146 research outputs found
Jean Claude Catherine (dir.), La Captivité des prisonniers de guerre : Histoire, art et mémoire (1939-1945)
Cet ouvrage a pour origine un colloque intitulé La captivité des prisonniers de guerre : Histoire, art et mémoire (1939-1945) organisé les 8 et 9 avril 2005 à Lorient. Autour de ce sujet étaient réunis historiens, étudiants, administrateurs, personnels de musées et mémoriaux et témoins de toute l’Europe. Yves Durand, signant ici la préface, montre que la question des prisonniers de guerre est paradoxale. En effet, l’histoire de ces millions de prisonniers de toutes nationalités est délaissée ..
Jean Claude Catherine (dir.), La Captivité des prisonniers de guerre : Histoire, art et mémoire (1939-1945)
Cet ouvrage a pour origine un colloque intitulé La captivité des prisonniers de guerre : Histoire, art et mémoire (1939-1945) organisé les 8 et 9 avril 2005 à Lorient. Autour de ce sujet étaient réunis historiens, étudiants, administrateurs, personnels de musées et mémoriaux et témoins de toute l’Europe. Yves Durand, signant ici la préface, montre que la question des prisonniers de guerre est paradoxale. En effet, l’histoire de ces millions de prisonniers de toutes nationalités est délaissée ..
Conditions et formes d’une sociabilité littéraire chez Maurice Blanchot
La notion de sociabilité permet de saisir la cohérence de la pensée de Maurice Blanchot dans l’articulation des différents thèmes de son œuvre. De la solitude, consistant en littérature en une extériorité à toute autre activité humaine, naît la communication, mode d’être de l’œuvre, hors des enjeux de pouvoir car hors du monde. Les notions d’amitié et de communauté exposées par Blanchot se pensent sur ce modèle comme relations entre écrivains, ayant fait l’expérience de ce « dehors » et donc d’un rapport sans enjeu de domination qui fonde aussi la légitimité de l’engagement intellectuel tout en impliquant une sortie assumée de la sphère littéraire.The notion of sociability allows catching the coherence of Maurice Blanchot’s thought in the linking of the different points of his works. From the loneliness, which means in literature an exteriority from every other human activity, appears the communication, the way of being of literary work, outside of the values and outside of the world (social, political). The notions of friendship and of community developed by Blanchot are thought on this model as relationships between writers, who experienced this outside and so can enter in links without domination issues which legitimate the intellectual commitment but imply an assumed leaving of the literary space
Gestão Do Repeat Breeding Nas Vacas Leiteiras
A síndrome de repeat breeding (RB) em vacas leiteiras, caracterizada por ciclos éstricos normais sem concepção após múltiplas tentativas, representa um desafio significativo para a eficiência reprodutiva nas explorações pecuárias. O intervalo prolongado entre o parto e a conceção destas vacas, contribui para custos acrescidos com um impacto financeiro considerável, estimado em cerca de 5 € por dia em aberto, destacando a importância da resolução desta síndrome. A investigação minuciosa é crucial para identificar as causas subjacentes, que incluem problemas de saúde, nutrição inadequada, distúrbios hormonais, infeções uterinas e questões de maneio. A resolução destes problemas é fundamental para otimizar a eficiência reprodutiva e a produtividade em bovinos leiteiros. Além da gestão das causas mencionadas, diversas abordagens visam reduzir a ocorrência do repeat breeding ou valorizar as vacas afetadas. A intervenção genética é uma área de investigação importante na produção de bovinos de leite, com o objetivo de reduzir o RB por seleção genética. Terapias inovadoras, como o plasma rico em plaquetas e o lisado de plaquetas, atuam como fatores imunomoduladores da inflamação e tiveram resultados promissores na estimulação da produção de embriões in vitro e in vivo após diferentes tratamentos em vacas RB. Além disso, o uso da transferência de embriões obtidos de vacas RB de elevado valor genético constitui uma estratégia para valorizar esses indivíduos. A eficiência e rentabilidade nas explorações leiteiras dependem da identificação e resolução sistemática dos animais não produtivos. A abordagem sistemática na resolução das causas da síndrome de repeat breeding é essencial para melhorar o desempenho reprodutivo, garantindo a sustentabilidade e o sucesso económico das explorações.The repeat breeding syndrome (RB) in dairy cows, is characterized by normal estrous cycles without conception after multiple attempts, and represents a significant challenge for the reproductive efficiency in livestock farming. The prolonged interval between calving and conception observed in these cows contributes to increased costs with considerable financial impact, estimated at around €5 per open day, highlighting the importance of resolving this syndrome. A deep research is crucial to identify the RB underlying causes, which include health problems, inadequate nutrition, hormonal disorders, uterine infections, and management issues. Resolving these problems is essential to optimize reproductive efficiency and productivity in dairy cattle. In addition, to manage the above-mentioned causes, various approaches aiming to reduce the occurrence of repeat breeding and to valorize affected cows may be implemented. Genetic intervention is an important area of research in dairy cattle production, aiming to reduce RB through genetic selection. Innovative therapies, such as, platelet-rich plasma and platelet lysate, acting as immunomodulators of inflammation have shown promising results in stimulating embryo production both in vitro and in vivo after different treatments of RB cows. Furthermore, the use of embryo transfer obtained from high genetic value RB cows constitutes a strategy to valorize these individuals. The efficiency and profitability in dairy farming depend on the systematic identification and resolution of non-productive animals. A systematic approach to resolving the causes of repeat breeding syndrome is essential to improve reproductive performance, ensuring the sustainability and economic success of farms
Frédérique Pitou, Jacqueline Sainclivier (dir.), Les affrontements : Usages, discours et rituels
Cet ouvrage est issu de plusieurs journées d’étude organisées par le CERHIO entre 2005 et 2006, réunissant chercheurs en Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine autour de la question des affrontements. Ce concept, déjà connu des sciences sociales, donne un éclairage différent aux études historiques : les affrontements, vus comme une forme de lien social, permettent de comprendre certains phénomènes sociaux. Ce ne sont pas les conflits armés eux-mêmes qui sont au centre du livre, mais les usages soc..
