250 research outputs found

    Glass Ceiling Or Saran Wrap™? Women In Gaming Management

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    This study explores women\u27s representation in gaming management in the 24 highest gross revenue gaming establishments in America. While almost 54% of foodservice and lodging employees are women, and approximately 44% of the managers in foodservice and lodging are women, one area of hospitality seems to be lagging-gaming. Our data indicated that women held 123 of 496 positions or 24.8% of casino management positions. Almost 68% of these female managers were in non-gaming positions. Our findings appear to support social closure theory since 11 of the 40 women in gaming management positions were in the cage department, and 4 of the 5 managers in Keno departments were women

    Simulated Bladed MMC Disk LCF Validation

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    The goal of this program was to evaluate the low cycle fatigue behavior of an SCS-6/Ti-6Al-4V sub-component under bi-axial loading conditions at 316 C(600 F). A simulated bladed TMC disk was designed having thirty four blades representing the number that would be used in Allied Signal's JTAGG II impeller. The outer diameter of the bladed ring was 254 mm (10.0 inch) and the inner diameter 114.3 mm (4.50 inch). The outer and inner diameter of the composite zone was 177.8 mm (7.00 inch) and 127.O mm(5.00 inch) respectively. Stress analysis showed that the fatigue life of the bladed composite ring would be about 12000 cycles for the test conditions applied. A modal analysis was conducted which showed that the blades would have sufficient life margin from dynamic excitation. The arbor design was the same as that employed in the spin-to burst test of NAS3-27027. A systematic stress analysis of each part making up the arbor was undertaken to assure the design would meet the low cycle fatigue requirements of the program. The Textron Systems grooved foil-fiber process was chosen to make the SCS-6/Ti-6Al-4V core ring based on the success they had in contract NAS3-27027. Fiber buckling, however, was observed at several locations in the first ring made which rendered it unsuitable for spin testing. The fiber buckling was attributed to cracking of the graphite tooling during the consolidation process. On this basis a second ring was made but it too contained fiber buckling defects. Analysis by Textron indicated that the fiber buckling was most likely due to poor placement of the SCS-6 fiber in the etched grooves of the Ti-6Al-4V foil. This was also a contributor to the defects in the first ring. Since there was little indication of control in the process to manufacture a quality ring a third attempt at making a ring was not undertaken

    Multimodal biometric system for ECG, ear and iris recognition based on local descriptors

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Combination of multiple information extracted from different biometric modalities in multimodal biometric recognition system aims to solve the different drawbacks encountered in a unimodal biometric system. Fusion of many biometrics has proposed such as face, fingerprint, iris…etc. Recently, electrocardiograms (ECG) have been used as a new biometric technology in unimodal and multimodal biometric recognition system. ECG provides inherent the characteristic of liveness of a person, making it hard to spoof compared to other biometric techniques. Ear biometrics present a rich and stable source of information over an acceptable period of human life. Iris biometrics have been embedded with different biometric modalities such as fingerprint, face and palm print, because of their higher accuracy and reliability. In this paper, a new multimodal biometric system based ECG-ear-iris biometrics at feature level is proposed. Preprocessing techniques including normalization and segmentation are applied to ECG, ear and iris biometrics. Then, Local texture descriptors, namely 1D-LBP (One D-Local Binary Patterns), Shifted-1D-LBP and 1D-MR-LBP (Multi-Resolution) are used to extract the important features from the ECG signal and convert the ear and iris images to a 1D signals. KNN and RBF are used for matching to classify an unknown user into the genuine or impostor. The developed system is validated using the benchmark ID-ECG and USTB1, USTB2 and AMI ear and CASIA v1 iris databases. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms unimodal biometric system. A Correct Recognition Rate (CRR) of 100% is achieved with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.5%

    Does Race Matter? Understanding the role of social connectedness in student retention in hospitality programs

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    The recruitment and retention of ethnic minority students lies at the core of diversity efforts instituted by colleges and universities across the U.S. Withstanding the changing racial demographics in the U.S. and the need to have qualified ethnic minority professionals serving diverse communities, retention and matriculation heighten in importance. With the recruitment and retention challenge that many predominately White institutions (PWI’s) face in mind, this study aimed to understand how “social connectedness” related to retaining African-American students in a hospitality management program. Focus groups were utilized to chronicle the lived experience of African-American students. The findings suggest that the following factors play an important role in the retention of African American students: (1) being connected to the program, university community, and other ethnic minority students; (2) the depth and quality of relationships with faculty

    TMC Behavior Modeling and Life Prediction Under Multiaxial Stresses

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    The goal of this program was to manufacture and burst test small diameter SCS-6/Ti-6Al-4V composite rings for use in the design of an advanced titanium matrix composite (TMC) impeller. The Textron Specialty Metals grooved foil-fiber process was successfully used to make high quality TMC rings. A novel spin test arbor with "soft touch" fingers to retain the TMC ring was designed and manufactured. The design of the arbor took into account its use for cyclic experiments as well as ring burst tests. Spin testing of the instrumented ring was performed at ambient, 149C (300F), and 316C (600F) temperatures. Assembly vibration was encountered during spin testing but this was overcome through simple modification of the arbor. A spin-to-burst test was successfully completed at 316C (600F). The rotational speed of the TMC ring at burst was close to that predicted. In addition to the spin test program, a number of SCS-6/Ti-6Al-4V test panels were made. Neat Ti-6Al-4V panels also were made

    Tailoring Instantaneous Time Mirrors for Time Reversal Focusing in Absorbing Media

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    The time reversal symmetry of the wave equation allows wave refocusing back at the source. However, this symmetry does not hold in lossy media. We present a new strategy to compensate wave amplitude losses due to attenuation. The strategy leverages the instantaneous time mirror (ITM) which generates reversed waves by a sudden disruption of the medium properties. We create a heterogeneous ITM whose disruption is unequal throughout the space to create waves of different amplitude. The time-reversed waves can then cope with different attenuation paths as typically seen in heterogeneous and lossy environments. We consider an environment with biological tissues and apply the strategy to a two-dimensional digital human phantom from the abdomen. A stronger disruption is introduced where the forward waves suffer a history of higher attenuation, with a weaker disruption elsewhere. Computer simulations show heterogeneous ITM is a promising technique to improve time reversal refocusing in heterogeneous, lossy, and dispersive spaces.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Indium Hybridization of Large Format TES Bolometer Arrays to Readout Multiplexers for Far-Infrared Astronomy

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    This conference poster reviews the Indium hybridization of the large format TES bolometer arrays. We are developing a key technology to enable the next generation of detectors. That is the Hybridization of Large Format Arrays using Indium bonded detector arrays containing 32x40 elements which conforms to the NIST multiplexer readout architecture of 1135 micron pitch. We have fabricated and hybridized mechanical models with the detector chips bonded after being fully back-etched. The mechanical support consists of 30 micron walls between elements Demonstrated electrical continuity for each element. The goal is to hybridize fully functional array of TES detectors to NIST readout