484 research outputs found

    Skeletal muscle mass and composition during mammalian hibernation

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    Hibernation is characterized by prolonged periods of inactivity with concomitantly low nutrient intake, conditions that would typically result in muscle atrophy combined with a loss of oxidative fibers. Yet, hibernators consistently emerge from winter with very little atrophy, frequently accompanied by a slight shift in fiber ratios to more oxidative fiber types. Preservation of muscle morphology is combined with down-regulation of glycolytic pathways and increased reliance on lipid metabolism instead. Furthermore, while rates of protein synthesis are reduced during hibernation, balance is maintained by correspondingly low rates of protein degradation. Proposed mechanisms include a number of signaling pathways and transcription factors that lead to increased oxidative fiber expression, enhanced protein synthesis and reduced protein degradation, ultimately resulting in minimal loss of skeletal muscle protein and oxidative capacity. The functional significance of these outcomes is maintenance of skeletal muscle strength and fatigue resistance, which enables hibernating animals to resume active behaviors such as predator avoidance, foraging and mating immediately following terminal arousal in the spring

    Avoidance of skeletal muscle atrophy in spontaneous and facultative hibernators

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    Smooth and skeletal muscle changes were compared from overwintering white-tailed prairie dogs, spontaneous hibernators that undergo regular, low-temperature torpor bouts, and black-tailed prairie dogs, facultative hibernators that use sporadic, moderate-temperature torpor bouts. The objectives were to assess the abilities of these two species with dramatically different torpor patterns (1) to conserve skeletal muscle morphology, protein, and strength and (2) to use labile protein in the small intestine and liver during the winter season of reduced activity and food intake. Mass and protein concentration of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL), soleus, liver, and small intestine, as well as skeletal muscle strength and fiber morphology for the EDL and soleus, were compared before and after hibernation in both species. Both species appeared to be similar to overwintering black bears and underwent very little strength and protein loss, as compared with euthermic models of immobility and long-term fasting. Although the two species used vastly different hibernation strategies, none of the changes in parameters related to muscle atrophy and labile-protein use during the hibernation season differed significantly between them. Therefore, it appears that regardless of the phenotypic expressions of hibernation, the outcome is the conservation of skeletal muscle

    Do hypothermic tissue tolerances limit torpor expression?

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    1. Arrest temperatures and Q10 values for extensor digitorum longus (EDL), soleus, trabecula, and jejunum muscle twitch strength, contraction time, and 0.5 relaxation time were calculated for a deep torpor hibernator, white-tailed prairie dog (WTPD) (Cynomys leucurus), a shallow torpor hibernator, black-tailed prairie dog (BTPD) (Cynomys ludovicianus), and a non-hibernator, lab rat (Rattus norvegicus) to test the hypothesis that tissue temperature tolerances limit the depth of expressed torpor. 2. There were no temperature tolerance differences between the tissues of the two species of hibernators. Both hibernating species had arrest temperatures and Q10 values more indicative of cold temperature tolerance than the lab rat in all tissues, with the exception of the soleus muscle. 3. These data imply that a limited cold tolerance of contractile tissue does not preclude a shallow torpor hibernator such as the black-tailed prairie dog from expressing deep torpor patterns. Other mechanisms, such as central neural control, are more likely to be important in determining the torpor strategy utilized by hibernating species

    High altitude diving in river otters: coping with combined hypoxic stresses

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    River otters (Lontra canadensis) are highly active, semi-aquatic mammals indigenous to a range of elevations and represent an appropriate model for assessing the physiological responses to diving at altitude. In this study, we performed blood gas analyses and compared blood chemistry of river otters from a high-elevation (2357 m) population at Yellowstone Lake with a sea-level population along the Pacific coast. Comparisons of oxygen dissociation curves (ODC) revealed no significant difference in hemoglobin-oxygen (Hb-O2) binding affinity between the two populations - potentially because of demands for tissue oxygenation. Instead, high-elevation otters had greater Hb concentrations (18.7 g dl-1) than sea-level otters (15.6 g dl-1). Yellowstone otters displayed higher levels of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO), and half the concentration of the serum protein albumin, possibly to compensate for increased blood viscosity. Despite compensation in several hematological and serological parameters, theoretical aerobic dive limits (ADL) were similar between high-elevation and sea-level otters because of the lower availability of O2 at altitude. Our results suggest that recent disruptions to the Yellowstone Lake food web could be detrimental to otters because at this high elevation, constraints on diving may limit their ability to switch to prey in a deep-water environment

    Sustainable Agriculture Education and Civic Engagement: The Significance of Community-University Partnerships in the New Agricultural Paradigm

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    Universities and colleges across the United States are making innovative strides in higher education programming to catalyze a more sustainable era of agriculture. This is clearly exemplified through the formation of community-university partnerships as critical illustrations of civic engagement (CE) for sustainable agriculture (SA) education. This paper explores the praxis of CE for SA education by focusing on the ways in which five land-grant universities (LGUs) with undergraduate programs in SA have developed and put into practice community-university partnerships. Drawing upon these programs and supportive literature, this article specifically attempts to describe the role and significance of CE for SA education, emerging community-university partnership models and their implications for prompting food and agriculture sustainability, and student learning and program assessment outcomes. We also reveal the many challenges and opportunities encountered by stakeholders involved in the creation and continuation of these programs and their subsequent coursework. Conclusions offer real world recommendations for other faculty, staff, student, and community stakeholders to implement and generate action-oriented scholarship for and with communities as a viable thread of SA education

