36 research outputs found

    A short observational study regarding the lifestyle intervention in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients - cohort 2010

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    To evaluate the results in metabolic control at newly discovered type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM) patients regarding the lifestyle optimization only. In this short (1 year) observational study we included a number of 1855 newly discovered T2DM patients. We compared body mass index (BMI), fasting blood glucose (FBG), HbA1c, triglycerides (TG), high density level cholesterol (HDLc) all these recorded initially at the diagnosis and then 1 year later. At baseline 52.91% males and 52.41% females were recommended only lifestyle and the rest was treated with metformin, sulfonylurea or insulin. After one year the patients who remained on lifestyle only decreased with only 5%, demonstrating that lifestyle optimization remains one of the most important "therapeutic" tools in the metabolic control of T2DM patients studied.Adipobiology 2012; 4: 103-106

    Effekten av indikerte tiltak for forebygging av depresjon og angst hos barn og ungdom: En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang

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    Angst og depresjon er de hyppigste psykiske lidelsene i barne- og ungdomsÄrene og assosiert med betydelige negative psykososiale konsekvenser. Denne litteraturgjennomgangen undersÞkte forebyggende effekter av indikerte tiltak mot angst og depresjon, rettet mot barn og ungdom med subkliniske angst- og/eller depresjonssymptomer, samt variabler som kan pÄvirke utfallet av en gjennomfÞrt intervensjon. I alt 22 artikler ble inkludert i gjennomgangen, med funn fra 15 enkeltstÄende randomiserte og kontrollerte effektstudier. Disse ble organisert etter hvilken lidelse de er ment Ä forebygge og intervensjonsform. Et flertall av studiene (75 %) tilknyttet forebygging av depresjon oppnÄdde en betydelig reduksjon i symptomnivÄer og/eller forebygget utvikling av klinisk depresjon. EffektstÞrrelsene var i hovedsak lave til moderate. En kort gruppeintervensjon pÄ seks sesjoner basert pÄ teori fra kognitiv atferdsterapi bemerket seg med spesielt gode resultater. Kunnskapsgrunnlaget tilknyttet forebygging av angst, og av depresjon og angst sammen var mangelfullt. Effekten av denne typen tiltak kunne derfor ikke vurderes. Variabler som ble funnet Ä moderere effekt av depresjonsforebyggende intervensjoner var deltakernes kjÞnn, opprinnelig symptomtrykk, forklaringsstil, rusmiddelbruk og forekomst av negative livshendelser, samt hvorvidt deres foreldre var deprimerte eller ikke. Resultatene indikerer at skolen er en god forebyggingsarena for internaliserende problematikk, og at det bÞr satses mer pÄ skolebasert forskning med aktive kontrollgrupper og langsiktig oppfÞlging, samt fokuseres pÄ opplÊring og evaluering av bÊrekraftig intervensjonsleveranse

    Arthur of Lyttel Brytayne : a Critical Edition of a Late Middle English Arthurian Romance

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    Arthur of Lyttel Brytayne. Artus de Bretagne, roman arthurien, mais aussi roman courtois et d'aventure avec des traits exotiques, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©crit initialement en ancien français dans les annĂ©es 1320-1330 par un auteur inconnu, probablement d'origine française ou bretonne. En Angleterre, l'histoire semble avoir suscitĂ© beaucoup d'intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  une pĂ©riode trĂšs tardive, de la fin du 15e siĂšcle et tout au long du 16e siĂšcle. Entre 1500 et 1533, John Bourgchier, lord Berners, fameux pour sa traduction des Chroniques de Froissart, a traduit de l'ancien français en moyen anglais, Artus de Bretagne, connu en anglais comme Arthur of Little Britain. Jusqu'Ă  nos jours, seulement deux Ă©ditions imprimĂ©es de la traduction de lord Berners ont survĂ©cu. La deuxiĂšme Ă©dition, Imprynted at London in Powles Churche yeard at the Sygne of the Cocke by Roberte Redborne fait l'objet de notre thĂšse. Nous proposons une Ă©dition critique moderne : le texte est prĂ©sentĂ© en Introduction, puis emmendĂ©. Un Glossaire, un Index des Noms Propres, un RĂ©sumĂ© et une Table des Illustrations viennent Ă©toffer l'apparat critique.Arthur of Lyttel Brytayne. Artus de Bretagne, Arthurian and chivalric romance with exotic tones, was initially written in Old French in the 1320's-1330's by an unknown author, supposedly of French or Breton origin. In England, the story seems to have arisen some important interest at a very late period, at the end of the 15th century and throughout the 16th century. At some time between 1500 and 1533, John Bourgchier, lord Berners, famous for his translation of the Chronicles of Froissart, translated from Old French into Middle English, Artus de Bretagne, known in English as Arthur of Little Britain. Only two printed editions of Lord Berners's translation have survived and are available to us. The second edition, Imprynted at London in Powles churche yeard at the Sygne of the Cocke by Roberte Redborne, as the colophon reads, makes the subject of our PhD. We offer a modern critical edition : the text is presented in the Introduction, and amended. A Glossary, an Index of Proper Names, a Summary and a Table of Illustrations support the critical apparatus

    Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Cell Behavior in Response to Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Stimulation in Stem Cell (Neurogenic) Differentiation

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    Magnetic materials and magnetic stimulation have gained increasing attention in tissue engineering (TE), particularly for bone and nervous tissue reconstruction. Magnetism is utilized to modulate the cell response to environmental factors and lineage specifications, which involve complex mechanisms of action. Magnetic fields and nanoparticles (MNPs) may trigger focal adhesion changes, which are further translated into the reorganization of the cytoskeleton architecture and have an impact on nuclear morphology and positioning through the activation of mechanotransduction pathways. Mechanical stress induced by magnetic stimuli translates into an elongation of cytoskeleton fibers, the activation of linker in the nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex, and nuclear envelope deformation, and finally leads to the mechanical regulation of chromatin conformational changes. As such, the internalization of MNPs with further magnetic stimulation promotes the evolution of stem cells and neurogenic differentiation, triggering significant changes in global gene expression that are mediated by histone deacetylases (e.g., HDAC 5/11), and the upregulation of noncoding RNAs (e.g., miR-106b~25). Additionally, exposure to a magnetic environment had a positive influence on neurodifferentiation through the modulation of calcium channels’ activity and cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation. This review presents an updated and integrated perspective on the molecular mechanisms that govern the cellular response to magnetic cues, with a special focus on neurogenic differentiation and the possible utility of nervous TE, as well as the limitations of using magnetism for these applications

    Farm Size and Digitalization: Quantitative Approach

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    This paper takes into consideration the physical dimension impact of the quantitative description at the farm level over its economic performance. It is obvious that the dimension, if centred on different statistical intervals, generates different results, initiating the different types of potentiality that characterize the certain economic entity. The impact’s capture was made through the registered data analysis, relevant for the enhancement of their quantitative characteristics. Dimensional phenomenon was studied considering the data from the National Institute of Statistics (INSSE) of Romania, as well as statistical and economic analysis methods, proving that the dimension, in its actual structure, on different types of farms, can influence in a positive way the production and financial results. It is a generally accepted fact that, the physical dimension could be seen as the production capacity of the farm. Economic dimension or farm size is also an expression of farms’ profit or turnover. In this condition the size is linked to economic performance. Economic dimension is usually characterized by inverse relation. Factors that determine a peculiar level of performance are usually specific in line to internal farm environment, respecting the used crops intensity or management under the factors of production. Besides, level of digitalization represents another factor that have an important contribution to increase of farms’ economic performances. Its influence represents the value generator at the farm level. So certain results derived from previously conducted survey related to farmers’ awareness towards the digitalization or, its presence at farm level was also done

    Intersecting Pathways: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Psoriasis Duet—A Comprehensive Review

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated, inflammatory disease that has a major impact on patients’ quality of life. Common psoriasis-associated comorbidities include cardiovascular diseases, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel syndromes, type-2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is affecting a substantial portion of the population and is closely linked with psoriasis. The interplay involves low-grade chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, and genetic factors. The review presents the pathophysiological connections between psoriasis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, emphasizing the role of cytokines, adipokines, and inflammatory cascades. The “hepato-dermal axis” is introduced, highlighting how psoriatic inflammation potentiates hepatic inflammation and vice versa. According to the new guidelines, the preliminary examination for individuals with psoriasis should encompass evaluations of transaminase levels and ultrasound scans as part of the initial assessment for this cohort. Considering the interplay, recent guidelines recommend screening for NAFLD in moderate-to-severe psoriasis cases. Treatment implications arise, particularly with medications impacting liver function. Understanding the intricate relationship between psoriasis and NAFLD provides valuable insights into shared pathogenetic mechanisms. This knowledge has significant clinical implications, guiding screening practices, treatment decisions, and the development of future therapeutic approaches for these chronic conditions

    The Effect of Vitamin Supplementation on Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Patients without Manifest Cardiovascular Diseases: Never-ending Hope or Underestimated Effect?

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    Micronutrients, especially vitamins, play an important role in the evolution of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It has been speculated that additional intake of vitamins may reduce the CVD burden by acting on the inflammatory and oxidative response starting from early stages of atherosclerosis, when the vascular impairment might still be reversible or, at least, slowed down. The current review assesses the role of major vitamins on subclinical atherosclerosis process and the potential clinical implications in patients without CVD. We have comprehensively examined the literature data for the major vitamins: A, B group, C, D, and E, respectively. Most data are based on vitamin E, D and C supplementation, while vitamins A and B have been scarcely examined for the subclinical atherosclerosis action. Though the fundamental premise was optimistic, the up-to-date trials with vitamin supplementation revealed divergent results on subclinical atherosclerosis improvement, both in healthy subjects and patients with CVD, while the long-term effect seems minimal. Thus, there are no conclusive data on the prevention and progression of atherosclerosis based on vitamin supplementation. However, given their enormous potential, future trials are certainly needed for a more tailored CVD prevention focusing on early stages as subclinical atherosclerosis