635 research outputs found

    A descriptive study of positive body image among female adolescent dancers

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    This study examined whether groups of adolescent girls, who society defines as having a positive body image, actually feel positive about their own body image and how they express it culturally. Cheerleaders and dancers were chosen as accessible groups that embodied the ideal body image as defined by popular Western teen culture. Qualitative analysis was conducted using interviews, observations, and focus groups to determine how these groups felt about their body image and how they defined a positive image. The influence of attitudes towards perfectionism, perceived control over the body, and the desire to follow healthy habits all contributed to how the participants defined a positive body image. All of the participants stated they felt positive about their bodies, but wished to change their perceived bodily flaws in order to feel better about themselves. Increased confidence and more revealing clothing were stated as cultural examples of a positive body image

    Écrire Ă  PompĂ©i : propositions pour une modernisation du CIL IV

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    Avec plus de 11.000 graffiti et inscriptions peintes, PompĂ©i constitue assurĂ©ment un site privilĂ©giĂ© pour l’analyse de la diffusion de l’alphabĂ©tisme dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s antiques. Pourtant, les critiques autrefois formulĂ©es Ă  l’encontre du travail d’édition de M. Della Corte ont conduit certains chercheurs Ă  postuler l’impossibilitĂ© d’exploiter le CIL IV comme source d’informations sur les usages de l’écriture dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s anciennes. Cet article propose donc les premiers linĂ©aments d’un projet collectif qui ambitionne de reprendre le travail de M. Della Corte, en introduisant la documentation scripturaire de PompĂ©i dans une base de donnĂ©es (fonctionnant sous Filemaker), dont sont ici prĂ©sentĂ©s les attendus thĂ©oriques, les prĂ©supposĂ©s techniques et le modĂšle relationnel. L’exploitation de cette base de donnĂ©es doit permettre d’aborder la literacy, non plus sous l’angle du nombre d’individus Ă  mĂȘme d’écrire, mais sous celui des modes de production et des diffĂ©rents types de rapports Ă  l’écriture, afin de mieux cerner, in fine, le profil social, Ă©conomique, professionnel, politique, culturel
 des lisants-Ă©crivants de la citĂ© campanienne.Con piĂč di 11.000 graffiti e iscrizioni parietali, Pompei costituisce sicuramente un sito privilegiato per l’analisi della diffusione dell’alfabetizzazione nell’AntichitĂ . Tuttavia, le critiche formulate nel passato contro l’edizione di M. Della Corte hanno condotto taluni ricercatori a postulare l’impossibilitĂ  di usare il CIL IV comme fonte di informazioni sulle pratiche di scrittura nelle societĂ  antiche. Quest’articolo espone quindi i primi abbozzi di un progetto collettivo, il cui obiettivo Ăš di riprendere il lavoro di M. Della Corte inserendo la documentazione scritta di Pompei in un database (funzionante mediante Filemaker), del quale sono qui presentati i fondamenti teorici, i presupposti tecnici e il modello relazionale. L’utilizzazione del database dovrĂ  consentire di abbordare la literacy, non piĂč dal punto di vista della quantitĂ  di persone in capace di scrivere, ma sotto l’aspetto dei diversi rapporti con la scrittura, per infine provare a individuare con maggior precisione il profilo sociale, economico, professionale, politico e culturale dei «lisants-Ă©crivants» della cittĂ  vesuviana

    2. RĂ©ussir ses relations avec la presse Ă©crite

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    Savoir communiquer avec la presse Ă©crite, c’est d’abord savoir qui sont les journalistes, oĂč et comment ils travaillent, et quels sont leurs besoins. Forte de ces informations, une bibliothĂšque peut Ă©laborer une stratĂ©gie de relation presse et notamment Ă©mettre des communiquĂ©s, organiser des confĂ©rences et mesurer l’impact de sa communication. COMPRENDRE LES JOURNALISTES POUR MIEUX COMMUNIQUER UNE DÉMOGRAPHIE ET DES PROFILS D’ACTIVITÉ TRÈS LARGES Si l’on s’en tient Ă  la dĂ©finition du Code du ..

    Couplage optimisation à convergence partielle et stratégie multiparamétrique en calcul de structures

