41 research outputs found

    Observation of a maternal transmission of scrapie in sheep

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    A pregnant ewe with suspected scrapie was referred to the Regional Veterinary Laboratory in Limoges on 11 January 2002, in compliance with the French scrapie eradication program. Western Blot confirmed the diagnosis of scrapie. Ten days later, the ewe gave birth. As we had to help the ewe, we were able to isolate the ewe lamb before she had any contact with her mother, and especially no colostrum. The ewe lamb was fed with milk replacers and isolated to prevent all possibility of horizontal transmission of scrapie. In August 2002, the first symptoms of scrapie appeared in the ewe lamb. Euthanasia was decided on 18 December 2002, as the animal was no longer able to stand. Western Blot and immunohistochemistry tests confirmed natural scrapie in the ewe lamb. PrP genotyping of this lamb was ARQ/VRQ. This first confirmed case of maternal transmission of scrapie in sheep is associated with a particularly short incubation time (6 months) in natural conditions.Dans le cadre du programme d'éradication de la tremblante en France, nous avons reçu une brebis gestante suspecte de tremblante le 11 janvier 2002, au laboratoire vétérinaire départemental de Limoges (confirmée ultérieurement par un Western Blot). Dix jours plus tard, la brebis agnela avec difficulté et nous avons dû intervenir pour l'aider. Cette assistance à l'agnelage nous permit d'isoler immédiatement le nouveau-né, en évitant tout contact ultérieur avec sa mÚre, en particulier sans la possibilité d'absorber le colostrum. L'agnelle fut placée dans un endroit isolé sans qu'il n'y ait de possibilité de transmission horizontale de la tremblante et fut nourrie avec des lactoremplaceurs. En août 2002, les premiers symptÎmes de la tremblante sont apparus chez l'agnelle née de cette brebis. Du fait d'une évolution vers le décubitus, l'euthanasie de l'agnelle fut décidée le 18 décembre 2002. La confirmation d'une tremblante naturelle chez l'agnelle a été obtenue par le Western-Blot et les examens immunohistochimiques. Le génotype de l'agnelle était ARQ/VRQ. Cette premiÚre confirmation d'une transmission maternelle de la tremblante chez le mouton s'accompagne aussi d'un temps d'incubation particuliÚrement court (6 mois) dans les conditions naturelles

    Evidence in Sheep for Pre-Natal Transmission of Scrapie to Lambs from Infected Mothers

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    Natural scrapie transmission from infected ewes to their lambs is thought to occur by the oral route around the time of birth. However the hypothesis that scrapie transmission can also occur before birth (in utero) is not currently favoured by most researchers. As scrapie is an opportunistic infection with multiple infection routes likely to be functional in sheep, definitive evidence for or against transmission from ewe to her developing fetus has been difficult to achieve. In addition the very early literature on maternal transmission of scrapie in sheep was compromised by lack of knowledge of the role of the PRNP (prion protein) gene in control of susceptibility to scrapie. In this study we experimentally infected pregnant ewes of known PRNP genotype with a distinctive scrapie strain (SSBP/1) and looked for evidence of transmission of SSBP/1 to the offspring. The sheep were from the NPU Cheviot flock, which has endemic natural scrapie from which SSBP/1 can be differentiated on the basis of histology, genetics of disease incidence and strain typing bioassay in mice. We used embryo transfer techniques to allow sheep fetuses of scrapie-susceptible PRNP genotypes to develop in a range of scrapie-resistant and susceptible recipient mothers and challenged the recipients with SSBP/1. Scrapie clinical disease, caused by both natural scrapie and SSBP/1, occurred in the progeny but evidence (including mouse strain typing) of SSBP/1 infection was found only in lambs born to fully susceptible recipient mothers. Progeny were not protected from transmission of natural scrapie or SSBP/1 by washing of embryos to International Embryo Transfer Society standards or by caesarean derivation and complete separation from their birth mothers. Our results strongly suggest that pre-natal (in utero) transmission of scrapie may have occurred in these sheep

    L'analgésie par acupuncture appliquée à la chirurgie dentaire

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    LYON1-BU Santé Odontologie (693882213) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Epidémiologie et aspects cliniques des encéphalopathies spongiformes subaiguës transmissibles (ESST) animales

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    Transmissible spongiform subacute encephalopathies (TSSE) occurring under natural conditions include mainly scrapie in sheep and goat, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Cervidae, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The precautionary measures taken against BSE are now bearing fruit, as case numbers decrease every year, particuiarly in France. Moreover numerous studies have shown the interest of clinical examination of cattle to detect BSE in the field. In the other ruminants, chronic wasting disease (CWD) remains a matter of concern in North America, while new worries have appeared on scrapie in small ruminants : a BSE-like strain has been discovered in a case of goat scrapie in France, genetic selection to fight sheep scrapie is being questioned (emergence of “atypical cases” in “resistant” animals, especially the Nor98 strain of scrapie). These data demonstrate the interest of active monitoring of scrapie of small ruminants in Europe.Les encĂ©phalopathies spongiformes subaiguĂ«s transmissibles (ESST) animales comprennent principalement, dans les conditions naturelles, la tremblante des petits ruminants, la maladie du dĂ©pĂ©rissement chronique des cervidĂ©s (MDCC) et l’encĂ©phalopathie spongiforme bovine (ESB). On observe actuellement les rĂ©sultats de l’efficacitĂ© des mesures de prĂ©caution concernant l’ESB avec une diminution du nombre des cas chaque annĂ©e, en particulier en France. Par ailleurs, de nombreuses Ă©tudes dĂ©montrent l''intĂ©rĂȘt de l''examen clinique des bovins pour la dĂ©tection de l''ESB. Chez les autres ruminants, la maladie du dĂ©pĂ©rissement chronique des cervidĂ©s (MDCC) demeure une prĂ©occupation en AmĂ©rique du Nord, alors que de nouvelles inquiĂ©tudes apparaissent dans le cas de la tremblante des petits ruminants : dĂ©couverte d’une souche de type ESB dans un cas de tremblante caprine en France, remise en question de la sĂ©lection gĂ©nĂ©tique dans la lutte contre la tremblante ovine (apparition de «cas atypiques» chez des animaux «rĂ©sistants», en particulier avec la souche tremblante Nor 98). Ces donnĂ©es dĂ©montrent l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une surveillance active de la tremblante des petits ruminants en Europe.Couquet C., Allix S., BrugĂšre-Picoux Jeanne, Adjou Karim Tarik, El Hachimi Hamid, BrugĂšre Henri. EpidĂ©miologie et aspects cliniques des encĂ©phalopathies spongiformes subaiguĂ«s transmissibles (ESST) animales. In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 158 n°4, 2005. pp. 423-428

    Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging in the ewe: a model for experimental gynecologic research.

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    International audienceAIM: Our goal was to demonstrate the feasibility of pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the ewe. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two ewes underwent a pelvic 3 Tesla MRI scan, under light anesthesia, with T2-weighted fast spin-echo images and T1-weighted spoiled gradient-echo images. Multiplan T1 weighted images were also obtained after the intravenous injection of a contrast product. One ewe was anestrous and the other one had undergone ovarian stimulation. RESULTS: No incident occurred during the examination. Both the uterus (with two horns) and the ovaries were identified. The intensity of the endometrial, myometrial and ovarian signals was similar to that encountered in women. The uterus and ovaries could be enhanced in both cases. Pelvic vasculature was also studied. In the case of hormonal stimulation, the endometrium was thicker, follicular growth was identified and enhancement seemed greater. CONCLUSION: MRI in the ewe is feasible and could be helpful in experimental gynecologic research, especially in uterus transplantation