403 research outputs found

    Approche d’autonomisation d'une communauté africaine dans le diagnostic de soins de santé de deux pays: la Guinée Conakry et le Congo Brazzaville

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    Introduction: Les populations d'Afrique subsaharienne, après immigration en France, gardent souvent des modes de vie similaires par communautés, d'autant que les politiques de logements favorisent leurs regroupements dans des quartiers prioritaires. Réfléchir aux enjeux de la promotion de la santé, nécessite d'explorer les politiques de santé des pays d'origine. Méthodes: Pour cela, nous avons (i) impulsé un travail de réflexion avec un groupe de 16 personnes résidentes en France qui ont été soutenues dans une démarche de renforcement d'empowerment sur la santé communautaire afin d'appréhender les leviers et freins à la santé de leur pays d'origine. Nous avons également (ii) recueilli des données de la littérature avant d'entreprendre plusieurs voyages en Guinée et au Congo afin de confronter ces données à celles du pays. Résultats: Le résultat concernant la promotion de la santé de ces pays a permis de recenser des mesures à mettre en place. Parmi elles, la facilitation de la santé communautaire en se basant sur des expériences réussies avec la perspective, pour les migrants, de transférabilité en France. Ces mesures impliquent la mobilisation des acteurs institutionnels et des populations dans des démarches éducatives pour un changement de comportement. Conclusion: Le diagnostic « territorial » permet d'une part de souligner l'importance de l'environnement de santé du pays d'origine sur les comportements adoptés par la suite, d'autre part d'éclairer les solutions pour la promotion de la santé de ces communautés africaines en France

    Validation of the French Version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale: An Examination of Its Factor Structure, Reliability and Construct Validity in a Nonclinical Sample

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    International audienceObjective: Food addiction is a concept that has recently been proposed by applying the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, criteria for substance dependence to eating behaviour. Food addiction has received increased attention given that it may play a role in binge eating, eating disorders, and the recent increase in obesity prevalence. Currently, there is no psychometrically sound tool for assessing food addiction in French. Our study aimed to test the psychometric properties of a French version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) by establishing its factor structure, internal consistency, and construct validity in a nonclinical population.Method: A total of 553 participants were assessed for food addiction (French version of the YFAS) and binge eating behaviour (Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh and Binge Eating Scale). We tested the scale’s factor structure (factor analysis for dichotomous data based on tetrachoric correlation coefficients), internal consistency, and construct validity with measures of binge eating.Results: Our results supported a 1-factor structure, which accounted for 54.1% of the variance. We demonstrated that this tool had adequate reliability and highly construct validity with measures of binge eating in this population, both in its diagnosis and symptom count version. A 2-factor structure explained an additional 9.1% of the variance, and could help to differentiate between patients with high, compared with low, levels of insight regarding addiction symptoms.Conclusions: In our study, we validated a psychometrically sound French version of the YFAS, both in its symptom count and diagnosis version. Future studies should validate this tool in clinical samples

    Histoire des " Big Five " : OCEAN des cinq grands facteurs de la personnalité. Introduction du Big Five Inventory français ou BFI-FR

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    International audienceLa description de la personnalité a été conçue à partir d'une variété de points de vue théoriques et à différents niveaux d'abstraction. Dans l'étude de la personnalité, l'unité la plus fréquemment utilisée pour mesurer les différences individuelles a été le trait. Un consensus semble se dégager actuellement sur une taxonomie générale des traits de la personnalité, les cinq facteurs de la personnalité, connus sous le nom des " Big Five ", expression introduite par Goldberg. Le but de cet article est de resituer l'élaboration de la version originale du Big Five Inventory (BFI) de John, Donahue et Kentle (1991) dans son histoire, et parmi les autres tests disponibles le " TDA ou trait descriptive adjective " de Goldberg et le " NEO PI-R ou NEO personality inventory revised " de Costa et McCrae. La revue reprend les différents stades de conceptualisation des catégories qui furent élaborées à partir d'une sélection d'adjectifs de dictionnaires permettant de différencier un individu d'un autre. Seuls les traits seront utilisés pour l'élaboration des trois tests mentionnés. Les " Big Five " retrouvés à partir d'analyses factorielles peuvent se résumer en cinq facteurs réplicables connus sous le nom de OCEAN ou CANOE de la personnalité, moyen mnémotechnique pour E (Extraversion, Énergie, Enthousiasme) ; A (Agréabilité, Altruisme, Affection) ; C (Conscience, Contrôle, Contrainte) ; N (Émotions Négatives, Névrosisme, Nervosité) ; O (Ouverture, Originalité, Ouverture d'esprit), ordre établi par les auteurs du BFI. La structure des " Big Five " regroupe à un haut niveau d'abstraction les points communs de la plupart des systèmes existant sur la description de la personnalité et met à disposition un modèle descriptif intégré pour des recherches sur la personnalité

    Impact psychologique des interventions en chirurgie orthognathique (Insatisfaction postopératoire et personnalité dimensionnelle)

