1,922 research outputs found

    Benchmarking of a 1D Scrape-off layer code SOLF1D with SOLPS and its use in modelling long-legged divertors

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    A 1D code modelling SOL transport parallel to the magnetic field (SOLF1D) is benchmarked with 2D simulations of MAST-U SOL performed via the SOLPS code for two different collisionalities. Based on this comparison, SOLF1D is then used to model the effects of divertor leg stretching in 1D, in support of the planned Super-X divertor on MAST. The aim is to separate magnetic flux expansion from volumetric power losses due to recycling neutrals by stretching the divertor leg either vertically or radially.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i

    Improved measurements of ICRF antenna input impedance at ASDEX upgrade during ICRF coupling studies

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    A new set of diagnostics has been implemented on ASDEX Upgrade to measure the input impedance of the ICRF antennas, in the form of a voltage and current probe pair installed on each feeding line of every antenna. Besides allowing the measurement of the reflection coefficient Gamma of each antenna port, the probes have two advantages: first, they are located close to the antenna ports (similar to 3 m) and thus the measurements are not affected by the uncertainties due to the transmission and matching network; second, they are independent of matching conditions. These diagnostics have been used to study the behavior of the ASDEX Upgrade antennas while changing the plasma shape (low to high triangularity) and applying magnetic perturbations (MPs) via saddle coils. Scans in the separatrix position R-sep were also performed. Upper triangularity delta(o) was increased from 0.1 to 0.3 (with the lower triangularity delta(o) kept roughly constant at 0.45) and significant decreases in vertical bar Gamma vertical bar (up to similar to 30%, markedly improving antenna coupling) and moderate changes in phase (up to similar to 5 degrees) off on each feeding line were observed approximately at delta(o) >= 0.29. During MPs (in similar to 0.5 s pulses with a coil current of 1 kA), a smaller response was observed: 6% - 7% in vertical bar Gamma vertical bar, with changes in phase of 5 apparently due to R p scans only. As 1 is usually in the range 0.8 - 0.9, this still leads to a significant increase in possible coupled power. Numerical simulations of the antenna behavior were carried out using the FELICE code; the simulation results are in qualitative agreement with experimental measurements. The results presented here complement the studies on the influence of gas injection and MPs on the ICRF antenna performance presented in [4]

    Hemispherical Shifted Symmetry in Polar Cap Patch Occurrence: A Survey of GPS TEC Maps From 2015–2018

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    Much theoretical and observational work has been devoted to studying the occurrence of F region polar cap patches in the Northern Hemisphere; considerably less work has been applied to the Southern Hemisphere. In recent years, the Madrigal database of mappings of total electron content (TEC) has improved in Southern Hemisphere coverage, to the point that we can now carry out a study of patch frequency and occurrence. We find that Southern Hemisphere patch occurrence is very similar to that of the Northern Hemisphere with a half‐year offset, plus an offset in universal time of approximately 12 hr. This is further supported by running an ionospheric model for both hemispheres and applying the same patch‐to‐background technique. Further, we present a simple physical mechanism involving a sunlit dayside plasma source concurrent with a dark polar cap, which yields a patch‐to‐background pattern very much like that seen in the TEC mappings for both hemispheres

    Global turbulence simulations of the tokamak edge region with GRILLIX

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    Turbulent dynamics in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of magnetic fusion devices is intermittent with large fluctuations in density and pressure. Therefore, a model is required that allows perturbations of similar or even larger magnitude to the time-averaged background value. The fluid-turbulence code GRILLIX is extended to such a global model, which consistently accounts for large variation in plasma parameters. Derived from the drift reduced Braginskii equations, the new GRILLIX model includes electromagnetic and electron-thermal dynamics, retains global parametric dependencies and the Boussinesq approximation is not applied. The penalisation technique is combined with the flux-coordinate independent (FCI) approach [F. Hariri and M. Ottaviani, Comput.Phys.Commun. 184:2419, (2013); A. Stegmeir et al., Comput.Phys.Commun. 198:139, (2016)], which allows to study realistic diverted geometries with X-point(s) and general boundary contours. We characterise results from turbulence simulations and investigate the effect of geometry by comparing simulations in circular geometry with toroidal limiter against realistic diverted geometry at otherwise comparable parameters. Turbulence is found to be intermittent with relative fluctuation levels of up to 40% showing that a global description is indeed important. At the same time via direct comparison, we find that the Boussinesq approximation has only a small quantitative impact in a turbulent environment. In comparison to circular geometry the fluctuations are reduced in diverted geometry, which is related to a different zonal flow structure. Moreover, the fluctuation level has a more complex spatial distribution in diverted geometry. Due to local magnetic shear, which differs fundamentally in circular and diverted geometry, turbulent structures become strongly distorted in the perpendicular direction and are eventually damped away towards the X-point