Practice of Contemporary Dance Improves Cognitive Flexibility in Aging
As society ages and frequency of dementia increases exponentially, counteracting cognitive aging decline is a challenging issue for countries of the developed world. Previous studies have suggested that physical fitness based on cardiovascular and strength training helps to improve attentional control in normal aging. However, how motor activity based on motor-skill learning can also benefit attentional control with age has been hitherto a neglected issue. This study examined the impact of contemporary dance (CD) improvisation on attentional control of older adults, as compared to two other motor training programs, fall prevention and Tai Chi Chuan. Participants performed setting, suppressing, and switching attention tasks before and after 5.7-month training in either CD or fall prevention or Tai Chi Chuan. Results indicated that CD improved switching but not setting or suppressing attention. In contrast, neither fall prevention nor Tai Chi Chuan showed any effect. We suggest that CD improvisation works as a training for change, inducing plasticity in flexible attention
Practice of Contemporary Dance Promotes Stochastic Postural Control in Aging
As society ages and the frequency of falls increases, counteracting gait and posture decline is a challenging issue for countries of the developed world. Previous studies have shown that exercise and hazard management help to improve balance and/or decrease the risks for falling in normal aging. Motor activity based on motor-skill learning, particularly dance, can also benefit balance and decreases falls with age. Recent studies have suggested that older dancers have better balance, posture, or gait than non-dancers. Additionally, clinical or laboratory measures have shown improvements in some aspects of balance after dance interventions in elderly trainees. This study examined the impact of contemporary dance (CD) and of fall prevention (FP) programs on postural control of older adults. Posturography of quiet upright stance was performed in 41 participants aged 59–86 years before and after 4.4-month training in either CD or FP once a week. Though classical statistic scores failed to show any effect, dynamic analyses of the center-of-pressure displacements revealed significant changes after training. Specifically, practice of CD enhanced the critical time interval in diffusion analysis, and reduced recurrence and mathematical stability in recurrence quantification analysis, whereas practice of FP induced or tended to induce the reverse patterns. Such effects were obtained only in the eyes open condition. We suggest that CD training based on motor improvisation favored stochastic posture inducing plasticity in motor control, while FP training based on more stereotyped behaviors did not
Adolescents' postural control learning according to the frequency of knowledge of process
Feedback is one of the most influential factors for motor skills learning. Physical Education teachers commonly use verbal cues to provide knowledge of process (KP) when teaching motor skills, but the ideal presentation frequency for KP in adolescents is unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the frequency of KP (i.e., 100%, 67%, 0%) on dynamic balance. Thirty adolescents, age 14-15 years, participated in the study. Performance on a stabilometer platform was used to assess dynamic balance. Participants received feedback after each trial (100%), in two out of three trials (67%), or no feedback during 12 30-s trials of practice. Adolescents who received feedback (67% or 100%) required lower mean velocity to maintain similar dynamic balance performance (i.e., root mean square). Moreover, adolescents receiving 100% feedback had a higher α-scaling than those who did not received it. During the post-test and the retention, both 67% and 100% KP frequencies were effective at improving postural control, compared to the no feedback control
Distributed representations of the "preparatory set" in the frontal oculomotor system: a TMS study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The generation of saccades is influenced by the level of "preparatory set activity" in cortical oculomotor areas. This preparatory activity can be examined using the gap-paradigm in which a temporal gap is introduced between the disappearance of a central fixation target and the appearance of an eccentric target.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten healthy subjects made horizontal pro- or antisaccades in response to lateralized cues after a gap period of 200 ms. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), frontal eye field (FEF), or supplementary eye field (SEF) of the right hemisphere 100 or 200 ms after the disappearance of the fixation point. Saccade latencies were measured to probe the disruptive effect of TMS on saccade preparation. In six individuals, we gave realistic sham TMS during the gap period to mimic auditory and somatosensory stimulation without stimulating the cortex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>TMS to DLPFC, FEF, or SEF increased the latencies of contraversive pro- and antisaccades. This TMS-induced delay of saccade initiation was particularly evident in conditions with a relatively high level of preparatory set activity: The increase in saccade latency was more pronounced at the end of the gap period and when participants prepared for prosaccades rather than antisaccades. Although the "lesion effect" of TMS was stronger with prefrontal TMS, TMS to FEF or SEF also interfered with the initiation of saccades. The delay in saccade onset induced by real TMS was not caused by non-specific effects because sham stimulation shortened the latencies of contra- and ipsiversive anti-saccades, presumably due to intersensory facilitation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results are compatible with the view that the "preparatory set" for contraversive saccades is represented in a distributed cortical network, including the contralateral DLPFC, FEF and SEF.</p
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