288 research outputs found

    Impact of Problem-Based Learning Coaching and Neuroeducation in the Development of 21st Century Lifelong Learners

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    Over the past century, health knowledge has advanced dramatically, so it is expected that future health professionals will need to learn effectively in the workplace and adapt to novel situations that cannot yet be predicted. Simultaneously, the demographics of university students have changed significantly in regard to age, gender, and socioeconomic background. Health educators must adapt their teaching methods to foster in each student the development of lifelong learning skills. This perspective article examines the concept of neuroeducation through the lens of Problem-Based Learning (PBL), with an emphasis on PBL coaching. Furthermore, it demonstrates the benefit of implementing a PBL coaching approach, using knowledge from neuroscience findings to enhance students' learning and well-being. Following targeted professional development aiming to consolidate the understanding of the brain's structures and functions that increase student learning capacity and build group coaches' skills, existing PBL academics could be an integral part of such a program

    Early-life oxidative stress due to air pollution. A scoping review focusing on identifying potential ā€˜-OMICSā€™ biomarkers from body fluids

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    Exposure to air pollution (AP) is inevitable in daily life and an increasing number of epidemiological studies have reported that exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) is associated with adverse health outcomes. Intrauterine, childhood, and adolescence are vulnerable periods, during which PM exposure can cause molecular changes, potentially leading to changes in metabolism and development. PM-induced oxidative stress is the underlying mechanism. Biomarkers can be used as illustrative measures of PM exposure to facilitate the assessment of potential health effects and provide a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. The purpose of this scoping review is to report -OMICS biomarkers found in body fluids that are primarily related to oxidative stress and are already used to evaluate ambient AP exposure, as well as to identify knowledge gaps. Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus databases were independently searched for all studies published between January 2013 and December 2022 that reported on -OMICS signature changes during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. Of the initial 757 articles, 36 met our inclusion criteria and reported on genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, lipidomic, and metabolomic biomarkers. The findings of this scoping review indicate that exposure to various ambient pollutants in early life can cause oxidative stress. Integrating biomarkers from top-down -OMICS studies in an epidemiological context may provide a clear picture of the biomarker selection process to establish a causal relationship between PM exposure and disease pathogenesis. This knowledge could lead to the conceptualization and subsequent development of novel preventative strategies

    Is there still a role for nuchal translucency measurement in the changing paradigm of first trimester screening?

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    Objectives To give an overview of the genetic and structural abnormalities occurring in fetuses with nuchal translucency (NT) measurement exceeding the 95th percentile at first-trimester screening and to investigate which of these abnormalities would be missed if cell-free fetal DNA (cfDNA) were used as a first-tier screening test for chromosomal abnormalities. Methods This is a national study including 1901 pregnancies with NT &gt;= 95th percentile referred to seven university hospitals in the Netherlands between 1 January 2010 and 1 January 2016. All cases with unknown pregnancy outcome were excluded. Results of detailed ultrasound examinations, karyotyping, genotyping, pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, investigation by a clinical geneticist and post-mortem investigations were collected. Results In total, 821 (43%) pregnancies had at least one abnormality. The rate of abnormalities was 21% for fetuses with NT between 95(th) and 99(th) percentile and 62% for fetuses with NT &gt;= 99(th) percentile. Prevalence of single-gene disorders, submicroscopic, chromosomal and structural abnormalities was 2%, 2%, 30% and 9%, respectively. Conclusion Although cfDNA is superior to the combined test, especially for the detection of trisomy 21, 34% of the congenital abnormalities occurring in fetuses with increased NT may remain undetected in the first trimester of pregnancy, unless cfDNA is used in combination with fetal sonographic assessment, including NT measurement.</p

    Construction of repeat-free fluorescence in situ hybridization probes

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    FISH probes are generally made out of BAC clones with genomic DNA containing a variable amount of repetitive DNA that will need to be removed or blocked for FISH analysis. To generate repeat free (RF) Probes without loss in genomic coverage, a random library is made from BAC clones by whole-genome amplification (WGA). Libraries are denatured in the presence of excess C0t-1 DNA and allowed to re-anneal followed by digestion of all double-stranded elements by duplex-specific nuclease (DSN). Selective amplification of all elements not containing repetitive sequences is realized by a sequential amplification. The final RF products can be re-amplified and used as a stock for future probe production. The RF probes have a lower background, the signal intensity build up is faster and there is no need for blocking DNA. The signal to background ratio of the RF was higher as compared to repeat containing probes