    Resolving deep relationships of PACMAD grasses: a phylogenomic approach

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    Background Plastome sequences for 18 species of the PACMAD grasses (subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Chloridoideae, Micrairoideae, Arundinoideae, Danthonioideae) were analyzed phylogenomically. Next generation sequencing methods were used to provide complete plastome sequences for 12 species. Sanger sequencing was performed to determine the plastome of one species, Hakonechloa macra, to provide a reference for annotation. These analyses were conducted to resolve deep subfamilial relationships within the clade. Divergence estimates were assessed to determine potential factors that led to the rapid radiation of this lineage and its dominance of warmer open habitats. Results New plastomes were completely sequenced and characterized for 13 PACMAD species. An autapomorphic ~1140 bp deletion was found in Hakonechloa macra putatively pseudogenizing rpl14 and eliminating rpl16 from this plastome. Phylogenomic analyses support Panicoideae as the sister group to the ACMAD clade. Complete plastome sequences provide greater support at deep nodes within the PACMAD clade. The initial diversification of PACMAD subfamilies was estimated to occur at 32.4 mya. Conclusions Phylogenomic analyses of complete plastomes provides resolution for deep relationships of PACMAD grasses. The divergence estimate of 32.4 mya at the crown node of the PACMAD clade coincides with the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT). The Eocene was a period of global cooling and drying, which led to forest fragmentation and the expansion of open habitats now dominated by these grasses. Understanding how these grasses are related and determining a cause for their rapid radiation allows for future predictions of grassland distribution in the face of a changing global climate.This work was supported in part by the Plant Molecular Biology Center, the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Illinois University and the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers DEB-1120750 to LGC, DEB-1120856 to SAK and DEB-1120761 to MRD.This article is made openly accessible in part by an award from the Northern Illinois University Libraries’ Open Access Publishing Fund

    Stationary solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation: II. Case of attractive nonlinearity

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    All stationary solutions to the one-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation under box or periodic boundary conditions are presented in analytic form for the case of attractive nonlinearity. A companion paper has treated the repulsive case. Our solutions take the form of bounded, quantized, stationary trains of bright solitons. Among them are two uniquely nonlinear classes of nodeless solutions, whose properties and physical meaning are discussed in detail. The full set of symmetry-breaking stationary states are described by the CnC_{n} character tables from the theory of point groups. We make experimental predictions for the Bose-Einstein condensate and show that, though these are the analog of some of the simplest problems in linear quantum mechanics, nonlinearity introduces new and surprising phenomena.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures -- revised versio

    The frequency of transforming growth factor-TGF-B gene polymorphisms in a normal southern Iranian population

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    Several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the transforming growth factor-β1 gene (TGFB1) have been reported. Determination of TGFB1 SNPs allele frequencies in different ethnic groups is useful for both population genetic analyses and association studies with immunological diseases. In this study, five SNPs of TGFB1 were determined in 325 individuals from a normal southern Iranian population using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. This population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for these SNPs. Of the 12 constructed haplotypes, GTCGC and GCTGC were the most frequent in the normal southern Iranian population. Comparison of genotype and allele frequencies of TGFB SNPs between Iranian and other populations (meta-analysis) showed significant differences, and in this case the southern Iranian population seems genetically similar to Caucasoid populations. However, neighbour-joining tree using Nei's genetic distances based on TGF-β1 allele frequencies showed that southern Iranians are genetically far from people from the USA, Germany, UK, Denmark and the Czech Republic. In conclusion, this is the first report of the distribution of TGFB1 SNPs in an Iranian population and the results of this investigation may provide useful information for both population genetic and disease studies. © 2008 The Authors

    First principles simulations of liquid Fe-S under Earth's core conditions

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    First principles electronic structure calculations, based upon density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation and ultra-soft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials, have been used to simulate a liquid alloy of iron and sulfur at Earth's core conditions. We have used a sulfur concentration of 12\approx 12 % wt, in line with the maximum recent estimates of the sulfur abundance in the Earth's outer core. The analysis of the structural, dynamical and electronic structure properties has been used to report on the effect of the sulfur impurities on the behavior of the liquid. Although pure sulfur is known to form chains in the liquid phase, we have not found any tendency towards polymerization in our liquid simulation. Rather, a net S-S repulsion is evident, and we propose an explanation for this effect in terms of the electronic structure. The inspection of the dynamical properties of the system suggests that the sulfur impurities have a negligible effect on the viscosity of Earth's liquid core.Comment: 24 pages (including 8 figures

    The dawn of the dead : (improbable) art after aI-zombie apocalypse

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    In recent years there has been growing interest in artificial neural networks (ANNs) which are quickly becoming the primary device for machine learning. Used for finding patterns in large data sets, ANNs were also recently employed in many artistic contexts: as tools for artists, semi-independent creators of content, and even as invisible "critics" which / who predict our aesthetic preferences. The aim of this paper is to speculate about the disruptive effect of these ‘alien agencies’ on the (modernist) aesthetic regime of art centred around the notion of autonomy. The author examines how neural networks and connectionist epistemologies may potentially affect the most common ways of producing, circulating, and valorising art. He claims that the possibility of automatizing creativity and art criticism may lead to the emergence of a new aesthetic regime based on forms of dynamic, distributed and probabilistic governance