    Low power In Memory Computation with Reciprocal Ferromagnet/Topological Insulator Heterostructures

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    The surface state of a 3D topological insulator (3DTI) is a spin-momentum locked conductive state, whose large spin hall angle can be used for the energy-efficient spin orbit torque based switching of an overlying ferromagnet (FM). Conversely, the gated switching of the magnetization of a separate FM in or out of the TI surface plane, can turn on and off the TI surface current. The gate tunability of the TI Dirac cone gap helps reduce its sub-threshold swing. By exploiting this reciprocal behaviour, we can use two FM/3DTI heterostructures to design a 1-Transistor 1-magnetic tunnel junction random access memory unit (1T1MTJ RAM) for an ultra low power Processing-in-Memory (PiM) architecture. Our calculation involves combining the Fokker-Planck equation with the Non-equilibrium Green Function (NEGF) based flow of conduction electrons and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) based dynamics of magnetization. Our combined approach allows us to connect device performance metrics with underlying material parameters, which can guide proposed experimental and fabrication efforts.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mitochondrial encephalocardio-myopathy with early neonatal onset due to TMEM70 mutation

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    Objective Mitochondrial disturbances of energy-generating systems in childhood are a heterogeneous group of disorders. The aim of this multi-site survey was to characterise the natural course of a novel mitochondrial disease with ATP synthase deficiency and mutation in the TMEM70 gene. Methods Retrospective clinical data and metabolic profiles were collected and evaluated in 25 patients (14 boys, 11 girls) from seven European countries with a c. 317-2A -> G mutation in the TMEM70 gene. Results Severe muscular hypotonia (in 92% of newborns), apnoic spells (92%), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCMP; 76%) and profound lactic acidosis (lactate 5-36 mmol/l; 92%) with hyperammonaemia (100-520 mu mol/l; 86%) were present from birth. Ten patients died within the first 6 weeks of life. Most patients surviving the neonatal period had persisting muscular hypotonia and developed psychomotor delay. HCMP was non-progressive and even disappeared in some children. Hypospadia was present in 54% of the boys and cryptorchidism in 67%. Increased excretion of lactate and 3-methylglutaconic acid (3-MGC) was observed in all patients. In four surviving patients, life-threatening hyperammonaemia occurred during childhood, triggered by acute gastroenteritis and prolonged fasting. Conclusions ATP synthase deficiency with mutation in TMEM70 should be considered in the diagnosis and management of critically ill neonates with early neonatal onset of muscular hypotonia, HCMP and hypospadias in boys accompanied by lactic acidosis, hyperammonaemia and 3-MGC-uria. However, phenotype severity may vary significantly. The disease occurs frequently in the Roma population and molecular-genetic analysis of the TMEM70 gene is sufficient for diagnosis without need of muscle biopsy in affected children

    QTLMAS 2009: simulated dataset

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    Background - The simulation of the data for the QTLMAS 2009 Workshop is described. Objective was to simulate observations from a growth curve which was influenced by a number of QTL. Results - The data consisted of markers, phenotypes and pedigree. Genotypes of 453 markers, distributed over 5 chromosomes of 1 Morgan each, were simulated for 2,025 individuals. From those, 25 individuals were parents of the other 2,000 individuals. The 25 parents were genetically related. Phenotypes were simulated according to a logistic growth curve and were made available for 1,000 of the 2,000 offspring individuals. The logistic growth curve was specified by three parameters. Each parameter was influenced by six Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL), positioned at the five chromosomes. For each parameter, one QTL had a large effect and five QTL had small effects. Variance of large QTL was five times the variance of small QTL. Simulated data was made available at http://www.qtlmas2009.wur.nl/UK/Dataset
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