    A validated numerical model for the growth and resorption of bubbles in magma

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    The rate and timing of bubble growth in magma is an important control on eruption style, determining whether or not magma fragments to produce an explosive eruption. Bubbles nucleate, grow, shrink, and de-nucleate in magma in response to changes in pressure and temperature, and these changes may be recorded in the spatial distribution and speciation of water 'frozen into' the glass in eruptive products. Accurate modelling of growth and resorption is therefore essential both for forward modelling of eruptive processes, and for inverse modelling to reconstruct pre-eruptive history. We present the first experimentally-validated numerical model for bubble growth and resorption in magma. The model includes the kinetics of speciation, allows for arbitrary temperature and pressure pathways, and accounts for the impact of spatial variations in water content on diffusivity and viscosity. We validate the model against three sets of data. (1) Continuous vesicularity-time data collected using optical dilatometry and in-situ synchrotron-source x-ray tomography of natural and synthetic magma during thermally-induced vesiculation and resorption at magmatic temperatures and ambient pressure. This represents approximately isobaric bubble growth and resorption under disequilibrium conditions. (2) Final vesicularity data from decompression experiments at magmatic temperatures and pressures. This represents isothermal, decompression-driven bubble growth from equilibrium to strongly disequilibrium conditions. (3) Speciation data from diffusion-couple experiments on synthetic haplogranites at magmatic temperatures and pressures. The numerical model closely reproduces all experimental data, providing validation against equilibrium and disequilibrium bubble growth/resorption and speciation scenarios. The validated model can be used to predict the growth and resorption of bubbles, and associated changes in magma properties, for arbitrary eruption pathways. It can also be used to reconstruct pressure-temperature-time pathways from textures and volatile contents of eruptive products. This will open up new ways of accessing the dynamics of magma ascent and eruption in unobserved volcanic eruptions

    The interaction between AMPK beta 2 and the PP1-targeting subunit R6 is dynamically regulated by intracellular glycogen content

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    11 pĆ”ginas, 7 figuras.AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a metabolic stress-sensing kinase. We previously showed that glucose deprivation induces autophosphorylation of AMPKĪ² at threonine-148 (Thr-148), which prevents the binding of AMPK to glycogen. Furthermore, in MIN6 cells, AMPKĪ²1 binds to R6 (PPP1R3D), a glycogen-targeting subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), thereby regulating the glucose-induced inactivation of AMPK. Here, we further investigated the interaction of R6 with AMPKĪ² and the possible dependency on Thr-148 phosphorylation status. Yeast two-hybrid analyses and co-immunoprecipitation of the overexpressed proteins in HEK293T cells revealed that both AMPKĪ²1 and Ī²2 wild-type (WT) isoforms bind to R6. The AMPKĪ²/R6 interaction was stronger with the muscle-specific Ī²2-WT and required association with the substrate-binding motif of R6. When HEK293T cells or C2C12 myotubes were cultured in high-glucose medium, AMPKĪ²2-WT and R6 weakly interacted. In contrast, glycogen depletion significantly enhanced this protein interaction. Mutation of AMPKĪ²2 Thr-148 prevented the interaction with R6 irrespective of the intracellular glycogen content. Treatment with the AMPK activator oligomycin enhanced AMPKĪ²2/R6 interaction in conjunction with increased Thr-148 phosphorylation in cells grown in low glucose medium. These data are in accordance with R6 binding directly to AMPKĪ²2 when both proteins detach from the diminishing glycogen particle, which is simultaneous to increased AMPKĪ²2 Thr-148 autophosphorylation. Such model points to a possible control of AMPK by PP1-R6 upon glycogen depletion in muscle.DN is recipient of a VIDI-Innovational Research Grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO-ALW Grant no. 864.10.007). This work has further been supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science SAF2014-54604-C3-1-R and a grant from Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/029) to PS.Peer reviewe

    Palmitate-Induced Vacuolar-Type H(+)-ATPase Inhibition Feeds Forward Into Insulin Resistance and Contractile Dysfunction

