415 research outputs found

    O processo de hibridização da narrativa publicitária

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    A comunicação se propõe a abordar as estratégias narrativas presentes na linguagem publicitária contemporânea, que cada vez mais assume sua condição híbrida. Objetiva verificar a quebra de paradigmas no discurso publicitário, a adequação de narrativas às múltiplas plataformas comunicacionais e o surgimento de personagens transmidiáticos, resultantes das estratégias narrativas híbridas de comunicação publicitária. O viés teórico de sustentação conceitual da comunicação contempla as culturas híbridas (García Canclini, 2008), a estrutura morfológica dos contos (Propp, 2010), a compreensão de narrativas caleidoscópicas (Murray, 2003) e o processo de hibridização publicitária – que propomos anteriormente (Covaleski, 2010).La comunicación tiene como objetivo abordar las estrategias de narración presentes en el lenguaje contemporáneo de la publicidad, que cada vez toma su condición híbrida. Verifica objetivamente el cambio de paradigma en el discurso publicitario, la adecuación de narraciones a las múltiples plataformas de comunicación y la aparición de los personajes resultantes de estrategias de narración transmedia de híbridos publicitarios. El sesgo de soporte teórico conceptual de la comunicación considera las culturas híbridas (García Canclini, 2008), la estructura morfológica de los cuentos (Propp, 2010), la comprensión de la narración caleidoscópica (Murray, 2003) y el proceso de hibridación de la publicidad – que hemos propuesto antes (Covaleski, 2010).The article aims to address the narrative strategies present in the contemporary language of advertising, which increasingly takes its hybrid condition. Objectively verify the shift in paradigm in advertising discourse, the adequacy of communication platforms to the multiple narratives and the emergence of personages resulting transmedia narrative strategies of hybrid advertising. The theoretical support conceptual bias of the article considers the hybrid cultures (García Canclini, 2008), the morphological structure of the tales (Propp, 2010), understanding of kaleidoscopic narratives (Murray, 2003) and the process of hybridization advertising - we propose above (Covaleski, 2010)

    Maintaining accounting as the paramount interest in accounting research: Re-examining the contributions of D.R. Scott

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    Cushing\u27s [1989] recent analysis of Kuhn\u27s [1970] characterization of the state of crisis within a discipline\u27s research agenda suggests that the accounting discipline is showing symptoms of such a crisis. In this paper, D.R. Scott\u27s [1931] classical work The Cultural Significance of Accounts is developed in terms of it being one of the earlier and more significant efforts to recognize a pending crisis within the accounting research arena. Scott\u27s work is defined as not only being a precursor to identifying the crisis in accounting research, but also as providing a meaningful basis for addressing the significant issues embedded within the contemporary research crisis. The intellectual underpinnings of D.R. Scott\u27s work are traced to that of Max Weber, Thorstein Veblen, and other scholars concerned with examining the changing status of society and economic organizations. It is argued that it is this critical appraisal of the relationship between economic organizations and society which drives Scott\u27s concern for the fundamental issues at stake for accounting research

    O exercício da cidadania na literacia das novas narrativas publicitárias

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    A presente comunicação reflete sobre a hibridização das narrativas publicitárias, processo no qual se intensificam as intersecções entre o mercado publicitário, a indústria do entretenimento e as tecnologias interativas. Nesse cenário, a pesquisa se propõe a revisar a literatura científica para identificar o nível de influência dessas novas configurações do discurso persuasivo da publicidade sobre as audiências, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos impactos sobre a literacia mediática e ao resguardo dos direitos dos cidadãos. Diante da crescente dependência que a publicidade tem dos aparatos e das funcionalidades dos suportes interativos, investiga-se a proliferação de novos formatos publicitários que ensejam uma compreensão para além das lógicas e especificidades dos media e, nesse contexto, detém olhar sobre os novos papéis desempenhados por consumidores nas redes sociais digitais, onde passam a cumprir funções de produtores e disseminadores de conteúdos mediáticos, em diálogo com materiais produzidos e/ou patrocinados por marcas. A comunicação tem como sustentação proposições teóricas variadas, mas que estão em evidente diálogo: literacia mediática (Abreu, 2011; Potter, 1998; Kress, 2005), hipermediações e narrativas transmedia (Scolari, 2008; 2013), movimentos sociais na Internet (Castells, 2012), interculturalidade na rede (García Canclini, 2004; 2007; 2008), correlações entre educação e consumo (Baccega, 2012), capacidade de interação dos media (Manovich, 2005) e o processo de hibridização das narrativas publicitárias (Covaleski, 2010). A comunicação objetiva apontar como a publicidade contribui e/ou afeta a literacia mediática dos consumidores contemporâneos e como tal fenômeno pode impactar o exercício da cidadania na sociedade atual

