151 research outputs found

    Quality of the Azores destination in the perspective of tourists

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    Tourism is a growing industry in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. However, little is known about how tourists evaluate this destination, something which certainly constitutes a shortcoming if one takes into consideration that this is a very competitive industry, with new destinations appearing every year and others increasing their market share. This paper focuses on the quality of the Azores destination in the perspective of tourists and, to an extent, has the goal of contributing to reduce this shortcoming. According to our findings, 74% of the tourists interviewed consider the global quality of the Azores destination to be very good or excellent, with the landscape, the climate/weather, the hospitality, the cleanliness and the security being the most highly-rated partial indicators. Additionally, a regression analysis indicates that the evaluation of the global quality of this destination varies according to the individual characteristics of tourists.N/

    Wages and Job Satisfaction in Portugal

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    The interest in the analysis of job satisfaction has increased among economists. Indeed, reported levels of satisfaction have been seen as a good predictor of individual behaviour such as job turnover, productivity and absenteeism. Because of this, several studies have tried to identify the determinants of job satisfaction. This paper is concerned with job satisfaction in Portugal. For this purpose, we use the first six waves of the European Household Panel Data (ECHP). The panel nature of the data allows us to use a random effects estimator in order to control for unobservable individual heterogeneity. The results indicate that wages matter for job satisfaction but do not tell the whole story. In particular, having a good health status, a permanent contract and working the public sector influences positively the level satisfaction. We also find a great heterogeneity in satisfaction by regions, even in a small country as Portugal. These findings are valid for overall job satisfaction as well as for satisfaction with specific job domains such as pay, security, type of work and hours worked. Key words: job satisfaction, wages, regions, unobserved heterogeneity JEL Code: J28

    Internet sales as a new mode of internationalization

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    The way that organizations explore the Internet has been the focus of a substantial body of scientific studies and non-academic reflection. The main goal of this study is to analyze the potential of the internet as a mode of internationalization and the factors that influence the results of the adoption of this mean to access foreign markets. For this purpose, we examine the determinants of the level of international sales made via internet estimating an ordered probit model. The results show that the importance of previous experience in using the internet and developing international activity, together with the level of internet marketing budget , the level of investment on internet sophistication, the firm dimension, the business age and the type pf activity are variables that determine the results obtain in the international sales trough the internet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploração de uma interface para ligação à rede elétrica de diversas fontes renováveis

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    O objetivo desta dissertação consiste no estudo e exploração de uma interface para ligação à rede elétrica de diversas fontes distribuídas baseadas em energias renováveis. A interface é composta por um conversor DC/DC elevador e um inversor de tensão monofásico, para ligação à rede de diversas fontes, como por exemplo, uma bateria, um painel solar fotovoltaico ou um gerador elétrico cuja força motriz emula uma fonte renovável de energia. A estratégia de controlo da interface assenta num controlo independente do conversor elevador e do inversor de tensão monofásico. O primeiro visa a extração de energia proveniente da fonte de energia, obtida manualmente através do utilizador, ou automaticamente através de um algoritmo de MPPT, e o segundo destina-se a fornecer energia à rede elétrica com controlo independente das potências ativa e reativa. O controlo do inversor de tensão monofásico é baseado numa técnica de controlo vetorial, VOC – Voltage Oriented Control. O inversor de tensão é também utilizado no controlo da tensão à entrada do inversor, garantindo um determinado valor de tensão no barramento DC. O desenvolvimento do programa de controlo foi realizado no software Simulink. Foi utilizada uma interface gráfica, desenvolvida no programa ControlDesk, para permitir durante o funcionamento em tempo real, os ajustes necessários de todos os parâmetros utilizados e visualização de diversas variáveis do sistema. Na fase de validação experimental, foi utilizada uma fonte de tensão contínua para emulação de uma bateria de 96 V. De salientar que ainda foi possível obter resultados em tempo real de toda a estrutura de potência que se encontra no laboratório, bem como efetuar comparações entre o inversor experimental e um inversor comercial (fabricante SMA). Para este trabalho de comparação entre o inversor comercial e o implementado em laboratório, foi ainda testado um algoritmo de seguimento de potência máxima com painel fotovoltaico de 2 kW, disponível na cobertura do laboratório. A estrutura de potência experimental foi ainda utilizada como interface com uma micro rede, de forma a integrar uma fonte adicional de geração distribuída. Adicionalmente, a interface permite implementar a compensação o fator de potência da micro rede.The objective of this work is the study and exploitation of an interface for the connection to the grid of various distributed energy sources based on renewable energy. The interface is composed by a step-up DC-DC-converter and a single-phase voltage inverter for connection to the grid of various sources, such as a battery, a photovoltaic solar panel or an electric generator which prime mover emulates a renewable energy source. The implemented control strategy of the interface is based on an independent control of the step-up converter and the single-phase voltage inverter. The first one aims at extracting energy from the power source manually, defined by the user, or automatically, maximizing it, through a MPPT algorithm, while the second one intends to provide energy to electrical grid with independent control of active and reactive powers. The control of the single-phase voltage inverter is based on a vector control technique, VOC - Voltage Oriented Control. The voltage inverter is also used to control the inverter input voltage, ensuring a certain voltage level in the DC bus. The development of the control program was made in Simulink software. It was used a graphical interface developed in ControlDesk program, in order to allow the necessary adjustments of all parameters and display of various system variables, during real time operation. In the experimental validation phase, a DC voltage source was used to emulate a battery of 96 V. It should be noted that it was still possible to achieve results in real time of the overall power structure present in the laboratory, and to make comparisons between the experimental inverter and a commercial one (SMA manufacturer). For this comparison study between the commercial inverter and the implemented one in the laboratory, it was also tested an algorithm for maximum power point tracking with the photovoltaic panel of 2 kW, available in the roof of the laboratory. The experimental power structure was also used as an interface with a micro grid, accomplishing the integration of an additional distributed energy source. In addition, this interface allows implementing the power factor compensation of the micro grid

