27 research outputs found

    Effect of composite surface treatment and aging on the bond strength between a core build-up composite and a luting agent

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    Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of conditioning methods and thermocycling on the bond strength between composite core and resin cement. Material and Methods Eighty blocks (8×8×4 mm) were prepared with core build-up composite. The cementation surface was roughened with 120-grit carbide paper and the blocks were thermocycled (5,000 cycles, between 5°C and 55°C, with a 30 s dwell time in each bath). A layer of temporary luting agent was applied. After 24 h, the layer was removed, and the blocks were divided into five groups, according to surface treatment: (NT) No treatment (control); (SP) Grinding with 120-grit carbide paper; (AC) Etching with 37% phosphoric acid; (SC) Sandblasting with 30 mm SiO2 particles, silane application; (AO) Sandblasting with 50 mm Al2O3 particles, silane application. Two composite blocks were cemented to each other (n=8) and sectioned into sticks. Half of the specimens from each block were immediately tested for microtensile bond strength (µTBS), while the other half was subjected to storage for 6 months, thermocycling (12,000 cycles, between 5°C and 55°C, with a dwell time of 30 s in each bath) and µTBS test in a mechanical testing machine. Bond strength data were analyzed by repeated measures two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). Results The µTBS was significantly affected by surface treatment (p=0.007) and thermocycling (p=0.000). Before aging, the SP group presented higher bond strength when compared to NT and AC groups, whereas all the other groups were statistically similar. After aging, all the groups were statistically similar. SP submitted to thermocycling showed lower bond strength than SP without thermocycling. Conclusion Core composites should be roughened with a diamond bur before the luting process. Thermocycling tends to reduce the bond strength between composite and resin cement

    Correlation of occlusion and temporomandibular disorder

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    Objetivo: verificar a associação entre disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) e alguns fatores oclusais, avaliando se a presença de contatos oclusais no lado de balanceio e/ou de discrepância entre relação centrica e máxima intercuspidação habitual maior que 2mm tem correlação significativa com a DTM. Além disso, pretendeu-se verificar se existia diferença de gênero entre os grupos e qual era a média de idade para o grupo de pacientes com DTM. Material e Métodos: a amostra foi constituída por 103 pacientes voluntários com idade entre 19 e 54 anos, provenientes das clínicas da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 - Controle: 52 pacientes não portadores de DTM; Grupo 2 - Teste: 51 pacientes portadores de DTM. Dois examinadores faziam o diagnóstico de DTM por meio do eixo I do protocolo RDC e a avaliação oclusal. Resultados: a presença de contatos oclusais no lado de balanceio e/ou de discrepância da posição de relação cêntrica e máxima intercuspidação habitual maior que 2mm não tem correlação estatisticamente significante com a disfunção temporomandibular. A média de idade no grupo teste foi de 25,88 anos e a diferença do número de mulheres entre os grupos estudados foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusão: os fatores oclusais estudados não têm associação com a disfunção temporomandibular. Além disto, verificou-se que mulheres com idade próxima a 25 anos são mais acometidas por disfunção temporomandibular.Objective: to verify the association between temporomandibular disorders and occlusal factors, evaluating if the presence of non-working side contacts and/or the difference between the values of retruded contact position to intercuspal position occlusal slides than 2mm have significant statistically correlation with the temporomandibular disorder. Besides, was intended to verify the difference between the test and control groups for the gender, and the age mean for the temporomandibular disorder’s patients. Material and Methods: the sample was constituted by 103 voluntary patients with age between 19 and 54 years, proceeding from the clinics of Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. The patientshad been divided in two groups: Group 1 - Control: 52 patients without DTM; Group 2 - Test: 51 patients with DTM. Two examiners made the diagnosis of DTM through protocol RDC (axis I) and the occlusal evaluation. Results: the presence of non-working side contacts and/or the difference between the values of retruded contact position to intercuspal position occlusal slides than 2mm don’t have significant statistically correlation with the temporomandibular disorder. The mean age for the test group was 25,88 years and the difference between the women’s amount was significant statistically. Conclusion: occlusal factors have no association with temporomandibular disorders; and women and patients with age near 25 years was more attacked by temporomandibular disorder

    Smallest detectable change in volume differs between mass flow sensor and pneumotachograph

