627 research outputs found

    Search for the Lepton Flavour Violating Higgs decay H --> tau mu at Hadron Colliders

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    We study the prospects to detect at hadron colliders the Lepton Flavour Violating Higgs decay H --> tau mu, which can reach substantial branching fractions in several extensions of the SM. Among them, the generic two higgs doublet model can be taken as a representative case where B.R.(H --> tau mu) can reach values of order 10^-1-10^-2. Bounds on the LFV factor kappa_{tau mu} of order 0.8-1.7 can be derived at 95% c.l. at Tevatron Run-2 with 4 fb^-1 for m_H = 110-150 GeV.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, uses RevTeX4. Contribution to Snowmass 200


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    This paper presents the use of laser scanner derived data for the study of the structural disorders in the central nave of the Parma Cathedral. An accurate three-dimensional model of the entire nave was realized to investigate deformations, in order to reconstruct the original conformation and the subsequent evolutions, also in comparison with previous surveys. Specifically, for the analysis presented in the paper, seven scans were performed, one for each bay: the results allowed to compare the deformations on the seven vaults, on the transverse and diagonal arches, giving first hints on the possible differences in the behaviour between the different elements. The measures on the levels of floor and pillars bases were analysed in a historical monitoring approach, in order to retrace the evolution of the differential settlements in time, since the construction of the building. Moreover, a structural analysis has been carried out on one transverse arch with distinct element analysis, with two different approaches. In one case, the structure was inserted exactly as surveyed, and then subjected to the actions. In the second case, the original geometry, before the deformation, was retraced through a parametric approach and the structural analysis basically started at the beginning of the building's life, thus trying to model not only the present structural situation, but also the path which led to the current deformation. The results were particularly meaningful as they showed that in the first case, disregarding the footsteps of history, the stress pattern inside the masonry was very different from the one obtained in the second case, which is more likely to represent the present conditions

    Câncer colo-retal hereditário não polipose - Diagnóstico e surgimento de famílias de alto risco

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    Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer is an autosomal dominant condition caused by highly penetrant gene mutations. It is characterized by increased susceptibility for a specific group of cancer, mainly colorectal cancer. The syndrome originates from the inheritance of mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes. The most commonly affected genes in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer are hMLH1 and hMSH2. Their deficient expression renders the cell susceptible to the accumulation of many molecular defects, a condition which can be evaluated by the instability in sections of base repeats in the genoma known as microsatellite instability. The molecular detection of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer is possible in most of the highly suspicious cases. Genetic tests for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer also allow characterization of the individual that bears the mutation within a family. The high cost and restricted availability of these tests hamper their use for every person presenting colorectal cancer. Due to this fact, some clinical criteria have been developed by a hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer international organization to select families with a high probability of carrying the mutation. Once families at risk are identified, they are encouraged to join a screening program that aims at early detection of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer-related cancers, increasing the possibility of its prevention and early detection.O câncer colo-retal hereditário não polipose é uma síndrome genética caracterizada por uma susceptilidade aumentada para certos tipos específicos de câncer, especialmente o câncer colo-retal. Ao nível molecular, a síndrome caracteriza-se pela herança autossômica dominante de mutações em genes envolvidos em um mecanismo de reparo do DNA dirigido para defeitos em trocas, ganhos ou perdas de um número de pequeno de bases, chamado de sistema de reparo de erros de pareamento. Os genes mais comumente afetados em câncer colo-retal hereditário não polipose são hMLH1 e hMSH2, e sua inativação destina a célula portadora à acumulação de mutações, uma condição conhecida como fenótipo de erro de replicação. Estas mutações múltiplas serão transmitidas e amplificadas em células-filhas e sua identificação pode ser feita por meio da identificação de distúrbios em seqüências repetidas de DNA chamadas de microssatélites. Células portadoras de defeitos deste tipo em seus microssatélites apresentam um fenótipo denominado de instabilidade de microssatélites (também denominado fenótipo MSI). Por meio da detecção destes defeitos genéticos é possível, presentemente, a realização de um diagnóstico preciso de câncer colo-retal hereditário não polipose, permitindo a atuação preventiva em portadores da síndrome que ainda não desenvolveram câncer. Contudo, limitações financeiras e de acesso aos exames inviabilizam sua realização em todos os indivíduos que apresentam câncer colo-retal. Por isso, foram estabelecidos pela comunidade internacional alguns critérios que selecionam as famílias com alta probabilidade de possuírem a mutação e que, portanto, podem beneficiar-se com estes exames. Este artigo procura abordar as estratégias recomendadas para identificação de casos de alto risco de câncer colo-retal hereditário não polipose, os testes genéticos disponíveis para estes casos e as recomendações para prevenção e seguimento destas famílias