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    Objectifs : La chirurgie orthognathique induit un changement de la morphologie du visage. Les effets fonctionnels et esthétiques sont bien connus, mais les répercussions psychologiques sont plus difficiles à explorer. Cette recherche propose d étudier 1) l impact de la chirurgie orthognathique sur plusieurs variables psychologiques et sociales et 2) l impact des traits de personnalité des patients insatisfaits sur l insatisfaction postopératoire.Méthode : ce travail longitudinal inclut 288 patients devant subir une chirurgie orthognathique. Un auto-questionnaire a été distribué un mois avant l'intervention (T1), trois à six mois après (T2) et un an après (T3). Cinq études ont été menées. les trois premières évaluent l'impact de la chirurgie orthognathique sur la santé mentale (GHQ-28), l'estime de soi (SEI), l'image du corps (MBSRQ et SATAQ), la qualité de la vie (WHOQOL-BREF) et la personnalité (BFI). La quatrième porte sur la validation d'outils de mesure de la satisfaction opératoire. La cinquième décrit les caractéristiques des patients insatisfaits et tente d'identifier des variables prédictives de l'insatisfaction. Résultats : Etude 1. Il existe une amélioration de la dépression sévère à T2 mais il n'y a pas d'amélioration de la santé mentale et de l'estime de soi à T3. L'image du corps est améliorée mais l'ivestissement de l'apparence n'évolue pas et les préoccupations liées au poids augmentent significativement. Etude 2. La qualité de vie est partiellement améliorée (relations sociales et santé physique) mais elle reste inférieure à celle de la population générale. Etude 3. Extraversion, agréabilité et névrosisme sont modifiés à T2 et se rapprochent de leur état initial à T3. La chirurgie améliore l'ouverture mais pas la conscience. Etude 4. Cinq échelles ont été validées afin d'appréhender la satisfaction postopératoire.: 1) échelle de satisfaction postopératoire, échelles de 2) soutien familial et social, 3) améliorations constatées de ma vie, 4) satisfaction liée à l'information et 5) qualité de la relation avec le chirurgien......Objectives :Orthognathic surgery induces a change in the morphology of the face. The functional and aesthetic effects are well known, but the psychological effects are more difficult to explore. This research proposes to investigate 1) the impact of orthognathic surgery on several psychological and social variables and 2) the impact of personality traits of dissatisfied patients on postoperative dissatisfaction. Method : this longitudinal research includes 288 patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. A self-administrated questionnaire was distributed one month before orthognathic surgery (T1), three to six months after (T2) and one year after (T3). Five studies were conducted. Three of them assess the impact of orthognathic surgery on mentalhealth (GHQ-28), self-esteem (SEI), body image (MBSRQ and SATAQ), quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) and personality (BFI). The fourth focuses on the validation of tools for evaluating postoperative satisfaction. The fifth describes the characteristics of dissastisfied patients and attempts to identify predictors of dissatisfaction. Results : Study 1. There is an improvement of severe depression at T2 but there is no improvement of mental health and self-esteem at T3. Body image is improved but appearence orientation does not change and overweight preoccupations significantly increase; Study 2. Quality of life is partially improved (social relationships and physical health) but it remains lower than the general population's. Study 3. Extraversion, agreableness and neuroticism are modified at T2 and close to their original state at T3. The surgery improves openness but not consciousness. Study 4. Five scales have been validated to explore postoperative satisfaction : 1) scale of postoperative satisfaction, scales of 2) familial and social support, 3) improvements seen in my life, 4) satisfaction with the information and 5) quality of relationship with the surgeon.....TOURS-Bibl.électronique (372610011) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Potential for seasonal prediction of the Atlantic sea surface temperatures using the RAPID array at 26°N

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    The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) plays a critical role in the climate system and is responsible for much of the meridional heat transported by the ocean. In this paper, the potential of using AMOC observations from the 26 ∘ N RAPID array to predict North Atlantic sea surface temperatures is investigated for the first time. Using spatial correlations and a composite method, the AMOC anomaly is used as a precursor of North Atlantic sea-surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs). The results show that the AMOC leads a dipolar SSTA with maximum correlations between 2 and 5 months. The physical mechanism explaining the link between AMOC and SSTA is described as a seesaw mechanism where a strong AMOC anomaly increases the amount of heat advected north of 26 ∘ N as well as the SSTA, and decreases the heat content and the SSTA south of this section. In order to further understand the origins of this SSTA dipole, the respective contributions of the heat advected by the AMOC versus the Ekman transport and air–sea fluxes have been assessed. We found that at a 5-month lag, the Ekman component mainly contributes to the southern part of the dipole and cumulative air–sea fluxes only explain a small fraction of the SSTA variability. Given that the southern part of the SSTA dipole encompasses the main development region for Atlantic hurricanes, our results therefore suggest the potential for AMOC observations from 26 ∘ N to be used to complement existing seasonal hurricane forecasts in the Atlantic

    The importance of the general practitioner as an information source for patients with hereditary haemochromatosis