    The Propensity And Intensity Of Export Activities Of Companies Operating In Europe

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    Previous studies have explored the substantial benefits for companies and governments of exporting. Nevertheless the role of government has been analysed mainly trough export promotion programs and the importance of the subsidiaries of multinational companies to increment a country exports has not been tested together with other variables present in the literature on export performance. This research examines the export performance of companies in Europe. A sample of 239 companies in 12 countries was analysed and their level of exports was examined, using Logit and Tobit models. The contextual variables of the country of operations were combined with company characteristics, including dimension, age, and industry affiliation. The results show that foreign affiliation, age, country of operations and industry are important and that government efficiency is a key element to companies’ propensity and intensity of export

    National culture and research and development activities

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    Copyright © 2004 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.This paper examines the effect of national culture on the process of innovation and research and development activities in the subsidiaries of multinational companies. For this purpose, we use a sample of 222 subsidiaries for five European countries. The paper has drawn up two important findings. Firstly, cultural dimensions such as individualism, masculinity, power distance and uncertainty avoidance influence research and development activities of the subsidiaries. Secondly, the type of management model, defined according to the location of the parent company, influence the organization of the research and development activities

    The propensity and intensity of export activities of companies operating in Europe

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    Copyright © 2008 Clute Institute.Previous studies have explored the substantial benefits for companies and governments of exporting. Nevertheless the role of government has been analysed mainly trough export promotion programs and the importance of the subsidiaries of multinational companies to increment a country exports has not been tested together with other variables present in the literature on export performance. This research examines the export performance of companies in Europe. A sample of 239 companies in 12 countries was analysed and their level of exports was examined, using Logit and Tobit models. The contextual variables of the country of operations were combined with company characteristics, including dimension, age, and industry affiliation. The results show that foreign affiliation, age, country of operations and industry are important and that government efficiency is a key element to companies' propensity and intensity of export

    Development and validation of a descriptive cognitive model for predicting usability issues in a low-code development platform

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    ObjectiveThe aim of the study was the development and evaluation of a Descriptive Cognitive Model (DCM) for the identification of three types of usability issues in a low-code development platform (LCDP).BackgroundLCDPs raise the level of abstraction of software development by freeing end-users from implementation details. An effective LCDP requires an understanding of how its users conceptualize programming. It is necessary to identify the gap between the LCDP end-users' conceptualization of programming and the actions required by the platform. It is also relevant to evaluate how the conceptualization of the programming tasks varies according to the end-users' skills.MethodDCMs are widely used in the description and analysis of the interaction between users and systems. We propose a DCM which we called PRECOG that combines task decomposition methods with knowledge-based descriptions and criticality analysis. This DCM was validated using empirical techniques to provide the best insight regarding the users' interaction performance. Twenty programmers (10 experts, 10 novices) were observed using an LCDP and their interactions were analyzed according to our DCM.ResultsThe DCM correctly identified several problems felt by first-time platform users. The patterns of issues observed were qualitatively different between groups. Experts mainly faced interaction-related problems, while novices faced problems attributable to a lack of programming skills.ConclusionBy applying the proposed DCM we were able to predict three types of interaction problems felt by first-time users of the LCDP.ApplicationThe method is applicable when it is relevant to identify possible interaction problems, resulting from the users' background knowledge being insufficient to guarantee a successful completion of the task at hand.- (undefined


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    O presente artigo aborda o processo histórico de surgimento e de evolução da Educação Superior brasileira, bem como os condicionantes sociopolíticos e ideológicos de cada contexto, destacando de forma especial as influências neoliberais e a interferência dos organismos internacionais. A tese defendida é de que, nas duas últimas décadas, houve acelerada expansão e diversificação da Educação Superior com forte incentivo e facilitação da participação do setor privado, muitas vezes de qualidade duvidosa. Dessa forma, resta o desafio de pensar políticas de expansão da educação nesse segmento, sem abrir mão da qualidade necessária para a formação adequada às exigências da sociedade contemporânea. Palavras-chave: Educação Superior. Brasil. Evolução. Expansão. Diversificação


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    Este artigo objetivou mapear o potencial eólico de micro e minigeração para Campo Mourão - PR, como fonte alternativa de geração no sul do Brasil. Dados mensais de uma série histórica de 36 anos (1980 - 2015) do INMET foram analisados e vinculados com o uso do solo. Para tanto utilizou-se o aplicativo SASPlanet, com imagem Bing, para a coleta da área urbana. O software QGis 2.14 foi utilizado para a fotointerpretação, que definiu a altura dos obstáculos e sua respectiva classe do fator de rugosidade. Esses dados foram vinculados na fórmula em um algoritmo Spring 5.4.2, a fim de estimar as velocidades em 10, 20, 30 e 40 metros de altura além seus respectivos potenciais de geração. A normal climatológica apresentou velocidade média total de 2,49 m.s-1, velocidade média mínima de 2,05 m.s-1, velocidade média máxima de 2,92 m.s-1 e direção predominante provinda de Leste. A fotointerpretação identificou 37,61% da área com obstáculos de até 2 metros de altura, 59,77% entre 2 e 10 metros e 2,63% com mais de 10 metros. As velocidades resultantes do algoritmo identificaram os maiores desvios-padrões nas maiores velocidades. Os mapas apontaram que independentemente da média, o maior potencial de geração ocorre à 40 metros. 