173 research outputs found

    Prof. univ. dr. Constantin D. Vasilică – omagiu aniversar

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    Transaxillary augmentation mammoplasty with videoendoscopy assistence using silicone endoprosthesis in patients with hypoplastic and dysmorphic breast

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    Clinica de chirurgie estetică “Neogen”, Chirurgie plastică şi estetică, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: În studiu sunt reflectate rezultatele cercetării privind alegerea metodei chirurgicale optimale în corecţia hipoplaziei, asimetriei şi dismorfiei glandei mamare. Metoda propusă în acest studiu, oferă avantajele specifice chirurgiei endoscopice miniminvazive. A fost apreciată eficacitatea metodei chirurgicale videoendoscopice în plastia glandei mamare. Au fost evaluate și determinate opțiunile tehnice pentru aplicarea acestei metode. Scopul studiului: Optimizarea tehnicilor chirurgicale privind protezarea glandei mamare în corecţia hipoplaziei, asimetriei şi dismorfiei involutive a glandei mamare. Material şi metode: Studiul este bazat pe analiza rezultatelor intervenţiilor chirurgicale destinate plastiei glandei mamare prin metoda endoscopică transaxilară, cu utilizarea protezelor mamare. Rezultate: Metoda a fost aplicată la 29 de paciente cu vârsta cuprinsă între 19-35 de ani, care s-au adresat în Clinică, în perioada anilor 2012-2015, pentru corecţia hipoplaziei sau dismorfiei involutive a glandei mamare. S-a demonstrat eficacitatea clinică înaltă a metodei evaluate. Concluzii: Metoda chirurgicală videoendoscopică în plastia glandei mamare asigură corecţia estetică scontată.Introduction: The paper presents results of a study on the optimal surgical techniques for breast augmentation, by appropriate development trends of modern medicine. The necessity of this operation occurs in patients with severe hypoplasia of breast, asymmetry after involute changes. This surgical technique offers a full range of benefits of endoscopic surgery, with its minimally invasive characteristics. Aim of study: To optimize surgical techniques of augmentation mammoplasty using silicone implants in patients with hypoplasia and dysmorphia of the mammary glands. Material and methods: The study is based on analysis of the results of augmentation mammoplasty using silicone implants. Results: Method was used in 29 patients, aged 19 to 35 years, who applied to our clinic between 2012 and 2014, with the purpose of breast augmentation reconstruction. The results indicate the high efficiency of endoscopic augmentation mammoplasty in the correction of hypoplastic and dysmorphic shape of mammary gland. Conclusions: Videoendoscopic method in plastic surgery provides expected aesthetic correction of hypoplastic and dysmorphic breasts

    The follicular structures in the intermediary lobe of the bull hypophysis

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    As a research material we have used the hypophyses of 14 Holstein bulls aged of 3-8 years. The samples have been fixed in Orth, Carnoy, and Helly, led up to paraffin, and serially sectioned at 5 μm. We have finally obtained 420 serial sections stained through the methods Novelli, PAS, Papanicolau, MH2, Fontana, Steedman-Mowry, Bielschowsky, Bodian and Holmes. The intermediary lobe is well developed in the bull. It is always adjacent to the posterior lobe of the bull hypophysis, and separated from it by a discontinuous layer of conjunctive tissue. The follicular structures (110-360 μm), containing colloid in the lumen, were found in the intermediary lobe of 14 bull hypophysis. A thin conjunctive tissue separated these follicular structures. They formed cysts, which contained colloid. The colloid is a palestaining material, PAS-positive, and is surrounded by simple squamous or cubical epithelium. The colloid consists in a glycoprotein in the Steedman-Mowry stain. The intermediary lobe of the hypophysis makes a hormone MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone), which is responsible for the expansion of melanocytes from the animals’ skin

    Effects of deployment on health behaviours in military forces: a review of longitudinal studies

