2,803 research outputs found

    Cooperation and optimism in a social dilemma

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    We examine the influence of optimism about local and foreign people on social cooperation using a public goods game. Firstly, we find that optimism fuels social cooperation, and secondly, that this positive effect holds when optimism is focused either jointly or individually

    Feasibility study of a hand guided robotic drill for cochleostomy

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    The concept of a hand guided robotic drill has been inspired by an automated, arm supported robotic drill recently applied in clinical practice to produce cochleostomies without penetrating the endosteum ready for inserting cochlear electrodes. The smart tactile sensing scheme within the drill enables precise control of the state of interaction between tissues and tools in real-time. This paper reports development studies of the hand guided robotic drill where the same consistent outcomes, augmentation of surgeon control and skill, and similar reduction of induced disturbances on the hearing organ are achieved. The device operates with differing presentation of tissues resulting from variation in anatomy and demonstrates the ability to control or avoid penetration of tissue layers as required and to respond to intended rather than involuntary motion of the surgeon operator. The advantage of hand guided over an arm supported system is that it offers flexibility in adjusting the drilling trajectory. This can be important to initiate cutting on a hard convex tissue surface without slipping and then to proceed on the desired trajectory after cutting has commenced. The results for trials on phantoms show that drill unit compliance is an important factor in the design

    Estimating the functional form for the density dependence from life history data

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    Two contrasting approaches to the analysis of population dynamics are currently popular: demographic approaches where the associations between demographic rates and statistics summarizing the population dynamics are identified; and time series approaches where the associations between population dynamics, population density, and environmental covariates are investigated. In this paper, we develop an approach to combine these methods and apply it to detailed data from Soay sheep (Ovis aries). We examine how density dependence and climate contribute to fluctuations in population size via age- and sex-specific demographic rates, and how fluctuations in demographic structure influence population dynamics. Density dependence contributes most, followed by climatic variation, age structure fluctuations and interactions between density and climate. We then simplify the density-dependent, stochastic, age-structured demographic model and derive a new phenomenological time series which captures the dynamics better than previously selected functions. The simple method we develop has potential to provide substantial insight into the relative contributions of population and individual-level processes to the dynamics of populations in stochastic environments

    Fundamental parameters of Cepheids. V. Additional photometry and radial velocity for southern Cepheids

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    I present photometric and radial velocity data for Galactic Cepheids, most of them being in the southern hemisphere. There are 1250 Geneva 7-color photometric measurements for 62 Cepheids, the average uncertainty per measurement is better than 0.01 mag. A total of 832 velocity measurements have been obtained with the CORAVEL radial velocity spectrograph for 46 Cepheids. The average accuracy of the radial velocity data is 0.38 km/s. There are 33 stars with both photometry and radial velocity data. I discuss the possible binarity or period change that these new data reveal. I also present reddenings for all Cepheids with photometry. The data are available electronically.Comment: To appear in ApJS. Data available electronically at ftp://cfa-ftp.harvard.edu/pub/dbersier

    Spectropolarimetric observations of Herbig Ae/Be Stars I: HiVIS spectropolarimetric calibration and reduction techniques

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    Using the HiVIS spectropolarimeter built for the Haleakala 3.7m AEOS telescope in Hawaii, we are collecting a large number of high precision spectropolarimetrc observations of stars. In order to precisely measure very small polarization changes, we have performed a number of polarization calibration techniques on the AEOS telescope and HiVIS spectrograph. We have extended our dedicated IDL reduction package and have performed some hardware upgrades to the instrument. We have also used the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter on CFHT to verify the HiVIS results with back-to-back observations of MWC 361 and HD163296. Comparision of this and other HiVIS data with stellar observations from the ISIS and WW spectropolarimeters in the literature further shows the usefulness of this instrument.Comment: 35 pages, 44 figures, Accepted by PAS

    The Shape and Scale of Galactic Rotation from Cepheid Kinematics

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    A catalog of Cepheid variables is used to probe the kinematics of the Galactic disk. Radial velocities are measured for eight distant Cepheids toward l = 300; these new Cepheids provide a particularly good constraint on the distance to the Galactic center, R_0. We model the disk with both an axisymmetric rotation curve and one with a weak elliptical component, and find evidence for an ellipticity of 0.043 +/- 0.016 near the Sun. Using these models, we derive R_0 = 7.66 +/- 0.32 kpc and v_circ = 237 +/- 12 km/s. The distance to the Galactic center agrees well with recent determinations from the distribution of RR Lyrae variables, and disfavors most models with large ellipticities at the solar orbit.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 10 figure

    p75 Neurotrophin receptor expression defines a population of BDNF-responsive neurogenic precursor cells

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    Although our understanding of adult neurogenesis has increased dramatically over the last decade, confusion still exists regarding both the identity of the stem cell responsible for neuron production and the mechanisms that regulate its activity. Here we show, using flow cytometry, that a small population of cells (0.3%) within the stem cell niche of the rat subventricular zone (SVZ) expresses the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) and that these cells are responsible for neuron production in both newborn and adult animals. In the adult, the p75(NTR)-positive population contains all of the neurosphere-producing precursor cells, whereas in the newborn many of the precursor cells are p75(NTR) negative. However, at both ages, only the neurospheres derived from p75(NTR)-positive cells are neurogenic. We also show that neuron production from p75(NTR)-positive but not p75(NTR)-negative precursors is greatly enhanced after treatment with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) or nerve growth factor. This effect appears to be mediated specifically by p75(NTR), because precursor cells from p75(NTR)-deficient mice show a 70% reduction in their neurogenic potential in vitro and fail to respond to BDNF treatment. Furthermore, adult p75(NTR)-deficient mice have significantly reduced numbers of PSA-NCAM ( polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule)-positive SVZ neuroblasts in vivo and a lower olfactory bulb weight. Thus, p75(NTR) defines a discrete population of highly proliferative SVZ precursor cells that are able to respond to neurotrophin activation by increasing neuroblast generation, making this pathway the most likely mechanism for the increased neurogenesis that accompanies raised BDNF levels in a variety of disease and behavioral situations

    Population genetic data for 17 Y STR markers from Benghazi (East Libya)

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    The seventeen Y-STR loci included in the AmpF‘STR1 YfilerTM PCR Amplification kit (DYS19, DYS389I,DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385a/b, DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS458,DYS456, DYS635, and Y-GATA-H4) were used to type a sample population of 238 males from eastern Libya (Benghazi region). Of 238 observed haplotypes, 214 were unique (90%) and 24 (10%) were found more than once. The 17 loci gave a discriminating power of 0.999. DYS458 showed the highest diversity as a single-locus marker (0.73). Allelic frequencies and gene diversities for each Y-STR locus were determined. The high haplotype diversity and discrimination capacity (0.996) demonstrate the utility of these loci for human identification in forensic applications. Comparative analysis with Y-STR datasets of relevant populations and submission of the haplotypes to the Y-STR Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD) was undertaken

    Correlations in Cosmic String Networks

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    We investigate scaling and correlations of the energy and momentum in an evolving network of cosmic strings in Minkowski space. These quantities are of great interest, as they must be understood before accurate predictions for the power spectra of the perturbations in the matter and radiation in the early Universe can be made. We argue that Minkowski space provides a reasonable approximation to a Friedmann background for string dynamics and we use our results to construct a simple model of the network, in which it is considered to consist of randomly placed segments moving with random velocities. This model works well in accounting for features of the two-time correlation functions, and even better for the power spectra.Comment: 20pp Plain LaTeX, 11 EPS figures, uses epsf.st