53 research outputs found

    Marking shrimp with biological stains

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    Maturation of the Calico Scallop, Argopecten gibbus, Determined by Ovarian Color Changes

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    Ovarian color was described for the calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus, by sizes and seasons from May 1970 to October 1971 on the Cape Canaveral grounds, Florida. Seven stages of ovarian development were recognized primarily by color and sequence of development and graded from immature to ripe to spent. Scallops as small as 20 mm shell height can be ripe. There were distinct changes in developmental stage by season. Most scallops were ripe from January to May; in August, large scallops were spent or developing and small scallops were immature. Based on seasonal occurrence of ripe and partially spawned scallops, spawning extended primarily from about November to July and was intense from January to May. There was no spawning in August. Variations occurred in the spawning pattern between years

    General distress, hopelessness-suicidal ideation and worrying in adolescence:concurrent and predictive validity of a symptom-level bifactor model for clinical diagnoses

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical disorders often share common symptoms and aetiological factors. Bifactor models acknowledge the role of an underlying general distress component and more specific sub-domains of psychopathology which specify the unique components of disorders over and above a general factor. METHODS: A bifactor model jointly calibrated data on subjective distress from The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale. The bifactor model encompassed a general distress factor, and specific factors for (a) hopelessness-suicidal ideation, (b) generalised worrying and (c) restlessness-fatigue at age 14 which were related to lifetime clinical diagnoses established by interviews at ages 14 (concurrent validity) and current diagnoses at 17 years (predictive validity) in a British population sample of 1159 adolescents. RESULTS: Diagnostic interviews confirmed the validity of a symptom-level bifactor model. The underlying general distress factor was a powerful but non-specific predictor of affective, anxiety and behaviour disorders. The specific factors for hopelessness-suicidal ideation and generalised worrying contributed to predictive specificity. Hopelessness-suicidal ideation predicted concurrent and future affective disorder; generalised worrying predicted concurrent and future anxiety, specifically concurrent generalised anxiety disorders. Generalised worrying was negatively associated with behaviour disorders. LIMITATIONS: The analyses of gender differences and the prediction of specific disorders was limited due to a low frequency of disorders other than depression. CONCLUSIONS: The bifactor model was able to differentiate concurrent and predict future clinical diagnoses. This can inform the development of targeted as well as non-specific interventions for prevention and treatment of different disorders

    Climate resilience in marine protected areas and the ‘Protection Paradox’

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    Restricting human activities through Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is assumed to create more resilient biological communities with a greater capacity to resist and recover following climate events. Here we review the evidence linking protection from local pressures (e.g., fishing and habitat destruction) with increased resilience. Despite strong theoretical underpinnings, studies have only rarely attributed resilience responses to the recovery of food webs and habitats, and increases in the diversity of communities and populations. When detected, resistance to ocean warming and recovery after extreme events in MPAs have small effect sizes against a backdrop of natural variability. By contrast, large die-offs are well described from MPAs following climate stress events. This may be in part because protection from one set of pressures or drivers (such as fishing) can select for species that are highly sensitive to others (such as warming), creating a ‘Protection Paradox’. Given that climate change is overwhelming the resilience capacity of marine ecosystems, the only primary solution is to reduce carbon emissions. High-quality monitoring data in both space and time can also identify emergent resilience signals that do exist, in combination with adequate reference data to quantify the initial system state. This knowledge will allow networks of diverse protected areas to incorporate spatial refugia against climate change, and identify resilient biological components of natural systems. Sufficient spatial replication further offers insurance against losses in any given MPA, and the possibility for many weak signals of resilience to accumulate

    Near threshold two photon double ionization of Kr in the vacuum ultraviolet

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    We report angle resolved measurements on photoelectrons emitted upon near threshold two photon double ionization TPDI of Kr irradiated by free electron laser FEL pulses. These photoelectron angular distributions PADs are compared with the results of semirelativistic R matrix calculations. As reported by Augustin et al., it is found that the presence of autoionizing resonances within the bandwidth of the exciting FEL pulse strongly influences the PADs. In contrast to measurements on lower Z targets such as Ne and Ar, the larger spin orbit interaction, inherent in 4p subshell hole states of Kr, permits us to resolve and study PADs associated with some of the fine structure components of the Kr and Kr2 ion

    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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