303 research outputs found

    Dynamics and Instabilities of Planar Tensile Cracks in Heterogeneous Media

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    The dynamics of tensile crack fronts restricted to advance in a plane are studied. In an ideal linear elastic medium, a propagating mode along the crack front with a velocity slightly less than the Rayleigh wave velocity, is found to exist. But the dependence of the effective fracture toughness Γ(v)\Gamma(v) on the crack velocity is shown to destabilize the crack front if (dΓ)/(dv)<0(d\Gamma)/(dv)<0. Short wavelength radiation due to weak random heterogeneities leads to this instability at low velocities. The implications of these results for the crack dynamics are discussed.Comment: 12 page

    Density scaling and quasiuniversality of flow-event statistics for athermal plastic flows

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    Athermal plastic flows were simulated for the Kob-Andersen binary Lennard-Jones system and its repulsive version in which the sign of the attractive terms is changed to a plus. Properties evaluated from simulations at different densities include the distributions of energy drops, stress drops, and strain intervals between the flow events. By reference to hidden scale invariance we show that simulations at a single density in conjunction with an equilibrium-liquid simulation at the same density allows one to predict the plastic flow-event properties at other densities. We furthermore demonstrate quasiuniversality of the flow-event statistics

    Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning

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    Seasonal biomass burning (BB) over West Africa is a globally significant source of carbonaceous particles in the atmosphere, which have important climate impacts but are poorly constrained. Here, the evolution of smoke aerosols emitted from flaming-controlled burning of agricultural waste and wooded savannah in the Senegal region was characterized over a timescale of half-day advection from the source during the MOYA-2017 (Methane Observation Yearly Assessment-2017) aircraft campaign. Plumes from such fire types are rich in black carbon (BC) emissions. Concurrent measurements of chemical composition, organic aerosol (OA) oxidation state, bulk aerosol size and BC mixing state reveal that emitted BB submicron aerosols changed dramatically with time. Various aerosol optical properties (e.g. absorption Ångström exponent - AAE - and mass absorption coefficients - MACs) also evolved with ageing. In this study, brown carbon (BrC) was a minor fractional component of the freshly emitted BB aerosols (<0.5h), but the increasing AAE with particle age indicates that BrC formation dominated over any loss process over the first g1/412h of plume transport. Using different methods, the fractional contribution of BrC to total aerosol absorption showed an increasing trend with time and was g1/418%-31% at the optical wavelength of 405nm after half-day transport. The generated BrC was found to be positively correlated with oxygenated and low-volatility OA, likely from the oxidation of evaporated primary OA and secondary OA formation. We found that the evolution of BrC with particle age was different in this region compared with previous BB field studies that mainly focused on emissions from smouldering fires, which have shown a high contribution from BrC at the source and BrC net loss upon ageing. This study suggests an initial stage of BrC absorption enhancement during the evolution of BB smoke. Secondary processing is the dominant contributor to BrC production in this BB region, in contrast to the primary emission of BrC previously reported in other BB studies. The total aerosol absorption normalized to BC mass (MACmeas-BC) was also enhanced with ageing due to the lensing effect of increasingly thick coatings on BC and the absorption by BrC. The effect of ageing on aerosol absorption, represented by the absorption enhancement (EAbs-MAC), was estimated over timescales of hours. MOYA-2017 provides novel field results. The comparisons between MOYA-2017 and previous field studies imply that the evolution of absorbing aerosols (BC and BrC) after emission varies with source combustion conditions. Different treatments of absorbing aerosol properties from different types of fires and their downwind evolution should be considered when modelling regional radiative forcing. These observational results will be very important for predicting climate effects of BB aerosol in regions controlled by flaming burning of agricultural waste and savannah-like biomass fuels

    Vertical variability of the properties of highly aged biomass burning aerosol transported over the southeast Atlantic during CLARIFY-2017

