177 research outputs found

    Numerical renormalization group calculation of impurity internal energy and specific heat of quantum impurity models

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    We introduce a method to obtain the specific heat of quantum impurity models via a direct calculation of the impurity internal energy requiring only the evaluation of local quantities within a single numerical renormalization group (NRG) calculation for the total system. For the Anderson impurity model, we show that the impurity internal energy can be expressed as a sum of purely local static correlation functions and a term that involves also the impurity Green function. The temperature dependence of the latter can be neglected in many cases, thereby allowing the impurity specific heat, CimpC_{\rm imp}, to be calculated accurately from local static correlation functions; specifically via Cimp=∂Eionic∂T+1/2∂Ehyb∂TC_{\rm imp}=\frac{\partial E_{\rm ionic}}{\partial T} + 1/2\frac{\partial E_{\rm hyb}}{\partial T}, where EionicE_{\rm ionic} and EhybE_{\rm hyb} are the energies of the (embedded) impurity and the hybridization energy, respectively. The term involving the Green function can also be evaluated in cases where its temperature dependence is non-negligible, adding an extra term to CimpC_{\rm imp}. For the non-degenerate Anderson impurity model, we show by comparison with exact Bethe ansatz calculations that the results recover accurately both the Kondo induced peak in the specific heat at low temperatures as well as the high temperature peak due to the resonant level. The approach applies to multiorbital and multichannel Anderson impurity models with arbitrary local Coulomb interactions. An application to the Ohmic two state system and the anisotropic Kondo model is also given, with comparisons to Bethe ansatz calculations. The new approach could also be of interest within other impurity solvers, e.g., within quantum Monte Carlo techniques.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, published versio

    Real-Time-RG Analysis of the Dynamics of the Spin-Boson Model

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    Using a real-time renormalization group method we determine the complete dynamics of the spin-boson model with ohmic dissipation for coupling strengths α≲0.1−0.2\alpha\lesssim 0.1-0.2. We calculate the relaxation and dephasing time, the static susceptibility and correlation functions. Our results are consistent with quantum Monte Carlo simulations and the Shiba relation. We present for the first time reliable results for finite cutoff and finite bias in a regime where perturbation theory in α\alpha or in tunneling breaks down. Furthermore, an unambigious comparism to results from the Kondo model is achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Evaluating the expression of urokinase and tissue leukocyte being in benign and malignant breast disease

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    Introduction: Our objectives is to show that the expression of uPA leukocyte could be considered, in the future, as a marker of the expression of uPA in the malignant tissue and therefore a potential indicator of prognosis. Methods: We examined the expression of uPa in leukocytes and tissues of three groups of women: with breast cancer; with benign breast lesion and healthy women (control group). We used RT Real Time PCR assay. The expression of urokinase is significantly higher in malignant breast lumps compared to benign lesions. However, in women with carcinoma of the breast, malignant tissue expresses higher amounts of uPA than the healthy counterpart. There are no statistically significant differences in the expression of uPA, between tissues taken from women with benign lesions. The lymphocytes taken from healthy volunteers show a level of expression of uPA significantly lower than the other tested samples Lymphocytes extracted from cancer patients express higher amounts of uPA compared to lymphocytes belonging to women with benign breast lesions. The expression of uPA was compared with the clinical and biological parameters commonly used in clinical practice for the definition of the prognosis. The only exception found, concerns those tumors characterized by the simultaneous negativity for estrogen receptors, progesterone and HER2 (state of triple negative), in which the expression of uPA is very high. Results and conclusions: Our data show that uPA expressed by leukocytes of each individual patient is the mirror image of the one expressed by malignant nodular uPA.Introduction: Our objectives is to show that the expression of uPA leukocyte could be considered, in the future, as a marker of the expression of uPA in the malignant tissue and therefore a potential indicator of prognosis. Methods: We examined the expression of uPa in leukocytes and tissues of three groups of women: with breast cancer; with benign breast lesion and healthy women (control group). We used RT Real Time PCR assay. The expression of urokinase is significantly higher in malignant breast lumps compared to benign lesions. However, in women with carcinoma of the breast, malignant tissue expresses higher amounts of uPA than the healthy counterpart. There are no statistically significant differences in the expression of uPA, between tissues taken from women with benign lesions. The lymphocytes taken from healthy volunteers show a level of expression of uPA significantly lower than the other tested samples Lymphocytes extracted from cancer patients express higher amounts of uPA compared to lymphocytes belonging to women with benign breast lesions. The expression of uPA was compared with the clinical and biological parameters commonly used in clinical practice for the definition of the prognosis. The only exception found, concerns those tumors characterized by the simultaneous negativity for estrogen receptors, progesterone and HER2 (state of triple negative), in which the expression of uPA is very high. Results and conclusions: Our data show that uPA expressed by leukocytes of each individual patient is the mirror image of the one expressed by malignant nodular uPA

    Numerical Renormalization Group for Bosonic Systems and Application to the Subohmic Spin-Boson Model

