13 research outputs found

    Navigating Competitive Transfer Pathways: Transfer Student Experiences in Health and IT Majors

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    The health care and information technology (IT) fields demand a more diverse set of qualified graduates who can appropriately fulfill the needs of the varied communities they serve. Currently, community colleges serve as stepping stones for diverse student populations and groups. When it comes to pursuing Health- or IT-related fields, community college students are often drawn to those majors with positive career placements and outcomes. Such majors include nursing, business, engineering, and education. However, at many colleges and universities, these majors are considered limited access, meaning that they have strict academic admissions criteria and accept only a limited number of students each year. This study seeks to understand community college student experiences and perceptions related to health or IT transfer pathway careers and success. We specifically examine Health and IT transfer pathways for students studying at a public community college in the Midwest (MidCC) to a large public research institution in the Midwest (MidU) and the faculty and staff working with these populations of students

    Visitors’ Perception Regarding Floating Treatment Wetlands in an Urban Green Space: Functionality and Emotional Values

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    Floating treatment wetlands (FTW) are artificial structures used for water quality improvement through the hydroponic growth of certain macrophytes and their rhizospheric bacteria, with the capacity for pollutant removal. Through the application of face-to-face questionnaires, our study aimed to analyze visitors’ perception of the structure, functionality, and benefits of FTW installed in two ponds of one green space in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, and the emotional experience that these FTW could incite in those same visitors. Visitors identified the plant component of FTW as the most noticeable one, perceived filtering/cleaning water as their principal function, and reported positive and negative emotions in the same proportion. The visitors’ perceptions of FTW varied according to their age, school level, and occupation. Positive and negative perceptions regarding FTW were linked to their maintenance and that of the ponds. Visitors’ awareness of FTW composition and function was associated with the presence of informative signs. The understanding of perception about the FTW can be integrated into management programs for the successful and participative improvement and cleaning of water bodies in urban settings. Along with people’s participation, the municipality of the city must improve the maintenance of these important water bodies given its positive repercussions on visitors’ perception

    Bosques oligárquicos de Oecopetalum mexicanum enriquecidos con especies nativas de la Sierra de Misantla, México

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    Abstract The practice of enrichment of managed forests implies the insertion of species with cultural, economic and ecological value. It generally takes place in sites with some degree of anthropic impact, and also applies in sites known as oligarchic forests. They are historically modified and man-managed systems to favor a single species. Examples are the cachichinales woodlands typical of the Sierra de Misantla region, Veracruz, dominated by Oecopetalum mexicanum, a tree of edible seeds. In this study, two planting techniques were tested: translocation and nursery transplantation of three tree species highly valued in the region: Ocotea puberula, Beilschmiedia anay and Pseudolmedia glabrata. We used a paired model (Anova) to evaluate its physiological state, growth and survival. All three species showed marked stress in the early stages of their establishment; a survival rate greater than 50% was recorded after one year, regardless the technique used for either specie. Growth-wise, O. puberula was the most successful; although we found overall high survivals rates in all three species, which lead us to conclude it is feasible to introduce them into cachichinales.Resumen El enriquecimiento de los bosques manejados es una práctica que implica la inserción de especies de valor cultural, económico y ecológico. Son sistemas que han sido históricamente modificados y manejados por el hombre para favorecer una sola especie. Ejemplo de ello son los cachichinales, bosquecillos típicos de la región Sierra de Misantla, en el centro de Veracruz, dominados por Oecopetalum mexicanum, un árbol de semillas comestibles. En este estudio se probaron dos técnicas de plantación para su enriquecimiento: translocación y trasplante de vivero. Se utilizaron tres especies arbóreas altamente valoradas en la región: Ocotea puberula, Beilschmiedia anay y Pseudolmedia glabrata. Para evaluar el estado fisiológico, crecimiento y supervivencia de las plantas se utilizó un análisis de varianza. Las tres especies tuvieron un marcado estrés (estado de la planta) en las primeras etapas de establecimiento. Después de 12 meses se registró una supervivencia mayor a 50%, indistintamente entre las técnicas utilizadas para cada especie. El crecimiento de O. puberula fue mayor (promedio y probabilidad) en el ensayo de translocación, en comparación con las otras especies. Ambas técnicas de siembra tuvieron una alta supervivencia, por lo que es factible utilizarlas indistintamente en proyectos de introducción de especies nativas en bosques enriquecidos