plausible changes to its main ingredients, including changes to the alpha and eta profiles as well as the inclusion of a nonlinear alpha quenching. We find that spatiotemporal fragmentation is present in this model for different choices of the rotation data and as the details of the model are varied. Taken together, these results give strong support to the idea that spatiotemporal fragmentation is likely to occur in general dynamo settings.Comment: 14 pages, 30 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, also available at http://www.eurico.web.co

    Effects of boundary conditions on the dynamics of the solar convection zone

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    Recent analyses of the helioseismic data have produced evidence for a variety of interesting dynamical behaviour associated with torsional oscillations. What is not so far clear is whether these oscillations extend all the way to the bottom of the convection zone and, if so, whether the oscillatory behaviour at the top and the bottom of the convection zone is different. Attempts have been made to understand such modes of behaviour within the framework of nonlinear dynamo models which include the nonlinear action of the Lorentz force of the dynamo generated magnetic field on the solar angular velocity. One aspect of these models that remains uncertain is the nature of the boundary conditions on the magnetic field. Here by employing a range of physically plausible boundary conditions, we show that for near-critical and moderately supercritical dynamo regimes, the oscillations extend all the way down to the bottom of the convection zone. Thus, such penetration is an extremely robust feature of the models considered. We also find parameter ranges for which the supercritical models show spatiotemporal fragmentation for a range of choices of boundary conditions. Given their observational importance, we also make a comparative study of the amplitude of torsional oscillations as a function of the boundary conditions

    Solar rotation rate and its gradients during cycle 23

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    Available helioseismic data now span almost the entire solar activity cycle 23 making it possible to study solar-cycle related changes of the solar rotation rate in detail. In this paper we study how the solar rotation rate, in particular, the zonal flows change with time. In addition to the zonal flows that show a well known pattern in the solar convection zone, we also study changes in the radial and latitudinal gradients of the rotation rate, particularly in the shear layer that is present in the immediate sub-surface layers of the Sun. In the case of the zonal-flow pattern, we find that the band indicating fast rotating region close to the equator seems to have bifurcated around 2005. Our investigation of the rotation-rate gradients show that the relative variation in the rotation-rate gradients is about 20% or more of their average values, which is much larger than the relative variation in the rotation rate itself. These results can be used to test predictions of various solar dynamo models.Comment: To appear in ApJ. Fig 5 has been corrected in this versio

    Structure and Evolution of Giant Cells in Global Models of Solar Convection

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    The global scales of solar convection are studied through three-dimensional simulations of compressible convection carried out in spherical shells of rotating fluid which extend from the base of the convection zone to within 15 Mm of the photosphere. Such modelling at the highest spatial resolution to date allows study of distinctly turbulent convection, revealing that coherent downflow structures associated with giant cells continue to play a significant role in maintaining the strong differential rotation that is achieved. These giant cells at lower latitudes exhibit prograde propagation relative to the mean zonal flow, or differential rotation, that they establish, and retrograde propagation of more isotropic structures with vortical character at mid and high latitudes. The interstices of the downflow networks often possess strong and compact cyclonic flows. The evolving giant-cell downflow systems can be partly masked by the intense smaller scales of convection driven closer to the surface, yet they are likely to be detectable with the helioseismic probing that is now becoming available. Indeed, the meandering streams and varying cellular subsurface flows revealed by helioseismology must be sampling contributions from the giant cells, yet it is difficult to separate out these signals from those attributed to the faster horizontal flows of supergranulation. To aid in such detection, we use our simulations to describe how the properties of giant cells may be expected to vary with depth, how their patterns evolve in time, and analyze the statistical features of correlations within these complex flow fields.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures (color figures are low res), uses emulateapj.cls Latex class file, Results shown during a Press release at the AAS meeting in June 2007. Submitted to Ap

    In--out intermittency in PDE and ODE models

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    We find concrete evidence for a recently discovered form of intermittency, referred to as in--out intermittency, in both PDE and ODE models of mean field dynamos. This type of intermittency (introduced in Ashwin et al 1999) occurs in systems with invariant submanifolds and, as opposed to on--off intermittency which can also occur in skew product systems, it requires an absence of skew product structure. By this we mean that the dynamics on the attractor intermittent to the invariant manifold cannot be expressed simply as the dynamics on the invariant subspace forcing the transverse dynamics; the transverse dynamics will alter that tangential to the invariant subspace when one is far enough away from the invariant manifold. Since general systems with invariant submanifolds are not likely to have skew product structure, this type of behaviour may be of physical relevance in a variety of dynamical settings. The models employed here to demonstrate in--out intermittency are axisymmetric mean--field dynamo models which are often used to study the observed large scale magnetic variability in the Sun and solar-type stars. The occurrence of this type of intermittency in such models may be of interest in understanding some aspects of such variabilities.Comment: To be published in Chaos, June 2001, also available at http://www.eurico.web.co