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    Background: Earlier studies indicating that operational deployment affects health behaviours among military personnel and veterans generally lacked final conclusiveness due to cross-sectional or retrospective design.Aim: The aim of this study is to review longitudinal studies investigating whether military service, in particular operational deployment, affects health behaviours, specifically alcohol misuse, smoking, eating disorders and obesity.Methods: A MEDLINE database search was performed, using relevant keywords and MESH terms. The US Millennium Cohort study website was used to obtain the list of relevant publications. Only studies with prospective longitudinal cohort design, conducted on military or veteran populations of developed countries serving after the Vietnam War and investigating health behaviours and health markers such as excessive drinking, smoking, disordered eating and body weight were included.Results: Six studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, three that resulted from the US Millennium Cohort study and three that investigated other military populations.Deployment with combat exposure was the most significant factor affecting health behaviours of military personnel.Excessive drinking among US military personnel increased significantly in those deployed that were exposed to combat, especially among Reserve and National Guard members and in the youngest age groups, but was not affected by deployment without combat exposure. Among British military personnel, total alcohol consumption increased with time, was higher for those deployed compared to non-deployed, and highest in those who experienced war related stress.Smoking in the US military increased among those deployed, particularly among those with prolonged and multiple deployments or with combat exposure. Among British military personnel, smoking rates declined.Body weight increased for the majority of US military personnel, but disordered eating was reported only among deployed women with combat exposure. An increase in body weight was also reported in the Belgian military.Conclusions: Generally, it was combat exposure, not deployment in general, that had affected health behaviours. As hazardous health behaviours may affect negatively on physical readiness and re-deployability of military personnel, preventive measures should concentrate on those subgroups that are most vulnerable

    Grape musts differentiation based on selected aroma compounds using SBSE-GC-MS and statistical analysis

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    Fifty-one aroma compounds in musts from 'Muscat Ottonel', 'Aligoté', 'Muscat of Alexandria' and 'Pedro Ximénez' white grapes have been determined, three of them identified for the first time in grapes. Two fingerprints for each cultivar, based in 6 groups of aroma compounds before and after acidic hydrolysis of the musts were obtained by Multiple Variable Analysis. Only 17 aroma compounds before and 21 after hydrolysis, were selected by their high discriminating power. The Principal Component Analysis carried out with data of these selected compounds provided two components explaining 85.11 % of the overall variance for free aroma compounds and 87.58 % for those obtained after hydrolysis of musts, allowing an objective differentiation of each cultivar

    The nuclei of the hypothalamus in cow

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    As a research material we have used the hypothalamo-hypophyseal complexes of 21 cows in the phases of their sexual cycle. From the 21 samples, we have obtained only ten hypothalamico-hypophyseal complexes; in 11 females, the hypothalamus has been obtained separately from the hypophysis, because of the difficulty in getting the complex of the whole. The samples have been fixed in Orth, Carnoy and Helly, led up to paraffin and serially sectioned at 5 μm. We have finally obtained 550 serial sections, stained through the methods Novelli, PAS, Fontana, Steedman-Mowry, Mikami, Bielschowsky, Bodian, Holmes and Nissl. In the cow hypothalamus, we have found the following groups of neurons: anterior (nucleus supraopticus – NSO; nucleus paraventricularis – NPV), middle (nucleus infundibularis), lateral (nucleus hypothalamicus dorsomedialis; nucleus hypotalamicus ventromedialis) and posterior (nucleus periventricularis caudalis; nucleus premamilaris; nucleus corporis mamilaris). The name of the groups was given according to their site, compared to the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal tract. In the walls of the third hypothalamus ventricle in cow the neurons were localized, which elaborated the releasing hormones (RH) for the gonadotrophic hormones. These neurons have structured the nucleus infundibularis of the cow hypothalamus. The neurons were multipolar, with an average size of 10-12 μm, a 5 μm large vesiculous nucleus and nucleolated. In the neuroplasm of the axon hillock, we have found the numerous PAS-positive granules. These granules were positive in Mikami staining, got stained in blue, which demonstrated that they were of polypeptidic nature. FSH-RH and LH-RH are polypeptids and stimulated the secretions of the gonadotrophic hormones in the β-FSH and the γ-LH cells from the cow adenohypophysis