    Constraints on the parameters of the Left Right Mirror Model

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    We study some phenomenological constraints on the parameters of a left right model with mirror fermions (LRMM) that solves the strong CP problem. In particular, we evaluate the contribution of mirror neutrinos to the invisible Z decay width (\Gamma_Z^{inv}), and we find that the present experimental value on \Gamma_Z^{inv}, can be used to place an upper bound on the Z-Z' mixing angle that is consistent with limits obtained previously from other low-energy observables. In this model the charged fermions that correspond to the standard model (SM) mix with its mirror counterparts. This mixing, simultaneously with the Z-Z' one, leads to modifications of the \Gamma(Z --> f \bar{f}) decay width. By comparing with LEP data, we obtain bounds on the standard-mirror lepton mixing angles. We also find that the bottom quark mixing parameters can be chosen to fit the experimental values of R_b, and the resulting values for the Z-Z' mixing angle do not agree with previous bounds. However, this disagreement disappears if one takes the more recent ALEPH data.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Prevalence of Apical Periodontitis in Patients with Autoimmune Liver Diseases on Immune Suppressants and Immune Modulators: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Introduction: Autoimmune liver diseases (ALDs) are chronic conditions generated by an immune-mediated autoaggressive inflammatory reaction in genetically susceptible individuals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) in patients suffering from ALDs undergoing treatment with the immune suppressants glucocorticoids, azathioprine, and/or ursodeoxycholic acid. Methods: The ALD group included 46 patients (11 men and 35 women, average age = 57.9 ± 11.8 years) and 1186 teeth. The control group included 50 healthy patients not taking any medications (15 men and 35 women, average age = 58.6 ± 10.4 years) and 1251 teeth. Demographic data and medical, pharmacologic, and dental history were recorded. Dental and radiographic examinations were performed. The presence of AP; the periapical index score; decayed, missing, and filled teeth; quality of restoration, and root canal treatment were evaluated. The influence of the medications the patients were taking on the prevalence of AP was also tested. Results: The prevalence of AP was significantly lower in ALDs than in the control group at the patient (P = .019) and tooth level (P = .014). Smoking and age were associated with a significant increase in AP in cases and controls (P = .045 and P = .001, respectively). In both groups, endodontically treated teeth showed a higher prevalence of AP. Conclusions: Considering the limitations because of the observational nature of the study, the patients affected by ALDs liver diseases and undergoing treatment with immune suppressors (often associated with immune modulators) were found to exhibit a lower prevalence of AP

    Surgical treatment of rectal prolapse: experience and late results with 51 patients

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    The "best" surgical technique for the management of complete rectal prolapse remains unknown. Due to its low incidence, it is very difficult to achieve a representative number of cases, and there are no large prospective randomized trials to attest to the superiority of one operation over another. PURPOSE: Analyze the results of surgical treatment of complete rectal prolapse during 1980 and 2002. METHOD: Retrospective study. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients underwent surgical treatment during this period. The mean age was 56.7 years, with 39 females. Besides the prolapse itself, 33 patients complained of mucous discharge, 31 of fecal incontinence, 14 of constipation, 17 of rectal bleeding, and 3 of urinary incontinence. Abdominal operations were performed in 36 (71%) cases. Presacral rectopexy was the most common abdominal procedure (29 cases) followed by presacral rectopexy associated with sigmoidectomy (5 cases). The most common perineal procedure was perineal rectosigmoidectomy associated with levatorplasty (12 cases). Intraoperative bleeding from the presacral space developed in 2 cases, and a rectovaginal fistula occurred in another patient after a perineal rectosigmoidectomy. There were 2 recurrences after a mean follow-up of 49 months, which were treated by reoperation. CONCLUSION: Abdominal and perineal procedures can be used to manage complete rectal prolapse with safety and good long-term results. Age, associated medical conditions, and symptoms of fecal incontinence or constipation are the main features that one should bear in mind in order to choose the best surgical approach.A técnica cirúrgica mais apropriada para a correção da procidência retal permanece motivo de controvérsia. Por se tratar de afecção pouco freqüente, há dificuldade de avaliação de número adequado de pacientes em estudos randomizados e existe pouca evidência para comprovar a superioridade de alguma das técnicas. OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados de eficácia e segurança do tratamento cirúrgico da procidência retal em pacientes operados entre 1980 e 2002. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: Cinqüenta e um pacientes foram operados. A idade média foi de 56,7 anos e 39 eram mulheres. Além do prolapso, 33 pacientes queixavam-se de eliminação de muco, 31 tinham incontinência anal, 14 apresentavam constipação, 17 com sangramento retal e 3 incontinência urinária. Operações abdominais foram realizadas em 36 (71%) casos, sendo a retopexia sem prótese a operação mais realizada (29 casos) seguida pela retossigmoidectomia com retopexia (5 casos). A operação perineal mais realizada foi a retossigmoidectomia com plastia dos elevadores (12 casos). O sangramento sacral foi a única complicação intra-operatória e ocorreu em dois casos. Como complicação pós-operatória, houve um caso de fístula retovaginal após operação de retossigmoidectomia perineal. Após seguimento médio de 49 meses, observamos recidiva da procidência em 2 casos. CONCLUSÕES: Operações abdominais e perineais podem ser utilizadas com segurança e eficácia no tratamento cirúrgico da procidência do reto. A idade, a presença de afecções associadas, comorbidades e os sintomas de constipação e incontinência são as principais variáveis envolvidas na escolha da operação. As operações de retopexia abdominal e retossigmoidectomia perineal estão associadas a bons resultados