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess a pulmonary function change over time the mass flow sensor and the pneumotachograph are widely used in commercially available instruments. However, the smallest detectable change for both devices has never been compared. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the smallest detectable change in vital capacity (VC) and single-breath diffusion parameters measured by mass flow sensor and or pneumotachograph.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>In 28 healthy pulmonary function technicians VC, transfer factor for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and alveolar volume (VA) was repeatedly (10×) measured. The smallest detectable change was calculated by 1.96 x Standard Error of Measurement ×√2.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The mean (range) of the smallest detectable change measured by mass flow sensor and pneumotachograph respectively, were for VC (in Liter): 0.53 (0.46-0.65); 0.25 (0.17-0.36) (<it>p </it>= 0.04), DLCO (in mmol*kPa<sup>-1</sup>*min<sup>-1</sup>): 1.53 (1.26-1.7); 1.18 (0.84-1.39) (<it>p </it>= 0.07), VA (in Liter): 0.66. (0.53-0.82); 0.43 (0.34-0.53) (<it>p </it>= 0.04) and DLCO/VA (in mmol*kPa<sup>-1</sup>*min<sup>-1</sup>*L<sup>-1</sup>): 0.22 (0.19-0.28); 0.19 (0.14-0.22) (<it>p </it>= 0.79).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Smallest detectable significant change in VC and VA as measured by pneumotachograph are smaller than by mass flow sensor. Therefore, the pneumotachograph is the preferred instrument to estimate lung volume change over time in individual patients.</p

    Influência do tratamento de superfície pós condicionamento e da ciclagem termomecânica na resistência à fratura de coroas cerâmicas

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência à fratura de coroas cerâmicas à base de dissilicato de lítio (IPS e.max CAD) submetidas a neutralização do precipitado do ácido fluorídrico (HF) associada ao banho ultrassônico, e envelhecidas por meio de ciclagem termomecânica. Quarenta molares humanos receberam um preparo convencional para coroa total após terem sido incluídos em um padrão de poliuretano com a simulação do ligamento periodontal. Após escaneamento digital dos preparos, os blocos cerâmicos foram usinados pelo sistema CAD/CAM para obtenção das coroas. As mesmas foram distribuídas nos grupos conforme o tratamento de superfície a saber: Grupos 1 e 3 - HF + silano; Grupos 2 e 4 - HF + neutralização do precipitado do ácido fluorídrico + banho ultrassônico + silano. As coroas foram cimentadas com cimento resinoso dual e os espécimes dos grupos 3 e 4 foram submetidos à ciclagem termomecânica (5 / 55 °C / 60 s enquanto ocorria 1.200.000 ciclos mecânicos de 4 Hz com carga de 100 N). As amostras foram submetidas ao ensaio de compressão, com carga aplicada no centro da face oclusal da coroa até a fratura. A análise das fraturas foi realizada macroscopicamente (método de Burke) e em um Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura. Os dados de resistência a fratura foram submetidos ao teste estatístico de análise de variância dois fatores. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados, independente da realização de ciclagem termomecânica ou de tratamento de superfície pós condicionamento proposto (p-valor = 0,8409). A maioria das falhas foi associada com a fratura do remanescente dentário, sendo que a origem da fratura estava localizada na superfície de cimentação. Foi concluído que a resistência à fratura de coroas cerâmicas para dentes posteriores a base...The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of lithium disilicate ceramic crowns (IPS e.max) subjected to neutralization of hydrofluoric acid (HF) associated with ultrasonic bath and aged by thermomechanical cycling. Forty human molar were prepared to receive a full crown after being included in a standard polyurethane with a simulation of the periodontal ligament. After the digital scanning of the prepared teeth, ceramic blocks were machined by CAD / CAM system to obtain the crowns. Then, they were distributed in groups according to surface treatment as follows: Groups 1 and 3 - HF + silane; Groups 2 and 4 - HF + neutralization + ultrasonic bath + silane. The crowns were cemented with dual-resin cement and the specimens of groups 3 and 4 were submitted to thermomechanical cycling (5 / 55 ° C for 60 s while the mechanical cycling of 1.200.000/ 4 Hz /100 N is occurring). Subsequently, the specimens were subjected to a mechanical test, with a compressive load applied at the center of the crown's occlusal surface until fracture. The fractograpy analyses was performed macroscopically (Burke method) and in a Scanning Electron Microscope. The values of fracture resistance were submitted to a statistical test ANOVA two factors. There was no statistical difference between the groups, regardless of surface treatment or thermomechanical cycling (p-value = 0,8409). Most of the failures were associated with tooth remaining fracture, and the origin of the fracture was located on the cementation surface. It was conclude that the fracture resistance of lithium disilicate posterior ceramic crowns is not influenced by the association between neutralization and ultrasonic bath, and the thermomechanical... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Desenvolvimento e validação de um novo protocolo para ciclagem térmica de materiais dentários