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    This is the final version. Available from European Geosciences Union via the DOI in this record. Airborne measurements are available from the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/38ab7089781a4560b067dd6c20af3769, Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements et al., 2017).Seasonal biomass burning (BB) from June to October in central and southern Africa leads to absorbing aerosols being transported over the South Atlantic Ocean every year and contributes significantly to the regional climate forcing. The vertical distribution of submicron aerosols and their properties were characterized over the remote southeast Atlantic, using airborne in situ measurements made during the CLoud-Aerosol-Radiation Interactions and Forcing for Year 2017 (CLARIFY-2017) campaign. BB aerosols emitted from flaming-controlled fires were intensively observed in the region surrounding Ascension Island, in the marine boundary layer (MBL) and free troposphere (FT) up to 5 km. We show that the aerosols had undergone a significant ageing process during 7 d transit from source, as indicated by the highly oxidized organic aerosol. The highly aged BB aerosols in the far-field CLARIFY region were also especially rich in black carbon (BC), with relatively low single-scattering albedos (SSAs), compared with those from other BB transported regions. The column-weighted dry SSAs during CLARIFY were observed to be 0.85, 0.84 and 0.83 at 405, 550 and 658 nm respectively. We also found significant vertical variation in the dry SSA, as a function of relative chemical composition and size. The lowest SSA in the column was generally in the low FT layer around 2000 m altitude (averages: 0.82, 0.81 and 0.79 at 405, 550 and 658 nm). This finding is important since it means that BB aerosols across the southeast Atlantic region are more absorbing than currently represented in climate models, implying that the radiative forcing from BB may be more strongly positive than previously thought. Furthermore, in the FT, average SSAs at 405, 550 and 658 nm increased to 0.87, 0.86 and 0.85 with altitude up to 5 km. This was associated with an enhanced inorganic nitrate mass fraction and aerosol size, likely resulting from increased partitioning of ammonium nitrate to the existing particles at higher altitude with lower temperature and higher relative humidity. After entrainment into the boundary layer (BL), aerosols were generally smaller in dry size than in the FT and had a larger fraction of scattering material with resultant higher average dry SSA, mostly due to marine emissions and aerosol removal by drizzle. In the BL, the SSA decreased from the surface to the BL top, with the highest SSA in the column observed near the surface. Our results provide unique observational constraints on aerosol parameterizations used in modelling regional radiation interactions over this important region. We recommend that future work should consider the impact of this vertical variability on climate models.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Barriers and supports to implementation of MDI/spacer use in nine Canadian pediatric emergency departments: a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite recent research supporting the use of metered dose inhalers with spacer devices (MDI/spacers) in pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) for acute exacerbations of asthma, uptake of this practice has been slow. The objectives of this study were to determine the barriers and supports to implementing MDI/spacer research and to identify factors associated with early and late adoption of MDI/spacers in Canadian PEDs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a comparative case study design, we classified nine tertiary care pediatric hospital PEDs based on their stage of implementation. Data were collected using focus group interviews with physicians, registered nurses (RNs), and respiratory therapists (RTs), and individual interviews with both patient care and medical directors at each site. Initial coding was based on the Ottawa Model of Research Use (OMRU) categories of elements known to influence the uptake of innovations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One hundred and fifty healthcare professionals from nine different healthcare institutions participated in this study. Lack of leadership in the form of a research champion, a lack of consensus about the benefits of MDI/spacers among staff, perceived resistance from patients/parents, and perceived increased cost and workload associated with MDI/spacer use were the most prevalent barriers to the adoption of the MDI/spacer. Common strategies used by early-adopting sites included the active participation of all professional groups in the adoption process in addition to a well-planned and executed educational component for staff, patients, and families. Early adopter sites were also more likely to have the MDI/spacer included in a clinical protocol/pathway.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Potential barriers and supports to implementation have been identified that will help EDs adopt MDI/spacer use. Future interventions intended to increase MDI/spacer use in PEDs will need to be sensitive to the barriers identified in this study.</p

    Absorption closure in highly aged biomass burning smoke

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    This is the final version. Available from Copernicus Publications via the DOI in this record. Data availability. Airborne measurements are available from the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/38ab7089781a4560b067dd6c20af3769, Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements et al., 2017).The optical properties of black carbon (BC) are a major source of uncertainty in regional and global climate studies. In the past, detailed investigation of BC absorption has been hampered by systematic biases in the measurement instrumentation. We present airborne measurements of aerosol absorption and black carbon microphysical properties in highly aged biomass burning plumes measured 4-8 d from their source over the southeast Atlantic Ocean during CLARIFY-2017, using a suite of novel photoacoustic spectrometers to measure aerosol absorption at 405, 514, and 655 nm and a single-particle soot photometer to measure the BC mass concentration, size, and mixing state. These measurements are of sufficient quality and detail to provide constraint on optical schemes used in climate models for the first time in biomass burning plumes far from their source-an aerosol environment that is one of the most important climatically. The average absorption Ångström exponents (AAE) were 1.38 over the wavelength range from 405 to 514 nm and 0.88 over the range from 514 to 655 nm, suggesting that brown carbon (BrC) contributed to 11±2 % of absorption at 405 nm. The effective organic aerosol (OA) mass absorption coefficient (MAC) was 0:31±0:09 m2 g-1 at 405 nm. The BC particles were universally thickly coated, and almost no externally mixed BC particles were detected. The average MAC of BC was 20 ± 4, 15 ± 3, and 12 ± 2 m2g-1 at wavelengths of 405, 514, and 655 nm respectively, with equivalent absorption enhancements of around 1:85 ± 0:45 at all three wavelengths, suggesting that the thick coatings acted as a lens that enhanced light absorption by the BC. We compared the measured MAC and AAE values with those calculated using several optical models and absorption parameterisations that took the measured BC mass and mixing state as inputs. Homogeneous grey-sphere Mie models were only able to replicate MAC for some low (real and imaginary) values of the complex BC refractive index (mBC) at the shortest wavelength, but they would have to use unrealistically low values of mBC to accurately replicate the AAE. A core-shell Mie model was able to generate good agreement for MAC in the green-red end of the visible spectrum for most values of mBC. However, there are no possible values of mBC that produce MAC values that agree with our observations at all three wavelengths, due to a wavelengthdependent underestimation of the MAC of the underlying BC core. Four semiempirical parameterisations from the literature were also tested, linking the BC mixing state to either the MAC or absorption enhancement. Two of these schemes produced results that agreed within a few percent with the measured MAC at all three wavelengths, and the AAE agreed well when discounting the effects of BrC. Our results uniquely demonstrate the validity of absorption parameterisations, as well as the failings of Mie calculations, in this highly aged environment. We recommend that future work should conduct similar analyses in environments where BC has different properties; future studies should also investigate the impact of implementing these types of schemes within climate models as well as the impact of developing equivalent schemes for light scattering by soot particles at visible wavelengths.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    The pains of desistance

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    Desistance is generally presented in a positive light, with themes of ‘making good’ and generativity recurring in the literature. This article reports on two qualitative studies exploring the desistance journeys of two different groups of ex-offenders, drawing attention to the pains of this process. It examines the possible consequences of these ‘pains of desistance’ and how they are linked to three spheres of desistance: act-desistance; identity desistance; and relational desistance. The attempt to achieve act-desistance often led to the pain of isolation for our interviewees, while the clash between the need to achieve identity desistance and a lack of relational desistance (especially on the meso- and macro-levels) meant that they suffered the pain of goal failure. The pains of isolation and goal failure combined to lead to the further pain of hopelessness. Those interviewed were indeed ‘going straight’, but taking this path led many to a limited and often diminished life
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