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    We describe the generalization of Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group method to quantum impurity models with a bosonic bath, providing a general non-perturbative approach to bosonic impurity models which can access exponentially small energies and temperatures. As an application, we consider the spin-boson model, describing a two-level system coupled to a bosonic bath with power-law spectral density, J(omega) ~ omega^s. We find clear evidence for a line of continuous quantum phase transitions for subohmic bath exponents 0<s<1; the line terminates in the well-known Kosterlitz-Thouless transition at s=1. Contact is made with results from perturbative renormalization group, and various other applications are outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figs, (v2) final version as publishe

    Scaling and universality in the anisotropic Kondo model and the dissipative two-state system

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    Scaling and universality in the Ohmic two-state system is investigated by exploiting the equivalence of this model to the anisotropic Kondo model. For the Ohmic two-state system, we find universal scaling functions for the specific heat, Cα(T)C_{\alpha}(T), static susceptibility, χα(T)\chi_{\alpha}(T), and spin relaxation function Sα(ω)S_{\alpha}(\omega) depending on the reduced temperature T/ΔrT/\Delta_{r} (frequency ω/Δr\omega/\Delta_{r}), with Δr\Delta_{r} the renormalized tunneling frequency, and uniquely specified by the dissipation strength α\alpha (0<α<10<\alpha<1). The scaling functions can be used to extract α\alpha and Δr\Delta_{r} in experimental realizations.Comment: 5 pages (LaTeX), 4 EPS figures. Minor changes, typos corrected, journal reference adde

    Numerical Renormalization Group for Quantum Impurities in a Bosonic Bath

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    We present a detailed description of the recently proposed numerical renormalization group method for models of quantum impurities coupled to a bosonic bath. Specifically, the method is applied to the spin-boson model, both in the Ohmic and sub-Ohmic cases. We present various results for static as well as dynamic quantities and discuss details of the numerical implementation, e.g., the discretization of a bosonic bath with arbitrary continuous spectral density, the suitable choice of a finite basis in the bosonic Hilbert space, and questions of convergence w.r.t. truncation parameters. The method is shown to provide high-accuracy data over the whole range of model parameters and temperatures, which are in agreement with exact results and other numerical data from the literature.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figures; three references and one figure adde

    SU(4) Fermi Liquid State and Spin Filtering in a Double Quantum Dot System

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    We study a symmetrical double quantum dot (DD) system with strong capacitive inter-dot coupling using renormalization group methods. The dots are attached to separate leads, and there can be a weak tunneling between them. In the regime where there is a single electron on the DD the low-energy behavior is characterized by an SU(4)-symmetric Fermi liquid theory with entangled spin and charge Kondo correlations and a phase shift π/4\pi/4. Application of an external magnetic field gives rise to a large magneto-conductance and a crossover to a purely charge Kondo state in the charge sector with SU(2) symmetry. In a four lead setup we find perfectly spin polarized transmission.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ReVTe

    Metallic and Insulating Phases of Repulsively Interacting Fermions in a 3D Optical Lattice

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    The fermionic Hubbard model plays a fundamental role in the description of strongly correlated materials. Here we report on the realization of this Hamiltonian using a repulsively interacting spin mixture of ultracold 40^{40}K atoms in a 3D optical lattice. We have implemented a new method to directly measure the compressibility of the quantum gas in the trap using in-situ imaging and independent control of external confinement and lattice depth. Together with a comparison to ab-initio Dynamical Mean Field Theory calculations, we show how the system evolves for increasing confinement from a compressible dilute metal over a strongly-interacting Fermi liquid into a band insulating state. For strong interactions, we find evidence for an emergent incompressible Mott insulating phase.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures and additional supporting materia

    A gentle introduction to the functional renormalization group: the Kondo effect in quantum dots

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    The functional renormalization group provides an efficient description of the interplay and competition of correlations on different energy scales in interacting Fermi systems. An exact hierarchy of flow equations yields the gradual evolution from a microscopic model Hamiltonian to the effective action as a function of a continuously decreasing energy cutoff. Practical implementations rely on suitable truncations of the hierarchy, which capture nonuniversal properties at higher energy scales in addition to the universal low-energy asymptotics. As a specific example we study transport properties through a single-level quantum dot coupled to Fermi liquid leads. In particular, we focus on the temperature T=0 gate voltage dependence of the linear conductance. A comparison with exact results shows that the functional renormalization group approach captures the broad resonance plateau as well as the emergence of the Kondo scale. It can be easily extended to more complex setups of quantum dots.Comment: contribution to Les Houches proceedings 2006, Springer styl

    Frustration of Decoherence in Open Quantum Systems

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    We study a model of frustration of decoherence in an open quantum system. Contrary to other dissipative ohmic impurity models, such as the Kondo model or the dissipative two-level system, the impurity model discussed here never presents overdamped dynamics even for strong coupling to the environment. We show that this unusual effect has its origins in the quantum mechanical nature of the coupling between the quantum impurity and the environment. We study the problem using analytic and numerical renormalization group methods and obtain expressions for the frequency and temperature dependence of the impurity susceptibility in different regimes.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
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