    Tratamento conservador da retite actínica hemorrágica: uma revisão

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    Chronic radiation proctitis represents a challenging condition seen with increased frequency due to the common use of radiation for treatment of pelvic cancer. Hemorrhagic radiation proctitis represents the most feared complication of chronic radiation proctitis. There is no consensus for the management of this condition despite the great number of clinical approaches and techniques that have been employed. Rectal resection represents an available option although associated with high morbidity and risk of permanent colostomy. The effectiveness of nonoperative approaches remains far from desirable, and hemorrhagic recurrence represents a major drawback that leads to a need for consecutive therapeutic sessions and combination of techniques. We conducted a critical review of published reports regarding conservative management of hemorrhagic chronic radiation proctitis. Although prospective randomized trials about hemorrhagic radiation proctitis are still lacking, there is enough evidence to conclude that topical formalin therapy and an endoscopic approach delivering an argon plasma coagulation represent available options associated with elevated effectiveness for interruption of rectal bleeding in patients with chronic radiation proctitis.A retite actínica crônica é uma condição cada vez mais freqüentemente observada como resultado do crescente emprego da radioterapia no tratamento do câncer de órgãos pélvicos. A manifestação hemorrágica da retite actínica é a complicação mais comum dessa doença e seu tratamento é desafiador. Diversas técnicas foram empregadas para o tratamento dessa condição e não há evidência satisfatória acerca da melhor forma de controlar os episódios de sangramento de forma eficaz e duradoura. A necessidade de se realizar múltiplas sessões de tratamento conservador bem como a associação de técnicas freqüentemente observada no manejo desses pacientes dificulta a interpretação dos resultados. O objetivo dessa revisão foi avaliar a segurança e a eficácia das alternativas clínicas mais freqüentemente empregadas no controle da retite actínica hemorrágica. Ainda que a falta de estudos prospectivos e randomizados comparando duas ou mais alternativas terapêuticas impeça uma conclusão mais definitiva, concluímos que existe suficiente evidência acerca de elevada eficácia e segurança associadas ao emprego da formalina tópica e da coagulação por plasma de argônio no controle do sangramento em pacientes com retite actínica crônica

    New Higgs signals induced by mirror fermion mixing effects

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    We study the conditions under which flavor violation arises in scalar-fermion interactions, as a result of the mixing phenomena between the standard model and exotic fermions. Phenomenological consequences are discussed within the specific context of a left-right model where these additional fermions have mirror properties under the new SU(2)_R gauge group. Bounds on the parameters of the model are obtained from LFV processes; these results are then used to study the LFV Higgs decays (H --> tau l_j, l_j = e, mu), which reach branching ratios that could be detected at future colliders.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ReVTex4, graphicx, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Lepton mass generation and family number violation mechanism in the SU(6)U(1)SU(6)\otimes U(1) model

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    Lepton family number violation processes arise in the SU(6)LU(1)YSU(6)_L \otimes U(1)_Y model due to the presence of an extra neutral gauge boson, Z', with family changing couplings, and due to the fact that this model demands the existence of heavy exotic leptons. The mixing of the standard Z with Z' and the mixing of ordinary leptons with exotic ones induce together family changing couplings on the Z and therefore nonvanishing rates for lepton family number violation processes, such as ZeμˉZ \to e \bar{\mu}, μeeeˉ\mu \to ee\bar{e} and μeγ\mu \to e\gamma. Additional contributions to the processes μeγ\mu \to e \gamma and μeeeˉ\mu \to ee \bar{e} are induced from the mass generation mechanism. This last type of contributions may compete with the above one, depending on the masses of the scalars which participate in the diagrams which generate radiatively the masses of the charged leptons. Using the experimental data we compute some bounds for the mixings parameters and for the masses of the scalars.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Int. Journ. of Mod. Phys.