    Mindfulness in a school setting: considering youth who have experienced trauma

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    Background: Trauma is a common childhood experience, with two-thirds of children reporting at least one experience with trauma by the age of sixteen. Teachers often misidentify trauma symptoms as ADHD or behavioral problems within the classroom. At the same time, school-based Mindfulness interventions have increased in popularity in an attempt by school administrators to improve classroom behavior and student performance. Purpose: Mindfulness is a longstanding practice with roots in the Buddhist religion. The practice is a way of living, to focus on the present moment in a non-judgmental way. The practice has been adapted for clinical use with both children and adults, due to the value seen by clinicians, to cope with challenging cognitions and behaviors. The purpose of this literature review is to synthesize information about childhood trauma, Mindfulness interventions, and implementation of school-based Mindfulness programs. Methods: A literature review was conducted within the databases of ProQuest and MedLine. Results were restricted to peer-reviewed journal articles, full text, publications within the last ten years, school-age children (grade K-12 or age 6-18), typical school settings, and articles written in English. Boolean operations were applied to search for articles related to Mindfulness in the school setting. Results: Fourteen articles were selected from the literature search after meeting the search criteria, including qualitative studies, mixed methods studies, program evaluations, literature reviews, and randomized controlled trials. Results indicated improvements in self-regulation, attention, concentration, rumination, and classroom behavior. Therefore, findings revealed Mindfulness to be effective in reducing behaviors of interest to teachers. Only one study considered childhood trauma as a potential reason for student behavioral and emotional problems in the classroom. Children with a history of trauma can experience discomfort and become retraumatized through improper Mindfulness practice. Given the increasing use of school-based Mindfulness programs and the prevalence of childhood trauma, these results have public health significance, revealing a gap in research. There is a need for research that considers childhood trauma when implementing school-based Mindfulness programs

    Use of accounting information in governmental regulation and public administration: The impact of John R. Commons and early institutional economists

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    This paper examines the socio-political process by which an ensemble of such calculative practices and techniques as accounting came to be developed, adopted, and justified within turn-of-the-cen-tury public administration. We are particularly concerned with examining the influence of John R. Commons and other early institutional economists during this Progressive era. Using primary and secondary archival materials, our purpose is to make three main contributions to the literature. First, the paper explores Commons\u27 contribution to the debates over value which seems to be somewhat unique in that he explicitly recognized that there exists no unproblematic, intrinsic measure of value, but rather that it must be socially constituted as reasonable with reference to common law. To illustrate this point, this paper explores Commons\u27 role in the historical development and implementation of rate of return regulation for utilities. Second, the paper describes the contradictory role accounting played during this period in ostensibly fostering administrative objectivity while accommodating a more pragmatic rhetoric of realpolitik in its development and deployment. The third contribution is to establish a linkage between current work in economics and accounting concerned with utility regulation and the debates of ninety years ago, noting that Commons\u27 contribution has not been fully explored or recognized within the accounting literature

    Guidelines for understanding the silences in Brazilian advertising discourses: the automotive sector