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    Objective To explore hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) patients’ perspectives on genetic information, namely the types of sources used, preferred or trusted. Methods A survey online was conducted by the European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis (EFAPH) and applied to members of nine National Associations. Results From a total of 1019 validated questionnaires, 895 respondents had performed a genetic testing for HH. From these, 627 self-declared that they were sufficiently informed about the implications of the genetic test to their health. The majority (66%) obtained the information from a specialist doctor, but would like to obtain it from the family doctor. However, the specialist was still the one they trusted more (69%). Regarding the 298 respondents who did not feel sufficiently informed, the majority (78%) also would like to have information from the family doctor although they also trusted the specialist more (75%). A different perspective was reported when patients were asked about the implications of the genetic testing to their family members, where the majority of respondents preferred obtaining information from a specialist (69%). Conclusion This study elucidates the patients’ needs for information and identifies the general practitioner (GP) as the preferred source to obtain information about HH. Practice implications These results may have important implications in future strategies for HH awareness, giving a special emphasis on GPs as the main players

    Ethylene spectroscopy using a quasi-room-temperature quantum cascade laser

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    Spectroscopic measurements on ethylene were performed using a quasi-room-temperature quantum cascade (QC) laser operated in pulsed mode in the 10.3 μm range. Using transmission spectroscopy, a broadening of the ethylene absorption spectrum was observed with increasing laser pulse duration, due to an increase of the laser linewidth. This linewidth was determined from the measured absorption spectra, showing a value of 0.04 cm-1 for a 20 ns pulse duration and an enhancement coefficient of 6.5 × 10-3 cm -1 per ns in the 20-50 ns pulse length range. Photoacoustic (PA) detection of ethylene was also performed using the QC laser and a resonant PA cell, with a detection limit of 60 ppm. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Why do liver transplant patients so often become obese? The addiction transfer hypothesis

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    International audienceIn patients who receive transplantation for alcohol liver disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome are highly prevalent after transplantation and both contribute to a significant proportion of cardiovascular complications, late morbidity and mortality in this population. Although immunosuppressive medications have been hypothesised to explain some of these post-liver-transplantation (LT) metabolic complications, they cannot be considered the sole cause of obesity and metabolic syndrome, and the high prevalence of these illnesses remains unexplained. Given the significant overlap between the neurobiological, psychiatric and psychological factors that underlie alcohol addiction and reward-related behavioural dyscontrol disorders such as food addiction (FA), we hypothesised that the high prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome reported in patients who receive transplantation for alcohol liver disease could be explained at least partially by a switch in some individuals from a previous alcohol addiction to post-transplantation FA (i.e., addiction transfer = addiction switch). In our integrative model, we also speculate that an increased prevalence of FA or alcohol addiction may occur in patients with both specific psychobiological profiles and shared risk factors. We further hypothesise that in the subpopulation of patients who develop either alcohol addiction or FA after LT, those with high insight with regard to the consequences of alcohol use could be at higher risk for FA, whereas those with low insight could be at higher risk for alcohol addiction. We discuss here evidence for and against this hypothesis and discuss which patients could be more vulnerable to these two addictions after LT. Because it will not be either possible or ethical to test some of our hypotheses in humans, future studies should test these hypotheses using a translational strategy, using both clinical and preclinical approaches. If our hypotheses could account for the significant increase in obesity and metabolic syndrome after LT, this would lead to new avenues for research and preventive as well as therapeutic interventions for alcohol-related LT patients. All patients with previous or current alcohol addiction should be systematically screened for FA and followed up for subsequent risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Such strategies might be effective in improving survival, outcomes and quality of life after LT and also in the overall population of patients with alcohol addiction. By determining common risk factors for both alcohol addiction and FA using a translational approach, our model could help to find novel psychopharmacological and psychological strategies that might be effective in both FA and alcohol addiction

    Reduced Chlorine in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Impacts Bacterial Biodiversity in Biofilms.

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    In drinking water distribution systems (DWDS), a disinfectant residual is usually applied to limit bacterial regrowth. However, delivering water with no or reduced chlorine residual could potentially decrease the selection for antimicrobial resistant microorganisms, favor bacterial regrowth and result in changes in bacterial populations. To evaluate the feasibility of water reduction in local DWDS while ensuring water safety, water quality was measured over 2 months in two different networks, each of them harboring sub-areas with normal and reduced chlorine. Water quality remained good in chlorine reduced samples, with limited development of total flora and absence of coliforms. Furthermore, 16S rRNA amplicon-based metagenomics was used to investigate the diversity and the composition of microbial communities in the sub-networks. Taxonomic classification of sequence reads showed a reduced bacterial diversity in sampling points with higher chlorine residuals. Chlorine disinfection created more homogeneous bacterial population, dominated by <i>Pseudomonas</i> , a genus that contains some major opportunistic pathogens such as <i>P. aeruginosa</i> . In the absence of chlorine, a larger and unknown biodiversity was unveiled, also highlighted by a decreased rate of taxonomic classification to the genus and species level. Overall, this experiment in a functional DWDS will facilitate the move toward potable water delivery systems without residual disinfectants and will improve water taste for consumers