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    This study aimed to evaluate the thermal variation that occurs in the oral environment; predicted the number of thermal cycles and temperature variation which occurs during certain time periods and compared the results of the bond strength of ceramic and luting agent after different aging protocols. For this purpose, six volunteers used a removable device with wireless thermal sensor and they were monitored for three days, to develop a new thermal cycling protocol. After this step, 40 feldspathic ceramic blocks were cemented together with a resin luting agent (N = 20), divided into five groups (n = 4) and cut into slices. Aging of the slices were: C, immediate test (without aging); A, storage in water for 30 days; E, thermal cycling experimental protocol developed in this study; CIB, storage of the slices in mouth for 30 days; and ISO, thermal cycling protocol established by ISO 11405 (2003). The slices were cut into sticks for microtensile test. The failure analysis were performed in a stereomicroscope. Maximum temperature observed was 47.59 ̊C, the lowest temperature was 13.11 ̊C. The average daily temperature is between 34 ̊C and 36 ̊C. The average temperature change per day was 5.3 times, with an average duration of 183 s. A, CIB, and E groups showed strength values statistically lower than C group (p-value = 0.0002), and they were similar among them. The ISO group was similar to the groups C and IB. The failure type most commonly found for all groups was mixed mode. It concluded that occurs daily 6 temperature variations, with duration of 180 seconds. The ISO thermocycling protocol did not reduce the bond strength. The experimental cycling used in E, 180 thermal cycles with a temperature range of 50 ̊C and 10 ̊C for 180 seconds each and 36 ̊C intermediate baths was able to accelerate the degradation process of bond between ceramic and cement that occurred during storage in water for 30 daysEste trabalho teve como objetivos: avaliar a variação térmica que ocorre em ambiente bucal para predizer a quantidade e duração das variações de temperatura por dia, a temperatura máxima e mínima encontrada na cavidade oral e sugerir um novo protocolo de ciclagem térmica baseado nestas informações; e comparar os resultados de resistência de união após várias formas de envelhecimento. Para tal, foi instalado um sensor térmico wireless no palato de um aparelho parcial removível de seis voluntários, e estes foram monitorados durante três dias para desenvolvimento de um novo protocolo de ciclagem térmica. Após esta etapa, 40 blocos de cerâmica feldspática foram cimentados entre si (N=20), divididos em cinco grupos (n=4) e cortados em fatias. As fatias foram submetidas aos seguintes tipos de envelhecimento: C, teste imediato (sem envelhecimento); A, armazenagem em água por 30 dias; E, protocolo de ciclagem térmica experimental desenvolvido neste estudo; CIB, ciclagem intra-bucal; e ISO, protocolo de ciclagem térmica estabelecido pela norma ISO 11405 (2003). As fatias foram cortadas em palitos, os quais foram submetidos ao teste de microtração. A análise de falha foi realizada com o auxílio de um estereomicroscópio. A temperatura máxima encontrada foi de 47,59 ̊C, a mínima foi de 13,11 ̊C. A média de temperatura diária manteve-se entre 34 ̊C e 36 ̊C. A média de variação de temperatura por dia foi de 5,3 vezes, com duração média de 183 s. Os grupos A, CIB, E apresentaram valores de resistência de união estatisticamente menor que o grupo C (p-valor=0,0002), sendo semelhantes entre si. O grupo ISO foi semelhante aos grupos C e CIB. O modo de falha mais encontrado para todos os grupos foi do tipo mista. Conclui-se que ocorrem em média 6 variações térmicas por dia, com duração de 180 segundos. O protocolo de ciclagem térmica sugerido pela ISO não foi capaz de reduzir a resistência de uniâo. A ciclagem.

    Heat treatment of pre-hydrolyzed silane increases adhesion of phosphate monomer-based resin cement to glass ceramic

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    This study evaluated the influence of different forms of heat treatment on a pre-hydrolyzed silane to improve the adhesion of phosphate monomer-based (MDP) resin cement to glass ceramic. Resin and feldspathic ceramic blocks (n=48, n=6 for bond test, n=2 for microscopy) were randomly divided into 6 groups and subject to surface treatments: G1: Hydrofluoric acid (HF) 9.6% for 20 s + Silane + MDP resin cement (Panavia F); G2: HF 9.6% for 20 s + Silane + Heat Treatment (oven) + Panavia F; G3: Silane + Heat Treatment (oven) + Panavia F; G4: HF 9.6% for 20 s + Silane + Heat Treatment (hot air) + Panavia F; G5: Silane + Heat Treatment (hot air) + Panavia F; G6: Silane + Panavia F. Microtensile bond strength (MTBS) test was performed using a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). After debonding, the substrate and adherent surfaces were analyzed using stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to categorize the failure types. Data were analyzed statistically using two-way test ANOVA and Tukey's test (=0.05). Heat treatment of the silane containing MDP, with prior etching with HF (G2: 13.15 ± 0.89a; G4: 12.58 ± 1.03a) presented significantly higher bond strength values than the control group (G1: 9.16 ± 0.64b). The groups without prior etching (G3: 10.47 ± 0.70b; G5: 9.47 ± 0.32b) showed statistically similar bond strength values between them and the control group (G1). The silane application without prior etching and heat treatment resulted in the lowest mean bond strength (G6: 8.05 ± 0.37c). SEM analysis showed predominantly adhesive failures and EDS analysis showed common elements of spectra (Si, Na, Al, K, O, C) characterizing the microstructure of the glass-ceramic studied. Heat treatment of the pre-hydrolyzed silane containing MDP in an oven at 100 °C for 2 min or with hot air application at 50 ± 5 ºC for 1 min, was effective in increasing the bond strength values between the ceramic and resin cement containing MDP