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    Optimisation strategies on assembly design are often time expensive on industrial case. The main difficulties are due to the non-linearties of the calculation (contact, friction and gap between pieces). The computation cost can be too expensive to lead a global optimization with a large number of evaluation of the mechanical problem.In order to achieve this kind of optimization problems, this work purposes to use a two-levels models optimization strategy. THe first level is defined thanks to the construction of a metamodel which is used to lead a global optimization. On the second level, a local optimization is used on the real mechanical model thanks to the results got from the first level.Two main tools are used in this work. The first one is the multiparametric LaTIn method which enables to reduce drastically the computational time for solving several similar mechanical assembly design problems. The other tool is the one which is the most developped in this work is the constrcution of multi-fidelty surrogate models. Indeed, the LaTIn method in an iterative method, so it is possible to define an error indicator which can be used as a level of convergence of the calculation. The construction of multi-fidelity metamodels has for particularity to incorpore several kind of information which are named as "totally converged" if the calculation has been converged and "partially converged" if the calculation has been stopped premarturly.Different multi-fidĂ©lity methods have been investigated in this work on several mechnaical examples in the aim to define the most performant. Industrial case test are trated in this thesis.In order to achieve this kind of optimization problems with an acceptable computational time, this work propose to use a two-levels model optimization strategy based on two main tools: (1) the multiparametric strategy based on the LaTIn method that enables to reduce significantly the computational time for solving many similar mechanical assembly problems and (2) a cokriging metamodel built using responses and gradients computed by the mechanical solver on few sets of design parameters. The metamodel provides very inexpensive approximate responses of the objective function and it enables to achieve a global optimisation and to obtain the global optimum. The cokriging metamodel was reviewed in detail using analytical test functions and some mechanical benchmarks. The quality of the approximation and the building cost were compared with classical kriging approach. Moreover, a complete study of the multiparametric strategy was proposed using many mechanical benchmarks included many kinds and numbers of design parameters. The performance in term of computational time of the whole optimisation process was illustrated.Dans le cadre de calcul des assemblages de structures, les bureaux d'Ă©tudes sont Ă  l'heure actuelle encore limitĂ©s dans la possibilitĂ© de mener des travaux d'optimisation. En effet, la rĂ©solution numĂ©rique des assemblages nĂ©cessite la mise en Ɠuvre de mĂ©thodes capables de prendre en compte diffĂ©rents types de non-linĂ©aritĂ©s (frottement, contact et jeux entre piĂšces). Le coĂ»t de calcul associĂ© Ă  ces mĂ©thodes est gĂ©nĂ©ralement trop important pour mener une optimisation globale nĂ©cessitant un trop grand nombre d'Ă©valuations. Afin de pallier Ă  ce problĂšme, ce travail s'appuie sur une dĂ©marche d'optimisation Ă  deux niveaux de modĂšles. Le premier niveau d'optimisation consiste Ă  la crĂ©ation d'un mĂ©tamodĂšle sur lequel est effectuĂ© une optimisation globale. Le second niveau d'optimisation consiste Ă  mener Ă  bien une optimisation locale sur le modĂšle mĂ©canique rĂ©el. Cette optimisation locale s'appuie sur les rĂ©sultats trouvĂ©s au premier niveau. Deux outils sont principalement utilisĂ©s au cours de cette thĂšse. Tout d'abord les simulations numĂ©riques sont rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l'aide de la mĂ©thode LaTIn multiparamĂ©trique qui assure la rĂ©duction des temps de calcul associĂ©s aux multiples rĂ©solutions du problĂšme mĂ©canique. L'autre outil plus largement dĂ©veloppĂ© au cours de ce travail s'appuie sur la construction de mĂ©tamodĂšles multi-fidĂ©litĂ©. En effet, la mĂ©thode LaTIn est une mĂ©thode de calcul itĂ©rative, il est alors possible d'avoir accĂšs Ă  un indicateur d'erreur servant de niveau de convergence pour les diffĂ©rents calculs numĂ©riques effectuĂ©s. La construction de mĂ©tamodĂšles multi-fidĂ©litĂ© a pour particularitĂ© de pouvoir incorporĂ© diffĂ©rentes sources d'informations qui sont dans ce travail dites "totalement convergĂ©" lorsqu'un calcul est effectuĂ© Ă  convergence et "partiellement convergĂ©" lorsqu'un calcul est stoppĂ© avant convergence. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes multi-fidĂ©litĂ© sont testĂ©es dans ce travail sur plusieurs exemples mĂ©caniques afin de dĂ©terminer les plus performantes. Deux cas industriels sont Ă©galement traitĂ©s

    Modeling the pharmacodynamics of passive membrane permeability

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    Small molecule permeability through cellular membranes is critical to a better understanding of pharmacodynamics and the drug discovery endeavor. Such permeability may be estimated as a function of the free energy change of barrier crossing by invoking the barrier domain model, which posits that permeation is limited by passage through a single “barrier domain” and assumes diffusivity differences among compounds of similar structure are negligible. Inspired by the work of Rezai and co-workers (JACS 128:14073–14080, 2006), we estimate this free energy change as the difference in implicit solvation free energies in chloroform and water, but extend their model to include solute conformational affects. Using a set of eleven structurally diverse FDA approved compounds and a set of thirteen congeneric molecules, we show that the solvation free energies are dominated by the global minima, which allows solute conformational distributions to be effectively neglected. For the set of tested compounds, the best correlation with experiment is obtained when the implicit chloroform global minimum is used to evaluate the solvation free energy difference

    Rapid translocation of nanoparticles from the lung airspaces to the body

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    Nano-size particles show promise for pulmonary drug delivery, yet their behavior after deposition in the lung remains poorly understood. In this study, a series of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent nanoparticles were systematically varied in chemical composition, shape, size and surface charge, and their biodistribution and elimination were quantified in rat models after lung instillation. We demonstrate that nanoparticles with hydrodynamic diameter (HD) less than ≈34 nm and a noncationic surface charge translocate rapidly from the lung to mediastinal lymph nodes. Nanoparticles of HD < 6 nm can traffic rapidly from the lungs to lymph nodes and the bloodstream, and then be subsequently cleared by the kidneys. We discuss the importance of these findings for drug delivery, air pollution and carcinogenesis