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    Entre evidenciações e omissões, os discursos publicitários costumeiramente tendem a explicitar os argumentos favoráveis ao produto anunciado e a omitir tudo o que possa prejudicar a reputação deste. Esta investigação é de caráter teórico, mas também se sustenta na realidade mercadológica ao se apoiar em extensos dados que notabilizam o paradoxo de dizeres e silenciamentos nas publicidades de carros, com enfoque na realidade brasileira. A partir de revisão bibliográfica, cotejada com o levantamento de dados secundários, buscase compreender a lógica vigente em discursos hegemônicos confrontados com cenários de crise – sejam essas adversidades de ordem material ou de ordem simbólica. O artigo se apoia nas percepções sobre as retóricas do consumo a partir de Carrascoza, Casaqui e Nos Aldás; nas “contribuições” da publicidade para as práticas de consumo, com Coelho e Rocha; na discussão de ética e valores na sociedade de consumo, a partir de Baudrillard, Feenstra , Martín e Bauman. A pesquisa evidencia o hiato que há entre os dizeres e os silenciamentos nos discursos publicitários brasileiros do setor automotivo.Between disclosure and omissions, advertisers’ speeches customarily tend to explain the arguments in favor of the advertised product and omit anything that might harm the reputation of that product. The research has a theoretical feature, but it is also based on the commercial reality, relying on extensive data that distinguishes the paradox of sayings and silences in advertising cars, focusing on the reality of Brazil. From literature review, compared to a collection of secondary data, the aim is to understand the prevailing logic in hegemonic discourses faced with crisis scenarios – whether these adversities are related to the material or to the symbolic order. The article is based on perceptions of the rhetorics of consumption of Carrascoza, Casaqui and Nos Aldás; the “contributions” of advertising for consumer practices, of Coelho and Rocha; and discussion of ethics and values in consumption society of Baudrillard, Feenstra, Martín and Bauman. The research highlights the gap between the words and the silencings in the Brazilian advertising discourses of the automotive sector.Entre evidencias y omisiones, los discursos publicitarios suelen tender a explicitar los argumentos favorables al producto anunciado y a omitir todo lo que pueda perjudicar la reputación de éste. Esta investigación es de carácter teórico, pero también se sostiene en la realidad mercadológica al apoyarse en extensos datos que destacan la paradoja de dichos y silenciamientos en las publicidades de coches, con enfoque en la realidad brasileña. Desde revisión bibliográfica, cotejada con el levantamiento de datos secundarios, se busca comprender la lógica vigente en discursos hegemónicos ante escenarios de crisis – sean esas adversidades de orden material o simbólico. El artículo se apoya en las percepciones sobre las retóricas del consumo a partir de Carrascoza, Casaqui y Nos Aldás; en las “contribuciones” de la publicidad para las prácticas de consumo, con Coelho y Rocha; en la discusión de ética y valores en la sociedad de consumo, desde Baudrillard, Feenstra, Martín y Bauman. Se evidencia el hiato que hay entre dichos y silenciamientos en los discursos publicitarios brasileños del sector automotriz

    Dementia and the Boundaries of Secular Personhood

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    For many, dementia disrupts basic ideas about what it means to be human, raising profound philosophical and theological questions on the nature of personhood. In this article I ask what dementia might reveal about personhood in a “secular age.” I suggest that the ill-fitting relationship between Western bioethics, with its emphasis on autonomy, and dementia throws into relief the boundaries of a secular self, and I tease out the ethical implications of the limits of those boundaries by highlighting a biopolitics of secularism. Lastly, I offer a theological account of dementia that situates dependence as a central feature of the human condition, and enriches a secular biomedical understanding of this neurocognitive disorder

    Labor\u27s changing responses to management rhetorics: A study of accounting-based incentive plans during the first half of the 20th century

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    This study compares organized labor\u27s reactions to changing management rhetorics as these rhetorics surrounded accounting-based incentive plans, including profit sharing. Results suggest that labor\u27s perceptions of profit sharing changed dramatically from the 1900-1930 period to post-World War II. The shift, in turn, prompts an exploration of two research questions: (1) how and why did the national labor discourse around the management rhetoric and its emphasis on accounting information change, and (2) how did this change render unions more governable in their support for accounting-based incentive plans

    Artes e Comunicação: a construção de imagens e imaginários híbridos

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    Construções híbridas nas Artes não constituem uma novidade, mas, na Comunicação, a irrupção de imagens que hibridizam linguagens e formatos variados tem ganhado força, seja diante de uma atenuação dos limites entre as formas de expressões artísticas e comunicativas, seja em decorrência dos processos convergentes pelos quais passam as mídias e as artes. Este trabalho se propõe a demonstrar, por meio de um breve percurso – razoavelmente cronológico –, como são corriqueiras as intersecções de expressões correlatas para se criarem produtos que não se encerram em si mesmos e nem são classificáveis de modo estanque como oriundos ou pertencentes a um único gênero artístico ou comunicativo