875 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of Nuclear Molecular States

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    International audienceResonance phenomena in light heavy-ion collisions are experimentally well established and their observation can be understood in terms of the number of open reaction channels. In the cases of 12C+12^{12}C+^{12}C \to 24^{24}Mg, 12C+16^{12}C+^{16}O \to 28^{28}Si and 24Mg+24^{24}Mg+^{24}Mg \to 48^{48}Cr, similar and strikingly narrow resonances have been observed. New results or proposed experiments on the , fragment and particle decays of these resonances are presented

    Public Transportation Use and Cognitive Function in Older Age: A Quasiexperimental Evaluation of the Free Bus Pass Policy in the United Kingdom

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    In this quasiexperimental study, we examined whether the introduction of an age-friendly transportation policy- free bus passes for older adults-increased public transport use and in turn affected cognitive function among older people in England. Data came from 7 waves (2002-2014) of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (n = 17,953), which measured total cognitive function, memory, executive function, and processing speed before and after the bus pass was introduced in 2006. The analytical strategy was an instrumental-variable approach with fixed effects, which made use of the age-eligibility criteria for free bus passes and addressed bias due to reverse causality, measurement error, and time-invariant confounding. Eligibility for the bus pass was associated with a 7% increase in public transport use. The increase in public transportation use was associated with a 0.346 (95% confidence interval: 0.017, 0.674) increase in the total cognitive function z score and with a 0.546 (95% confidence interval: 0.111, 0.982) increase in memory z score. Free bus passes were associated with an increase in public transport use and, in turn, benefits to cognitive function in older age. Public transport use might promote cognitive health through encouraging intellectually, socially, and physically active lifestyles. Transport policies could serve as public health tools to promote cognitive health in aging populations

    Crack tip fields in elastic-plastic and mixed mode I+II+III conditions, finite elements simulations and modeling

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the load path effect on I+II+III mixed mode fatigue crack propagation in a 316L stainless steel. Experiments were conducted in mode I+II and in mode I+II+III. The same maximum, minimum and mean values of the stress intensity factors were used for each loading path in the experiments. The main result of this set of experiments is that very different crack growth rates and crack paths are observed for load paths that are however considered as equivalent in most fatigue criteria. The experiments conducted in mode I+II and in mode I+II+III, also allowed to show that the addition of mode III loading steps to a mode I+II loading sequence is increasing the fatigue crack growth rate, even when the crack path is not significantly modified

    Introducing the Dark Energy Universe Simulation Series (DEUSS)

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    In this "Invisible Universe" proceedings, we introduce the Dark Energy Universe Simulation Series (DEUSS) which aim at investigating the imprints of realistic dark energy models on cosmic structure formation. It represents the largest dynamical dark energy simulation suite to date in term of spatial dynamics. We first present the 3 realistic dark energy models (calibrated on latest SNIa and CMB data): LambdaCDM, quintessence with Ratra-Peebles potential, and quintessence with Sugra potential. We then isolate various contributions for non-linear matter power spectra from a series of pre-DEUSS high-resolution simulations (130 million particles). Finally, we introduce DEUSS which consist in 9 Grand Challenge runs with 1 billion particles each thus probing scales from 4 Gpc down to 3 kpc at z=0. Our goal is to make these simulations available to the community through the "Dark Energy Universe Virtual Observatory" (DEUVO), and the "Dark Energy Universe Simulations" (DEUS) consortium.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the AIP proceedings of the 'Invisible Universe International Conference', UNESCO-Paris, June 29-July 3, 200

    The Health Effects Of Expanding The Earned Income Tax Credit: Results From New York City.

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    Antipoverty policies may hold promise as tools to improve health and reduce mortality rates among low-income Americans. We examined the health effects of the New York City Paycheck Plus randomized controlled trial. Paycheck Plus tests the impact of a potential fourfold increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income Americans without dependent children. Starting in 2015, Paycheck Plus offered 5,968 study participants a credit of up to 2,000attaxtime(treatment)orthestandardcreditofabout2,000 at tax time (treatment) or the standard credit of about 500 (control). Health-related quality of life and other outcomes for a representative subset of these participants (n = 3,289) were compared to those of a control group thirty-two months after randomization. The intervention had a modest positive effect on employment and earnings, particularly among women. It had no effect on health-related quality of life for the overall sample, but women realized significant improvements

    Coupled-channels description of the 40Ca + 58,64Ni transfer and fusion reactions

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    Preliminary experimental data for nucleon transfer reactions of the 40Ca + 58Ni and 40Ca + 64Ni systems are analyzed with the coupled-channels approach. It is shown that a simple treatment for the transfer in the coupled-channels method cannot reproduce simultaneously the transfer probabilities and the subbarrier enhancement of fusion cross sections

    Міхал Бобжинський: суспільно-політична діяльність

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    Розглянута суспільно-політична діяльність визначного представника краківської історичної школи М. Бобжинського. Акцентовано увагу на зв’язку наукових поглядів історика з його політичною практикою. Охарактеризовано дискусії, які досьогодні точаться серед науковців щодо оцінки результатів його діяльності.Рассмотрена общественно-политическая деятельность выдающегося представителя краковской исторической школы М. Бобжинского. Акцентировано внимание на связи научных взглядов историка с его политической практикой. Охарактеризованы дискуссии, которые досегодня ведутся среди ученых относительно оценки результатов его деятельности.The socio-political activities of M. Bobzhynski – a prominent representative of the Krakow historical school – are reviewed. Attention is given to the connection of the historian scholarly views with his political practice. The discussions that until now are going on among scholars in evaluating the results of his work are characterised

    Progress towards the eradication of Tsetse from the Loos islands, Guinea

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    Background: The tsetse fly Glossina palpalis gambiensis is the main vector of sleeping sickness (Human African Trypanosomiasis - HAT) in West Africa, in particular in littoral Guinea where this disease is currently very active. The Loos islands constitute a small archipelago some 5 km from mainland Guinea, where G. p. gambiensis is well known as a nuisance and potential disease vector by inhabitants of the three main islands, Fotoba, Room, and Kassa. The National Control Program against HAT of Guinea has decided to eradicate tsetse in Loos islands in order to sustainably protect humans and economic activities. After baseline data collection, tsetse control began on the islands in 2006. On each of the three islands a specific combination of control methods was implemented according to the entomological situation found. Results: Starting densities before control operations were 10, 3 and 1 tsetse/trap/day in Kassa, Room and Fotoba respectively, but by July 2010, tsetse were no longer caught in any of the sentinel traps used for monitoring. The reduction rate was faster where several control methods were implemented as a combination (impregnated traps and targets ITT, selective groundspraying, epicutaneous insecticide treatment of pigs, and impregnated fences around pig pens), whereas it was slower when ITT were used as the only control method. Conclusions: This 100% suppression is a promising step in the eradication process, but G. p. gambiensis may still occur at very low, undetectable, densities on the archipelago. Next step will consist in assessing a 0.05 probability of tsetse absence to ascertain a provisional eradication status. Throughout these operations, a key factor has been the involvement of local teams and local communities without whom such results would be impossible to obtain. Work will continue thanks to the partners involved until total eradication of the tsetse on Loos islands can be declared