3,530 research outputs found

    Caracterização de resíduos gerados em análises químicas de tecidos vegetais.

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    Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização dos resíduos gerados em análises químicas de tecidos vegetais do Laboratório de Análises de Solos e Plantas - LASP da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental

    Anaphylaxis in Pregnancy: a Rare Cause of Neonatal Mortality

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    Anaphylaxis is a rare condition in pregnancy. Drugs are the aetiological agents most often implicated. Maternal anaphylaxis can lead to significant fetal morbidity and even mortality if uterine perfusion and maternal oxygenation are compromised. Significant risk of neonatal neurological damage or death can occur even when the maternal clinical outcome is favourable. The authors present the case of a newborn, born at gestational age of 29 weeks, who died at 11 days of life with hypoxic-ischaemic cerebral injuries as a consequence of maternal anaphylaxis following the administration of amoxicillin in the community setting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnóstico rápido participativo (DRP) como método de avaliação do programa de gerenciamento de resíduos laboratoriais (PGRL).

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    Na Embrapa, o DRP vem sendo utilizado pelo grupo de educação ambiental que adaptou o nome Diagnóstico Rural Participativo para Diagnóstico Rápido Participativo

    Development of a low-cost culture medium for biopolymer production by Rhizobium viscosum CECT 908 and its potential application in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery

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    Polymers are a versatile class of compounds that play an essential role in our society, being their production estimated in more than 180 million tons per year. Nowadays, the world market is dominated by synthetic and plant-derived polymers. Biopolymers of microbial origin are characterized by their better environmental compatibility and biodegradability when compared with the synthetic ones, and their production is faster than those obtained from plants. Microbial biopolymers usually exhibit excellent rheological properties, stability at a wide range of temperatures, salinities and pH values, as well as a broad variety of chemical structures, which results in different physicochemical and rheological properties. However, despite their outstanding properties, their application is still limited by their high production costs. In this work, an alternative low-cost culture medium was developed for biopolymer production by Rhizobium viscosum CECT 908, containing sugarcane molasses (60 g/L) and corn steep liquor (1%, v/v) as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Using this low-cost medium, higher biopolymer production and apparent viscosity values (5.2 g/L and 6700 mPa s, respectively) were obtained comparing with the synthetic medium (2.3 g/L and 1100 mPa s), which contained glucose and yeast extract. As a result, the cost of the culture medium necessary to produce 1 Kg of biopolymer was reduced more than 20 times. The biopolymer produced in the alternative low-cost medium exhibited better rheological properties as compared to xanthan gum, including higher viscosity at the same concentration. Furthermore, it was found to be stable at temperatures up to 80ºC, NaCl concentrations as high as 200 g/L, and high shear rates (300 s-1). Polymers are widely used by the oil industry to increase the oil reservoirs productivity during the tertiary oil recovery processes. In sand-pack column assays performed using a heavy crude oil (40ºC= 170 mPa s), this biopolymer produced using the low-cost medium demonstrated a better performance than xanthan gum, recovering almost 50% of the entrapped oil. Results herein obtained highlight that the R. viscosum biopolymer is a promising candidate for application in MEOR as an alternative to the conventional microbial and synthetic polymers currently used.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of fish removal in the Furnas Lake, Azores

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    The Furnas Lake is a small volcanic, monomitic and increasingly eutrophised water body. Next to agricultural nutrient inputs, high densities of herbivorous fish are thought to contribute to high levels of turbidity in the lake, through zooplankton consumption and re suspension of the nutrients accumulated in the sediment. According to the alternative state hypothesis a shift from turbid to clear water conditions is favoured by reduction of nutrient concentrations, increased light availability and reduction of planktivorous and benthos-feeding fish stock. To improve water quality in the Furnas Lake, a substantial part of the bottom-feeding fish population (62% of the estimated common carp population, Cyprinus carpio, and 5% of the estimated roach population, Rutilus rutilus) was removed. Effects of fish removal on turbidity and associated trophic state were analysed next to post-manipulation chlorophyll a concentration, zooplankton and macrophytes densities. Results suggest that fish removal was not enough to change lake conditions towards a lasting clear state dominated by macrophytes. Excessive nutrient load, in water and sediments, nutrient input from the lake basin and fish recruitment causing enhanced zooplankton grazing are appointed causes. Any further biomanipulation efforts should be associated to nutrient reduction; and continued monitoring of water quality, fish stock, macrophytes and zooplankton is needed

    Influência da irrigação intermitente sobre o avanço e infiltração de água em sulcos, num Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro álico.

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    Conduziu-se uma pesquisa para avaliar as caracteristicas de avanco e infiltracao de agua em sulcos, num Latossolo Vermelho Escuro alico, utilizando-se irrigacao continua e intermitente. Foram testadas as vazoes de 0,4; 0,8; 1,2/s-1, bem como os tempos ciclicos de 20; 40 e 60 min, com taxa ciclica de 0,5. A velocidade de avanco da agua aumentou com a vazao de 0,4ls-1, nos tres tempos ciclicos, e com a vazao de 0,8ls-1, nos tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min, em relacao ao escoamento continuo. Entretanto, nao houve diferenca entre os tempos de avanco, quando se fizeram irrigacoes continua e intermitente, com a vazao de 1,2ls-1. Na primeira aplicacao de agua nos sulcos, os efeitos da irrigacao intermitente foram mais acentuados. Os volumes de agua aplicada, para a conclusao do avanco, foram menores no escoamento intermitente, com a vazao de 0,8ls-1 e nos tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min

    Estudo das características de avanço e infiltração da água em sulcos, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro alico, com aplicação de água contínua e intermitente.

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    Conduziu-se uma pesquisa com a finalidade de estudar as caracteristicas de avanco e infiltracao da agua em sulcos com aplicacao de agua continua e intermitente. Foram testadas as vazoes de 0,4, 0,8 e 1,2 1.s-1 e tempos ciclicos de 20, 40 e 60 min com taxa ciclica de 0,5. A velocidade de avanco aumentou, para a vazao de 0,4 1.s-1, nos tres tempos ciclicos, em relacao ao escoamento continuo, e para a vazao de 0,8 1.s-1, nos tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min. Entretanto, nao houve diferenca entre os tempos de avanco com irrigacao continua e intermitente para a vazao de 1,2 1.s-1. Os efeitos da irrigacao intermitente foram mais acentuados durante a primeira irrigacao. Os volumes de agua aplicada para conclusao do avanco foram menores no escoamento intermitente com vazao de 0,8 1.s-1 e tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min

    On energy debt: Managing consumption on evolving software

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    This paper introduces the concept of energy debt: a new metric, reflecting the implied cost in terms of energy consumption over time, of choosing a flawed implementation of a software system rather than a more robust, yet possibly time consuming, approach. A flawed implementation is considered to contain code smells, known to have a negative influence on the energy consumption. Similar to technical debt, if energy debt is not properly addressed, it can accumulate an energy "interest". This interest will keep increasing as new versions of the software are released, and eventually reach a point where the interest will be higher than the initial energy debt. Addressing the issues/smells at such a point can remove energy debt, at the cost of having already consumed a significant amount of energy which can translate into high costs. We present all underlying concepts of energy debt, bridging the connection with the existing concept of technical debt and show how to compute the energy debt through a motivational example.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/2020. The first author is also financed by FCT grant SFRH/BD/132485/2017. The last author is also supported by operation Centro-01-0145-FEDER-000019 - C4 - Centro de Competências em Cloud Computing, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (Centro 2020), in the scope of the Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica - Programas Integrados de IC&DT