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    Dietary fat overconsumption leads to myocardial lipid accumulation through mechanisms that are incompletely resolved. Previously, we identified increased translocation of the fatty acid transporter CD36 from its endosomal storage compartment to the sarcolemma as the primary mechanism of excessive myocellular lipid import. Here, we show that increased CD36 translocation is caused by alkalinization of endosomes resulting from inhibition of proton pumping activity of vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (v-ATPase). Endosomal alkalinization was observed in hearts from rats fed a lard-based high-fat diet and in rodent and human cardiomyocytes upon palmitate overexposure, and appeared as an early lipid-induced event preceding the onset of insulin resistance. Either genetic or pharmacological inhibition of v-ATPase in cardiomyocytes exposed to low palmitate concentrations reduced insulin sensitivity and cardiomyocyte contractility, which was rescued by CD36 silencing. The mechanism of palmitate-induced v-ATPase inhibition involved its dissociation into two parts: the cytosolic V-1 and the integral membrane V-0 subcomplex. Interestingly, oleate also inhibits v-ATPase function, yielding triacylglycerol accumulation but not insulin resistance. In conclusion, lipid oversupply increases CD36-mediated lipid uptake that directly impairs v-ATPase function. This feeds forward to enhanced CD36 translocation and further increased lipid uptake. In the case of palmitate, its accelerated uptake ultimately precipitates into cardiac insulin resistance and contractile dysfunction

    Characterization of ERG, AR and PTEN gene status in circulating tumor cells from patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    Hormone-driven expression of the ERG oncogene after fusion with TMPRSS2 occurs in 30% to 70% of therapy-naive prostate cancers. Its relevance in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) remains controversial as ERG is not expressed in some TMPRSS2-ERG androgen-independent xenograft models. However, unlike these models, CRPC patients have an increasing prostate-specific antigen, indicating active androgen receptor signaling. Here, we collected blood every month from 89 patients (54 chemotherapy-naive patients and 35 docetaxel-treated patients) treated in phase I/phase II clinical trials of an orally available, highly specific CYP17 inhibitor, abiraterone acetate, that ablates the synthesis of androgens and estrogens that drive TMPRSS2-ERG fusions. We isolated circulating tumor cells (CTC) by anti-epithelial cell adhesion molecule immunomagnetic selection followed by cytokeratin and CD45 immunofluorescence and 4',6diamidino-2-phenylindole staining. We used multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization to show that CRPC CTCs, metastases, and prostate tissue invariably had the same ERG gene status as therapy-naive tumors (n = 31). We then used quantitative reverse transcription-PCR to show that ERG expression was maintained in CRPC. We also observed homogeneity in ERG gene rearrangement status in CTCs (n = 48) in contrast to significant heterogeneity of AR copy number gain and PTEN loss, suggesting that rearrangement of ERG may be an earlier event in prostate carcinogenesis. We finally report a significant association between ERG rearrangements in therapy-naive tumors, CRPCs, and CTCs and magnitude of prostate-specific antigen decline (P = 0.007) in CRPC patients treated with abiraterone acetate. These data confirm that CTCs are malignant in origin and indicate that hormone-regulated expressio

    Quantifying Microstructural Evolution in Moving Magma

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    Many of the grand challenges in volcanic and magmatic research are focused on understanding the dynamics of highly heterogeneous systems and the critical conditions that enable magmas to move or eruptions to initiate. From the formation and development of magma reservoirs, through propagation and arrest of magma, to the conditions in the conduit, gas escape, eruption dynamics, and beyond into the environmental impacts of that eruption, we are trying to define how processes occur, their rates and timings, and their causes and consequences. However, we are usually unable to observe the processes directly. Here we give a short synopsis of the new capabilities and highlight the potential insights that in situ observation can provide. We present the XRheo and Pele furnace experimental apparatus and analytical toolkit for the in situ X-ray tomography-based quantification of magmatic microstructural evolution during rheological testing. We present the first 3D data showing the evolving textural heterogeneity within a shearing magma, highlighting the dynamic changes to microstructure that occur from the initiation of shear, and the variability of the microstructural response to that shear as deformation progresses. The particular shear experiments highlighted here focus on the effect of shear on bubble coalescence with a view to shedding light on both magma transport and fragmentation processes. The XRheo system is intended to help us understand the microstructural controls on the complex and non-Newtonian evolution of magma rheology, and is therefore used to elucidate the many mobilization, transport, and eruption phenomena controlled by the rheological evolution of a multi-phase magmatic flows. The detailed, in situ characterization of sample textures presented here therefore represents the opening of a new field for the accurate parameterization of dynamic microstructural control on rheological behavior
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